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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Happy bifdai Changey-poo I hope you spend it awesomely
  2. I was a test dummy?!? *flail*
  3. Im not bugging anyone No One. The problem is now fixed and thats all there is to it. Assume what you will. Enjoy the rest of your day. And i reiterate o.o^ If any admin could close this, as its point has gone across, twould be sweet <3
  4. Problem fixed. This can be closed now ( ^-^)
  5. Libby, funny as always And sure. If shes a Shade, than im an Angien. Lets see whos wins this one.
  6. Late last night, DST cast TurnToFrog on me. As some of you may know, by the simple logic that MP7 is "broken", when i ended that Illusion (or when i end any Illusion for that matter), i drop back down from MP7, to MP5. I would like to apologize to everyone for this inconvenience. She will keep doing this every time i hit MP7 once more, so be prepared for a lot of stop and gos. Im sincerely sorry to those lower Mind Powers that were making good use of my defenses, and im trying to get this Issue fixed. The issue known as DST of course. And on that note, happy foruming~
  7. I do have a bigger list Luciverus, but it would be best if you made your own in your own time ^^ Think of people what you will. Come to your own decisions. Only that way, will lead you down your own path ^^
  8. Redacted
  9. Hey Luciverus, heads up, Tipu (AKA Sippy Cup) is a theif and a liar. DST is rude and blunt. MRAlyon, although sometimes hard to get along with, is a semi-nice guy. Lone Wolf is usually just funny, not dangerous. Libertys insanely sarcastic 95% of the time, but an all around cool guy. And as for me?... well ill let you figure that out for yourself. I just thought id give you a heads up on the characters that posted on this thread. Some are worth trusting. Others arent. Mainly avoid Sippy Cup, and dont let DSTs rudeness get you down. Aside from that, you should be good. Enjoy MD Little Guy. Ill be at the GoE if you ever need anything.
  10. DST, if you want to correct me, thats fine, im just trying to help a newblet out. However, if your going to correct me, do it right, and tell me, and them, exactly what i said that was wrong. Just saying "incorrect" doesnt help him.
  11. Sorry to inform you Luciverus, but no, that is considered Alt Abuse, and is harshly frowned upon. If you wish to do something with those creatures, like sell them, or anything, you can not give the money gained to this new account. Nothing can be traded from one of your accounts to the other. It is highly illegal, and Alt Abuse will get anyone involved banned.
  12. An option is an option regardless of the circumstance. If this is the road they wish to take, I wholeheartedly support it. Ive never been one to care about what others think (negatively), but an Alliance is equivilant to a home. I don't know what happened to have them lose it. I'm not one to care for politics, I'll leave that to the intellectuals of this realm, and give my humble opinion if asked. They want their home back. I won't fight against it, so why not help them achieve it? I don't care about the natural flow of things. I don't care about what others might think of me for my choices. I follow my own path, and my heart is telling me to help them. In their situation, I would do the same thing. Your entitled to your opinion DST, and so are they. You made your own wish for your own reasons, and DD made his. I won't heckle you over your wish. Frankly, I could care less what you wished for. Thus, I find it petty that you'd stoop so low as to judge them. Who are you to judge? Your opinion is that of a hateful and resentful person. Go ahead. Speak your mind. Troll me. Kill me over my choices. It won't affect me. I'm not afraid to speak for myself, and those I blindly follow. What I feel for Kol is respect. What I feel for Dark is admiration. What I feel for my fallen friends of the Eclipse is love. Blind faith DST. it's more powerful than anything you could possibly do.
  13. Redacted
  14. 1st) Mallos - Negative Stat Damage (10 points) 2nd) Dark Demon - Return of the Children of the Eclipse (9 points) 3rd) Maebius - A Fancy Hat (8 points) 4th) PoE - DST Repellant (7 points) 5th) Fyrd Argentus - A Trace item (6 points) 6th) Nimrodel - Petrify spell coded into her Daimon Head (5 points) 7th) Grido - Land Loyalty (4 points) 8th) ZenTao - Blood Principles Katana (3 points) 9th) Peace - Scimitar of Destruction (2 points) 10th) Chewett - 4 permanent regenerative casts of Summon to Angiens Shrine (1 point)
  15. *high fives Zenny* 2 points towered mah Gameboy? I'm winning this for sure >3>;
  16. Redacted
  17. Edited original post once more, for easier understanding. Edit: Agreed Lighty. Agreed.
  18. I thought they said one couldn't vote for ones self ( 0.0)^ Edit: Then again, that is selfish... GO PIPPY GO Dx!
  19. Edited my original post. Let the hate flow~
  20. Sadly agreed^ I just flee to LoL >>;
  21. You know your on MD too much, when Meteors start to fall at your face. ... xD On a serious note though, you know your on MD too much, when every 15 minutes you feel the need to "move" so you dont waste your "AP" >C>; Overcap D:
  22. Your fine VorniC. No one can log in right now so, its not your fault. These things happen, no need to stress.
  23. Below are my votes. All (both) Wishes belong to Mallos. 1) -Negative stat damage. (Adds a small amount of stats to enemy profile when I win against them.) - 10 Points 2) -An Eon-ish amount of stats reduced from my profile. - 9 Points 3) -Negative stat damage. (Adds a small amount of stats to enemy profile when I win against them.) - 8 Points 4) -An Eon-ish amount of stats reduced from my profile. - 7 Points 5) -Negative stat damage. (Adds a small amount of stats to enemy profile when I win against them.) - 6 Points 6) -An Eon-ish amount of stats reduced from my profile. - 5 Points 7) -Negative stat damage. (Adds a small amount of stats to enemy profile when I win against them.) - 4 Points 8) -An Eon-ish amount of stats reduced from my profile. - 3 Points 9) -Negative stat damage. (Adds a small amount of stats to enemy profile when I win against them.) - 2 Points 10) -An Eon-ish amount of stats reduced from my profile. - 1 Point Wish 1 = 30 Points Wish 2 = 25 Points
  24. The servers are most likely down again. Im eternally logged in, and it wont let me access layout.php, so yeah, its down. Like i always say though, just wait for Chewys Wookie Magic to kick in, itll all be fine in time ^^
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