Dan Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 (edited) Type: GameRequirement: know how to play availability of at least 10 minutes each day. Participant fee: 1 item (or more) of any kind but shared item. It can be resources.Prize: flowers (from Zyrxae) sawdust (from Eagle Eye) A Cup of Cold Tea.(from Koshu Farsight) sticky goop (from Rikstar, Hiria) Rainbow candy (from Panthea) Piece of cake (from AmberRune) 1 8-Shaped Odd Rock (from DST) 4 BMMO Bronze Gifts (from Lord Tipu) 1 Memory stone (from Mallos) 2 heat stones (from *Nimrodel*, JadenDew) 1 Movelock stone (from Samon) 1 Invisibility Stone (from Rophs) 1 Boostdefence stone (From Syrian) 1 Chaoticboost stone (from Esmaralda) 2 locate stone (from Eara, Jester) 2 mirrorritual stones (from DarkRaptor, Valldore Nal) 3 silver coins (from Dark Demon, Change, Addy) 1 gold coin (from Lintara) 1 wishpoint (from Dan) Starting Date: Friday 24th MayPlace: the forum. We will play on map1Rules: Mostly the same as last time. Basically, you create a character, then each turn, you plan your action, talk to each other, fight the others for power or hide to survive. Your choice. Each turn will last for 1 day. You can send in your action any time before 0:00ST. The last 5 players will fight a boss. If they manage to beat the boss, then the heros will proceed to share the reward among themselves. [log='Rules']This game/quest is called D.O.M., or D-oh-M or D. of M., or Dofm, or whatever...-Edited- M. by no mean stand for or related to Mur. [hr] Dom has 4 stages:FIRST STAGE: Character's creation Each player will create their own character by adding 3 modifications (mod) to a basic character, and will incarnate that character till then end of stage4. When every player has their character ready, each will choose secretly a location (scene) to begin in, then every character will be teleported to their chosen scene, and stage2 begins. SECOND STAGE: Elimination Each and every character will carry out any [acronym='option a character is allowed to choose to do in a turn. There are 4 types of action, listed in order of priority: melee, range, magic, and move.']action[/acronym] they want, all according to the rule. This stage ends when there are 5 living characters left. THIRD STAGE: Boss fighting The boss must be defeated in order for the remaining characters to pass to stage4 FOURTH STAGE: Reward This stage will only end when there is an agreement amongst all the living characters on how to divide the reward. -Edited- the game mechanism is still in effect in stage4. It would be a shame if an unfortunate accident happened to our heroes who have made it this far, for example: a stab in the back. -Edited- in stage4, each living character has a new action available, called decision (1 decision/turn, decision can only be made in phase1): until all the living characters make the same decision in the same turn, stage4 will not end. [hr] Basic character has 100 hp, 0 mp, 3 defence (def), 8 [acronym='a stat that determines the damage deals to target.']attack[/acronym] (att), 1 movement (mvt), 1 [acronym='number of actions a character can do in 1 turn. It also determines the priority of action of the same type.']agility[/acronym] (agi), 0 range (rg) All action of range = 0 is melee. A basic character’s action can be chosen amongst: [acronym='melee action that deals physical damage = (your_att) minus (target_def)']strike[/acronym], intercept, ambush, guard, retrieve, and move. [hr]GAME’s MECHANISM: From stage2 to stage4, the game is divided into turns. At the beginning of each turn, every living character confirms all of their actions (in order that they will happen if there is more than one). Each turn is divided into X phases, with X is the greatest agi that a living character has. In the phase 1, the first action of each character is carried out, in order of priority. If any actions have the same priority, they all happen simultaneously. When all action and damage of a phase takes effect, that phase ends and the next phase (if there is) begins. Each character can only execute 1 action in each phase. Order of priority: melee > range > magic > move Amongst actions of the same type of the same phase, action of the character with higher agi has priority.Weariness: if you lose hp during any turn, add the following damage: damage=for k from 1 to n do sum of〖5×(k^2-agi) 〗, with n is the last phase that you do an action. Any negative number results from calculation will take the value of zero.Damage’s calculation has effect immediately when the action is executed. Only the enteger part of the result of calculation will be taken into account. For exemple: 2.5 is 2; 1.3 is 1; 0.8 is 0.Promotion: if you are (amongst) the last to deal a hit that makes a character lose his last hp, you gain an extra mod. You can use it at the end of any turns. When a character dies, any object that character has will belong to the scene. If a mod contradicts a regular rule, follow the mod. If a higher tier mod contradicts another mod, follow the higher tier. If there is a specific rule for the specific situation, follow the specific rule. [hr]GLOSSARY:Action: option a character is allowed to choose to do in a turn. There are 4 types of action, listed in order of priority: melee, range, magic, and move.Agility: number of actions a character can do in 1 turn. It also determines the priority of action of the same type.Ambush: use “ambush [character] at [scene]” to become hidden, move to [scene] and strike [character] when they enters [scene], with damage=(your_att)*2 - target_def. You will lose hidden then or when you do any other action or when you takes damage. Omit [character] to use ambush on the first character enters [scene].Attack: a character’s stat that determines the damage deals to target.Condition: temporal change applied to a character. All character starts with no condition.Damage: amount of hp subtracted from a character’s current hp.Defence: a character’s stat that reduces the damage you take.Disable: you can't take any action.Guard: if target the scene you are in, double your def during the current turn, and you will make the first character that travels through that scene stop in it. If target another character, during this turn, action targeting that character is directed to you instead, any physical damage dealt to you this way will be reduced by the double of your def.Hidden: your current scene won't be displayed.You have vulnerable until you lose hidden by doing any action or get hit. Double your_att when you do. Hit: when you successfully does damage to a character.Hp: it represents a character’s health. The character dies when their hp is 0.Intercept: use "intercept [character]" to strike [character] when they enter your scene, the damage = (your_att)*2 – target_def. Omit [character] to use intercept on the first character enters your scene.Move: A character travels to a scene other than the one he starts the turn in, through all the scenes in between. Distance between the starting scene and the destination can be any integer from 1 to X, with X is the character’s mvt. If the character chooses to move X scenes, with X being any number ends with .5, then, in the current turn, that character moves (X-0.5) scenes, in the following turn, that character moves (X+0.5) scenes. Those moves execute under normal move’s rule. Move can only be executed in phase1 when the character has not taken any melee damage that turn. Range: The distance between the attacker and its target. When they are in the same scene, the range is 0 and the attack is melee. X range means the character can target any character in scene whose distance is less than or equal to X. Range action’s damage is calculated by damage= (your attack) + (distance) - (defense) Retrieve: use “[retrieve] + [object’s name]” to get an available object in the current scene. You are vulnerable until the end of that turn. You can get the object only if you dont get any hit that turn.Strike: melee action that deals physical damage = (your_att) – (target_def)Vulnerable: double any damage you take. [/log] Please post your inscription here (your character's name, and the item(s) you donate towards the prize). [log='Map'] [/log] [log='Current locations at the beginning of Turn 54'] 35: [acronym='8att, 28def, 2mvt, 4agi, 10hp_regen']Eaxryz[/acronym] [200/200] -paralyzed jet(3) 35: Web [1/1] {Amber} 35: Web [1/1] 35: Web [1/1] 35: Web [1/1] 35:[acronym='Thick skinned, Iron skin, Action-Reaction, Chivalry, Angelic Sword, 8+2att, 8def, 1mvt, 1agi, 0rg, 1hp_regen']Amber[/acronym][100/100] acid{+1} -1def paralyzed 33:[acronym='Leadersheep, Agile, Sneaky, First-Aid, Jester's Charm{Mallos}, Angelic Sword, 8+2att, 3def, 1mvt, 2agi, 0rg, 1hp_regen']Change[/acronym][150/150][0/5] -3def acid{+1} 34:Demonic Sword 75:[acronym='Time Stand Still, Agile, Athletic,Precision, Demonic Sword, Angelic Sword, 120hp, 0mp, 11+6+2att, 3def, 3mvt, 4agi, 0rg,4hp_degen']Jester[/acronym][79/120] acid{1} -1def 04:[acronym='Spring, Windwalk, Time stands still, Spellholder, Charmer, Enchanter, Angelic Sword ,Angelic Sword, 100hp, 3mp, 8+2+2att, 3def, 3mvt, 2agi, 0rg, 2hp_regen, 13mp_regen']Syrian[/acronym][100/100][5/5] +8upkeep +4mvt +2agi +1mod 33:[acronym='Bow, Upgraded Bow, Hawkeye, Poison, 100hp,0mp,8+3+3+3att, 3def, 1mvt, 1agi, 1rg']Zyrxae[/acronym][100/100] +6mvt +3agi paralyzed(2) [/log] [log='Previously...'] 35: [acronym='8att, 28def, 2mvt, 4agi, 10hp_regen']Eaxryz[/acronym] [200/200] Phase 1: Paralyzing Jet{Zyrxae:33} Phase 2: Spin cobweb Phase 3: Spin cobweb Phase 4: Spin cobweb 35: Web [1/1] 35: Web [1/1] 35:[acronym='Thick skinned, Iron skin, Action-Reaction, Chivalry, Angelic Sword, 8+2att, 8def, 1mvt, 1agi, 0rg, 1hp_regen']Amber[/acronym][100/100] acid{+1} -1def Phase 1: hit web 2 on scene 35. Web is destroyed. Stuck in the other web (pazalyzed) 34:[acronym='Leadersheep, Agile, Sneaky, First-Aid, Jester's Charm{Mallos}, Angelic Sword, 8+2att, 3def, 1mvt, 2agi, 0rg, 1hp_regen']Change[/acronym][150/150][5/5] -3def acid{+1} Inspire{Jester, AmberRune, Zyrxae, Syrian} Phase 1: move{33} 34:Demonic Sword 32:[acronym='Time Stand Still, Agile, Athletic,Precision, Demonic Sword, Angelic Sword, 120hp, 0mp, 11+6+3+2att, 3def, 3mvt, 4agi, 0rg,4hp_degen']Jester[/acronym][83/120] +2mvt +1agi acid{1} -1def Phase 0: Move to 33 -> 34. lose enchantements Phase 1: Intercept Eaxryz 04:[acronym='Spring, Windwalk, Time stands still, Spellholder, Charmer, Enchanter, Angelic Sword ,Angelic Sword, 100hp, 3mp, 8+2+2att, 3def, 3mvt, 2agi, 0rg, 2hp_regen, 13mp_regen']Syrian[/acronym][100/100][2/5] +11upkeep +4mvt +2agi +1mod do nothing 33:[acronym='Bow, Upgraded Bow, Hawkeye, Poison, 100hp,0mp,8+3+3+3att, 3def, 1mvt, 1agi, 1rg']Zyrxae[/acronym][100/100] +6mvt +3agi acid{+1} -1def Phase 1: move to 31. Pazalyzed3 Phase 2: shoot the other web at 35. Pazalyzed3 Phase 3: shoot at Boss at 35. Pazalyzed3 Phase 4: shoot at Boss at 35. Pazalyzed3 [/log] Edited July 31, 2013 by Dan Change and Jester 2
DARK DEMON Posted May 3, 2013 Report Posted May 3, 2013 [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]DARK DEMON, 1 silver coin.[/color][/font] Jester, Lazarus, Plix Plox and 2 others 3 2
rikstar Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 (edited) Name: Rikstar Item: sticky goop Edited May 12, 2013 by rikstar Dan 1
Koshu Farsight Posted May 13, 2013 Report Posted May 13, 2013 Koshu Farsight A Cup of Cold Tea. Dan 1
DARK DEMON Posted May 16, 2013 Report Posted May 16, 2013 Some participants are not in the forum conversation where the quest is taking place cause there's a max of 20... what is to be done for them?
Jester Posted May 16, 2013 Report Posted May 16, 2013 (edited) High Jesticar, the Most High, Exalted, Lord Supreme General, Emperor, His Holiness Sir Jester McJesty Jestington the 4th, Esquire, of JesTown, Jestervania, Jestered States of Jesteria, PO Box 69696 Locate Stone, 3 casts AND The One and Only, Cutely Cuddle-able, Awesomely Adorable, Bear Cub (adopted) and First Jestermas Elf, Syrian of Underneath your Bed and Inside your Closet, Boogeyville, United States of Slightly More Cuteness than Creepiness Memory Stone Edited May 16, 2013 by Jester Eara Meraia 1
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