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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. [u]Imperial Aramor #1 -[/u] Stored Heat 605421 Age 500 Tokens: [b][antifreeze] [/b][b][kellethafire][/b][b][claw3][/b] [u]Imperial Aramor #2 -[/u] Stored Heat 98630 Age 165 Tokens: [b][kellethafire][/b][b][claw2][/b][b][onyxfangs][/b][b][goldbelt][/b] [u]Pimped Grasan #1 -[/u] Stored Heat 363795 Age 328 Tokens: [b][stardust][/b][b][claw1][/b] [u]Pimped Grasan # 2[/u][u]-[/u] Stored Heat 86383 Age 221 [u]Elemental -[/u] Stored Heat 5993855 Age 408 Tokens: [b][stardust][/b][b][enlightning][/b]
  2. Dreams are very fuzzy to even the dreamer, not to mention for someone who was able to listen in on it. Perhaps any dream listened to could be under the effects similar to an acoustic obfuscator.
  3. [s][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]10) Eara Meraia - 1 Silver[/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif](Mallos is doing)[/font][/color] [color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]11) Esmaralda - 1 Silver[/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif](Mallos is doing)[/font][/color][/s] [color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]13) Jaime - 1 Silver[/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif](Mallos is doing)[/font][/color] [s][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]14) Jolla - 1 Silver(Mallos is doing)[/font][/color][/s]
  4. In relation to "dead can dance" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdvHsMqI6o0
  5. [img] http://th788.photobucket.com/albums/yy163/saidaisuke9/th_trollface-2.jpg[/img] Careful not to feed the trolls men, I would just like to point out how this topic started. Oh, my prediction earlier was pretty spot on I suppose. Fang succumbed earlier than I thought he would. Fang, perhaps we can talk sometime about your new job, there are some possible concerns I may have to express to you in person. If anyone else has concerns, perhaps voice them here or do as I plan to.
  6. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3c5-6N_4ys[/media]
  7. Fang you crazy rascal, I have a question for you. Have any of your rewards been late yet since you became leader?
  8. I'll be on Fangs side for this cause I like to be on the losing side of things (what's the point of winning if there was no challenge/what's wrong with losing if there was?) and well I am favored to him overall. [img]http://www.digitalmobile.in/styles/default/xenCODE/OldSkool/troll.png[/img] In my view Fang will break down under all your pressure (or maybe we like to think that) and end up letting his TKs reward stuff on their own. In fact in his reply to ZenTao he already said it would be possible. And he already stopped when he said he would be doing all the sponsoring, that's no longer the truth. With that said, do any of you even want to see Fang be a good leader? Do any of you think you can do better and want to apply for the position?
  9. I believe candy and pickles are the only items there are a limit to, and now candy goes bad after a while.
  10. I'll sponsor this with a WP to first prize.
  11. I'll give 5 memory stones, one locate stone, and one heat stone to the winner.
  12. Works for me. [color=#000000]Locating [/color][b]Fang Archbane[/b][color=#000000] ...[/color] [color=#000000]On 26/10/12 01:42:53 was at 1_0x2_1 [/color] [color=#000000]On 26/10/12 01:43:00 was at 1_-1x2_1 [/color] [b]On 26/10/12 02:07:32 was at 1_-1x3_1 --- Last known location![/b] [color=#000000]Locating [/color][b]Avindeca Gol[/b][color=#000000] ...[/color] [color=#000000]On 26/10/12 01:26:21 was at 1_0x0_1 [/color] [color=#000000]On 26/10/12 01:26:25 was at 1_0x1_1 [/color] [b]On 26/10/12 01:27:14 was at 1_0x2_1 --- Last known location![/b]
  13. How about lower the stat boost by a lot, and let everyone be able to compete every contest. And if you won it, you can't compete again until the next contest passes.
  14. I think it lacks a little motivation for players to try and change ingame things.
  15. @dst - MRAlyon specifically mentioned fighting contests, I did not have a suggestion for heads contests so I suggested something for torch competition. The depletion was part of the suggestion, take it or leave it. And I think not taking away the spells for heads would be a good idea, and adding spells could be interesting.
  16. I had an idea that there could be a sort of constant torch contest going on in the realm. People could pick up torches if they wanted to compete and have a little fun. The main changes I had in mind was there could be other ways to flag you as competing and run the risk of getting killed. Depletions have been a big issue in the past and we complain that theres nothing to be done about it. Say if someone depletes a lands resources below half (typical land law amount) they would be considered killable to that lands citizens, perhaps untill they left the land or a certain timeframe passes. Im not sure exactly how fast you get resurrected in the torch competition, but the values could be made a little longer, say an hour or a few hours?
  17. 1. I often give out resources and similar for nothing more than free, and would be glad to provide to this project anything that I might be able to supply. I will also submit my 8 sc and any other small coins I happen to get my hands on. 2. I already support the Garden effort. 3. You can definitely count me as a friend.
  18. Dark Tower reference, we even have Roland in the realm. Golemus/Loreroot = Gilead/Inworld MB = Midworld No Mans Land = Outworld Necrovion/Deathmarrow = Endworld/Dark Tower
  19. I think Peace is a good protector and would like to see her be able to continue doing well. I try to pray to her often and would like to see her revived to put good use to the heat from me and others.
  20. Really?? Death a pre-ban punishment? What have those killed done that is so severe to warrant such action (yes Seigheart included)? Im inclined to think anyone may do mostly whatever they please as long as it follows the ingame restrictions. Death stops this. As I see it death has been thrown around too freely lately. Take when the kings were killed as an example. Lots of death but wasnt it all planned out? They were all more responsible with it then. Nowadays.. Why was nadrolski killed? "Disturbance?"
  21. So nobody has been revived by this new method created specificly to revive people? It seems like people need a little more motivation then, ex. a wishpoint. Whether or not Seigheart gains from this (which there's no guaruntee he will) I think he's doing a good thing sponsoring the quest.
  22. No computer, will be gone for a while. See you all later :(

    1. Maebius


      Oh noes! Hope it's not too long, Falronn.

  23. I think the story shouldn't be optional. Splitting it up over the mind power levels could be a good idea, so mp3's get through it faster and don't get frustrated at the length. Wanting to see the rest of the story would also be another incentive to move up the next mind power level. Maybe if it's split up (and since they only get the 15 minute wait option) we wouldn't have to take out the wait times either, as that helps to teach patience in the game. The current tutorial has too much text and unnecessary situations as Burns has described. I agree with him that those should be removed. As I referred my friend the other day, he hadn't much of an idea what to do (told him to click the scroll, now click this, and such) and he quickly didn't want to play because of the numerous times he had to click the scroll, didn't want to read the text, and didn't care to do what was asked. I didn't mind any of the tutorial because the game genuinely interested me, but I'm sure there will be others who might feel the same as my friend did. I like the idea of having them do a pre-story mode sort of tutorial, like start them at the park and maybe after they do a few things on their own (a battle, speak a few lines in chat, move around a few scenes) then they get put into the Paper Cabin sort of tutorial.
  24. ISTP Introvert(33%) Sensing(25%) Thinking(38%) Perceiving(33)%
  25. I was already missing speaking with you.
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