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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in wp for Community Garden effort   
    Agreed, that while I love the effort that Rumi is doing,. I think he's earned a WP for the pure reason of that effort, and the ripples that have spread from the Garden idea in general. Perhaps it's merely a different phrasing, but saying "[i]WP to change the subtitle[/i]" feels wrong to me.

    (and yes, I was given a WP for some code help, that I asked Council to revoke as something valuable as a WP was not for the work I did, in private)

    In Rumi's case, he's done some serious effort, both in MD that moved beyond the realm itself. Had people thinking about ecological sustainability and inter-relationships for perma-culturing, Many disciplines were discussed, from forestry, aquaculture, seasonal climates, Artwork requiring engineering validation and not aesthetics, just, wow!

    ... The whole Community Garden has gone [u]well beyond[/u] a simple quest to "describe a garden or draw a pretty picture", and I'd happily support granting an overall WP to him in "general".
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in The Council Meeting   
    [b]tl;dr: Mixed feelings. Efficiency and slightly improved Public relations may be needed. Maybe make an alt or "mini-announcement Forum" for better transparency in activity, while keeping Final Answers as they are now, just quicker. Still, Thank you for keeping the game running so we can have this debate to begin with.[/b]

    My feeling on this is mixed. I don't know the council, never tried to worry who or how many were there, and assumed they were also in charge of "coding stuff" and "admisitrative stuff" as Chewett mentioned for forums and wikias and general logistics. They are busy, important folks!

    However, I do agree that they are probably either too few in number or rather over-worked currently. I have no evidence to back this up other than the rather long period of time between any emails being answered, and the necessity of sending "reminder" messages if I don't hear back within a month.

    Granted, not all my personal pet projects are worthy of more than a one-line reply, but I wonder if there's some sort of "email workorder/ticket system" to track requests? I know I've asked the same question more than once and gotten a "No, we never received this before, but thanks for asking.." (when I know because I saved the "we got it, please wait a week" form-letter replies.)
    Add to this the relative Silence on the forums lately in response to Big Dramatic Events ™ and I just think they may be overworked or acting somehow like a "hung jury" behind the scenes, trying to reach consensus.

    So, Efficieny may be the most important thing to work with?
    Public relations may need a tweak too, and I'm not quite sure how to go about such things.

    Perhaps, a simple forum, similar to "Announcements" where someone with Voice of Council could post "[i]we see this happening, and are watching current resolutions[/i]." type comments. This would not really Change the situation itself, but would at least reflect that there is Activity or Discussion happening, rather than silence. [size=2](There's some theorum about silence being frustrating because it means either no one read it or no one cared to reply, and that uncertainty is more irritating than a non-committal answer, but I can't cite that at the moment)[/size] The phrase "I Hear You" is an imporant one in therapy, after all, for soothing unbalanced emotions.

    In terms of losing MagicDuel's soul, I disagree, I have seen the realm as being in the hands of us players from the first week I started playing, as long as we play by the general Framework of Mur's Outline (which seems to be, "[i]play how ya want, unless we say no[/i]"). I missed the RPC days, but heard grand stories of Items being created out of thin air for folks who made them "real" in their playing. I've heard grand stories of, well, Stories. I've heard it said that Mur would allow sneaky creative things, then make a rule to prevent it, but the original Creative Thing was[i] almost[/i] welcomed. I wonder if that sort of dynamic Manifestation of Us could be encouraged somehow? Maybe MD has changed in "soul". What made it change? us? Council? Surely not Mur taking a vacation. It's self sustaining now.

    As far as the statements about one Game Maanger being a bad idea? I'm suspect of that statement as True in a general sense.
    To horribly simplify things, the Roman Empire did great under one Head Guy. Hitler did some impressive things for Germany (ignoring the BIG BAD THING). Napoleon Bonaparte rocked his world too. Mur build this realm for us. Just because one Leader is bad, does not mean all are.
    Perhaps ONE dedicated or thick-skinned individual could create an alt, or use Master of Ceremonies as an example, and at least Watch. This relates back to Public Relations I mentioned.

    For all Land and Role and Event things, Mur always asks for one point of contact, yes? Maybe that's needed in reverse?

    To conclude though, regardless of the issues, The Council is (I think) made up of players like us. Their role is most likely a labour of love, without pay. They may need a bit of restructuring or shift in keeping the Spirit of MD running smoothly, but they do a lot to physically keep the game of MD running, and for that I thank them.
  3. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Resigning from BHC position   
    hmm intresting but i can see both sides of the argument.
    EON sorry but your attitude is a big issue in this that i can see.

    in game yrth wants vengence on you but after all you are the evil one in his eyes.
    out of game and from what little i see of you talking sorry but i cannot respoect someone whom is so blantly obnoxious
    and has a whole mighter then thou attatued.

    Out of game i have no issues with you hell i dont care much for what you have to say and i have never had to interact with you.

    in game you where given a role to manage and run and make fun. 3/4 people playing in the BHc one of them beeing you
    how is that not setting yourself up for winning? you are by far stronger then most in game and cause a lot of damage.
    a compition of just3/4 is not a competition. that is far to few and putting your self in is fine but doing it and gaining
    from it is just pure abuse of what you are suppose to be doing.

    If you are serious about walking away it just shows to me how you did not actualy care about running the BHC
    and now that the council took a trust point (that so far i see as a valid thing to do) you throw the rattle out of the pram.
    so far the picture i see of you is of one whom is a spoilt brat.

    I wish i could say something nicer but i cant as in game i see you as a bully and so far out of game well i already said
    what i see.

    Ether way walk away to me it is best that you do.

    All i see is people moaning and not actualy suggest much to reslove thing and making treath
    sorry but i though Awi you better then silly things like that. i start loosing respet of thoes
    the complain and do nothing it is just sad
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to awiiya in Resigning from BHC position   
    The clock is ticking Council. You know, even though ours aren't official or in an announcement, we keep trust points for YOU too. And you're running just about empty.

  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Eon in Resigning from BHC position   
    I'm resiging from my BHC position. I decided to post why, and show how the council and I don't see eye to eye when it comes to my position.

    This is an email from them and my response to them.

    If you feel like reading it, first read the council's email at the bottom. My responses are at the top.

    Feel free not to post, what you have to say really means very little to me.

    "> We didn't reply previously as you deemed to start the contest without
    > hearing back from us."

    Which according to the creator of MagicDuel, Mur, I had every right to. We've spoken about my BHC role many times in the past, and none of you apparently have any idea what he has told me.

    "The BHC's with skilldamage are run too regularly."

    From my coversations with Mur I was given the impression that skilldamage is supposed to be rewarded for every BHC. If I remember correctly skilldamage is suppose to make the "Strongest" player weaker over time, because no one will want to train with the person. Had I never recieved skilldamage I'd be about 5-10 times stronger than I am now, meaning my attack stat would be in the tens of millions. Kind of makes sense, although I'm also not willing to join little training groups, so that also has put a damper on my training in the past. Also, every BHC in history has given skilldamage so it's very easy to believe that's how it's supposed to go.
    "Rewards of the BHC should be appropriate to the contest being
    > run, Skilldamage is an exclusive ability right now and not to be given
    > out lightly. This contest in which participation was minimal and without
    > effort exerted by the players was undeserving of skilldamage as a
    > reward. Instead it was a contest in which you effectively set yourself
    > up to win again and receive additional skilldamage which is
    > unacceptable."

    Are you people really that stupid? I set myself up to win it again? What proof do you have that I specifically set it up to win skilldamage again? Oh, that's right, you don't have any, you're just assuming that's what happened. Yeah, you guy's are perfect examples of people who shouldn't be leading MD. You people obviously know nothing and yet make assumptions based on no real proof.

    Like I just stated, I was under the impression every BHC was supposed to give skilldamage as a reward. How could I have known there was going to be such a low turnout? Oh, that's right, I couldn't have known that. I set up the sign ups, I can't force people to join this.

    From what I hear, a lot of people were just too busy in real life at the time to sign up and give it much of an effort, so they decided not to sign up at all. Another group of people don't sign up because their weak and don't feel they have much of a chance in these competitions.

    Skilldamage? Seriously, why the hell would I care if I gain more skilldamage or not? I had 93 skilldamage and then it went up by 20. The effects of skilldamage are supposed to be capped at 100, so in essence I gained 7 skilldamage points. It turns out it's not actually capped, but I figured Mur was still working on putting the cap on it, therefore it would soon enough just be capped at 100. So you think I threw this thing just for 7 skilldamage stats? I get 6 just from a single shop reset.

    Lets also take a look at my battling history over the past I don't know, 5 months? Take a good look at how little I battle. Why would I possibly care if I gained a few more points in skilldamage if I often don't even attack the same person more than 5 times in a day? Hell, i doubt I usually attack the same person even three times a day now. I even look at Ignnus sometimes and say "screw it" before deciding to just go idle instead of attacking him.

    So answer me this, where do you people get off saying that I effectively set this up just so I could win it and gain more skilldamage? Skilldamage is pretty damn worthless to me, and despite what other players might say, I have no ability to see into the future. There's not only no proof, but there is also no motive for me trying to set this up so I could specifically win, at least when it comes to skilldamage. I didn't have the golden medal yet, but I'll tell you in the next few sentences how little I cared whether I won this thing or not.

    Guess how active I was during this entire BHC. You done guessing? I was active between 3-8 percent of the time. Do you realize how incredibly easy it would have been for people to beat me in this? GoE,SendtoMur'sgate (whatever that spell is called), Lighthouse, tea, alliances, cooperation. i could have been beaten so damn easy it's ridiculous. Lightsage actually came to my location in the east when I was sleeping and gave me his ball of heads through Roleplay. The few times I actually got sent to the GoE was when I had just gotten home and was checking my computer. Bummer for Seig on that one.

    You can even ask Lightsage or Shadow about it. I mentioned to both during the competition that I was leaving to go to some parties. That's what I do. I'm not interested in staying around sitting at the computer all day, and I especially wouldn't give MD that much attention. My MD addiction is buried in the past.

    "You quoted that Mur asked you to run BHC's every X months. Do not do
    > that. The purpose of your role is not to run BHC for the sake of running
    > it."

    Mur told me to run side events every two months and a BHC every four months. I said "No," because I thought that was too soon for a BHC, so I decided to throw them every six months. 6 months gives people plenty of time to train and get their stuff in order, and I don't consider it that short of a time period. I was willing to go a little farther than Mur wanted, but I won't go that far.
    "> Mur gave you permission to do what you want with the BHC. That means
    > doing anything within reason. It also means you are fully responsible
    > for anything you do. As BHC organiser it is your job to source rewards
    > and deal with the whole of the BHC accordingly. This means that if you
    > want a reward from us you must contact us, and get it approved before
    > announcing it. If you announce it earlier without our approval we may
    > deny it. We know the relative worth of all the creatures in MD whereas
    > you do not have access to this information. If you announce
    > items/creatures before our approval we shall assume you are giving them
    > out yourself. In addition, it is your job to give out the rewards once
    > we have given them to you. Before announcing a BHC you must email us the
    > details of any special rewards you want to issue that need us to issue
    > them to yourself and then await a confirmation of our agreements on the
    > details of it. For this reason we advise you provide us details more
    > than the 5 days prior to the event you emailed us this time. If your BHC
    > does not need support from us then you can run it as fast as you like."

    I was told that if he was ever unreachable when I was going to throw a BHC I could email the council the details and that was it. I specifically asked along the lines of, "Do I have to wait for them to get back to me before throwing the BHC or side event?", and I was told that I didn't have to wait.

    You guy's weren't informed of that? Too bad, you're the council, you should already be informed of this stuff. It's not my problem that you leaders don't have your stuff together. Trust me, I'm not the only player who thinks of you guy's like that.

    "> We also ask you (as we believe you have already been asked) not to
    > participate to win the BHC, we feel you should not participate to win as
    > you cannot fairly judge and be a member of the contest. People should
    > not be complaining about your authority in BHC, which they do have a
    > point to complain about if you are running in it and disqualifying
    > people. Although, in ignnus case, we did remove him from a location as
    > well, so we agree entirely with your action here. As was intended you
    > can still compete in the contest for fun and to make the contest more
    > challenging. If it is necessary we will, but we hope that in future you
    > manage the contest better so that we do not ever have to mechanically
    > implement it so that you physically cannot win the contest if you
    > compete in it."

    I was told I could participate, so I do. I have no memory of being told not to compete to win. I value Mur's words over everyone else's anyway, so it wouldn't really matter. Also, this is supposed to be a contest to determine the best of the best right? If I'm not breaking any of the rules I set in place, you should allow the others to compete against the best of the best. I'm not going to just compete to compete. I'm not going to compete without any chance of me being able to win whatsoever, that means I automatically lose, and someone who isn't the best falsely receives a medal for being the best, only because one of the very best couldn't compete. Why don't we just rename the competition to HC2 and give everyone medals already.

    I can't fairly judge and be a member of the contest? Have I ever broken any of the rules I set up for the competition? Let's see... nope. I don't go into restricted locations, do anything that prevents me from being attackable, or anything else I ever put in place that could have possibly altered the competition in an unnatural way.

    When I was accused of once being unnatackable because an Elu was popping up on my def I immediately gave it to DST.

    I believe the majority of people feel I've been fair when it comes to dealing out punishments for any of my events. The people who getr punished obviously aren't too happy, but what I notice in chat tends to show me that people agree with my decisions.

    I don't see any reason I wouldn't be able to participate when I hold myself to the same exact rules as everyone else. Seems like your just caving to pressure from others.
    "> This BHC participants merely sat around and didn't fight to win, this
    > is ridiculous to happen in the BHC, it should be a battle of the best
    > fighters and not of who can sit in the Tribunal the longest. Do you
    > think it would be better if the fighting was more compact? Do you think
    > you could be given any tools to make BHC better?"

    Aww... simply adorable. That fantasy will never happen. People can win the BHC over and over again, therefore weaker fighters and decent fighters won't believe they have any chance of beating the elites, meaning you lose a big bunch of possible fighters right there. Real life gets in the way so sometimes that cuts out some major players as well. You know what's left? Often 10 players or less. Do you know how many of them are actively fighting in the BHC? 3-6 usually. Other players tend to get bored and go do something else. At the end of the day a head contest is still a head contest. It's the HC, but anyone can participate and possibly win. You want it to be statless? Alright, but it's not really going to be the best verse the best is it? The best have now been weakened 10000 fold. It's like all their grinding was for nothing. It always makes me laugh when people say "Eon should throw an HC for each different land". Do they realize how few people there are in other lands? Do they realize things would probably play out between people who generally get along well? I can imagine Loreroot's right now... "Nimrodel gives all heads to Shem, Lorerootian gives all heads to shem, Lorerootian gives all heads to Shem." We already know who the strongest is, and I highly doubt they'd really fight against each other, let alone in high numbers. I havebn't noticed Shem playing much anymore, but I'm pretty sure they'd do the same for some other Lorerootian, The same goes for all other lands. At least with my land cup event an entire land could have tried to work together and help their champion win. I saw Nimrodel giving Shem a bunch of heads, so they knew how to work together and win. I thought more people would have tried to ensure their lands champion won but I guess I was wrong about that, although it was a far better event than one would be if it was just for a single land.

    People could have gotten me out of the tribunal or gotten to me very easy. It's called cooperation, along with a bunch of other things. People were either too lazy, too stupid, or they didn't want to get first place.

    I like making events compact, but I like giving BHC fighters the freedom to go almost anywhere. I believe a lot of strategy can be used for chasing others, and I like to have that in the BHC. I do enjoy compact fighting, although I think it would also less sign ups overall. Who wants to be stuck in a little zone with me or anyone else like me? Weaker players at least figure they can get my heads and try to make a run for it.

    No tools really come to mind. Like I said ealier, a BHC or event is basically an HC. The main difference is that they often have themes, or they have very, very small twists to them, like more points to the second stage, a longer second stage, or more head hills/head hill at a different spot. Not to mention they used to have great prizes.
    "> For your mismanagement of the BHCs to date, we have decreased your
    > Trust Points by 1 and we will be removing the skill damage awarded. We
    > will give you the rewards for the other participants as these issues do
    > not concern them and have not come about as a result of anything they
    > have done."

    I'd accept that from Mur, although I don't think he'd say the same and I wouldn't really agree with him. I don't accept it from you people.

    My mismanagement? I've managed the way I was told to.

    You dislike the low turnouts? Like I've said a few times and I'll say again, and probably again... The BHC is essentially the HC. How does the saying go? If you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig? People bitched and moaned for another HC that they could participate in and they got it. Now no one really cares for it. I don't believe people were so blind they didn't see this coming.

    You don't like the prizes I announce? Too bad, I try to do things close to what Mur has told me to. When I asked him for a GG drach for the clash of the lands side event he said something along the lines of "Okay, but that would be too small of a prize for the BHC." GG=pretty rare. pretty rare= too low for the BHC= I guess I have to go higher. Simple to understand, no?

    I don't agree with the punishment obviously.

    I take it you would have rather me done nothing while Lightsage idled in the MDA for an easy victory? Yeah, that's much better.

    "> In regards your enquiry about use of items during your BHC, we will not
    > be mechanically blocking their use. This gives you greater flexibility
    > to make the contest harder or easier or even just more or less
    > complicated for the participants. It is up to you to implement any rules
    > for your contests and to enforce those rules.
    > "

    I look forward to seeing you guy's throw a competition where Seig uses his cloak the entire time. Maybe you guy's will understand how things work in MD once you start getting bitched at for allowing something so abuseable to be used.

    I wouldn't kick anyone out of the contest simply because Seig, or anyone else for that matter, cloaks them and makes them unnatackable. That would be pretty ridiculous.

    "> The above email overrides everything Mur has previously told you, none
    > of what he asked holds greater than the above email. If there are any
    > issues with things you feel should be kept the same, please comment as
    > we would like your discussion on this"

    No matter what, even if you bought this game from Mur and are it's new owners, I would still value every ingle thing Mur has told me over you. I respect Mur, and I have zero respect for you. You people take forever on things that could be handled incredibly fast. I've given you solid proof on many occasions and yet you took over a month to handle most issues. You refused to even get back to me about the shared tool hoarding, or maybe it was before the council rotation, and I had to go above your heads and talk to Mur to have things handled. I know Mur was slow, but didn't he get a council together so you guy's could handle things a bit faster than he could? If you guy's can't handle the simplest things in a timely manner you should probably just step down and let people who can actually get things going in MD get the chance to do just that.

    Oh, and don't worry about reducing my trust points by one. You can take them all, I resign from the position, and I promise to watch from a distance so I can watch how the number of active players in your BHC ends up dwindling down over time.

    You guy's can feel awesome being on the council all you want, but keep in mind, you're the council for MagicDuel. When I put it that way it sounds a hell of a lot less impressive, doesn't it?

    I'll be posting this on the forum so people know why I've resigned.

    > Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 21:48:55 +0300
    > From: contact@magicduel.com
    > To: x
    > Subject: Re: BHC
    > Hello Eon
    > We didn't reply previously as you deemed to start the contest without
    > hearing back from us. We have been reviewing BHC and it has been lacking
    > in participants. There needs to be more next time if there is going to
    > be a Skilldamage reward. We are open as to your comments on how to get
    > more players competing.
    > The BHC's with skilldamage are run too regularly. We have been talking
    > between us and are open to a discussion as to how it can be improved,
    > but we feel that they should be run less, with more small "fun"
    > contests. Rewards of the BHC should be appropriate to the contest being
    > run, Skilldamage is an exclusive ability right now and not to be given
    > out lightly. This contest in which participation was minimal and without
    > effort exerted by the players was undeserving of skilldamage as a
    > reward. Instead it was a contest in which you effectively set yourself
    > up to win again and receive additional skilldamage which is
    > unacceptable.
    > You quoted that Mur asked you to run BHC's every X months. Do not do
    > that. The purpose of your role is not to run BHC for the sake of running
    > it. If that was the purpose it would have been an automated contest like
    > regular HC, running them statically merely means the number of
    > participants will slowly reduce. You could have the signup times be
    > delayed so that there is an adequate amount of participants each time,
    > and change the contest around. You might think to run small ones for MP3
    > or other specific mindpowers. The "main" BHC should be run rarely, once
    > for every 3 or 4 times that a smaller one has been run. This is your
    > role, but these are some of our suggestions for changes you can make to
    > try to help you so as to ensure you balance participation along with
    > reward and so that you can run contests of different kinds on a regular
    > basis.
    > Quote: "My job is to throw the BHC, how the winners get the prizes
    > isn't my problem."
    > Mur gave you permission to do what you want with the BHC. That means
    > doing anything within reason. It also means you are fully responsible
    > for anything you do. As BHC organiser it is your job to source rewards
    > and deal with the whole of the BHC accordingly. This means that if you
    > want a reward from us you must contact us, and get it approved before
    > announcing it. If you announce it earlier without our approval we may
    > deny it. We know the relative worth of all the creatures in MD whereas
    > you do not have access to this information. If you announce
    > items/creatures before our approval we shall assume you are giving them
    > out yourself. In addition, it is your job to give out the rewards once
    > we have given them to you. Before announcing a BHC you must email us the
    > details of any special rewards you want to issue that need us to issue
    > them to yourself and then await a confirmation of our agreements on the
    > details of it. For this reason we advise you provide us details more
    > than the 5 days prior to the event you emailed us this time. If your BHC
    > does not need support from us then you can run it as fast as you like.
    > We also ask you (as we believe you have already been asked) not to
    > participate to win the BHC, we feel you should not participate to win as
    > you cannot fairly judge and be a member of the contest. People should
    > not be complaining about your authority in BHC, which they do have a
    > point to complain about if you are running in it and disqualifying
    > people. Although, in ignnus case, we did remove him from a location as
    > well, so we agree entirely with your action here. As was intended you
    > can still compete in the contest for fun and to make the contest more
    > challenging. If it is necessary we will, but we hope that in future you
    > manage the contest better so that we do not ever have to mechanically
    > implement it so that you physically cannot win the contest if you
    > compete in it.
    > This BHC participants merely sat around and didn't fight to win, this
    > is ridiculous to happen in the BHC, it should be a battle of the best
    > fighters and not of who can sit in the Tribunal the longest. Do you
    > think it would be better if the fighting was more compact? Do you think
    > you could be given any tools to make BHC better?
    > For your mismanagement of the BHCs to date, we have decreased your
    > Trust Points by 1 and we will be removing the skill damage awarded. We
    > will give you the rewards for the other participants as these issues do
    > not concern them and have not come about as a result of anything they
    > have done.
    > In regards your enquiry about use of items during your BHC, we will not
    > be mechanically blocking their use. This gives you greater flexibility
    > to make the contest harder or easier or even just more or less
    > complicated for the participants. It is up to you to implement any rules
    > for your contests and to enforce those rules.
    > The above email overrides everything Mur has previously told you, none
    > of what he asked holds greater than the above email. If there are any
    > issues with things you feel should be kept the same, please comment as
    > we would like your discussion on this.
    > MD Council
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in So far...   
    I actually like beeing my own doom. This means that I get to decide what, when and where.
  7. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to dst in So far...   
    Read again what I have written: I accused nobody or nothing (hint: see the double quotes - and google the meaning if you don't know it). I simply made public a piece of information you seem to cling to like it's the formula to cure cancer AND install world peace ( hope you do like my pun).

    My true face? What is my true face?
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in War!   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']

    How a ghost should be able to do such hing is dont know


    Ghosts work in mysterious ways.

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']
    The fact that there is now a centinal trying to take a land allaince IS an attack on Golemus the land.

    I am not trying to take a land alliance. I already have it. But, my intentions of harm are not towards the land but towards the people who are running it.

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']
    I will admit i am supprised and i fear it might be time to bring some weapons to
    to forfront and start destrying the land that decided to cause this damage.
    I will wait and see what you got for me then.

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']
    Also Peace for do this i will also Kill you and trust me i have the meens
    to do so i just choose to hold it close
    I am already dead in case you have not noticed, but feel free to free me from this oblivion. You would only do me a favor.

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']
    I also think it time to cause your father a lot of pain remember who holds his
    So now, after kidapping my Brother, you are telling me that you would harm my Father as well? And his soul? Funny thing, I do not recall using such means to hurt you. But I guess each of us has it's own ways to hurt the other.

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']
    You now will feel the wrait of the King of Golemus for trying this and for
    trying to bring war to the lands in the first place.

    You brought the war the moment you and your troops stepped into Necrovion. I was merely doing what you people did. Taking precautions.

    I will hold your alliance hostage along with Wodin unless your troops and the Knights are out of the land and willing to negotiate. As for the Sentinels, Jester has the word since he is their leader.

    And if you want to hunt me instead of them, do so. I would gladly die for my land. I did it once, I can do it twice.
  9. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in War!   
    Well played Peace

    How a ghost should be able to do such hing is dont know
    But as you have been told no i will not take this lying down.

    I am for one not a coward and i will not run. The fact that there is now a centinal
    trying to take a land allaince IS an attack on Golemus the land. By this i would
    Hope the MR's will step.

    I will admit i am supprised and i fear it might be time to bring some weapons to
    to forfront and start destrying the land that decided to cause this damage.

    I will also hunt down the spy and i will Kill them out right
    Also Peace for do this i will also Kill you and trust me i have the meens
    to do so i just choose to hold it close

    I also think it time to cause your father a lot of pain remember who holds his

    You now will feel the wrait of the King of Golemus for trying this and for
    trying to bring war to the lands in the first place.
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in War!   
    I am surprised that you captured Marvolo when he is not even an alliance member. This action only shows me that besides the fact that you object with Jester's actions, that you also have issues with the Dynasty as well.

    You come into our lands, you have a base at the Well of Tears, you have captured a Dynasty member that has nothing to do with the Sentinels nor with the alliance at the moment, you state that you will claim both the alliance and the land and you demand an answer by midnight? In this case I demand more time to negotiate over this. If you deny me that, then you will show that the reason you are doing this, it is because you are power hungry and not because you want to stop the 'warmongering people'.
  11. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in War!   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='20 September 2009 - 05:23 PM' timestamp='1253463809' post='42164']
    hey! let go off Marvolo!
    you're supposed to be "allied forces", pre-emptive strike so peace will be assured later on... but instead you're making genocide (torturing Marvolo) and creating a Golemus Empire! Assembly of leaders demands justice!

    Is this LR making a statement during a time of war?
    are you not suppose to be nutral?

    What happens in a time of war happens.
    If a prisioner need to be dealt with this will happen.

    Golemus and Marind Bell entered into this war for good resion
    and it was decided before the necro land gets to powerfull to stop them.
    In necro lands become to powerfull we all will suffer.

    Yes Golemus is involed again in yet another war i beleve this make 3 in total.
    so i guess Golemus have been in every war. But we at least keep to what we say.
  12. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Guybrush Threepwood in The New Reign Of The Sentinels   
    Necrovion is a hunk of dirt, covered in something or other. Necrovion is not a reflection of the land, never has been, never will be. One could claim that the shades are, but who the heck cares about them? I have heard way to much BS about shades. I would love some actual facts on the critters, but I don't really have any. I have been told that shades bring balance, they aren't a reflection, but an opposition. Everyone in the realm is lazy and peaceful right now, there are no other warmongering alliances. It would make sense that in a time of peace Necro would try to bring about war. Of course, the Sentinels are not shades, and they are not necro, so regardless of what shades would or wouldn't do, and regadless of whether people think Necro should be thrown into a giant blast furnace to turn it into a mirror this says nothing about the Sentinels. Sure, it is kinda sad to see Khalazdad's idea come to an end, but the dynasty has ended. Jester is of no relation.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Help Fyrd call back ALL the spirits   
    I don't want to get too much into details...

    I'm thinking we could grow a revive food/herb in the community garden that Fyrd could pickle using Wiiya and other materials such as ones suggested by apophys.

    Support your garden so it can support you.
  14. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Grido in WTB (or make) Revive Item   
    If we take the 20gc/use as a standard - I didn't notice anyone offer to use theirs for less.

    The combined value of every creature you list in that post equates to 3, maybe 4, uses by my count depending on generosity of buyer. So I would figure from what you offer, buying a revive item would be out, not that I can speak for others of course.

    I realise I may sound ridiculously greedy here, but meh.
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Am i wrong?   
    MD can be broken down and categorized, but the fact remains that everything is interconnected. Your questing affects your fighting through rewards, which might affect how you see yourself and therefore your role, which may give you access to certain information because of that role, which allows you to work on research, which gives you a greater knowledge base for quests, and so on. This is only one way that the facets of MD can be arranged and looked at, you should find what suits you, but that doesn't mean you need to stick to it if you change your mind.
  16. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in A funeral   
    Chewett was murdered because of the realm's inhabitants unwillingness to have him revived.

    Save the Wookie, save the Spartan.

    Do you think you can do it?
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to awiiya in Death is coming   
    My first instinct towards all this mess is - adapt, gather together, brainstorm, do it yourself, work around it.

    But that only works up to a point. And I'm thinking this may be that point.

    [i][u][b]COUNCIL[/b][/u][/i] I'm tired of your silence. Do something or wait for the consequences, it's your choice. Just because Mur appointed you doesn't mean we can't overthrow you. By the time you get around to things, they're no longer important. If you can't commit the time to your job, then step down.

    And I don't use bold/underline/caps lightly. I'm angry.

  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to BFH in Death is coming   
    First: Seigh, why you repeat the useless try that Marv did when trying to recover CotE? It's the same thing your removed Chew's life and will probably reach anything, just like what happened with CotE...

    Second: We all now that Death is broken, unfinished, not implemented correctly, or whatever, so what are you trying to prove? the fact that everybody knows?

    Third: Why you didn't killed yourself if you wanted to prove any points? It's selfish removing another player liberty without any reason. (Note this is general I see no reason to kill people without any reason to do so)

    Fourth: Using Spar case as excuse is just stupid. I tried to get him revived doing some "under" work. But what you did for his case? Anything?

    Fifth: I moved Chew to GoE, if anyone wants to help organizing any community efforts to revive him, please do so. [Today I started summer university and I'm very busy, but I'll try to collaborate with any efforts "public" or "under" just let me know.]
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Jubaris in Death is coming   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1339440935' post='114385']
    Yes, Rhaegar. The intended purpose was to kill Chewett, and use his popularity to have both Spart and himself revived.

    So instead of helping Spartiatis yourself with your efforts and RP, you killed Chewett so that someone else can use efforts to revive Spartiatis?
    This looks to me like the case with your death when people accused you of not doing anything to get yourself revived, while all the others did the "dirty work".

    Do you really have to be that reckless to set the burden on someone else's shoulders?

    Oh, the path of lesser resistance...
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to emerald arcanix in Death is coming   
    yes Seigheart very good thinking, lets start a s...storm and have others clear it up along with your personal mess instead of doing something constructive about it. you tell Rhaegar(that right now has exams so very little time for MD, just the same as many others) to do a revival ceremony, good idea but why didnt you did that instead of killing chew? or rise awareness regarding the heat vote, vote that still goes on and has support, decent amount of heat for revive side and its going on for more then a month so it has some strong dedication, still seems to be ignored

    so plenty of other ways to help if you wanted to...as it stands its just spite/hate towards chew for who knows what reasons and no other benevolent reasons
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mya Celestia in Death is coming   
    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I'm more disgusted that those with the revival items don't step forward and offer healing without charging a crazy amount to revive. It shows the kind of people there are in MD. [/font][/color]
  22. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Grido in Death is coming   
    Cool downs on revival items are different to the kill items. And to each other, actually. Intentionally not specifying what they are.
  23. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Death is coming   
    Yes, Rhaegar. The intended purpose was to kill Chewett, and use his popularity to have both Spart and himself revived.

    But as of right now, it is just a feces flinging and a bunch of brown finger pointing.

    So, instead of pointing fingers, and complaining about it. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

    In the time you've spent complaining, you could have started another thread to set up a revival ceremony or something.
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in Death is coming   
    Why not have all dead characters revived during the torch competition, just like torch participants who get beat up and killed. Of course, we'd need some kind of regular torch competition for that to work.

    If you want to pay someone for the use of a revival item, the cost could be adjusted to the time period until the next competition. In ancient Israel, debt contracts were negotiated with an understanding that every fiftieth year would be a "jovel" or jubilee year, in which all debts were forgiven and every person was free to return to their family land. A debt of servitude negotiated with 45 years remaining was worth substantially more than a debt negotiated with 3 years remaining. I think you get the idea.

    If the torch competition were a quarterly event, the longest you could remain dead and forgotten would be 3 months. That wait might merit the asking price of 20gc. 3 days might be worth 5sc.
  25. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Isabella Finch in Death is coming   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1339431302' post='114354']

    I now sit at GoC, dead. I don't have any time to roleplay some event to revive myself, and I will not be paying anyone to revive myself. Death to someone who doesn't roleplay means only that either the community will roleplay for them, and the gods will deem them worthy to be brought back, or that they pay.

    Clearly in spars case, he couldn't pay, and sadly I didn't see too much action for the roleplay so he faded away.

    This is entirely stupid, there needs to be more mechanics so that people who have died, have some way to be reborn that isnt paying someone an extortionate amount of coin or roleplay that isn't guaranteed to work. When Mur gave out revival items, it was obvious that they would slowly move to the highest bidders, those who would keep them for themselves. The "normal" person has little chance to be revived by an item, unless they have friends that hold said items. Death seems unfinished, especially when it is exceptionally hard for someone to be revived. In Spar's you just tell him to go away, he cant play MD anymore.

    Many of you wont have bothered to listen to spar, But hopefully someone is going to listen to what im saying. Quite simply, I'm just going to wait, I don't have time to do any roleplay to save me currently, nor will i be wasting my coin buying the use of a revival item. Lets see if I last longer than Spar until some change happens in MD.


    As far as I understand it, Many did not want to help Spartiatis because he went so long without trying to do anything to help himself. So with you doing the same, what makes you think your "life" is more valuable than his? Especially if you are going to do nothing to help yourself just as he had done. And pretending not to care about being killed, that it was a cool thing to add to the game after you were even seen cursing like a sailor, breaking rules doing so, in the mood panel and even saying here that this is stupid... Seems a bit confusing to me. Again, you don't decide to go against something unless it involves you personally.
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