Oh God, permutations! A cabalistic approach to find the ultimate answer? ;)
6 of them are on the right track, but... I had only 5 reasons! Does this mean your method is too good? :P
3 of them are very close to 3 reasons of mine.
3 are more like tautologies.
So, if nobody finds my exact words, Azkhael gets 3 points!
One of you almost guessed the 4th reason... But the 5th is still missing!
to sum up rules and scores:
I had 5 reasons.
You can post a maximum of 10 reasons / post.
Each correct reason you guess in a single post, you get 1 point.
You can combine/merge posts by other people. But only 10 reasons / post.
If you guess 3 reasons in a single post, you have 3 points.
If you had already 1 point and then, in another post, you guess 3 reasons, you have 3 points, not 4.
Q: so, if I guess 5 reasons I win?
A: if you post 10 reasons and 5 are correct, someone else can still do better. If you post 5 reasons and all of them are correct, you win.