Esmaralda Posted January 17, 2012 Report Posted January 17, 2012 (edited) Yes, absolutely. As pointed in other posts, what 'everyone knows' cannot be used in a court of law. As screenshots are needed to proove anything, we should continue to post about depletors as they continue to deplete. Further, the more instances we see of a depletor, the worse their public image gets, thus perhaps forcing them to adjust their behavior or get shunned by their peers. Note also that this is not about just Eon. This post has a number of depletors of various resouces. We should continue to post about any depletors we see. Edited January 17, 2012 by Esmaralda Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Jubaris, lashtal and 14 others 13 4 Quote
Seigheart Posted January 17, 2012 Report Posted January 17, 2012 So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs? Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds? Didn't think so. phantasm, Duke of Malfi, Esmaralda and 14 others 3 14 Quote
Maebius Posted January 19, 2012 Report Posted January 19, 2012 [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1326827440' post='101049']So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs? Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds? Didn't think so.[/quote] No, but I do consider that some Lands have rules for their citizenry which apply to harvesting/dowsing/lumberjacking in other lands. So while Eon and the other depletion harvesters continue, folks will (and should, IMHO) continue to post evidence of such, for any future cases. In that vein, I was sent this to post on forums (Gort has no forum access). Water's not as used, of course, but the laws of the Land in Golemus do clearly state "no more than half" should be gathered. Leixer had reduced the Water beyond that self-implied limit[log='Water below half'][/log] No one, lashtal, Eon and 2 others 3 2 Quote
Seigheart Posted January 19, 2012 Report Posted January 19, 2012 There arn't any laws for the Tribunal. Anything being imposed on others are through the citizens themselves. That is why Eon is doing it, the citizens don't have any authority over him what so ever. He CAN do it, so he WILL until you find a way to stop him. Kyphis the Bard, Liberty4life, Eon and 1 other 2 2 Quote
Maebius Posted January 19, 2012 Report Posted January 19, 2012 No, but Golemus has laws. If Land Laws can be used to "jail Azull", then I would expect them to apply to others considered "non-citizens" who are not following the laws set out by it's [former] king. I read that as applying to resources harvesting. But this is getting off-topic, and my main point of Water in MB was already posted above, so doesn't need repeated, I just added a link as requested, for Water in Golemus... Brulant and No one 1 1 Quote
dst Posted January 19, 2012 Report Posted January 19, 2012 (edited) To this:[quote]then I would expect them to apply to others considered "non-citizens" who are not following the laws set out by it's [former] king.[/quote] One thing: you can't punish a player who is not a citizen of the land he brakes the laws of(see yrth vb Eon issue). Edited January 19, 2012 by dst Eon, No one, Watcher and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Seigheart Posted January 19, 2012 Report Posted January 19, 2012 Eon is a citizen of the Tribunal due to his take over of the SoS, right? According to Game Mechanics, he is until he leaves the alliance. J-D, No one and Neno Veliki 2 1 Quote
phantasm Posted January 19, 2012 Report Posted January 19, 2012 aye agreed with seig. It is not authority of "authority" you should be looking for, but the mass. Rise to the movement. Posting and keeping records of depletion is good. It must however be used to get the masses on your side, not a 'judge' as it were. I think people keep missing my point about this. A small force of movement can roll into a typhoon in MD if you move int he right direction. The conglomerate is capable of overtaking anyone or thing. No king is every mightier then the mass that it controls Chewett, dst, Ivorak and 3 others 3 3 Quote
Passant the Weak Posted January 22, 2012 Report Posted January 22, 2012 [b]Eon [/b]and [b]Raven [/b]depleting our wise tree at Awiiyas Way: [quote][b]: [/b][i]Eon collects herbs and flowers as a byproduct[/i][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] [b]: [/b][i]Eon collects herbs[/i][/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] [b]: [/b][i]Eon collects herbs[/i][/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] [b]: [/b][i]Eon collects herbs[/i] [b]: [/b][i]Raven collects herbs[/i] [b]Available Resources:[/b] [i]Herbs depleted[/i][color=#330000] (0/10)[/color][/size][/font][/color] [color=#330000]799/800 [/color][b]Wiiya[/b][/quote] Quote
nadrolski Posted January 23, 2012 Report Posted January 23, 2012 (edited) Attention: Loreroot Citizens For your reference. [url=""]Eon @ Hollow Den[/url] [url=""]Eon @ Lore Manor[/url] [url=""]Eon @ Oak Fort[/url] [url=""]Eon @ Raven's Peace[/url] [url=""]Eon @ War Hold[/url] Edit: [url=""]Eon @ Grassy Roads[/url] [url=""]Eon @ Raven Hold[/url] Edit: [url=""]durex @ Alche's Alley[/url] Edited February 14, 2012 by nadrolski Atrumist, Neno Veliki, No one and 1 other 2 2 Quote
Esmaralda Posted February 7, 2012 Report Posted February 7, 2012 (edited) East Lands: Plains of Liberty (Eagle Eye, Death Ray, No One) [attachment=3633:EastLands_herbs.jpg] Gate to East Lands (Eagle Eye, No One) [attachment=3635:noMansLand_Gate.jpg] MDA Gate (Death Ray, Eagle Eye) [attachment=3636:MDAGate.jpg] Edited February 7, 2012 by Esmaralda Quote
No one Posted February 7, 2012 Report Posted February 7, 2012 Esmeralda, you are funny . if you are so interested on when I deplete a resource ... give me a PM (in game) and I will PM you when I deplete another location. I don't really have the time to post my own ... whatever those are . This topic is funny. But it is really frustrating as Eon has more pics then me. Watcher, Eon, Pothos and 3 others 2 4 Quote
Mya Celestia Posted February 8, 2012 Report Posted February 8, 2012 [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]You can point out the depletion of the Loreroot herbs. It won't do any good. We gathered to defend them, which in turn drew many others to attack us mercilessly and go after the herbs with a vengeance. Someone asked me if Loreroot has rules about the herbs like Tribunal. Sure we do, but those that take the herbs don't care.[/font][/color] [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]This isn't meant to be a whine. Simple statement of what I have witnessed. Don't ask for screenshots. As others have observed, they don't bring the sort of response that is helpful. Until there is a decrease in the baskets or a great many more people care, a single thief will always prevail.[/font][/color] [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]There aren't single gun fights in MD. This isn't the old west. One with a gun and a mission cannot make things right.[/font][/color] Tal, No one, death ray and 3 others 3 3 Quote
dst Posted February 8, 2012 Report Posted February 8, 2012 Thief? Are you even using that brain you're supposed to have? How dare you call someone a thief simply because that person uses the IN GAME TOOLS? nadrolski, Pipstickz, Kaya and 5 others 3 5 Quote
death ray Posted February 8, 2012 Report Posted February 8, 2012 Why are you attacking me over one herb? From two different spots. It's my first time harvesting herbs, I didn't no there where issue's about it. Haven't been that in tune about them due to outside issues. But, I see now. I'll just stick to LR for my needs, and enforce the laws there. No further comments. Quote
Yrthilian Posted February 8, 2012 Report Posted February 8, 2012 [quote name='dst' timestamp='1328688514' post='103790'] Thief? Are you even using that brain you're supposed to have? How dare you call someone a thief simply because that person uses the IN GAME TOOLS? [/quote] sorry i had to reply to this comment. Just because you have a tool to do something does not automaticaly give you a right to go take all resorces from another land you are not part of. In RL i cannot just go to another country and depelet it of its oil. i have to have a permit and gain rights to go mine for that resorce. Why should it be any diffrent in MD? If someone comes to a land a depelets its resorces then yes that land has a right to call them a thief. as this is what they have done. gone agenst the land law's and that the people whom are of that land feel they have the right to protect just because there is no reall system in place to stop that does not mean they dont have the right to say it. You know how i feel about EON and his/her breaking of land laws and trade agreements. and i was in my right to say what i said. But could not act as no system was there for me to do so. No i am not moaning i am just pointing that out. I do concider EON a law breaker and a trade breaker. So to me EON is a crook and that is how i will treat eon. Watcher, Manda, ignnus and 11 others 8 6 Quote
Popular Post duxie Posted February 8, 2012 Popular Post Report Posted February 8, 2012 [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][quote name='dst' timestamp='1328688514' post='103790'][/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Thief? Are you even using that brain you're supposed to have? How dare you call someone a thief simply because that person uses the IN GAME TOOLS?[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][/quote][/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]heh... fun logic... *chuckles*[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]I've heard someone has a nuclear weapon in RL... *whistles innocently*[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]oh, and i wander why everyone hates Hitler so much? i guess he just used "IN GAME TOOLS" he had, hehe[/font][/size] Seigheart, Sasha Lilias, Guillak and 17 others 18 2 Quote
Esmaralda Posted February 8, 2012 Report Posted February 8, 2012 (edited) I will keep posting the depletors i find, as this forum topic will help me decide who I will trade with or not. My rule is simple. If I find that you depleted more then 10 times (any land, not just my land), I will not trade with you anymore. Once you depleted over 20 times, I will not trade with your alliance. Once you depleted 30 times, I will not trade with your adepts. I will lower my counts if the person stops depleting. Perhaps this will change behaviour of some people. Perhaps it won't. Time will tell. Edited February 8, 2012 by Esmaralda Eon, Manda, Ivorak and 13 others 12 4 Quote
Udgard Posted February 9, 2012 Report Posted February 9, 2012 Last I checked, people belong to a land, not the land that belongs to the people. I never remember Mur saying "once you become a citizen of a land, the land and all of its contents are yours, no one else may do anything there without your permission". As much as I prefer if people do not deplete and leave resources at 2/3rd. calling them thief and stuff seems wayyy overboard. Just my 2 silver coins. xrieg, Ivorak, No one and 4 others 4 3 Quote
dst Posted February 9, 2012 Report Posted February 9, 2012 No Yrthilian, you are sooo wrong and also hypocrite in your comment. You hate Eon so you take any opportunity to put him in a bad light. Should I remind you the time you used your own tool to harvest Loreroot's resources when only the Wood Cutters had the ability ? Again, it comes down to game mechanics. EVERY SINGLE TIME someone doesn't like what another person does using the mechanisms offered by the game you start yelling BUG ABUSERS (when it's NOT the case -see the illusions issue) or THIEVES (see current issue). When Eon took over TW and Peace got it back through illusions, nobody yelled BUGS! RUN! No. Everybody was happy. I don't even know why I bother....EVERYTHING Eon does is frown upon. That's why I will keep helping him as much as I can. Also, start hunting me: I plan to gather some Lumber soon. And I don't intend to leave 2/3 of the resource in place. Kamisha, Soothing Sands, Liberty4life and 17 others 5 15 Quote
ChildOfTheSoul Posted February 9, 2012 Report Posted February 9, 2012 (edited) I can't help but agree with Udgard. Whether someone depletes resources is up to them, but is also subject to public disapproval. They aren't really stealing, but they are making the decision to open themselves up to criticism. It is perfectly reasonable to let other people know who's been depleting resources as a public announcement for trades and such, but people tend to go to extremes. Edited February 9, 2012 by ChildOfTheSoul Quote
death ray Posted February 9, 2012 Report Posted February 9, 2012 Sounds like "we" need to be more organized with the distributing of certain tools. Maybe even put a tax of sorts on them for the use of them. It's not the herbs we should focus on, Nor the person. It's the tool. Think about it. Watcher, Chewett, Pipstickz and 1 other 4 Quote
Mya Celestia Posted February 9, 2012 Report Posted February 9, 2012 [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I did not say that the land (or anything in it) belongs to the people. I said we tried to defend them. The issue seems to be my use of the word 'thief'. Clearly my view of how I used it is a bit wider than others. It may have gone over better had I used something like greedy capitalist. *shrugs* My point in the post was that they can keep posting screenshots of Loreroot, but it likely won't do any good. Those that over harvest will continue to do it because as dst put it, "that person uses the IN GAME TOOLS." I never called it a bug or abuse. It's more disappointing than anything else.[/font][/color] [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Beings should live in balance with the land. Stripping it isn't balance. Stripping it is robbing the land itself and its ability to perpetuate itself. [/font][/color] lashtal, Jubaris, Kaya and 4 others 5 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted February 9, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted February 9, 2012 [quote name='death ray' timestamp='1328821043' post='103915'] Sounds like "we" need to be more organized with the distributing of certain tools. Maybe even put a tax of sorts on them for the use of them. It's not the herbs we should focus on, Nor the person. It's the tool. Think about it. [/quote] How do you suggest limiting it... You are going to grab all the tools before people can get them? Wasnt this was Pip was doing in Tribunal and it worked well? No one 1 Quote
Maebius Posted February 9, 2012 Report Posted February 9, 2012 [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1328824354' post='103920'] How do you suggest limiting it... You are going to grab all the tools before people can get them? Wasnt this was Pip was doing in Tribunal and it worked well? [/quote] But make sure you leave some to share, or otherwise, the Lessons of MightyPirate and the hoarded Jars will need repeated. *sighs* On the whole tipic, I agree this screenshot listing is useful from an informational standpoint, the bickering about what and why mgiht not get far. The opposing opinions are deep-set, I'm sure. Quote
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