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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Jubaris in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday.
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to petty dodds in Happy Birthday   
    *woop woop*  hands apples to the birthday friends. 
    Many happy returns
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Maebius in Happy Birthday   
    Yep, what they said!  ^      :D
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Lania in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthdays! :D
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Mya Celestia in Happy Birthday   
    *sings* Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to both of you! Happy Birthday to you!
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday my friends!  :D  :D  :D
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    happy birthday both you AmberRune and Rhaegar Targayen
    Blessed Birthday and divine health
    Wish you a happiness birthday all the time
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Curiose in Curi Question of the Week   
    What brings/brought you to MD? What keeps you here?
    We all came to this "Game" for a reason. I know some of you folks gripe about a lot of things, but you are still here. Why? It's time for some self analysing and looking in. : D My favorite past time. Please, be honest with your answers, and don't snipe at others. Only you are liable for *your* actions. So let's keep it to that, mmkay?
    I was looking for a game to play when I was graduating school. I found MD, and I became hooked. Albeit, I was confused, and had a hard time understanding some of the concepts, it drew me in. The artwork, the personal philosophies, the people. I found it was an extra curricular activity for me, and it wasn't just a game any more. It was a community, and there were people who I cared for a lot.
    To me, this game is much more than the mechanics and the "power". It's about building relationships and insights. Don't tell me you have gone to MD and haven't learned anything, because I bet you have. About cultures, about people.
    I stay because of this tether I have when I build sustaining relationships that are positive, and because I believe that MD is a part of my history. I miss some of the people who have gone and never come back. And I miss immensely, interacting with them on a platform that stretches the imagination.
    It is also because my life is just plain boring without something to do that is bettering something in some way. I live in a spot that makes it really hard for me to get to anywhere and make a difference. So MD is where I get to get rid of some of that frustration.
  9. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Pipstickz in Loreroot Land Laws   
    Maybe you should think about adding some real restrictions or punishments for breaking the rules - especially for collecting herbs (it's almost impossible to collect them right now and waiting all day long in the same place just to get one herb is idiotic).
    I don't know, maybe write a code which will check who collected herbs and how much.
    For the moment I see that your rules are dead.
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to VertuHonagan in Creature Research   
    Hello, fellow Magicduel Players, I'm Vertu Honagan and I have an inquery into your minds that I would like answered. I'm planning on making a pretty decent/big ingame quest soon and I would like to pique your minds for a little preparation. Last time I made a quest, I made an impossible riddle, my way of thinking is way too different from a normal person, and I would like to see the way you all think. This way I can make challenging puzzles, riddles, and mini-games, without making anything impossible. As I do not feel there is a right or wrong answer to this, I do not feel it can be a quest with rewards. As there are no winners or lossers in this, however if someone feels that it should be a quest and wishes to give rewards for it, then by all means have a public judging on the best answers and turn it into a quest. For now, however, it shall only be used for my own information.
    Here is my task to you all:
    I want you to take your favorite Magicduel creature, it can be any creature in game, whether you own it or not, and I want you to give me a paragraph on that creature with these things included:
    1. Tell me the reason that you chose this creature
    2. Tell me what you believe the creatures role is in Md, and it's reason for being.
    3. Tell me why you think it has the abilities that it has and what part of your being allows that creature to use said abilities. (As MD creatures are apart of our being, some part of ourself has to have been used to create this creature. Tell me what that part is and how it affects the creatures looks and abilities.)
    That is all the info that I should need. Thank you and have fun with this. :)
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in The first awarded "Title"   
    As i said on the topic bout the new "Titles" (here) , i need a sample for a Title document to have as a start. I will not award the most obvious titles first, such as  "code guardian", and the others like that...those i keep for later when the papers are ready. Now i want one "normal" tag/role/title to be prepared.
    The people that can suggest one title for someone, are, for now:
    Princ Rhaegar
    .. one of you, suggest a title you would like to award to someone, something that could be cosidered under your authority. 
    Just name the player and the title, then if i agree to it, we will start discussing the actual text of the title document
    cmon people, break the ice, dare :P
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    The current system seems to work better in actuality then you never actually assign one person as leader of this group with no leaders. Giving any one person power to decide roles in no mans lands essentially puts them on a king status. Letting Council and Mur give these tags out makes it much fairer.

    Also please dont append that message to the bottom of every posts, we get the idea you dont care for MD.
  13. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    Ignoring all the obvious and wasted flame coming from MDs greatest fail trolls, couldn't we just assign someone everyone likes or trusts to be the authority over those in No Land?

    Like,i dont know, someone unbiased that no one truly knows but accepts, like Everyone?
    Just an idea. Hate me for it or dont, i honestly could care less, just thought id throw it out there.
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    Someone please clean this thread >> (and then remove my post as well >>)
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    No? The only reason I wouldnt say it is cause it would have no effect on you, not cause I dont have the guts :))
    So instead of wasting my time saying it, I opted for the wiser option.
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    People that do not belong to a land can still get roles/titles that are not specific to a land, you still need the support/authority of two powers. While i do want people to belong to a lad, i do understand why some cant or better said shouldn't be part of a land. I think this is a matter for an entirely different topic, not this one. Regardless how such titles will be given, the way you will receive your title still applies. 
    Two authorities can be very easy be two authorities outside of any land too, or unrelated to land inner hierarchy, like for example chewett as a coder, he is a coder for entire md not for a specific land.
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    I'd love to say a lot to that once again but someone with your attitude will have heard it numerous times from numerous people, so I'll simply wont...
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?   
    Says the former death wannabe.
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Peace in Looking for the author   
    I recently came across this poem in my MD files. It was filed on the 5th of September 2011 but the creation date is uncertain. I would like to add it in my personal papers along with the rest I was given and give credit to whoever made it.
    Distant points shine in a black expanse
    Whispering wind over plains of dust
    Singing songs of peace and clarity
    Through the empty parts of my shadowed heart
    Echoing dimly my lonely sorrow flies
    Over sand-filled dunes, grit in its wings
    "When will you return...?" it sings softly
    Searching desperately for moisture
    Enough to produce a single tear
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    I will present step by step ..something.. that will start to take shape slowly and will be a major shift in how the social structure, tags and roles will be acknowledged as official. This is intended as a major thing in MD, but one that i am hoping to complete how things are functioning now and not change them too much.
    Roles/tags are earned through your constant activity and sometimes awarded on special occasions.
    Currently there is nothing except the tag and description and occasionally an announcement that makes the role official...what else could it be..my, or councils "word" is enough. Well...here is where things will updated a bit.
    At some point in MD history, the Council operated by requireing just two votes of its members. In case no other member objected to the voted matter. Keep this in mind for now.
    I want to delegate council/my authority of giving roles/tags to people such as land leaders (Kings and Queens) and maybe to people that hold well known roles for a very long time. It is difficult to explain what i want to do, but the concept is simple. I will try to detail it slowly, by answering your questions and soon i will provide more detailed info.
    Tags/Roles will be called Titles from now on. A Title can be granted by a higher authority, such as your King, plus one additional authority, for a start that will be myself.
    Remember the "MD Diploma / Fancy Legacy Box" topic i posted recently, where i wanted to create fancy documents to send out to people and prepare seals and all the associated materials? It received a negative vote from the community (at least in my opinion), mainly because there are other more important things to do and because there are no funds to do such a "crazyness" at this point. However I will do it, in an adapted way.
    For now we will discuss this as if they will be VIRTUAL, its simpler that way for now.
    Lets try to see if you understand the "layout/structure" of how titles will be granted:
    Me, Muratus del Mur, -> insert fancy titles here <- will create a limited number of pre-signed blank documents that represent my authority as one of the leaders of the lands in MD. I will give these documents to other high authority characters in MD, for example the kings or other important roles. Now...that means i am blindly trusting the person i am giving such a document to, that they will use it wisely. Lets say a King holds such a blank title document. This king will be able to fill in details about a title he wants to give, only under the scope of his own authority (only matters that involve his own land). LHO leader holding such a blank title document, could fill it only with a title under his own authority...and so on.
    So far this is clear? makes sense for you? questions?
    These titles once signed by both me (already) and the second authority (king,important role,etc) will be given to a player, granting him that title FOREVER. My intention is that these titles will be created in such a way that they will never "expire". This is same concept as the King crown medal. Once you become king, you receive that crown, and it will remain yours forever regardless if you are still a king or not. In the same way, these titles will remain yours forever, without an expiry date. What will happen if two people have two conflicting titles? ...here is a big change... BOTH are valid, but the person with highest active days/activity percentage (or other factors maybe?) will have higher power, controlling the grated role/title.
    Ok..don't panic, this involves a lot of things, i am aware of the majority of them...and i am aware things will change, but i see this change as a complementary thing to how my vision about md is. Activity defines your influence...dead and forgotten people should not be able to actively USE titles, but should still hold them forever because at some point they earned them.
    THIS WILL APPLY ONLY FROM NOW ON....this is totally unfair, i know, but giving titles backwards it will be a total mess. However..any ancient role that becomes active again might receive his "Title" document. I might do an exception to king roles because they are very important and very few..maybe one or two other roles, but thats it.
    I said to consider these docs "virtual" .. maybe i will make items for them for now...but i want you to know that i am planning to make them actual printed documents (signed, fancy paper, gold finish and all the bells and whisles), and have them ready before this new concept will be fully integrated.
    This subject is open for debate, i will listen to both pro and contra opinions, but i will "fight" for this to happen, even if it requires significant sacrifices. I am however prepared to change my mind if somehow there are aspects of this that will prove to be to stupid or unrealistic...so feel free to challenge this matter if you don't agree to it...but also state your support if you like it. (Hearing positive opinions will make me do things faster and better :P )
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Sephirah Caelum in Soul of Equilibrium   
    Have you ever heard about Ailith? Well, time to remember her or discover who was she. This time I will give one WP for the poem I like most that homage her. For now, the final day for posting the poem will be 24 Aug., but I will extend the time if I don't find any winner.
    More rules on my quest page.
    Have fun!

    EDIT 01: Send me a PM in game or here on forum. Any MP can participate, and alts are forbidden.
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ungod in Treasure hunt   
    The following poem contains the name of a scene in MagicDuel, which you will find with the aid of a code (there are four scene names in there, but using the code you will find the one I am after). The one who solves the riddle first will get three silver coins as a reward. PM me with the answer (not ingame). Do NOT write the answer on this topic.
    The poor live in the slums of hope
    until their hope is broken and they rise.
    But even then, the sight of gold,
    would surely make them hypnotized.
    A young man, on his daily walk
    through shops and stalls, in search for things to steal,
    discovered among petty things
    in ye old shop, a treasure map.
    ...He saw himself covered in gold,
    envisioned a big crowd calling his name - 
    his dream of fame, of fortune, was
    so close - he had to dig and pray.
    A shovel - and the road awaits
    the one willing to go from scene to scene
    to look for treasures or to find
    how one can be trully serene...
    He dug under the maple tree,
    under the crying water willows, too,
    he dug under the tree of Bob
    until his shovel split in two.
    And tired, oh, so tired, he
    sat down, rubbing his hurting loins;
    he ripped the map in tiny shreds
    and in the well he tossed a coin,
    wishing for fortune and for fame.
    Code: 5-1-7-10-7-1-4-3-7-14-6-11-4-24
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Authority of the King - Land Legacy Box   
    black letters required mainly my time to be created and i realised my actual available time is nothing compared to the enthusiasm i had when wanting to make them. The MD Diploma remained just at concept level, and also my time was the issue, because i was supposed to make them...but with this box the certificates (lets not call the diploma because they are not), would be created by the kings.
    If the remark about the knife was a joke, it was a painful one. Yeah i gave up the knife, in fact i bought one that fits my budget, but thats an other story.
    Two important people "voted" no for this idea, that already cut my enthusiasm in half, but lets see what others say. About being a waste of time, that i am sure of, but it will be a waste of time that keeps me alive and i always have time for things that "keep me alive"..its why i spent so much time making md afterall, not that it makes any sense investing so much effort in it if it wouldnt have been pure passion as the driving force to do it.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to rikstar in HBD Change   
    Happy birthday Change!
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in HBD Change   
    May the new leader of the Fusioneers have a nice first day off and lead the Alliance to prosperity and greatness.
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