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  • Root Admin

Recently i changed a playername to Ungod. Someone told me the new playername could be offensive and i shouldn't allow such things. Me personally don't consider anything offensive in it, not even religious in any sort ... but i am a bit biased here.


So, i would like to know if you consider this playername as offensive or not, according you your own personal opinion of things.



  • Root Admin

Question: is not asking peoples personal views and beliefs, itself a little... invasive?

I wouldnt publicly post my religious beliefs, etc, on MD or anywhere on the internet and surely thats going to be the main reasoning for why someone would or wouldnt find it offensive?




I'll quote a part:

To divest of godly powers; to strip of divinity. 


Even in the most extreme interpretations of Ungod's (Richie's) motives, you can only say he's proclaiming himself an enemy (loosely said) of the god concept you take so seriously, rather than insult it.

Controversial or not, I find this as per the MD way.

  • Root Admin

i am not asking about personal beliefs! i am simply asking if this name is offensive or not ... 

it does not imply any religious opinion


am i too unsensitive to all this? oh my *censored*

Posted (edited)

Its not offensive at all, in my opinion.

Maybe to a hardcore christian, but were talking about the same people that gasp when you say "shit" and say things like "dont say dog backwards".

I dont care if we offend that type of person. Some people and religions really need to grow up and open their minds.

Edited by Fang Archbane

i'll be honest it annoys me on some baser level but i've come to respect so called "liberty" nowadays and there is whole bunch other things is annoying me at any given time so it's ok. plus it's an awesome name

Posted (edited)

Personally I don't find it offensive, being an atheist raised in a mostly catholic family. I'm sure there are some people who might not like it but mostly it seems fine.

Edited by Mallos

I couldn't care less one way or the other. The only real ones that would find it offensive are mostly people that are in your face religious people. Meaning they are the ones that try to force their beliefs on everyone else. Everyone should be right to believe what they want to believe, there is no right or wrong until proven so(by death.). So, I feel the name itself is fine, but it does bring up controversy such as this topic.

Posted (edited)

Somebody give Vertu a cookie and a god damn trophy. He speaks one of my Truths, and for that, he has gained much respect.

Vertu ill find a way to reward your Open Mind. Pm me so I dont forget.

Thank you. Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.

Edited by Fang Archbane
Posted (edited)

Unless the name is used as an excuse to bash religions I see no problem with it and that would be more a problem of the person in question instead of th name itself.

Edited by samon

stating yourself as un (negation prefix similar to non) - God is quite correct from my point of view as a believer. Stating the opposite might sound offensive to me.


The aspect of rejection that you might try to emphasize is not bothering me either, since I know that there are millions of people around denying any supreme power. So no, not offensive.


To answer the question Mur no it is no offensive. This topic however is concerning. By no means should you be concerned as to if someone is offended on a religious stand point as someone could have easily originated with that name. Or if someone was to name themselves jesus, allah, or any other religious figure would you ask them to change their name? would the community demand a change of name? Everyone is free to act and choose what they wish to be called unless its actually offensive. IN MY OPINION there is nothing wrong with that name change you've made.

  • Root Admin

ok, got my answer :)

i was not the one bothered by that name, as i said in the post already, but had to check to make sure i am not "blind" to something 


i am far more tolerant to offences and totally un-movable by religious related offences. don;t worry.


As some of you said, maybe God would be a far more offensive name than this one (otherwise a playername i would ban indeed).


Also even if i share opinion with many of those posted here, it would be unfair to vote for any, but also i cant pretend i dont have one of my own.


matter closed, thank you

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