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Steadfast Steno

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Everything posted by Steadfast Steno

  1. Oops, you said that if we voted for a new building, we had to say where. Well... I really have no idea. All I know is that my opinion is that it does not belong in the Archives.
  2. Should not be public, in my opinion.
  3. Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as i glared i noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge greataxe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. i feinted and then later i awoke to find myself in a very dark place aghast i asserted that i couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my... Chewett: chest. suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment ... Ashkon: and i tried to rise, but .... Morrighan: something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a... Steno: great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled
  4. I just find it annoying that I really need honor. Yet, I can barely attack anyone for positive honor, and when I can, even when I have massive advantages and a very good ritual, I ALWAYS lose, without fail, and then, I lose honor, yet every login, I have lost more honor in the 'idle' stage, from what I had before log-off, and I have somehow gained 20 wins in the meantime, yet when I get attacked and lose, I lose honor, but I don't appear to gain any from being attacked and winning.
  5. Hello and Welcome to MagicDuel!
  6. The Storyline? I think, as far as I know, that someone else already has the story, for the most part, done.
  7. This topic is so old. Let's just let it lie, nothing new really is said, well, as far as I can see... it has been stated many times before, in fact.
  8. Happy Birthday sasass! Long time-no see man.

  9. Shoot. We are missing it somehow, I'll have to find the hand-written records, hopefully, I haven't recycled that paper yet.
  10. The latter of them all is very good. You're right, it could be usable as an avatar, but, I'm not sure about the style, maybe you should submit it to Mur, see what he thinks?
  11. I think the phrase is "food for thought". I know, first off, I don't control the in-game stuff. I basically manage them, make sure that they stay active so they don't get deleted. And do ranking, which, by the way, the 7th week of monitoring is NOt missing, I have it, I just want to keep the week's info in order, so I'm waiting for Jonn to email me his info from the 6th week. And, also, that would require almost weekly, and/or biweekly updates to game, and honestly, sorry man. but I think I'd personally rather Mur make additions to the game and/or corrections than change the bonus or the order of the partners.
  12. Good job. They look as though they'd make nice additions to any collection or work.
  13. 6th week of monitoring! I couldn't do it, Jonn recorded, waiting on info.
  14. Yeah, I agree, maybe we should all try an attempt to move to the gates to Nevcarion, or something, so the newbies can see the game in action and see promises of things to come...
  15. It does not really matter, if you have spare time that you'd be willing to help out with the game during, it is great. Plus, maybe we will get a huge influx of Italians, if we get a partner or get mentioned on an Italian site. (you could probably help with that?)
  16. I know the coding, but that doesn't really seem to add much, no offense. and I really don't see how bandwidth really would affect that much after a certain point.
  17. Yes, they can ask, if they'd like to know, otherwise, you try to avoid discussing it, even though, sometimes, I personally say over chat, I try and cut down on how often I do that, and normally initiate a chat raid (where people say random stuff to get bad comments off of the readable script) when I do say something. The point is, either way, that it is still spoiling, as kiler2 so graciously pointed out. And you do it as little as possible, if at all.
  18. sky, what on earth are you saying?
  19. Happy Birthday man!

  20. If you read the changelog, it said that an additional map of MDA will be provided later.
  21. Yes, but the forums, someone, who cannot even able to get to Willow's Shop (where probably at least 60-75% of all discussion take place) will not be able to learn about an aspect of the game that they do not even know exists yet, as they have had no contact with it yet.
  22. Yes, you can find out in-game, but it is waaayyyy too much of a spoiler, I only have any idea at all because I was told. and I'm not really supposed to have more than the general idea until I get to MP6. So, as this is the case for all other player who aren't yet MP6, why should they get to know? It keeps you excited about progressing further. and having YOUR OWN protector cast spells on you is enough of a preview already.
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