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Ackshan Bemunah

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Everything posted by Ackshan Bemunah

  1. Interesting, I just sort of assumed there was some deeper meaning behind this, and Fang didn't disagree.
  2. [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Ah, stop it Ivorak, you're making me blush. The event was the result of a rare burst of spontaneity, so you should all RSVP and then participate. And the thread necromancy effort wasn't even my idea. You can thank Fire Starter, who I will directly quote from a PM: "I am sure it has been talked before, but a revival of an old topic or old discussions is always good for the community." Maybe I took this to have a larger meaning than intended, but I've been reading through all of Mur's old content, and there are a number of points that definitely need to be brought up again. For instance, an offer of Mur's, taken from the thread "Shameful MD": "Ps. if council is unresponsive or too slow, I will appoint judges. My view on the matter is clear as you figured out." I didn't re-post in that thread because I figure a fresh discussion, beginning with Mur's endorsement instead of a prominent player's objections, will be more productive. I intended to find some prominent player willing to do this for me, but since it's out there now, there's no reason I should need to do that. But there are plenty of snippets just waiting to be revived. Now I'm wondering why Poe didn't tell me that she died.[/font][/size]
  3. So what happened?
  4. In any case, I'm sure there's someone somewhere who wants to do our belovedly grouchy Treasure Protector a favor. EDIT: Removed stupidity.
  5. Okay, found my source: From announcement 2203: "Each of these items have 200 uses after which the item is returned to the slave, who can do with it as they want." Not sure if that means it recharges, but if so, using the leash effectively gives Seig something to sell.
  6. If that last use is used, Seigheart gets the leash back, right?
  7. Heal fully, you have our support. Hoping nobody else gives you more trouble than being sick alone can be, hang in there. Plan to come back with a wholesome swing, and share what you discover. Hope it all turns out for the best!
  8. You know, the real value of this will come once the Diplomas are implemented. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/2280-official-magicduel-diploma/
  9. Ahh, goodness, to notice this and be too late...I am so sowwy and feew so rude and stuppid. But seriously, I have some tea. Tea some time?
  10. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1344986906' post='120133'] Those three things are all things that can change, while as far as I know, DNA is static and partially based on the questions you answer at the beginning of the game, relating to what looks "better" or something, with the coloured squares and stuff. Other possibilities are join date/time, ID number, character name, stuff like that. [/quote] Static and determined are different things. For changing activity, and alliance/land membership, the growth pattern might be predictable.
  11. [b]100010010010101000111101 0100101011[/b] [b]Someone needs to make a chart. Incorporate data points like activity level, note if someone leaves the game, alliance membership etc. etc.[/b] If someone reminds me some time after September 10, I will, assuming all's going well with college, take this upon myself.
  12. [size=4][color=#000000]You said in "A Show of Force 2" that "There will come a time when I understand MD fully, and that is the day I leave, or perhaps the day I die."[/color] [color=#000000]I somehow doubt that day has come...[/color] [color=#000000]Or at least, I hope not, as Zleiphneir had me thoroughly wired to meet you.[/color][/size] [color=#000000]You should come back.[/color]
  13. I saw the tutorial for the first, second, and third time when I was 14 or so. (one mp3, one mp4.) I left the realm not-so-shortly thereafter (it took a few weeks). In those first three exposures, I failed to notice and accept about 40% of what I noticed this fourth time. Most disturbing of all, at least for me: [quote]"If you want to remove dead wood remove all info on the inner magic spell and mumbo jumbo of magic relate to it, i have never seen it and i think its probably not implemented except for Mur thinking. It give yu a false thinking of what the game is all about."[/quote] --Especially distressing when paired with this: [quote] "Dont remove the story, it give you stats ... and the story is interesting, and make that game intro different .. of the others games, and its actually the foundation of MD spirit and story. if you remove it, then remove all the [url="http://md-archives.com/"]http://md-archives.com/[/url] ... but what [b]i see that is a misrepresentation, is the inner magic and spell .... if you look at the amount of pages talking about that from the home page ... one think its an important part of MD and even the main one ... but to my experience MD is nothing like that[/b] Token is the only wide spread use of magic priciple in MD now (one can agree with me that is a lot of importance made to feature not there or implemented, it make an not true picture of what MD is all about)"[/quote] --Above are the words of someone who missed the presence of a unique purpose in MD almost entirely, yet found his way to the forums. I see mild echoes of this in other posts, especially those included here, but the above is by far the most frightening thing I see.-- [quote]"I wanted to play but was not able to play because I thought I miss something. Players I introduced did the same and nearly all of them left the game in this waiting time."[/quote] -- And these are the words of a player who, like me, eventually persisted I wonder about whether these introduced players will ever return, and how much one needs to grasp before we can know that he will eventually persist. -- I think most of the problems people think are problems with the tutorial can be resolved by renaming the tutorial something like "Introduction to Magicduel" or "Induction into Magicduel" and creating a separate tutorial page. A warning should appear at some point around the same time as introduction of the principles, "Magicduel's community is not like most others. You may find it baffling at first, persist if you think it's worth it. Pay close attention."
  14. What has happened to the dynamics of knowledge? As I read the description, MagicDuel is foremost a teaching system and an opportunity to grow. Unless that part has changed, I don't see what the concern is all about. It probably has changed, but just to set a framework...You can also disagree with the framework... (Goodness, I really come off as arrogant, don't I? *hides behind a rock*)
  15. Can someone please explain DNA? I'm lost. This is an ancient topic, but I love it to death and adore the fact that we have so many INF's in this community. I N F J 56% 62% 62% 1% Still trying to figure out the perceiving/judging thing. There have been enough pressures in my life to accept the extraverted perceiving mode that I would probably not know even if judging were my natural preference, because I've developed the other part too well. Definitely not an Fi- dom, though, so I'm confident in the result. People! Take this test some more. LE: I am obviously an INFP. LE by a greater distance: Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™ Your Type ISFP Introvert(78%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(22)% You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%) You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%) You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%) You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)
  16. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1298380382' post='79310'] but i already said that, the nothing is balanced by the everything. The concepts are hard to understand and even harder to play with. My balance model is 2481 with duality as a start and unity as a result... now i am having a hard time to find a way to describe what i would call now "the causing result" . what i mean is that things start actually with their end and expand backwards in time to cause their roots in reality. In that sense , one=complete, dual=base. I wish i could say more but i dont want to spoil the best parts before i find a way to write them better...and also to find a way to avoid religious touch because thats probably the biggest pitfall in such things. Think of the words "god is one" for example, it actually means exactly that in my opinion. 1 equals zero and is the counterbalance of it, like in full vs empty. dengerous concepts, very very dangerous, because so far all the "logic" is i may call it so points to one answer too few are ready to understand and might be mistaken with nihilism. [/quote] Before I read on... You may find this of interest. http://www.panix.com/~jjbaker/MadaYHT.html I find that your explanation of events emanating from the result is an easier (but not more complete) understanding than the one I am developing about these words. There is one passage I would like to share here. "The first Sages commanded us not to discuss these topics with more than one person and that person should be exceedingly wise. When teaching someone these topics, one teaches him first what is contained in the beginning of these chapters in small quantities, and he should be able to deduce further details on his own. These matters are extremely deep in nature, and not everyone can understand them. Solomon in his wisdom said, "Lambs shall provide Your clothing". In explaining this parable, the Sages said that those things that are His dominion over the world will be His clothing, namely, His and only His, and not for the many. On this it has been said, "Let them be only Your own, and not strangers' with You", and it has also been said, "Honey and milk are under your tongue". The first Sages said that anything that is like milk and honey should be under one's tongue."
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