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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. 2 are correct! That makes 2 points for you.
  2. To avoid misunderstandings, and since many of you figured this one out already, I'm going to give out a little hint. There's only 1 reason associated to my forum signature, the other 4 are unrelated. 3 were almost found by Azkhael, a singing cat was close enough to the 4th... But nobody got close to the 5th as of yet. Still plenty of time though!
  3. lashtal

    Teams? Teams!

    Brown team
  4. 24h and no posts... You give up? ;)
  5. How come I didn't see this before? Cat party here! I've had 5 in my life, 4 of them are still alive and kicking! I've had a dog too but... Cats are just magical.
  6. Congratulations!
  7. CURSE YOU ALL MEN!!! Seriously, thanks a lot, this is much appreciated.
  8. One of the most interesting entries so far, it took me some time to answer properly. Your points reflect deep affinity in our ways of thinking. I feel we're on the same wavelength when speaking of concepts such as god, death, layers of existence... However, careful not to confuse RL and MD! :P Luckily, I didn't murder God in RL (whatever this may mean or imply), I did it in MD. Easier, cheaper, safer, shallower. Also, Mur is certainly smart, he's the creator of our realm and of a wider psycho-geography... but -according to him also- he's not omniscient. ;) Although at least 2 reasons of yours are on the right track, I'm afraid I can't give you any full-point yet. One is correct. That makes one point.
  9. Sad news indeed... I didn't know him personally, but I remember talking with him in-game a few times. I like to think he's on a higher plane of existence now, perhaps an astral plane like the one he created. May he rest in peace.
  10. One is correct, one is on the right track. One point for Lania.
  11. One is correct. That makes one point.
  12. If I can be online at the right time, I'm in. Nice idea!!
  13. One is false, one is partially correct. One of these is true.
  14. One is correct, but you worded it better in another post. Aaah, that tail!!! :wub: :blink: :P Not entirely wrong, but someone else was closer.
  15. Yes, forgot to state it clearly. Edited my previous post.
  16. One is correct. Edit: dst has 1 point.
  17. Oh God, permutations! A cabalistic approach to find the ultimate answer? ;) 6 of them are on the right track, but... I had only 5 reasons! Does this mean your method is too good? :P Seriously: 3 of them are very close to 3 reasons of mine. 3 are more like tautologies. So, if nobody finds my exact words, Azkhael gets 3 points! One of you almost guessed the 4th reason... But the 5th is still missing! ... to sum up rules and scores: I had 5 reasons. You can post a maximum of 10 reasons / post. Each correct reason you guess in a single post, you get 1 point. You can combine/merge posts by other people. But only 10 reasons / post. If you guess 3 reasons in a single post, you have 3 points. If you had already 1 point and then, in another post, you guess 3 reasons, you have 3 points, not 4. Q: so, if I guess 5 reasons I win? A: if you post 10 reasons and 5 are correct, someone else can still do better. If you post 5 reasons and all of them are correct, you win.
  18. One might be on the right track. One is on the right track.
  19. One of these is on the right track!
  20. My reason was more about the possibility and less about Ego-feeding ... but the basic idea is there. If nobody puts in better words, Ary gets 1 point!
  21. The second you said: you were just close to one.
  22. In both cases, one of the mentioned contains something true. Keep trying folks!
  23. You're definitely on the right track One of these should be rephrased, but it's 99% close. If none else puts it in better words, Intrigue gets one point. One of these is very close!
  24. I thought it was obvious but your imagination is wi(l?)der than mine, folks :P Hint: lashtal is the killer.
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