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Everything posted by Dragual

  1. Didn't I see at one point MD Merchandise? >>

    1. Burns




    2. Dragual
  2. Dragual

    Trap Spells

    The Counter Spell could work like this... I have been Movelocked, so I cast Counter <Words of magic> = Spell is removed. AmberRune has been Movelocked(SilverTounge?) so I cast Counter on her <Words of Magic AmberRune> = Spell has been removed from her. A move lock has been placed at the Howling Gates, waiting for me. I cast Counter on that scene <Words of Magic 1_0x-2_1> = Spell has been removed from that scene.
  3. Dragual

    New ideas

    http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16211-trap-spells/ Trap Spells with a Counter Spell to 'disarm' the spell.
  4. Dragual

    Trap Spells

    Very true. I've also made note in my wishlist for a spell to remove any spell effects on yourself, so that would go well with this, I think. What if the counter spell redirects the spell to the caster IF the caster is still in that scene/enters that scene before the spell expires? :)
  5. Dragual

    Trap Spells

    So, my idea is this. A spell that lingers in an area until either a target enters the scene or the spell expires. If the player enters the player enters the scene it acts as a normal spell, while if the the spell expires... Well, nothing happens. An example is that AmberRune and I are racing each other from the GOE to Howling Gates. We start, she gets ahead of me a few scenes and casts Movelock Trap on playername (Darth). I enter the scene she set the trap on, and am stuck there. I'm okay with reducing the amount of time the spell actually holds me there for, to kind of balance it out with the other Movelock spell... But I believe you should still have four casts of the Spell. Alternatively, maybe it would share casts with the original spell. It's just a matter of how you use the spell.
  6. If you do have a sort of... Bank, put an access fee. I.e., you need to give 1 silver coin in order to open it. That means you pay a silver, and can put whatever you want in there, take anything you have in there out, but as soon as you close the 'bank, you need to pay to access it again.
  7. Ya know, this all makes me think of a Doctor Who episode where the... Mmm... *SPOILER ALERT!!* ... Kingdom of Britian began to live off a 'Star Whale'. But in order to keep the thing moving, they 'had' to construct a device to bring the thing pain daily. Knowing this, they knew that the people would live in agony remembering what their lives cost the entity on a daily basis. So they devised a sort of voting machine that every so many years, you would be given a choice. You could choice to let the thing go OR you could choice to forget what was happening. (I realize the explaining process of this is kind of horrible.. >> Words aren't my friend right now.) But at the end of the episode, some one was brave enough to release the beast at the understanding that it came to them, because of mushy lovey crap. So it turned out they didn't need to put it through the pain, and they freed it. Everyone lived happily ever after and so on. Long story short, I feel that this is a vote towards a "Yes, it is worth knowing that which you shouldn't". Forgetting things that hurt you... Traumatic events that your mind has made you to repress... It's better to remember them so you can face them. As frightening as it may be, you will recover a part of yourself, while giving up another part. But giving up parts of yourself is a good thing. We all change and take on new faces over the years. Not just ones with more wrinkles, but with a new name and new self.
  8. Syrian is correct. PM for your reward.
  9. Okay, so just for fun, I'll give a silver to anyone who can figure out/guess what/who Sarah is.
  10. The name of the topic "United We Stand" is VERY misleading. I ACTUALLY assumed before reading this, you had more than yourself and one other person... Silly me. Of course, I guess I forgot to read the author of the topic... That would have killed the assumption right away. Now to prevent this from becoming "spam"... Are you really so foolish to believe that YOU and Ledah are enough to, if we even cared to, defeat ALL of Necro and Eon? This is, of course, assuming Necro would get involved in such a childish charade. You'd have to be daft to think we are powerless.
  11. Surely you can see that there is more meaning to NOT killing you, than killing you, King Chewett... It was your decision not to stop your people. Now, you will not be able to help your people.
  12. I think we should remember SWG. How sad it is for a game such as you to have passed away so young. :( RIP! Luckily, we have SWGEmu! :)
  13. Time Principle affecting duration of certain spells.
  14. Creatures for Resources - A player can sacrifice a creature for certain resources. Eventually, I'd hope for new resources you can only get from sacrificing these creatures. I.e. Knator Hide and Drachorn Scales.
  15. That could be countered by simply removing the visibility of the % of votes in favor. xD
  16. In the citizen voting area, in our capitals, there is a section for active citizens. What if that list also showed the amount of land loyalty each citizen has? I'm not sure how difficult that would be to code, but there are things like that, that update regularly. Is it possible to make it update everyday, same time as the server update without affecting the activity status?
  17. This is a role play game, and in almost EVERY RPG, I've played, Murder was a crime. Crime's are punishable. Mur mentioned that some items and features that are ALLOWED can get you jailed. In a very logical sense, killing someone should be something to get you sent to jail. Especially if theft would be punishable by Jail. It would be far more stupid to have theft be a crime that can get you jailed, and not murder.
  18. What about a snow shovel? OR a shovel that can get multiple resources. Bones, snow, dirt, etc. Obviously not Skulls tho... That'd still require archeology tools.
  19. I actually tried that game... It lasted a couple of weeks. :3
  20. How do you slay a dragon if you can't wield a sword?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dragual


      Maebius' suggestion requires gathering things and using another weapon of sorts. As does Mallos'. Both aren't bad, but not favorable. Chew's idea uses an inner strength that is not usual. I prefer this one. Samon's follows Mallos' and Maebius'. Good, but not great.Ignnus' idea is a sign of weakness and I'm PRETTY sure it won't work without other factors. Dst's idea is a waste of time and relies on the strength of someone else, rather than my own.

    3. dst


      You have no strength. Hence the suggestion.

    4. Dragual


      xD You make me laugh!

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