Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted January 12, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Mp6 proves to be a stage that is far from being flooded with people and those that got to it look to me as very worthy of it. Do you think mp6 should get more powerful abilities? Or will this tempt people to do "anything" to reach it, forgetting about mp6 stage name (protector) if you think yes, say in one line what this stage should get more. If you think no, say in one line why not. Please pick only one of the things you have to say about this subject so i can read and evaluate all your answers. I will ignore elaborated answers. Edited January 12, 2015 by Muratus del Mur Rophs, Eagle Eye, Ary Endleg and 2 others 5 Quote
Peace Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 Our community has grown less in comparison to what it was 4 years ago. Currently we can hold only two active protectors barely. If the population stays as it is more or less then yes, I see why not? It could actually give the ones who are working on that position more things to do, more people to help? Kyphis the Bard, Myth, Sunfire and 2 others 5 Quote
Rophs Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 [log Mp6 should have life+death power on worshipers. Mp6 only has life power. Give mp6 death power.]It's shortened because Mur wants only one line. I'm apprehensive in posting this in accordance with the five minute rule but I'm going to "violate" my own judgement for the sake of making a short statement for Mur's sake.[/log] Burns, No one, dst and 7 others 1 9 Quote
Fang Archbane Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 It should become more powerful, if for nothing else, for the sake of fun. dst, John Constantine, No one and 3 others 1 5 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Just do anything, whether by granting super powerful abilities or some other method, to give MP6 an actual purpose for both the protector and the community... not something just an MP6-wannabe begs for. Create reasons for Protector/s to exist in the community and how they actually influence things. Edited January 12, 2015 by DARK DEMON Jubaris, Myth, Menhir and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Eagle Eye Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 Yes, But not on powerful but helping newbies spell are good for mp6. Kyphis the Bard, John Constantine, Burns and 4 others 7 Quote
Ary Endleg Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 Yes, because mp6 powers are currently quite downgraded in first place. They are protectors yet I feel that they don't really have any real protect-power for game world we play in today. Myth, Menhir, Kyphis the Bard and 5 others 8 Quote
Sasha Lilias Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 They've done well enough so far and help people as much as they can, why is there need for more power? No. Jubaris, John Constantine, Chewett and 4 others 7 Quote
Myth Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Yes. If they reach MP6 and don't act as protectors (it's a role, right?) they can be punished. They can get more power to better suit today's image of MD. Edited January 12, 2015 by Myth John Constantine, Kyphis the Bard, Ivorak and 1 other 4 Quote
Rophs Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Respect and obey your protector, denying your protectors wishes or changing him will cost you dearly, he has life and death powers over your soul. Give protector more ways to punish worshiper. spell to give worshipers skilldamage forms of weaken Spells to teleport worshipers into unsavory locations KILL a worshipper revive a worshipper (prot-kill/revive should only affect somebody worshiping the mp6 who casts it, can't be made into spellstones) Edited January 13, 2015 by Rophs Myth, Kyphis the Bard, Lazarus and 2 others 4 1 Quote
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 I vote yes. Its not an easy thing to do, it deserves a fitting bit of awesomeness. Either the ones who deserve it get cool skills, or yes it will tempt people and that will cause conflict and therefore energy. Z Granos, Kyphis the Bard, Myth and 4 others 7 Quote
Lazarus Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Edited May 11, 2015 by Lazarus Kyphis the Bard, Myth and Jubaris 3 Quote
Jubaris Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 One more thing to consider is the status of a worshipper. Let's say the protector role gets more powers (which I think it should), and one of his worshippers gets into real trouble. Protector has no interest to defend him, if the enemy is someone dangerous, not getting heat from somebody anymore is a small sacrifice not to disturbe the monotonous today. If we could accent the bond between the protector and the worshipper somehow... One extra thing I deem important: (I've put it in the spoiler box not to detter people from reading my long posts :P) [spoiler]Also, consider that requirements for an mp6 are pretty huge, especially in the world of today. If we could put an accent on the role of being an adept of somebody (and allow not being an adept of somebody along the way), in that way so that people appreciate the fact that player A is an adept of player B (not sure in which way it can be done, but let's have it as a goal for a start), then we could decrease the number of adepts required for one to become mp6. Several faction-based protectors, rather than a few world-wide protectors that have to be politicaly correct to everybody so they can maintain their status as a protector, but political correctness is not that much compatible with protection. [/spoiler] (Zl-eye-f)-nea and Sunfire 2 Quote
BFH Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 I was mp6 for a very long time and MP6 spells aren't quite effective. You are the "Protector" of someone but you can;t do much to protect someone. You are suppossed to heal and help the people you protect, but spells are quite weak (heal for example). [Maybe instead of thinking on fixed amounts of everything, make all percentage based in a conditioned way. Example for a heal, if player's max ve is below 300, then heal spell effect stays with 300 else heal amount goes to 300+X% of users max ve] Idk many things should be done to fix that game stage. And while people might think this change isn't necessary, it is a change that should be done in preparations for the new tutorial and the new changes of A25. b Ps. ignore spelling, i really don't have the time to revise. Ary Endleg, Kyphis the Bard and Myth 3 Quote
Menhir Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 I vote Yes ... the given powers should not make the protector more powerful but those who recieve from him ... "giving" as a humble service for those in need. Syrian, Myth, Aelis and 1 other 4 Quote
Syrian Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 i agree with menhir, though i would replace "Him" with "Her" :P Kyphis the Bard and Myth 2 Quote
Ary Endleg Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Give protector more ways to punish worshiper. spell to give worshipers skilldamage forms of weaken Spells to teleport adepts into unsavory locations Since this is your second post already, I'll have to say that protectors already have weaken and debuff spells. I don't see how skilldamage adds into anything in here. No for adepts thingy, adept and worshiper are two different things. Rophs 1 Quote
Rophs Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 I used the wrong word, meant to use worshipper instead of adept Quote
Pipstickz Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Assuming requirements to reach it stay the same, MP6 should be given similar powers to RPCs back in the day: spell doc, WP, interesting spells. Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted January 13, 2015 Author Root Admin Report Posted January 13, 2015 ok i made up my mind, thank you for your feedback mp6 SHOULD get something more now, to go into details: - what sorts of things do you think a protector should be able to protect against? I want this limited to protecting, not to give stuff, not to give advantages and such. Protecting means defensive, protector means to guard, not to use to obtain other advantages. The abilities need to have a big portion of lowered ego and a huge portion of altruism in their design. The power of the proctor needs to come based on heat, as this is the thing that he receives from the followers. 3 lines MAXIMUM (ps, i simply ignored the repleis with more than one line above) , please do not quote anyone, keep the reply to take less space visually. Thank you. Kyphis the Bard and Ary Endleg 2 Quote
Assira the Black Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Spells:Send to sanctuary or temporarily make a location a sanctuary, Increase regeneration stat of player, cast a defensive shield similar to the one in md shop, give a portion of mp6 stats temporarily , give a portion of mp6 principles temporarily, push away nonwhorshippers, directly heals creatures, locate worshipper's,gives temp protector equipment, could probably come up with more. Chewett 1 Quote
Rophs Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 (edited) prot-martyrrevive: Protector sacrifices their own life to revive one of their worshipers draining all heat from the protector's Elroin. Must be alive to cast. prot-martyrkill: Protector sacrifices their own life to kill the target draining all heat from the protector's Elroin. Must be alive to cast. prot-rebirth: Protector consumes all of the heat in their elroin to be reborn. Requires a LOT of heat to cast (like 100k or so) [log More intense stuff (lots of words):] Yes, I'm aware that a protector doesn't have infinite elroin heat at the moment. Ann. 3128 Priority: 1 [2014-09-11 21:59:49 - Stage 12] Protectors max heat reduced back to the normal value until more discussions have taken place. If you don't want to change it back then prot-revive can give 25 non-regenerable casts of prot-rebirth and have prot-rebirth require 4k heat. Then when all of the prot-rebirth casts are gone the protector would revive[/log] Edited January 13, 2015 by Rophs DARK DEMON, No one, dst and 1 other 4 Quote
Eagle Eye Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Protector Spell Upgrade Pro-heal - Cast 15 players effect 100k heal VE each and heats needed 5K (hoping this allow the mp6 erolin heats upgrade to 10k heats stored) Pro-attack - Cast 10 players effect 100% (100 become 400 ) attack boost Pro-defense - Cast 10 players effect 100% ( 100 become 500 ) defense boost Chewett 1 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Here's one that should cause some coding grief: Ability to shield a worshiper such that they do not gain any effects (positive or negative) from being attacked for a duration equal to: [60seconds]x([heatsaccrificed]/[50,000]). This would not impact fights that they chose to start. As a punishment effect, an inability to start any fights and any defences run at 0% ve instead of the amount they were bound at. Chewett 1 Quote
Ary Endleg Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 For starters fix prot-heal and possibly buff up other prot spells. I think that protectors know the best what would be needed, so I would say listen to them. @kyphis: forced 0% isn't really a punishment, moreover that what you suggest would be turned into exactly opposite usage Chewett 1 Quote
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