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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. Happy Birthday, Dark Ruler, may the river brings you what you wish :) 88
  2. Eara locate stone
  3. is this quest forgotten? pity...
  4. important note! there is no guarantee that leashes will be ready on the day of the auction! If not - the leashes disposal will take place later (exact time will be announced additionally). Slavery period starts at the moment the Master got his leash and paid the fee.
  5. happy birthday and all the best!
  6. the date has been decided, the topic can be closed. thank you.
  7. Thanks a lot for all who decided to participate. The final list of slaves: Addy Jester Syrian Rikstar Dst Dark Demon Firestarter Sunfire Grido Valldore Nal Eara Meraia Everyone Nimrodel Zyrxae Kiley Mallos Lashtal No one Panthea Miq Tankfans Samon From now on no changes in applications can be made and no retreat will be accepted. All of you belong to me until you will be sold for your own good:-) Slave auction will take place on 11.05.2013, 21:00 ST (I cannot be home earlier that day) at the Willows shop (Interior). Please all interested to be Masters and all slaves be present on time. Keep in mind following information: No creatures, items, resources will be accepted as a payment – only gold and silver coins. Please have your coins ready. The payments will take place immedialtely AFTER the auction or the next day, for people who cannot stay online long enough. Masters get leashes only after they paid their fees to their slave and TK. All money transactions have to take place in my presence. After the period of enslavement (stated in slave application) is over the Master is obliged to return the leash to his former slave. For the people who cannot attend auction we begin the PRE-BID Phase. This phase will start now and will last until Friday 23:59 st. During this time people who cannot attend auction can make bids for the slaves they would like to buy. One bid per slave. The advantage of pre-bids is that you still get a chance to have your slave. Disadvantage – if you get overbid during the auction you will not be able to react (because you are not there of course :P). All pre-bids will stay anonymous and be kept in secret UNTIL the official beginning of the Auction. Therefore, if you cannot attend but wish to buy a certain person, WRITE ME A FORUM PM with the following information: - name of the slave - your bid - TK percentage (only if not clearly defined in slave application). Please don’t forget about the deadline. Bids sent after the deadline will not be accepted. Pre-bids will be initial bids for the slaves. Slaves who were not “pre-bidded” will start from the “standard” initial bid – 2sc. Gather your funds. Let the show begin!
  8. as far as I can see, there is no certain favorite, but the best date seems to be 11.05 (Saturday) 21:00 (or 22 - depends on my availability as well) st. If there is someone who definitely needs to be there but cannot be at this time - please pm me or write here. Final date and time of the auction will be announced tomorrow.
  9. upcoming weekend. but if most of people cannot attend we can postpone it to the weekend after this.
  10. Since there are many people from different countries, who would like to participate in the auction, I made a pole to find out which date and time suits better most of you. Hope we will come to consensus.
  11. No, you can NOT bid for your own leash, that contradicts the concept of being a slave, just as picking out certain people to be or not to be masters. The category "limitations and special wishes" was meant to be more "objective" nature like Gridos limitation of activity during weekends or using LHO tools and it was NOT meant as limitation for being sold (not sold) to this or that person, otherwise the whole idea makes not much sense, as Alyon already stated. To make it all clear: I will NOT consider the limitations of Masters in the auction (except of gender limitation). If you are afraid to be bought by certain people, you should better keep your freedom.
  12. generally I agree with Fang. The only person who could say its unfair is Amber, because she got her leash during MD Birthday, but I hope the exception will be made for her. Fang if you want to be resold, please post your application in "golden chains" thread.
  13. when you strongly suspect that your thesis supervisor is Eon
  14. yes, you can.
  15. completely forgot about myself 1) [b]Name[/b]: Eara Meraia 2) [b]Duration[/b]: 3 months. 3) [b]Reason[/b]: Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you:-) 4) [b]Percentage[/b] you want to donate to TK: 10% 5) Limitations or special wishes: none.
  16. Does your life lack direction? Purpose? Having trouble figuring out where you should be going? The Slave Auction is right for you! No longer will you be plagued by a sense of purposelessness as our patented leashes drag you wherever you need to go (or your Master wants you to be xD)! As this is an auction and slaves will go to the highest bidder you can be certain that your brand new "life guide" will be an important and influential member of society! Minimum 10% of the proceeds will go to charity, so your enslavement can help those more fortunate than you! The remaining 90% will land in the slave’s pocket Don't be a slave to boredom, join the Slave Auction today! [b]All volunteers please post following Data in this thread:[/b] 1) [b]Name[/b] of your charater 2) [b]Duration[/b] of enslavement (min. 4 weeks, max. 12 months) 3) [b]Reason[/b] for you being the best slave. 4) Percentage you want to donate to TK (minimum 10%) 5) Limitations or special wishes (optional) Remember your answers will probably influence the price. [b]Application period ends on 7.05.2013 at 23:59 st.[/b] [b]PS: [/b]People who participated before and have a leash can volunteer to be a slave too, but they need to give me their leashes before the beginning of the auction. [b]PS2:[/b] It is up to TK (yeah, thats what I meant with charity ) to decide what do they do with their part of the funds. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** [center][b]Additional information:[/b][/center] 1) [b]Follow-up Quest: Slave's revolt[/b] [b]will be brought to you by Dan Planewalker[/b]. Only slaves and Masters can participate. Thought they will have different missions. And of course, a good slave will help their Master to win. More details will be revealed to you later. So stay up. 2) The owner of the highest number of slaves will be rewarded [b]an extra mods-"Slave master"[/b] for his up coming quest/game : Dom-Second Encounter. 3) The slaves are kindly asked to [b]send Dan details about their character[/b] (IG char who is going to be sold), such as : appearance, like, dislike, goal, personality traits to help him to write the story.
  17. I could try if theres interest:)
  18. could we repeat that? It sounds like a lot of fun...and I feel really pity it took place before I was "born".
  19. [url="https://vimeo.com/64822404"]https://vimeo.com/64822404[/url] Crew: main role: Eara Meraia star guest: Whispers executive producer and screenwriter: Eara Meraia Camera (what a surprise): Eara Meraia special thanks to the Chief Production Sound Mixer - lashtal
  20. hope you like morphs just as I do. Here is my entry http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/8742/img0806jj.jpg
  21. I will try to be there too.
  22. happy birthday Vladimir...emm...I mean Vall, the very best Firend wish you lots of cakes and candies to grow big and...strong!
  23. happy-round-birthday Sunny:)
  24. I dont mind revealing my name either. My entry was coded as banana. I also dont think that special secrecy is needed here. Imagine olympic games, where the names of the winners would be kept in secret - I think its quite a disappointment for both participants and for public. Moreover, I am sure - each of us, who participated is proud of what we have written and done, because it took time and effort if not to say an intense work of the brain cells. And Nim - thanks for the quest.
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