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Everything posted by Krioni

  1. Alright, I have a new concern, and this one is related to what I was pretty much told to do in this topic, which was to fight back and compete. I did, in fact, I went after the only MP5's fighting, the people in the BHC. It was people outside my competition that were taking mine anyway. And you know what? It was fun! I even managed to get some heads from them. But then something happened. The competitors in the BHC that I attacked (Phantasm, and Nadrolski), fought back. Nadrolski I know pulled out, but then Phantasm gets disqualified for going after my heads? What? This seems to be the case of a is true, and not-a is also true. Is it alright to fight outside the competition, because it is unfair and competitive, or not?
  2. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1328310161' post='103357'] BHC competitors regain the ability to take heads from people when they sign up. So, that's how that works. Quite honestly though, MP5 HC has so few real competitors that it can be used to see who logs in most. With the BHC influence, at least there's some sort of competition, and it allows BHC to be more fast-paced, the downside being that HC drags way on. Whether it's good or bad overall comes down to opinion, and mine is that it is indeed a good thing. You said yourself, you've only lost heads to people not in HC, and you're still more than 5000 above second place. Unless you log out, you're almost sure to win. Just go (deep) into someplace BHC competitors can't go if you get some heads, and watch for teleports. Be paranoid, because heads is unfair. [/quote] I will, and thanks Pip. I liked the post and the way you put your opinion on the way things are. Maybe I will even try my hand and some of the people in the BHC ^^ Good bit of heads there!
  3. Once again, I don't mind fighting. The language of the page for the contest suggests people who have the highest heads should hide, and others would chase them down. I wasn't chased down *laughs*. I would fight with other people in the competition. But again, I just lost all my heads to someone who had already won and wasn't in the competition. Ignnus took them. How does that work?
  4. Cool! That clarifies the spell for me. I didn't know before, and now I know more ^^ As for fighting, I generally would like to, with people that are in the competition. That seems hard to accomplish though, especially looking at the locations. And like I said, by the contest page, shouldn't other people in the competition be trying to come after me? Especially if I am winning and have the most heads. But the people in the competition aren't, it is just other people messing.
  5. Hello all! I wanted to bring up something I though has been a little unfair in the Heads Contest. I have been told it is unfair anyways, but hey. I thought this overstepped a little, and I wanted to bring it up. The problem I have seen is certain people, who are not in the Heads Contest, interfering with how it is running. This is mainly happening in two ways. One, as far as I heard, people from outside the competition should not be able to take the heads of those in the competition. This has happened twice to me, and is in fact the only times I have lost heads. The first was from an attack by Eon, and then the next in one of the attacks from a group of other people. I wouldn't normally care, except that in both cases I lost all my heads. I would count this more as a bug, or perhaps a problem with BHC competitions going at the same time. The second, and what I consider the more problematic and disturbing, is the use of certain spells and powers to influence the competition by people who are not participating. This one I have included the below screenshots for, to show proof of an event that happened today. It says in the Heads Contest page that the leaders will most probably hide, and we certainly were hiding, preserving our heads. But someone, which by the screenshots and information I have been told is most likely dst, teleported the leaders to the Gazebo of Equilibrium, where we promptly got beaten and our heads taken by people not in the competition. Beyond how this affects the scores of the people, it also artificially lengthens the competition, because we cannot advance and get to stage 2 as fast with less heads. Here are the screenshots, with the spell, the server times, and the UID of the person who casted the spell circled (I have been told the UID is dst) [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/keu54n.jpg[/img] and [img]http://i41.tinypic.com/otolqu.jpg[/img] What are people's opinions of this? I know many consider the competition a joke because of certain fighters not being able to fight, since they have won, but shouldn't the competition still be followed instead of playing with the competitors like this? I also thought that spells weren't even allowed. I am genuinely interested in people's opinions and if there are in fact rules that are being broken. Thanks for reading! Krioni
  6. Been home for the weekend, back this week and ready to start picnics again.

  7. I would love this, as conversations could become one item (instead of a huge amount of RE:RE:RE:RE:RE...) and would make it MUCH easier to read.
  8. I would like to try as well, thanks!
  9. I wanted to go ahead and toss my own opinion on the matter and in the "testing" in general debate. Even if no one cares ^^ I agree a lot with Mya, I was upset at first at the content of the announcement, but I reasoned and told myself that medals on their own shouldn't be seen as a reward, but as a sign to what type of person is wearing the medal, as well as what they have done. Seeing it that way, I was much less upset, because I could see the kingslayer for what it was. This person, through some action or mission, participated in testing, breaking, or "slaying" a king, though we may not know the details. Same goes for other medals. I see a Boss Head Competition medal and I know this person fights a lot, or has spent enough time studying the combat system to truly understand it and win in fierce competition. This can apply to any medal. That conclusion made me far less upset about the matter. Secondly, on testing. Honestly, whenever I am in any situation where I feel tested, or in a trying situation for myself, I try and see two things. One, if I react in some way I did not predict, I would try and learn more about myself through the situation. Why did I react that way? Do I think it right or wrong? Can I improve? Second, if I realize I am being tested, I like to try and use the situation to learn about the tester. As Socrates would say, if an action, being tested, is being performed upon me in a certain way, then there is someone who is acting and performing that testing upon me in that certain way. I like to find what that "way" is, and see if it tells me something about the tester as a person. My opinions ^^
  10. Hey all! Selling a locate stone, not sure the regular running price, but let me know! - A locate stone (Already in the stone) I am in the tribunal at the moment, but just let me know ^^ Krioni Edit: Removed silvertongue, as I was not aware I would not be able to enchant it. Sorry for the confusion!
  11. My apologies Chewett. I posted without searching, my bad. I just got the email today and wanted to post it, since the problems have really bugged me lately. Again, sorry for the cluttersome post!
  12. Hey everyone! I have always had little problems with Flash, Magicduel, and Google Chrome (my browser of choice). I read some articles and one posted on this very issue, and the fix worked for me. Hopefully it will help you guys too. [url="http://www.geeksailor.com/how-to-repair-google-chromes-shockwave-flash-crashes/"]http://www.geeksailor.com/how-to-repair-google-chromes-shockwave-flash-crashes/[/url] Krioni
  13. Thanks a lot Chengmingz for the fast reply, that is what I wanted to know! Krioni
  14. Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could give me the general value of a sharptear. Also, and pardon my ignorance, but these are the colored Lorerootian Archers, correct? Both fresh (< 50 days) and aged ideas would be neat. Also, on a related note, what is the conversion rates between silver, gold, and credits? Thanks a lot! Krioni
  15. Krioni

    WTS Crits

    4 sc for this one then, since Frostas outbid me ^^ [u]Angien 2[/u] Heat 102037 Age 617 Tokens: Goldbelt ID: 637392
  16. This is awesome! While I didn't participate in the artwork part, as I am not a big artist, I cannot wait to help in any way I can as the project goes forward. And the idea of plots and stuff...maybe I will plant some new coffee plants there, a new brew to carry around! Krioni
  17. Sold!
  18. After viewing some prices, I know the max I could hope to get would be like 1 sc. If anyone is willing to pay that, let me know. I want to move them off so I can get some tokens on crits I would prefer to have them.
  19. Krioni

    WTS Crits

    5 sc [u]Angien 1[/u] Heat 1199860 Age 951 Tokens: Stardust Antifreeze Darksky Edit: removed the offer line. My offer is 5sc
  20. Hey all. I got some Pimped Grasans fresh while getting my Rein, but I only really want one. So I am posting this here for you guys to offer! I know they aren't much, and if no bidding occurs I will drop it. My current plan is to let the bidding run for 72 hours. [b][u]Pimped Grasan I[/u][/b] Age: 26 Heat: 9 ID: 757154 [b][u]Pimped Grasan I[/u][/b] Age: 26 Heat: 0 ID: 757155 [b][u]Pimped Grasan I[/u][/b] Age: 26 Heat: 0 ID: 757156
  21. 3 sc
  22. Krioni

    MD Radio ?!

    To my knowledge, Pandora allows the sharing of stations, and I think Grooveshark does as well. Grooveshark itself allows choosing as songs, but I don't listen to it that much, so I am not sure on the playlist sharing.
  23. Back up at school and one of the first things I get is some holiday cards. Thank you so much to those of you that sent them, they mean a lot. I need to step it up next year!

  24. I have found myself browsing the forums listlessly lately since it has been harder to be in game.

    1. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      I miss you, Krioni!

    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      Agreed, Krioni. Although my reasons are different from yours. :)

    3. Chewett


      i browse it listlessly anyways :P

  25. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1325602011' post='99493'] If the forum is hidden, it will usually include (Hidden) in the title. [/quote] I will remember for later!
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