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  5. can be closed ❤️
  6. This can be closed, I found it! It was Blackthorn not gonzalo that was commissioned. http://storenow.net/my/?f=17e1b8b047b0a06381d9a812988fd2f3
  7. Have you tried looking through the trade logs and all that in MDA? Perhaps you'd be able to trace it down, if a person has it they may not be active anymore.
  8. bump if anyone remembers it would help a lot
  9. Looking to exchange 2 GC for silver, please pm in forum or in game. Thank you.
  10. I get quite always this error when moving and every step the interface scroll down so I need to scroll up to click on the map... It's possible fix the interface eliminating the automatic scroll??? It's really annoying... I'm using chrome on android 14.
  11. 02/23/2024 was my last one to receive. They popup all the time but I never actually get them. I got to where now I don't click on them anymore, I just leave it alone and it gets in the way. I was getting them fine back in 2023 based of my emails.
  12. I've been hoarding mine for a while, last one I received was 05/11/2024 - but I tried to pick one up this morning.
  13. This is the date of the last bounty email I have been sent, 3/30/2024, I've been collecting them since but none are in my emails
  14. very interesting, crits are sold now looking to buy a colored fire ele paying gold/colored water ele
  15. I could offer a healthy amount of gold and silver, also a colourful Water Being if any of that is of interest?
  16. So, will Eggdar be able to move and/or follow players latter on? Is or will Eggdar be trainable to traverse MD independently and with instructions? Will we be able to equip Eggdar with say, spell stones or other usable items to use as per requested? Say someone is stuck somewhere due to AP. Would another player be able to give Eggdar the appropriate items to pass to them? Or in general deliver items??
  17. I have one 2k aged along with a 2k aged elemental, not exactly looking to trade them but possible I will trade these also. If you are offering the joker I am not interested.
  18. got some 5k aged colored jokers?
  19. the wires of Eggdar... current abilities, online player awareness, scene vision. Currently suitable for community events, organizing riddles, some quests. It is not aware of md history, or any secrets. It can not move..yet.. It does have memory, so be careful what you test on it, it might remember you in unfavorable ways... consider one day you might need to pass it during a quest or something ..play nice with Eggy
  20. want to buy colored fire elemental the red one pm me
  21. Welcome to Magic Duel!

  22. Welcome to Magic Duel!!

  23. death ray


    @Mallos but look where Handy P. Is now. No more kitty cat... maybe actual active vets
  24. Sir Blut


    I had no clue that's awesome
  25. Mallos


    They added a black cat and Handy Pockets got one
  26. Sir Blut


    Thats something I didn't about @death ray it could be a creature with a option to mount it
  27. Sir Blut


    If you get it just for being a vet most of us that still login would just automatically get it whereas crafting it in some form or doing a quest or something would take more effort on our parts. And it would take forever for new players to get
  28. death ray


    Could work kind of how things work for the player when they are a citizen of a land, like take the land bonus and apply that to your mountable creature. Or build up heat to use to ride the mounted creature
  29. death ray


    Agreed. This should be a thing. At the least let the vets get a MD pet, say for MD anniversary. I still haven't got a vet tag and I been here since 2009 same character and all. But would accept a pet as well in place of that if I don't meet the requirements for vet status
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