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Posts posted by Nep

  1. So, the hot winderwild wings I have promised... Here is what we are gonna use: 



    - 6-7 wings (I used 5 for this one because mine are fairly large - just means there will be some leftover sauce)
    - a pinch of salt & black pepper (salt is not on this pic because I forgot)
    - 4 tablespoons of honey
    - about half a cup of Sriracha hot sauce from the uhh... EAST (that is about 1,1 milliliters in my estimation)
    - 4 tablespoons of soy sauce
    - 4 teaspoons of sesame seed oil
    - 4 cloves of garlic
    - 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (can be rice vinegar or something else but this is what I prefer)
    - some olive oil (we will need about 2 tablespoons in our frying pan)

    We start with preparing the wings like so: 


    Cut them in half like that... I fed the tips to the knators because they aren't the best for this recipe. 

    Next up, mince the garlic: 


    Now mix it together in a bowl with the ingredients listed above, and give it a good stir: 


    Next up, put your wings in a bowl or some kind of food container and add about half of the sauce we have just prepared: 


    Cover it with a lid and put it in your fridge for 1 hour... You can leave it overnight but 1 hour should be enough. 

    Once that is done, add the olive oil to your frying pan and start frying the wings on medium / medium-high heat. We will do this for about 15 minutes. Make sure to turn the wings every 2-3 minutes, and use a lid in-between or else your stove will look like mine. 

    Here how we start: 


    I prefer to start with the skinny side down but it's not that important. After a while some of the wings may start to get seared, but don't be afraid, this is actually good for you:


    ...obviously you don't want it completely carbonated. If you feel like you are going too fast, you can turn down the heat a bit. 

    After the 15 minutes is up, add the other half of the sauce to the wings. This will give it a nice glaze.


    You can turn up the heat here as long as you don't go overboard. Continue to fry it until the glaze is nice and thick: 


    I used less wings here so we have some more left over but we can use that as a dip for our fries or whatever. 

    Here is how it should look like by the end, more or less: 


    Get them out on a plate: 


    ...then eat it. You can use any side dish but sometimes I just prefer to eat them like this. Enjoy!


  2. I grew up in a very toxic family environment, which resulted in a serious inferiority complex, among other things. After I grew up and started working, I have noticed that I'm simply... doing better than the people who were criticizing me all my life, and the people I was compared to all my life. And not even by a small margin. Shockingly, it wasn't even that hard. And, I'm just getting started...

    After some years, the people criticizing me started to die off, or wrecked their own lives in various ways. The cousins I was "competing" with are all living underwhelming lives, and I hardly meet them anymore. It's as if their opinions never mattered in the first place. 

    Basically what I learned is that you shouldn't define yourself based on what others think. Though this can be hard when you are still a child and don't have any point of reference apart from your immediate environment. You define what you can and can't achieve. Since most people are not actors, but only reactors to outside events, you can make an awful lot of change in the world just by putting some effort in it every day. 

  3. I think that it would be a serious mistake to get rid of the mist until we figure out what it can be used for. Therefore I suggest we collect it into containers. I have designed a device that could be used to collect said mist. Here is how the prototype would look like, more or less:


    How it works:

    I would capture it like I'd capture gas in a chemical experiment. We'd need a big outer container, inside which there is a smaller, upside down glass cylinder. Both of these are filled with water. 

    The idea is to get the mist inside the inner glass container, where it "bubble us" to the top, displacing the water into the outer container. This is based on the assumption that the "mist" is lighter than water, but more dense than air (which is probably true, given that it hovers above ground). 

    Of course, the mist won't be getting into our container on its own, so the device has an elastic tube attached to it, that ends in a bulb pump (the kind you see on older blood pressure monitors, or maybe more relevant - gasoline hand pumps) and a funnel. 

    Pressing the pump creates a vacuum, which after releasing it will suck in whatever is inside the funnel. After which it goes straight into the inner glass cylinder through the tube. 

    The inner container even has a cap on it so that we can remove the mist when we need it for something (experiments, storing it in even larger containers, etc.). The cap can also be used to release any air accidentally sucked into the container - since it is lighter than the mist.

    As you can see the device is quite large, it even has shoulder straps. This is because I want a single person to be able to collect a large amount of gas, since we don't know how much of it will show up and where. 

    Materials needed: 

    The outer and inner containers would be made of thick glass, kinda like a big alembic. I have previously thought about using some kind of metal but then we wouldn't be able to tell how much mist or water is inside. That said, the parts holding the inner container in place could be made out of metal, to make it more durable. Both glass and iron exist in MD, and there is precedent for various alembics and such in the lab. We just have to make bigger ones. 

    The shoulder straps could be made out of ropes that can be found on GWI or a similar material. 

    The funnel can be made out of metal too (iron ingots?). 

    The water needed to fill up the containers already exists in the realm. 

    The only part I'm not sure about is the tube and the pump, since both of them would need rubber which I have yet to see in the realm. But I'm sure we can figure something out. 

    How to collect the mist: 

    I'd pay a few people to use my device to collect mist until we figure out what it is and whether or not it is harmful. Like I mentioned before, the device is this big in order to enable few people to do a lot of work with it. But we can make it smaller later if necessary, maybe even a handheld version

    If the mist proves to be harmful we will be forced to deal with it on the "government" level, which means paying for its collection won't be my problem anymore. 

    If it proves to be useful, people will collect it without incentive. 

    If it proves to be harmless and useless we can just leave it be. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

    Congratulations to Jakubhi, the first wp winner, and Nepgear, the second!

    Else is third with the wp, Invie has the eggs but has yet to claim the wishpoint - #4 I presume.

    I think Ledah is the first actually :D At least according to the WP log. 

  5. Okay so... First off, a forced vote is bad in my opinion. It forces people to pick someone for their good/bad vote even if they haven't made a particularly strong impression. This causes some people to get more points (positive or negative) than they normally would. And it even causes some people to get undeserved (imo) negative scores because some people just dump their negative vote on characters that just log in and never communicate much. 

    So, in my opinion the vote would make more sense if you made it optional, BUT maybe made it so that you can vote on everyone BUT ALSO added an "indifferent" option. That way you could get a general feel of how the realm feels about each character, not just the one that each person likes/hates the most. The scores acquired in such a way could be used for certain roles, or achievements. 

  6. If it's still open:

    1 X Item 2: Anni custom pin badge - 10 plushies.

    1 X Item 6: Avatar goldening Token (can be used to make any avatar gold), Price: 40 plushies

    8 X Item 7: Lock in choas Spellstone - 12 plushies = 96 plushies

    1 X Item 11: 16th anniversary piece of cake. Price: 5 plushies

    Total: 151 plushies.

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