Darigan Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 I believe there should be a notice that pops up anytime someone uses a spell to teleport a specific person or people. Said person or people should get a box telling them they are about to be teleported and give them the option to accept the teleportation or decline it. If they decline it will cost them some ap or vit or something just to make it fair. Brulant, Burns, phantasm and 10 others 3 10 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted October 26, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted October 26, 2011 [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1319665094' post='94707'] I believe there should be a notice that pops up anytime someone uses a spell to teleport a specific person or people. Said person or people should get a box telling them they are about to be teleported and give them the option to accept the teleportation or decline it. If they decline it will cost them some ap or vit or something just to make it fair. [/quote] thats not the idea of GoE which was made so remove people from places they shouldnt be during the HC... xrieg 1 Quote
Pipstickz Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 Teleporting spells aren't meant for your convenience. If they only worked when the target wanted them to, then why would someone bother buying the spell in a memory stone, or earning it from a higher power? Watcher, phantasm, Brulant and 1 other 2 2 Quote
Darigan Posted October 26, 2011 Author Report Posted October 26, 2011 then ya really shouldn't be selling the spells for any other purpose then that. but then I guess that goes under the: It's my spell I can use it how I please. Watcher, MRAlyon, dst and 1 other 2 2 Quote
ERO Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 i found myself teleported to GoE, too....i know who did that,,,being there idle without my will, cost me alot of skill stats...solution?...i'll gest log out... Quote
Firsanthalas Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 I have to disagree Darigan. The real issue as I see it is memory stones. Currently only a few people actually have spells such as Send to GOE. And generally these spells have a particular reasoning and purpose. As Chewy stated, sending people hiding during TC. I myself have also used Send to GOE to help people that are stuck in the maze or some far flung part of MD that would require 5 billion Ap to get back from. No, as I see it the real issue is that with power stones, the number of people and number of casts of these spells has increased. There could be an argument that some spell simply shouldn't be traded perhaps. Or the trade on them be restricted somehow. On a personal note I feel that the spell trading is actually not a good thing. I feel that it cheapens the value of spells. Previously people got access to spells because of merit and/or because of WPs. Now it seems everyone can all have spells for a few coins. Mind you, you also need to point out that it is in part due to the people with these spells in the first place willing to trade them to line their pockets (or if you give the stone away as a reward or prize the recipient may well sell it on). Let the flaming commence. Granos, dst, smartalekrj and 1 other 3 1 Quote
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 I like the idea here, but it ignores the administrative nature of said spells...and the ‘spell’ bit. Unfortunately, some of the people with them are also ignoring that. In theory, those who earned those spells should have the same pickiness and responsibility in terms of distribution, just as it was hard for them themselves to have been taught the spell imo. Still, cant win either way, then people would complain too about 'vets hogging spells' or something. My suggestion for now based on this sort of thing- if someone who learned it from a memory stone tries to use a spell, then something about the person they are trying to use it on should be taken into account. Their ability to use the spell should be ‘weaker’ and so a yes or no from the person involved would make sense, but it would want to be a sub-conscious one, not a pop-up...or the pop-up only appearing if you are resistant enough. Something based on you. For example: the more permanent spells you have, the more resistant you might be to weak casters. Or like you say there Darigan, it could cost you something, like heat, to work against the spell in any way – just as it cost heat to cast it. Just because you temporarily learnt a spell, you are a master at it and everyone bows to your will? Doesn’t make sense to me....but then, I expect the system to evolve. Z Shadowseeker, Mya Celestia, Pothos and 5 others 5 3 Quote
Mighty Pirate Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 I agree to Z, the problem came with the memory stones. I'd like to add that there are more spells that have a sort of administrative purpose. MP6 spells are also stored on memory stones. Shouldn't the use of these spells be restricted to actual MP6? A solution I suggest is to restrict the spells which can be stored on memory stones to the ones which are available in the wish shop. Quote
Darigan Posted October 28, 2011 Author Report Posted October 28, 2011 I wouldn't mind that Pirate. That would cut out MP6 and LHO spells which are earned by the people that hold those positions and shouldn't be able to be dealt out like candy. Esmaralda, dst, Chewett and 1 other 2 2 Quote
Laphers Posted October 28, 2011 Report Posted October 28, 2011 Perhaps something like (castee's Power / castee's Active Days) / (caster's Power / caster's Active Days) = chance of failure (Perhaps Luck should be figured in as well). And apply this to all stones. This could mean that a younger or less active player should have less chance to work a packaged spell against an older/more active player and a spell earned (through the shop) doesn't suffer this chance of failure. (Zl-eye-f)-nea 1 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted October 28, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted October 28, 2011 Spells are Wonderful because they work on anyone, regardless of age or anything. Having spell stones allow younger players to have some spells via quests and paying for them, players who have yet to earn wishpoints. I see the spell stones are a great way to put more magic into magicduel. Because now its much easier to temporarily get a spell and have some fun with it. What you are suggesting, is to remove spells from newer players, removing one of the only places in the game where anyone has an equal chance to do things, since spells are not based upon any factor of that player, and "just work" Limit, remove or whatever them. You are merely limiting your own powers to defend against this "monster" Eon you are complaining about. Prince Marvolo, xrieg, Tarquinus and 2 others 5 Quote
Firsanthalas Posted October 28, 2011 Report Posted October 28, 2011 Chewy, there is another way to look at it. You devalue wishpoints. Because you can now buy a spell, you no longer need to get a wishpoint to get it. Seeing as you bring up Eon I also think you are missing the point Darigan is trying to make. Many spells have little effect on Eon in comparison to other people and in fact at least one spell seems to give Eon a further advantage, that advantage being that Eon can use send to GOE to send people there to be attacked and inflict further stat loss. Thus, Eon no longer has to chase people and they effectively cannot hide from Eon. Powerstones allow players to essentially stockpile spells too. Under normal circumstances you could say that, lets take the send to GOE spell, isn't a problem because a person can only cast it 4 times every two weeks. Sure Eon can teleport people to GOE, but only 4 times a fortnight right?. Wrong, this no longer holds true. With powerstones a person can increase the number of casts of any given spell they have. I will also point something else out. Said person sent Firs to the lighthouse in GG when Firs was dead. I didn't much find that funny. Sending me to a remote location in MD when I had no ability to move was not a whole lot of fun. And the thing is that I cannot simply return the favour. This is true for most people. So forgive me if I grow a little tired of hearing this argument about getting your own back. The situation with Eon is completely different from anyone else in MD. Anyone else in MD can teleport someone to GOE and attack them. BUT, nobody else in MD does statdamage to everyone else regardless. Prince Marvolo, Watcher, Pipstickz and 2 others 3 2 Quote
dst Posted October 28, 2011 Report Posted October 28, 2011 Why on earth did this topic turn into another anti-Eon rant? Don't you people have anything better to do? Spells have no restrictions. Someone can do whatever he/she wants with them. Period. Yes, you can come with ideas about how to restrict spells and you can discuss them if you really wish (that's why we have the forum, don't we?) but don't start whining and ranting again. Simply because it's a waste of time and it generates only anger. Kaya, Pipstickz, Seigheart and 3 others 4 2 Quote
Deatznce0 Posted October 28, 2011 Report Posted October 28, 2011 Considering how this thread is derailing into an anti-Eon/Wishpoint spell problem thread lets go back on topic shall we? I like the idea but it might take away some privileges by older players or those with special roles, my suggestion would be to perhaps have two different types of teleport spells? One (which is more public) which can be declined (at a cost - and with a time limit before they are either taken to that location?) and one (for those with more administrative roles) which forces a player into a location regardless. Unfortunately, I'm unconvinced that it should be used to teleport people out of locations during HC, it is meant to be unfair (although the "unfair" section of the HC has never really been defined) and I certainly do not think that spells are not be used for convenience. Spells should be allowed to be freely casted (with the exception of some that are given specific purposes; such as jail/silencing) but this is all just my own personal opinion. Quote
Rendril Posted October 29, 2011 Report Posted October 29, 2011 I like the idea Laphers proposed of having a chance of failure on a spell stone. It does not necessarily have to be based on age or activity, there could be a spell casting stat (for which a high stat would correlate with high age of course), even a function where the more stones a player has used in a day the greater the chance of failure to cast, etc. Brulant, Darigan and Tarquinus 2 1 Quote
Darigan Posted October 29, 2011 Author Report Posted October 29, 2011 I like that, and it'd make sense. Quote
Mya Celestia Posted October 29, 2011 Report Posted October 29, 2011 [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I agree. A random chance of failure makes it more "real". People generally aren't perfect at something the first time. Failure should be an option. Bring on random acts of oops! [/font][/color] Quote
dst Posted October 29, 2011 Report Posted October 29, 2011 There aren't enough spells (aka casts) in the game right now to afford such changes. Brulant, Watcher, Pothos and 1 other 2 2 Quote
Darigan Posted October 29, 2011 Author Report Posted October 29, 2011 1 failure in 3/4 casts isn't too bad and that's only if you get them from stones, I rather think it'd balance out the ability to get any spell you want for the right price. Quote
Passant the Weak Posted October 30, 2011 Report Posted October 30, 2011 [quote name='dst' timestamp='1319925389' post='94855'] There aren't enough spells (aka casts) in the game right now to afford such changes. [/quote] I think there are: every 2 weeks you get additional enchanted stones on the market. Eventually, there will be hundred of cast of each spell available in players pockets in the form of stones. Quote
Brulant Posted October 30, 2011 Report Posted October 30, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1319954223' post='94879'] I think there are: every 2 weeks you get additional enchanted stones on the market. Eventually, there will be hundred of cast of each spell available in players pockets in the form of stones. [/quote] As it is right now, not many people have enough money to buy that many stones. The cost is the main thing that's stopping everyone from running around with every spell in the book. Frankly, I think it's doing a pretty good job so far. And, sure, enough stones may exist eventually, but who's going to want to spend 10sc on an acousticremains stone and then have your last cast fail when you need to take an important log? And lets just imagine that you need to cast the spell 100 times before you can cast it perfectly. You'd have to spend upwards of 22gc before you could rest easy knowing that you'd always be able to cast it when you needed to. Maybe it'd be a different story if the stone enchanters dropped their prices, but that would make spells even more available which I think is rather counterproductive if you already think that spells are too widespread. I'm not sure where I stand personally on the idea, but I do know that I've spent upwards of 3gc buying and experimenting with spells just because I'm a curious person. Part of me thinks the idea makes sense, but my checkbook will be hurting. Edit: I did some math wrong. ((100 casts/3 casts per stone) x 10sc per stone)/15sc per gc = 22gc. I don't know where I got 6 from. Heh. Edited October 30, 2011 by Brulant Quote
Passant the Weak Posted October 30, 2011 Report Posted October 30, 2011 I believe the idea does make sense too. And I think offer/demand should make prices go down for stones. Given the number of sand I see in people pockets or transformed in my sand melter (yeah I pay more attention to sand than stones!), there are a lot of memory stones gathered at the moment. I can't imagine hundred of blank stones being stuck in people pocket with no use...But that will be a long process, as for any monoply. Quote
Darigan Posted November 1, 2011 Author Report Posted November 1, 2011 Chewy says the point of GOE spell is to get people from places they shouldn't be during heads, If that is truly the case the spell really has no main point anymore, as it is it's a good way to recover people when they get stuck,,,,I however was not stuck when I was in Oak Tower only to wake up and find myself in GOE with -7 of most stats. I ask if its possible for a ban on the sale of GoE memory stones. That is one spell you should have to earn and not just be able to get for the right price. Watcher and Pipstickz 1 1 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted November 1, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted November 1, 2011 [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1320178735' post='95073'] Chewy says the point of GOE spell is to get people from places they shouldn't be during heads, If that is truly the case the spell really has no main point anymore, as it is it's a good way to recover people when they get stuck,,,,I however was not stuck when I was in Oak Tower only to wake up and find myself in GOE with -7 of most stats. I ask if its possible for a ban on the sale of GoE memory stones. That is one spell you should have to earn and not just be able to get for the right price. [/quote] Since GoE is owned by so few, you would only really need to gather them and get everyone to agree to that. You dont even need a mur rule as long as everyone or nearly everyone agrees. community action is sometimes far stronger... Ivorak 1 Quote
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