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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Help Fyrd call back ALL the spirits   
    (please forgive the pseudo-RP on forum – it seems to be called for in this instance).

    There seems to be a spate of death going around. I blame myself – before I came and started communing with the local spirits and stirring up that kind of trouble, no visitors to the realm died, except for silly reversible accidents that happened during the torch-waving festivals. Now, death is striking everywhere.

    Anyway, I am straining to my utmost to develop the power to bring back PLAYERS who have died or been killed. My knator-hide, lore-oak bodied bodhran (drum) exists as a non-usable item. It's original conception (see my story) is as a dimensional-shifting spirit communing device. I want to convert it into a REVIVE item. And I need everybody's help.

    I don't want to steal heat from the effort to revive Spartiatis. I don't have any wishpoints.

    What I will do is pledge to revive any dead player I can, with an absolute minimum of inconvenience like asked riddles, or promises of community service, or apologies, or votes of friends, or evidence that they are a positive contribution to the realm. Even a good villain is a positive contribution. I will never ask for "payment".

    So, help me help the realm. Suggest to me how you can help, and what I should be doing to make this happen. There are those who have offered wp's for use in past. That help will be needed, but the need is even greater still.

    We can do this!
  2. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Isabella Finch in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1339393413' post='114323']
    I know a number of people who play alts well in different lands and alliances.[/quote]

    Doesn't mean I can't have my own opinion, though honestly alts has nothing to do with the prime problem as it isn't mentioned in the rule that is being up for debate.

    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1339393413' post='114323']
    Mur did it then, Most people dont argue with Mur, wheras council everyone loves to argue with them. I remember little/no argument to the rule when murry announced it, nor any when/if he removed alliances before.[/quote]

    That is basically my point.

    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1339393413' post='114323']
    But you are applying for an alliance no? I asked you about an alliance before you "hated" on me.[/quote]

    I don't recall what you are talking about but one person seeking entrance into an alliance that is known and respected is far different than an alliance seeking membership because it has only one or two people and needs more to stay alive based on a rule that has been in motion for over a year now.
  3. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Magistra in Am i wrong?   
    Why this endless talk about fighting? I thought this was a RP game.

  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mya Celestia in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]This is purely a question and not directed at any one person or group:[/font][/color]
    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Wouldn't using an alt or 2 to keep an alliance open for the main be a form of abuse because the alts are benefiting the main by keeping the count above the rule? [/font][/color]
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Grido in Current location as spell target   
    Heat cannot (/should not) be indefinitely retained which is what would happen with a spell in the way you describe - it would be retained in the form of the spell, but retained it cannot be.

    Heat would need to be stored, with the heat reducing and the spell cast upon a player's entrance to a scene - or at least that would work with my current understanding of it.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Guillak in Current location as spell target   
    (Somehow related to [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11883-spells-on-clickables/"]spells on clickables[/url], but much more accessible)

    How about the possibility to cast spells on the current location rather than a specific player? The spell would "hang in the air" in the scene and would be automatically released on the next person who walks in the location. A single wizard could cast several spells in a location, then all of them would be triggered off simultaneously whenever a character enters the scene, friend or foe (or the caster himself if he left and came back, forgetting about his own spells). If the spell allows for multiple targets, then it could effect all players in the current location (?).

    Technically, in order to cast the spell on the location rather than on a player, you would simply use the spell words without specifying the target (e.g. just "movelock" instead of "movelock Grido").

    This would make it possible to set up random traps or blessings on a specific area. In the former case, a group of hunters would have to communicate in order to prevent a member to trigger a trap by accident.

    To protect yourself against such time bombs: walk around being cloaked/ghosted, in which case the spell would be lost (or the spell would ignore you and affect the next person instead?). The caster's spell counter would be decremented at the time of the cast rather than that of the triggering.

    Movelock was obviously the spell I first had in mind … Now it would really get hellish, making it possible to really [i]guard[/i] places. Currently, however strong you are, you can't stop someone from passing by you if the person clicks arrows too swiftly. And even if you see the other's name in the player list, by the time you cast the spell the target is likely to be gone since long ago. This would make up for such situations. It might help slowing down pursuers too, especially if your opponent has a large land loyalty advantage in a highly viscous place.

    Locate might get a new dimension too, as it would allow to watch over a place and report who the first person to visit it is, assuming the caster is online at the time the spell is triggered.

    Etc. All other spells would work as well of course. I think it is an easy way to give much more value to all spells, especially basic ones such as movelock and ghost.
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    dst, it's not about you. (in my words, at least, but this continued defensive bitterness of yours is irritating) It is about the Rule.
    I am not questioning your alliance or it's validity. I'm asking how the Rule should or should not be changed. That's the discussion here on this forum thread, yes? Do alts count? Maybe they shouldn't. But if not, it is IN GENERAL to address the Alt situation, not specifically directed at you.
    [size=1]You clowns keep swinging hammers, I may pick different Story Choices... [/size]

    The rule implies alts are allowed. Is this acceptable? I think so.
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    I'd cut it gladly if the rule is changed to prevent it, though.
    Alts are quite permitted in other aspects of the game, if they are "different characters". Thats' a long standing rule.
    Having alts in the same alliance, I am firmly against.
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tal in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    does using alts to maintain an alliance fall under alt abuse?
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    If I may...
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1339140820' post='114046']
    I have alts because of the 3 people stupid rule. Remove the rule, I remove the alts.
    ... Until then shut it. You lost. Get over it.[/quote]

    I did not read Pips comments about your Alliance as a personal attack, dst. Your words about "[i]shut it.you lost. get over it.[/i]" don't really add anything positive to the discussion, no need to be rude is there?

    This thread is to discuss the RULE itself, the way I see it. You are using alts to maintain the alliance, [u]because[/u] of that rule. That fact is an example of wanting the Ally to remain, and working around what I feel is an outdated rule. I support this.

    Pips seems to be arguing for the rule, or at least offering examples of the current state of Alliances as non-groups. I don't see anything wrong with using examples to back up an opinion.
    (If your friends are off in other alliances for any reason, your alliance at this moment [u]still[/u] only has the names it has right now. That's what "broke" the Legend Speakers it seems, and the reason this rule is being discussed.)
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    To me, an alliance is an official recognition of a group's dedication to a role. Crafters, Dimensional Shifters, MR Fraternity, Shattered Illusions, Seal of Six, Lair Keepers, Soldiers of the Inner Sun, Kelle'tha Order, Caretakers: What role do these groups fulfill? Most of them used to have roles and purposes, but now? They are pretty badges for the few people that wear them actively.

    Crafters and Lair Keepers had a mechanical role, by which I mean they were given unique abilities to accomplish their purpose, how often are those abilities used, though? Even now, the Lair Keepers is violating the three member "rule", and it will continue to do so because Indyra is as inactive as ever. The Crafters, on the other hand, have five members, yet only one is active. I admire Udgard's dedication, but he alone is not an alliance.

    Sasha tried to work on giving a role to DS, then it was taken and is held by someone who will let people in and out as they please, and he has made no statement as to its intended role.

    Shattered Illusions: (Ann. 895)"Its role is to centralise people that have particulary high achievements in understanding and documenting exploits", three of the accounts in the alliance belong to dst, another is somebody else's alt, and the last member is Rex. The fact that the majority of the members are alts says quite enough.

    The Caretakers' role was, initially, "To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past"* so where are the legends, statues, articles, ceremonies, anything?

    SotIS and Kelle'tha Order are both intended to be research groups of sorts, but each only have one active member: Brulant and Shadowseeker respectively, they are hardly groups.

    MR Frat was meant to be a military group within Golemus, yet it as well only has one active member, the MRs as a group are long gone. Despite Alyon's willingness to invite someone he might consider worthy if they happen to come along, I sincerely doubt that will happen any time soon.

    Finally, SoS, I was not sure whether or not to include them, as they could easily have a role under Eon, but then I remembered his willingness to do away with it in exchange for Loreroot or GG land loyalty in a conversation I had the pleasure of sharing with him.

    I challenge the members of these alliances to step forward and tell me that they indeed have a role and it is being fulfilled by more than one member.

    If the members do not care about the role, they should not be in the alliance. If the alliance does not have a proper role, the alliance should not exist in the first place. Here's an idea: Destroy every alliance, go back to one per land and build from there. Then we will see who really cares about their badge and role, and who simply wears it to wear it.


    Edit: Added Caretakers
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Ivorak in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    It seems to have been brought up several times that an alliance of only a couple members is not really an alliance and therefore should not be supported by mechanics. But if size is all that defines a group as deserving the badge, alliance chat, and citizenship by default, then maybe there isn't any place for alliances at all.

    But I think that this is the wrong way of looking at it. An alliance badge is a symbol. The mechanical abilities that come along with it only exist to support the idea represented by that symbol. An idea can have value (though this is not guaranteed) as long as it abides in a single mind. Ideas that are once deemed worthy should not be stricken down until they are either corrupted, abandoned, and/or entirely forgotten. "And/or" because that needs to remain a human decision.

    This is not to say ideas without recognition are worthless, but that alliances without ideas are. An idea only served by one is more worthy of an alliance than an alliance that serves no idea. Sometimes not just "more" worthy, but actually worthy. Besides, ideas will spread.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fenrar in Legend Speakers Disbanded   
    Well, if you want fresh air, you can open the window... but demolishing the house is also an option.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tarquinus in Petition: Return of the Children of the Eclipse   
    There has been some frustration among CoE players about the loyalty mechanic and some negative undercurrents in the MD community in general. That said, I think Lord Pip's coup did much to awaken us to our disconnection from the game, and more importantly, its "reality". I am not talking about "roleplaying", as much as I like it, but about the nature of MD as an experience, as allegory, and as a means of communicating in a different way from what you usually find on the Internet.

    In my view the CoE still exists. It doesn't have official status (i.e. a badge), but it started without one. Several people have shown that they still believe in what the CoE stands for, and I think it is time I came out of my semi-dormant state to show my support.

    But this is more than a matter simply of popularity. There are two issues: belief and focus. As to the first, we believe in fairness, the sharing of knowledge, and the development of [i]character[/i] - not in the sense of a character in a game, but in the sense of a person's ethics, behavior, and beliefs. As to the second, I have felt for almost a year now that the CoE has needed to change its focus with respect to the reality of MD as it has been revealed. We will show you entertaining (we hope) characters on the way, but I think we should examine what "the moon" means to MagicDuel and why the sun never sets. The CoE is not a collection of cultists devoted to a rock floating in space.

    For a time we were the largest alliance in MD. There's no reason that can't happen again. I fully support Amoran's petition, but I would like to say that I appreciate the idea that changes happen in MD because they are earned.
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Petition: Return of the Children of the Eclipse   
    I will be honest. I have not been active recently, but I was absolutely disgusted to log in and find that the once 30 member-strong alliance: The Children of the Eclipse, the thing that I and so many others had put so much effort into was disbanded...

    Due to lack of members?

    Was there not a request placed by Pipstickz to the Council to have the member count reduced so that it could be returned to us?

    I have chosen to try one last time.. to give one last small effort toward regaining our alliance.

    I petition that the Children of the Eclipse be returned once and for all to the members who worked so hard for it to be what it had been. Please post if you support this effort. I know it is a stretch, but I believe that there are those in the community who would want to see the Children of the Eclipse alliance revived and returned to it's founding members.

    Please post if you support this effort.
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Menhir in Combat System Redesign   
    First of all I need to say that from my point of view there is always an unbalance in our world but only from our own point of view. Because we behave differently and this creates an “unbalance”. I will explain this as short as possible:
    If you are interested in training your body, think of any form - it´s a principle I´d like to show, you will invest different amounts of “energy” into the whole idea! As a martial artist I take my example. I trained a lot when I was young (16-20) and I was good - the best in my town but it came a time when I moved to Berlin the capital of Germany. Thousands of people were training there and some of them trained more intense, invested more money (private training) and had more competition with others than I had in my hometown all those years before, through which they were able to have more different experiences. So I started to feel uncomfortable. Why? Because my position in the world change, of course it was only from my point of view, but it had an effect. So what did I do? I jumped on the train and started training more, learned to train more effective, intense and invested a lot money for private lessons which were so intense and helpful that I was able to succeed others who trained even 10 years longer than myself in a short period of time.
    You may ask now what my short story has to do with this here? Simple as that - it’s the same principle working here. You desire something and if your desire is big enough you will invest much more than others to reach your aim and from various points of view it looks like unbalance. Others who have not this strong desire start feeling uncomfortable and they will search for a solution to solve their own uncomfortable problem their ego is producing. I say there is a solution to this, but not the way we are looking at it.
    I take the example of Lightsage now. If I´m wrong in what I think please excuse me. He himself just said he was able to raise his attack stats from 8500 to 1000000 (is it really 1 Million or 100000?).
    “I went from 8500 attack to 1000000 in no time at all.”
    No time at all? I don´t think so. As far as I know one thing you did to reach this, was to sacrifice creatures, fully tokened and with a huge amount of wins on them. Some people don´t even have those creatures because they are hidden in the shop and you need shop resets to get more than one of them. This means you need to play for a long time and invest alot money. From your own perspective it was in no time (the jump from 8,5 K to 100K) but if it is like I think then you put a lot of effort and planning and TIME into it to raise your attack power that much.
    So there is a balance even in this.
    If I have someone totally new coming to my training and he feels, after a couple of weeks, the big difference between “my fighting skills” and his newly started once, he will mostly be disappointed and many people start losing their interest and stop training. They have not the strong desire which was and still is in me. Same here in MD. Some people are in this “game” since 4-5 years, might have worked a lot on training their creatures, they might have invest a lot in the shop (resets) and the have thought about different tactics and other forms of playing over those years. Now after all those years others who are different are feeling something is not correct. Well its again simple, there is no balance here if you look from your own personal perspective. We cannot take away something from others who worked hard on it only because we want to feel better. Instead we should no think in terms of losing something, we should start thinking of gaining something.
    Life is always in balance but not as we wish!
    Our EGO tries to be on top all the time and if it´s not possible to reach it as the EGO wishes we call it unbalance, it a nice excuse. There is a solution to that but it lies inside all of us.

    After all this above I will give some thoughts and ideas which came into my mind while reading this whole post. It can “cure” some problems but the “unbalance” which so many feel at the moment, But as I said the source for this is from within the people not the surrounding.

    1.Idea (negative abilities/stats)

    There is a balance in fighting and a very strict limit if you think of the whole win/lost/honor construction. But there is nothing in comparison when you look at the stats. In our RL we have that, why not here in MD too. We all have abilities which are growing our whole life and if you put them into words or onto paper you can call them stats. But we have negative abilities too and they grow too if we are not aware of them and try see their deeper meaning. I´d say leave the normal stats as they are and create “negative stats” as their opposition. At this point I have no idea how to call them and how they should work this should be the work of our community to form this.
    An example: If you have a very strong fighter who achieved many things in fighting and he is attacking a new MP5 with all his force, he should be reminded that he should be able to attack in a different way 0if he feels the desire to fight against the newly MP5. Reminded with the growth of a “opposition” stat which affects his fighting against a weak opponent next time, maybe temporary but permanently is better I think. Same like the honor idea is working. Don´t see it as punishment just as figuring out how to deal with different situation.

    With my skill achieved through training martial arts I can control an attacker in a total different way after 20 years of training than 20 years ago. I can use abilities which even look soft and friendly to win a fight. Look at it from this point of view. I could write much more about this idea but my post is already long. Let´s brainstorm about it .

    2. Idea (championship)
    Create a championship like we have in all big sports in the world. Twice a year. This competition should be for those who like to invest a lot of time and fighting skills to pleasure their desire for fighting. Let it be something ongoing the whole year. I played another game which was (and still is) badly constructed but one thing worked good. This idea comes from there. There is a championship and you have to fight a lot against a group of other players. There is no need that both players are online to fight. You just set your defence and attack and then you could log off. Your opponent had some days time to do the same. Once both were set, the system created the fight like it did when both were online in a normal tournament. I have no idea if it´s possible to implement here in MD but the Idea is here to discuss. I even thought of opening the MP levels for this. Let´s say MP6 (losing it 30 adepts of course this could be MP7 then) is the level for the participants in the championship. They have some restriction when the fight against normal MP5 outside of the championship (how - needs to be discussed). And a normal MP5 can attack but he should be aware that he is facing a fighter who was able to qualify himself for the championship. A lot more can go in here.

    3. Idea (creating things)
    Maybe this is a very strange one but it´s an idea. What about creating other sorts of expansions in MD in which people can invest a lot of time effort and energy to fill their desire to be someone in MD and show it in the world. Something more visual than politics. Let´s say housing. The resource system is already there (needs maybe fixing I don´t know I´m not into it). Create a housing area where people need to achieve access, once have access they can purchase (or through a long quest) a plot to build a house/home. From this point on you need drawing artists who are able and willing to create individual houses at different stages of building and once building is finished the whole interior. A LOT OF WORK! But if you think of it as a long term project, were people could do whatever they want, with of course huge investments (time and effort) it´s a nice idea to create something and enjoy afterwards. And I think life is about creating and joy. This Idea is very abstract and hard to implement and sounds to me very huge, but I like to let all the ideas and thoughts out, which I was able to catch when they were crossing my consciousness.

    Let´s be open and let´s try to brainstorm because a big “change” always needs time!

  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rendril in Combat System Redesign   
    Skill bonuses in combat have gone awry, they need to be redesigned but there are other elements of combat that need attention.

    This is my interpretation of how combat was envisioned:
    Battles are fought with heat.
    Principles define the rules of combat.
    Creatures are the conduits for a player's will and experiences in battle.

    With those core elements one can see where combat may be lacking.

    These are some aspect of the game that may yet - and I feel should - be included in combat:
    -Group/team combat - more than 2 players taking part in a battle (perhaps someone can find Mur's post about the next combat level from a few years ago?)
    -Species - creatures have an affinity to certain other creatures.
    -Land loyalty - the incorporation of land relations and allegiance to lands.

    Interesting discussion so far. There will be plenty of food for thought.

    @apophys: Indeed it's a much better scaling version. I don't know what possessed me to exclude logarithms
  18. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from J-D in Pockets full of Dust? Let the Fusioneers clean up your inventory!   
    [size=5]The Fusioneers are looking to gather a large quantity of Timeless and Syntropic dust. [/size]
    [size=5]Please contact any of us if you're willing to sell, trade... or donate! [/size]
    [size=5][font="Arial"]Thank you.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font="Arial"](currently we are also offering each Heat stone for 2 memory stones, under the condition you return us the resulting Timeless dust)[/font][/size]
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rannel in Combat System Redesign   
    Reading what Libery4life wrote i had an idea that could repair the system without changing it. (Warning!! some may hate it passionately )

    Idea is based on RL. Anyone keeping themselves fit know that you have to work on it. And to do any sport on a serious level you need to work even harder. Finally professional sport demands constant work on your form. If a pro stops his workouts, he looses his top form and needs time to get back to it.

    What i'm proposing is a kind of viscosity on your stats. You don't fight on a regular basis, you loose your stats (temporary as a negative "lazy" bonus or permanently even). To keep up with the analogy with sports, high stats should demand much more work so the stat loss should be some percent of the current. With proper math (witch i will have to work on) it might create a max stats level because you can only fight so much in one day.

    This would need a well made proportional system to promote some average stats that relatively easy to keep.

    Since its something i came up just now i need to think on possible problems with it i see:
    - Grinders might pester ppl just to keep their stats high
    - Sharing your game time between fight and quest/RP would become a harder decision since you would really loos something by not fighting.

    Like i said its just a stub of an idea without any real math yet but i would like to hear you toughs on it

    Edit: Yes it is a constant stat damage basically and it will hurt in the beginning but the stat should stabilize at some point into a much more balanced environment.
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Combat System Redesign   
    I second you, Lib, but sadly we are humans. Our outdated human nature still draw us back to the caves we started from (if this theory is true at all).

    Sadly, being on top of the top easily replaces the opportunity of being different. What was the word... "show off"?
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to lightsage in BHC an opinion   
    There are several threads concerning BHC currently on these forums. They have some overlap and to make some points in these threads I’m tempted to argument things that’d make them go off topic. In an attempt to avoid this, I have written the following here:

    The general consensus appears to be that BHC Is a contest for the ‘elite fighters’ as a display of skill and strength. I’d assume the aim of participants ought to be to win. As a side note I like to think it’s supposed to be fun.

    Let’s first have a look at the fighting part. Back in the day having to get a victory was introduced to make it more challenging (Ann. 395). Through time the challenge has become smaller and smaller, angiens, unholy priests and tokens have resulted in the stronger players simply being able to crush the weaker ones and get a victory out of it. The ritual I personally use I’d also be likely to use in a tournament or torch contest in outgoing fights for the best chance at beating my opponent. Those that are weaker than the one they’re attacking generally use mirrorritual which enables an easy victory. Frankly through, there’s not a lot of fighting going on.

    So what does happen? Well other than the spells being thrown about making people unable to attack or attack the way they intend there’s a lot of movement. Back when I participated in the normal HC what you’d do if someone took your heads is either hit them back right away or wait. There wasn’t that many places they could go and if you waited you might be able to take the more efficient path. They’d never get that far as AP counts were low as well as other people going for the heads. Now, it’s different though. Because of certain items and high max AP counts, people don’t run out easily. Assuming two players click at the same rate, you’ll need to chase to the end of the map to have a shot at catching up. This is not a huge problem with people hiding in Golemus or Loreroot as they are essentially a circle and you could catch up from either side with multiple contestants. Necrovion is a bit harder but manageable.

    The edge of the map is a long way with the current size of it. Most of the new scenes available are located in the tribunal. They have high AP cost and it takes a long time to get through the tribunal even if you use all the consumables you can produce. There is one exception to this: People with tribunal land loyalty. With enough of this they can go all over with barely any AP limitations. This makes it near impossible to catch someone who does have plenty of land loyalty there. The difference in AP cost is just too big even if you were to chase with several people.

    As for the rewards, personally I’m not really willing to put in effort for the difference between first and second place. Don’t get me wrong I’d love to have a BHC medal and an extra morph for the collection does look fancy. However, I considered skilldamage a downside to winning first place, a price you have to pay. Second place offers a tainted, which is worth roughly the same as a morph according to recent sales, is a lot less effort and the BHC medal versus the skilldamage is a close call. In addition to this I don’t really find BHC in its current setup enjoyable.

    Why don’t I have fun in this contest? It’s boring. There’s hardly any action, head balls get picked up and shipped off to remote locations, if you approach the location the people there have an advantage and are gone before you get there. When you get the heads, all you can do is sit somewhere and wait for people to come for you. You can’t hunt heads because you’d enter territory with high viscosity making you run out of AP and turning you into a sitting duck. I don’t find it enjoyable to merely be able to refresh my screen every 15 seconds or so to see rather someone is moving towards me. The contest is way too long to be able to maintain that as well. It will take a long time before anyone hits 400k. On top of the value difference between first and second place in my opinion is so small, I’m rather content to just pick up second. Currently, I appear to be able to do this while hanging about MDP.

    BHC has become a test of endurance; most people can’t compete because they lack the creatures or spells. Amongst the remaining there’s hardly anyone finding it enjoyable and for the time required to be invested should it really be a competition the rewards are lacklustre. BHC is currently merely grinding higher return than your investment. A test of endurance. It should, however, not be mistaken for a contest of strength or skill.

    [color=#808080][size=2]I’d appreciate people out to discuss certain specific points in detail to open a new topic and avoid derailing this one.

    Should you have need for clarification on what I’m trying to say, a PM would be preferable to a post as it avoids cluttering the topic and makes it easier to read. If needed I will edit the clarification into this post.[/size][/color]
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Boss Heads Contest   
    It's not about whether or not you'll be punished, because you are the authority. I assumed you'd be the first to realize this, but apparently you're not. The Council's only going to step in if you do something incredibly stupid, or they're feeling incredibly nit-picky. Using the fact that they have not stepped in yet is no excuse for your actions. If you're going to enforce a rule, you'd better be sure that people know about it before you do, and it seems to me you just threw your rules together sloppily and called it a day. Leaving rules open to interpretation is unacceptable, if the consequence is disqualification. I stand by my statement that ignnus did not break any rules, because your rules have so many obvious logical loopholes.
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Boss Heads Contest   
    There are consequences to using your responsibility in this fashion too, Eon. Ignnus clearly did not plan to stay in the Fields of Fear, so even if you were waiting there for him, you might not have attacked him before he left. Shadowseeker's screenshot corroborates this, as it is not a screenshot of ignnus actually in the Fields of Fear, but one of him having left the Fields of Fear. Furthermore, your rules do not specifically warn that being present in a location will result in disqualification, it only states that the battle between BHC competitors will not take place in those locations, which it clearly did not:
    In this BHC fighters will battle all throughout the realm, excluding locations like path keeper, Fields of Fear, Inside the GG mountain, and any other area that isn't normally accessible.[/quote]
    A non-native English speaker might not understand your implied meaning, because it can be interpreted in different ways. Finally, another competitor could have potentially attacked him, if for example, SS took Lone Wolf's leash into the Fields of Fear and used it to bring him there. Though, the rule only states that players must be able to attack you, not just other competitors, so SS himself could have attacked ignnus, making the Fields of Fear a legal place to be.
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Im the Ghost of Sparta! GoE now is haunted by a ghost, becareful   
    Yet another brave soul has lost it's living state here in the Center of the realm! Oh noes!

    Since I have been contacted by a number of people regarding the "heat voting clickie" that was used successfully to restore Life in the past, I have accepted the request to re-activate that..... with a twist.

    In order to actually allow a "vote" to be more accurately recorded, there are TWO clickies setup to collect your active heat.

    The hidden orb vine, can be accessed using the phrase "[b]Revive Spartiatis[/b]" and will function exactly as it did in the past. This is located in the corner of the steps, as circled in the image below. You can safely check the clickie without using Heat, as it will only drain it when you use the button inside the clickie to allow that.

    The large rock can be used to represent a desire to keep Spartiatis dead and buried with the same sort of "heat storage" utility if you use the phrase "[b]Spartan stays dead[/b]" on it. (also circled in the image below)


    All your Active Heat will be drained if you click the button within these clickies, and it will record a running status of it's current Active Heat.
    This Heat drains away at the same rate as other heat storages, such as your Erolin device and Heat Jars.

    Speaking of Heat Jars, it is unfortunately [u]not[/u] possible at this time to use Jars to store Heat and transfer it to the voting clickies. The Heat must be [u]your[/u] own Personal active Heat, at [u]this[/u] location.

    Let the Will of the Many once again decide the fate of the One!

    I think adding a "negative vote" like this is quite in line with the spirit of the "Heat vote" concept as mentioned in the announcement!
    [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2206 - [2012-02-17 22:33:18 - Stage 11][/color]
    [b]Heat Voting (concept)[/b]
    There is a method used so far to show the will of some for something to happen, by loading heat into an item and reaching insane heat amounts. I believe this method is a good indicator of collective will power and can be used as a voting method if something should happen or not. To counter it with a "negative" vote, an additional item could be used to load heat and show a group of people is against that something. The ability to raise heat is directly proportional with the skills, age and by that with the popularity of a character. The fact heat drops is also relevant when considering that a certain matter might be seen by someone that can do something about it at a later time. In other words it is a vote that slowly fades away if not sustained and has as only "enemy" the "forgetting" of that cause...and that is in a way very realistic.[/quote]

    [b]Also note:[/b] I will NOT be using any Prayer Heat from my Worshipers, unless specifically asked to. For now, I'll refrain from voting one way or the other, unless I am sure it's my own Personal Heat released by my stored Erolin devices.
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in A new Community Project. Of Sorts.   
    dont pay 20 gold, grido is greedy and no one deserves to pay that
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