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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Curiose in Conspiracy Theories   
    23. The cake is a lie and the Tomato Cult is secretly being run by Mushrooms hidden away in Androids who we think are players in the Game, but are really not.
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Mr Mystery in Conspiracy Theories   
    22. There is no such thing as MD. Theres only you, and all this is happening inside your head. Even this sentence is a sentence you made up. This whole world is made up by you. Everyone is a lie.

    ***Curse you Mur!. You posted before mine!, now i have to edit and be number 22.
    << You made this happened too.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Conspiracy Theories   
    21. there are no secrets, but making noobs think there are keeps them curious. (read show of force topic if you start believing this to much lol)
  4. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nera in Conspiracy Theories   
    20. Nobody cares about spoilers...the no spoilers rule is really just there to annoy you... especially newbies.
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Conspiracy Theories   
    14. this project belongs actually to the chinese army that is trying to keep americans and europeans busy while they take over the world. EVIDENCE: there is no chinese translation of MD

    15. Mur is actually a pseudonym for a group of people taking turns on one character to screw with your mind and avoid profiling

    16. Fyrd Argentus is an alt of Mur, ..you have a MD character too? then so are you.

    17. There are so few people left in MD because the last level of the game is played outside the web interface, usually players never win that level....

    18. there is a cow creature and a milk resource but its invisible
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Conspiracy Theories   
    The following ideas might be true, but there is no evidence that they are. They are presented for your amusement - reader beware. Please add your own to this growing list.

    1. The Multi-Window alert is actually an advanced level spell used by certain players to prevent attacks on them, and to freeze players in place as they breeze past.

    2. The low-grade avatars you see in the shop were NOT selected randomly, but were chosen by a secret committee that is trying to guide your role-playing development.

    3. Alpha-zero is actually a code for, "I don't like your work".

    4. Your regen timer display is actually manipulated by an advanced spell used by certain players trying to prevent your use of bursts.

    5. There are only six real players in this game, and two are on vacation.

    6. This entire realm is actually an experimental project of the University of Romania's Psychology Department.

    7. Understanding of the rules is carefully monitored. When average comprehension reaches a certain index level, the rules are changed.

    8. See your ID number? There really are that many people who have joined MD prior to you, and they almost all are getting updates on your mistakes and screw-ups. Only those who remain active in the game do NOT get these updates.

    9. Mur is really Elvis.

    10. The game is NOT run out of Romainia, it is run by space aliens studying earth culture.

    11. The game is actually an attempt by islamic extremeists to undermine western productivity by drawing off the creative thinkers from the western work force.

    12. You're missing all the really good stuff - the party keeps shifting away from wherever it is you are logged on.

    13. This post was not made by Fyrd Argentus, but rather by another player of the same name.
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Chat Text Art - signup   
    According to the announcement about text art in chat, i am putting this topic up for signups. each participant can present 1 to 5 art pieces, made entirely out of characters, including the utf8 special chars. The will be scored publicly by vote.

    Write here your playername, we will decide time of the event later to fit all (or in groups). Do not post the art here!
    Do not copy from the internet...i know its tempting and hard to discover, but i will do efforts to catch you cheating, so try not to because punishment will be above contest scope.

    rewards will be for best md integrated art, most original art, most difficult to realize and most beautiful, 4 rewards.

    sponsorships are welcome, my reward will be that i will multiply any sponsorship (x2, x4 ..as i see needed), but if nobody sponsors, this contest will run without a reward.
    Tom Pouce
    Nimrodel - 1 attack lock stone, 1 move lock stone. 1 toadspeak stone, 1 teleport to paper cabin stone, 1 locate stone, a pack of 20 memory stones, and 20 cups of tea for the quest.
    - There is no fixed font size, you need to test and adapt to how md chat displays chars
    - I will be waiting for a decent number of participants or this event will not happen
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Heretic Tourney - announcements   
    Uh.. I thought we could use tokened creatures but their tokens wont be counted during the fight?
  9. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Rophs in The Cow - sacred animal   
    Although with a heavy hurt, I agree in that case with dst. I think good idea is ... octopus, very intelligent species. Because of that player can even "satisfy" his ago and feel attachment with it.
    Below you can see octopus in his natural desert environment.
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from No one in The Cow - sacred animal   
    Although with a heavy hurt, I agree in that case with dst. I think good idea is ... octopus, very intelligent species. Because of that player can even "satisfy" his ago and feel attachment with it.
    Below you can see octopus in his natural desert environment.
  11. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to nadrolski in Land Cleanser effect   
    Not really a new idea since the item already exists, but a proposal for a "balanced" legislator item effect.
    Unless the victim is on idle mode, I strongly believe there is no point of wasting effort to push a non-idling victim one scene if he/she can easily move back to his/her previous location with a very much less effort compared. The effect is displayed at the trigger box with a long duration, but the fact is.. push effect is done after 1 to few seconds.
    Current effect of a "won + lose" fight cause is the same as working for two (2) won causes.
    I propose the "won + lose" cause combination should have both the push + 'movelock' effect (still 60 secs, but only per lost cause) to make the effort worth fighting for, and won't look like.. non-sense.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Change in My neg rep   
    You don't need to talk to someone to dislike their posts. It's too bad that we can't easily see a count of how much reputation someone has given to others. Maybe the people you've mentioned like to make use of the reputation feature more than others. Would you still call it spam if you got say, 113 positive rep from Plix Plox?
    People don't generally dislike or like posts without a reason. Yes, there are trolls out there, but I haven't found that many people who troll in MD. Someone could dislike someone else's posts because they don't like the other person's tone/writing style. Have the people you listed ever given you some positive rep? If they haven't, it's not proof that they are 'spamming rep'. Maybe they just don't like how your writing comes across.
    I'll tell you right now, Dark Demon, that you write things with a fair amount of conviction. That is, you're fairly certain that you're right in what you say (most of the time. Everyone has exceptions). That certainty comes across in your posts. People like different things, and it's easier to be disliked if you are blatantly obvious in liking different things.
    dst, someone who you seem to respect, had a fair bit of a negative rep balance for awhile. That's because she wrote her posts in a 'my way or the highway' style. Just look at her signature! :P People who post in ultimatums are generally disliked. On the other hand, people who post things like, "Maybe it happened this way" or "Well, my opinion is . . . but I could be wrong" are generally liked. In Canada, we don't like how our politicians 'flip-flop' on various issues, but I bet that they wouldn't get as many votes if they took a hard stance on some issues.
    Maybe there should be a post made about 'what does reputation mean?'.
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Peace in Creature Tabular View   
    I don't know if I can express my opinion due to my short "probation" in MD, but I don't like this idea. I think grouping creatures in tables and selecting them by drop-down menu it's... so frequently encounter in games and programms that it in some case loses MagicDuel interface character. I think better way is to group creatures in ... I don't know ... maybe a book with pages which can be turn over (animation) or sorting cloud like in this MDShop feature to managing messages.
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tipu in Happy Birthday MRAlyon   
    HBD And wheres my 3sc
  15. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tipu in A confession   
    So finally u have realised that the official role of the Noobs is to get owned by Vets hehe.

    well that being said ... would u mind giving your dragons to me as i can put them in good use.
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Menhir in A confession   
    DD I´d like to give my 2 cents too. If anyone or anything can attack you or hurt you or lead you to something you don´t want try the following.

    ALWAYS ask yourself WHY you´re in this position and do not think one single second of others or the situation itself which "caused" it. I experienced that all situations which I was judging I was a big part of and I had definitely something to do with it - it was always me who was able to change! And then the understanding grew that I will never be able to change anyone else and that I do not even what to change anyone except myself. And this is the work you have to do and you will be able to do - work only on yourself - and this is not selfish it´s the opposite even if people try to tell you that you only care for yourself ...

    All analysis afterwards will always lead to the fact that YOU can change YOUR part in a situation and NOTHING else. Once you are able to life this with consciousness you will start growing faster and things will move faster. That´s all for the start - take it or leave it - it´s up to you what YOU do with it.

    All the best on YOUR way. And never forget it´s YOUR way and noone else should judge you for what or who you are. And at the same time accept if people have problems with your way of being and do never judge them or what they do.
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in A confession   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]There's one thing I've decided.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I'm quitting the big games in this realm. Too long have I struggled to fight against what I believe is wrong, and now I'll just stop. I can't take it anymore. Let the big guys (aka higher powers in this realm) do whatever they want; I won't do anything against it. No big actions such as going for Protector or reviving CoE from me any more.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I'll be that quiet observer, happily playing his part in MD by helping out those who need it.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Not a single person in this realm judges someone by looking at intentions and automatically assumes negatively, and I'm tired of it now. I never do anything for selfish reasons, yet I get opposed at most of the things I do, or be seen as just trying to get cool stuff by some.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]If this sounds like I'm giving up, so be it. [/color][/font]
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Menhir in Do you realize ...   
    ... how many credits you will get in 1 year only by voting?

    [color=#ff0000][size=6]You will receive 69 CREDITS !!![/size][/color]

    for investing only 3 Minutes of your time everyday and with this helping MD to be more known out there.

    I found MD through such a voting side and today I´m happy that you all voted for MD back in those days ...

    Thank you and all the best.
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Change in How can Change help you change?   
    My goal as a Protector is to gather a following of people who want to change something.

    I'm going to be thinking about several projects myself that have the goal of changing things. However, I'd also love to help my adepts with any things that they want to change. Basically, I'm interested in knowing everyone's personal projects and goals and how I can help. This doesn't mean that I will or can help with everything, though! Some things I won't do because I think they will cause the realm to be a lot less conductive to change in the long run. Otherwise, I'd be happy to help!

    Anyways, my question is, what do you want in me as a Protector and how can I help you change? I'd also love the opinions of people who don't plan on being my adept too, mainly for the question of how would you like me to act as a Protector.

    It should go without saying that you can send me your responses privately, ingame, or here if you choose to respond. I'd personally like them here, so everyone can see them, but I'm equally fine with the other ways.

    I hope to be one of the greatest Protectors yet! (I'm just thinking of how)

    [color=#0000ff][b]And this is especially directed to all of the people that are new to magicduel. How can I make magicduel a place where you want to stay?[/b][/color]
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Change in Make dst nice   
    If dst changes her ways, I'm quitting MD. (Half-joke, and I hope me leaving wouldn't be motivation for her to change. ) Having all nice people is boring, and dst is not nice in so many nice ways!

    dst, you've always been my favourite MD player since I was a newbie. You're sort of like the chesire cat from American McGee's Alice, except better and with more character depth.

    [spoiler]I bet you if she gets two morphs she WILL act nice. So nice in fact, that we'll all be begging her to stop acting so nice and we'll have to give her two more morphs to get her back to normal. (Yes dst, I know your master plan. Sorry for spoiling it).[/spoiler]
  21. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to DarkRaptor in darkraptor's garden   
    Date : 2013-02-26

    [b]Seed's Sprouted..[/b]


    Even with this year's low temperatures ( 4-14 ºC ) with the help of the protection the seed's have sprouted
  22. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to DarkRaptor in darkraptor's garden   
    Date: 2013-02-09

    [b]Seed's to the Earth![/b]


    A assorted set of seeds have been sowed into rich soil.
    Protection from frost was needed because of this year's heather.

    Also the soil have been prepared... and yes..you spotted correctly.. There will be TOMATO!
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Lintara in Name Game   
  24. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jubaris in Name Game   
    Fernando with a silent F
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Grido in Name Game   
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