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Everything posted by Krioni

  1. Happy Birthday Lin!
  2. Thank you everyone! I hope to serve the people of Loreroot well, and look forward to our future. ~Krioni
  3. Happy birthday lashtal!
  4. That is my biggest concern. Is there a way of seeing the date on when a role was granted? Just don't print a title for that one for now, but why is progress and things that were planned before the freeze suddenly grinding to a halt?
  5. I understand completely. To bring the specific matter up: We are getting a new consul to replace Sunfire. I cannot speak for the other candidates, but I am fine with waiting for a while on the title, as the title itself is not the reason I am running for the role. As long as others understand that whoever takes the position is in that position, even while the tag giving freeze is in place. This is just so our government can operate as designed, mainly that Mya doesn't get bogged down with a job that we have designed to handle between two people. As for the other points you brought up, I want to think through it a bit more thoroughly, then I will comment on it, to try and help. Thanks for the reply, Mur.
  6. I am a little bit confused Mur. From what you said on the titles and structuring of roles, I tend to agree with Chewett and some of the things he pointed out. If this is supposed to be a reflection of the structure in MD, and the focus of those roles, granting and approving authorities need to be very clear. Also, from what Chewett said, what do each of these mean? Someone with the power to directly grant this role? Or someone just involved in it as well? Second, I understand the desire to freeze granting titles and such during this period, and I admit my bias a little, as an election is currently being held with me going up for such a position, but there is no set end date on this, and a lot of confusion. For many like me, such roles are a big part of finding our place in the game. With no set end date with this, and important roles for our land getting filled, is there going to be a set end date to this freeze? I know our situation is a bit different, with one of our leaders having left recently, but I was confused and wanted to understand this more clearly.
  7. Mur, I have had a couple ask me my opinion on what the position is supposed to be. Is this a real life position, where the postman needs to handle dispatching and collecting addresses, forwarding such documents along, that sort of thing? Or is this a role in game? Maybe some clarification on it will encourage more candidates!
  8. Happy birthday Aelis!
  9. 1. The killer loved Mur 2. Mur wished to understand death, or experience what change a Mur goes through in death 3. The killer, knowing Mur's wishes, helped him accomplish this death. 4. The killer does not care for the reason why Mur wanted to be dead, merely he loves Mur, therefore does what Mur wishes. 5. Mur wished his death, so the killer served Mur by killing him.
  10. I'll play! ~Krioni
  11. Contestants, if you do not mind your entries shared, please let me or Mya know!
  12. I loved the entire event, and I cannot wait to see the judges final results. As an official event, the logs and poems will be included under the Summer Festival records postings I will put out later. Thanks so much for such an amazing event, Lania! It was well done, and a great idea. Good luck judging to the judges, and good luck to all the participants! Regards, ~Krioni
  13. This was amazing nonetheless Blut, and your help in stirring up activity for Marind Bell day was much appreciated. Thanks for doing it, and hopefully when we have Marind Bell day again, we can coordinate up and make sure such things are planned a bit more in advance! Regards, ~Krioni
  14. Well done everyone! The submissions were great!
  15. Lack of entries has, unfortunately, killed the tournament. Hope you all have fun with the fest! ~Krioni
  16. For every land, I will be attempting three times to create jump links, with a fourth time whenever I can. These are the times: 00:00 ST (Midnight) 6:00 ST 18:00 ST I will try to do another around 12 ST, but no guarantees based on sleep and such. This is, of course, unless BFH creates more permanent jumplinks as he did for Necrovion day. Thank you BFH, for helping with that! Edit: Also, I have the ability to pull others if the jumplink is down. If the jumplink is down, contact me, and I will pull you to whatever location we are at. Thanks again, BFH!
  17. There will be at least one other story quest, as well as some other creation quests, going on in the summer fest! You have a couple days to come up with something yourself as well, Rophs!
  18. Alright everyone, I have a tentative schedule for events during the festival! Keep in mind, this schedule is subject to change. Also, if your event is not scheduled on here, it is probably because I either have not heard from you, or I have sent you something and have not received a reply. The festival will move to a new place every day, celebrating those lands. As we move, we should have jumps set up, so come and gather for a fun day talking and celebrating with everyone! Without further ado, the events! Keep in mind, some of these quests even have rewards for participation, so get on out there and have some fun! 16th: Necrovion Day Poetry quest by Lania here Dreams of an Inner Light by Nava here 19-22ST: The Mad Scientist (I) by Dark Demon begins here 17th: Marind Bell Day 21ST: Dance by Assira the Black. Will be held at Wind's Game The Awake Game, by Blut here 18: Golemus Golemicarum Day 19: Loreroot Day Deadline for Constellation Quest below 20: MagicDuel Archives Day Overall events running throughout or right near the festival: Story Quest by Eagle Eye here Constellation Quest by Mya Celestia here Tournament! We need signups to start, so even though it says it should start today, come sign up by reading here This will be updated in the days approaching the festival with new information! If your quest is not on here, or if I have not linked to your forum post about it, or anything else, do not hesitate to message me. Let's all get together and celebrate the end of Summer! ~Krioni
  19. Heya Chewett! Skills: Some javascript and html5. I program for a living, but it is mainly in C/C++ with a tad bit of Java. Interests in MD: Interacting with others, trying o see what is most pressing, helping people out. What you would like to work on now: I love doing little programming projects outside of work, so if I can help in some way there, I would love to. I can pick up anything I don't know quickly, and I have in the past, so toss me at some project that needs doing and I will do my best to..do it!
  20. Be well, Sun. No matter if you return or not, be well.
  21. I will be stepping in as leadership for the festival. Please, if you have messaged Sunfire with information and I have not been linked in, message me so that everything will run smoothly. We have a few quests and some exciting land days planned, so I hope everyone can stop in and have some fun!
  22. Still only one signup. If you can be around to fight, please, sign up! We need both participants AND activities to liven up the realm. If you have a problem with the tournament, let me know. I am just trying to make something interesting for those involved.
  23. Less people have contacted me lately, and the couple conversations I have had petered out. I am incredibly interested in whatever you have to say, so please, PM me or contact me in game to discuss this stuff. Yes, my views might be different, but I am asking because I am really interested in opinions and how you think it works or does not! East and MDA, some specific opinions on the relationship of Light and Dark with your land would be great!
  24. I have only had one person reply so far. Please, go ahead and register! This will be a fun tournament, and getting these sorts of things active requires participation by you guys! At most, it will be a few fights that week, maybe a couple a day. Register so that we can have some fun! Also, if you have some sort of rewards that could be offered, let me know!
  25. That was the original list I was thinking about, lashtal, but I don't know everything on MD so I just tried to define rules instead of a specific list. If anyone disagrees, let me know. Also, it was brought to my attention that ally badges affect the amount of rounds in a fight, and therefore the possible outcome. Opinions on if a rule should be made for this? It could be that, since an ally badge is public info, it shouldn't matter. That is my initial lean.
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