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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Bashaw Steel in Poetry   
    Fall oath   I have Sun frozen in my soul Its purpose forgotten but its dreams endure Whos will to burn is only matched By the embrace of its icy cull...   It is not a power given, to use it at my own free will But a curse bestowed gently So me too could endure the burden that comes with it With power...   Scent of summer carried upon the wind of hearts Where my hopes are standing still In the gardens of eternal fall My golden chains...   It is not the fear itself It is not the outcome of this battle But something more than both More than me...
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Summer breeze in Temporary Goodbye   
    Be happy, Kyphis. Make some beautiful bard songs about all of it!
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Udgard in Temporary Goodbye   
    Good luck with the move!
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Temporary Goodbye   
    Good Luck :)
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in Temporary Goodbye   
    Good luck with that embark, I hope you have minimal amounts of fun.
    Kyphis, don't read the spoiler until you're there: (Those who don't get it should play Dwarf Fortress :P)
    You have arrived. After a journey from the Mountainhomes in the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all of MagicDuel.
    There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bolt, plow, or hook, provide for your dwarves (family). You are expecting a supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is Spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the black bears (you're in Australia, more like everything :P) get hungry. A new chapter of dwarven history begins here at this place,Ballarat Vic, "(no dwarven translation)". Strike the earth!
    I am not the original author of that... It is a slightly modified version of the message you get after embarking on Dwarf Fortress (http://www.iceshadow.com/images/dfcastle/0004%20embark.jpg)
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Temporary Goodbye   
    Best luck in RL Kyphis the Bard

  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Mya Celestia in Temporary Goodbye   
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.  It can be incredibly difficult to move with a child (although I discovered our dog had greater trauma over it).  Be safe and good luck in all your endeavors. *hugs*
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eara Meraia in Temporary Goodbye   
    Life is movement. Hope this will be a positive experience for you. And come back soon.
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Temporary Goodbye   
    I hope everything will be fine :) Good luck Kyphis
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in Temporary Goodbye   
    All the best Kyphis. Hope you settle down and get comfortable real soon :)
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Menhir in Temporary Goodbye   
    All the best for you & your family ... and I´m sure you will find something good in your new place.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jubaris in Temporary Goodbye   
    Hope you'll get back to us soon, but don't return without a good poem about your odyssey! Haven't heard those from you in a while :)
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Temporary Goodbye   
    Some of you have been given this news early because you are working on quests/projects with me, but most of you have not heard the news yet.
    My wife and I will be moving house this December from Sydney NSW, to Ballarat Vic (969 Kilometers). Since we don't know how long it will take to get work, nor do we even have a place selected to rent yet, I have no idea how long I will be offline. It may only be a day or two, it may be six months.
    I've had to turn down a lot of offers to work with you as we get ready for this move, and this saddens me :(
    Even sadder is that I will likely not be able to participate in the Card Exchange this year :(
    But it is my goal to at least log on every day to check my messages, so while I may not be able to be very social I will still be around as much as I can! MD is not a place I will ever leave unless I am dead ;)
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Forum Skin?   
    A while ago i spent quite a bit of time getting files ready for someone to make a new forum skin, since i havent heard anything from them since then i guess this hasnt happened.
    If anyone knows anything, please say so, Ideally someone would come and go "tada its done" but i doubt that since i havent heard anything.
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ary Endleg in Forum Skin?   
    how about putting the forum moderator medal as forum icon or taking md icon and putting that F letter from that medal over it?
    sounds like simple solution to me :p unfortunately i cant do graphical editing as i said in some other topic so i am not of much help
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from lashtal in Forum Skin?   
    I just want to say that in my opinion new forum skin is PERFECT. It splendidly defines MagicDuel affiliation to Sun. 
    The Sun shines without halt, as the Night never seems to come here.
    I'm also curious is there a possibility to change small Forum icon (which is added to your bookmark browser bar) to yellow/orange colour.
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Forum Skin?   
    It was previously the MD, but i didnt like it because i couldnt tell the differnce between the two from just looking at the icons.
    If someone wants to make it i can upload it :) Something MD themed but different from the main one. Google "how to make a favicon"
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in Christmas cards   
    Since dst and wookie started threads, I will start one too. :3

    Already on my list:
    Amber chan (Amberrune)
    Vall chan (Valldore Nal)
    Maeb (Maebius)
    Ni chan (Shemhazaj)
    Reggie (Prince Rhaegar)
    Griduchi (Grido)
    Darky (Darkraptor)
    Anyonelse interested please pm me in forum! :)
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Jubaris in Forum Skin?   
    I just want to say that in my opinion new forum skin is PERFECT. It splendidly defines MagicDuel affiliation to Sun. 
    The Sun shines without halt, as the Night never seems to come here.
    I'm also curious is there a possibility to change small Forum icon (which is added to your bookmark browser bar) to yellow/orange colour.
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to BFH in What's your Favorite Principle and Why?   
    As the topic says... I'm curious to see which principles people get identifiied with and why...
    I get Identifyed with Entropy. For me it is simply the tendency to disorder.
    I'm try to organize myself but always finish full of entropy. My life is entropy.
    So which is your favorite principle and why?
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Christmas Cards   
    Iv never really done this, but i think i will this year.
    Anyone that wants to receive a christmas card from me, please send me your address/similar. I will try and send one to everyone but money is not limitless and i have no clue how much its going to cost to send stuff out to places.
    I will also be receiving cards if anyone wants to send one to me, but wont necessarily give my address out to everyone for privacy reasons, so please dont be offended if i dont give you my address.
    EDIT: thanks to dst ofc for starting this off.
    EDIT EDIT: iv done the maths and i can only really afford to send ~10 or so. First come first served most probably, sorry :(
    EDIT EDIT EDIT: I plan to make an e-card which will essentially have the same content and send it to everyone who i dont physically send cards to.
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Forum Skin?   
    I have arbitrarily decided comfy is our new forum skin default. Any problems with it feel free to report. If anyone wants to design a top logo contact me, i have some content you can look at using if you want.
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Stat damage   
    Further decreasing interaction and increasing frustration in MD?
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Pipstickz in Stat damage   
    There are a few ways to get stat damage.
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Stat damage   
    Summoned army has stat damage.
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