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Everything posted by Tissy

  1. BTW. Steno and Tyche, how are you? Are you still there?
  2. Became a normal angien when it was upgraded? that would be so frustrated after a long time sleep.
  3. I was supposed to be there as I applied. But sorry I’ve been snowed under recently in RL. I guess I cannot take the job for a period. I discussed about the state and my opinion of the island when I began to take the job. I thought it’s about the details of the guidance and rewards on tasks and the thought keeps the same. Please PM me if someone wants to take the position as a guardian or tour guide of the island. I’ll pass the tools to next one.
  4. Item 2 - 10 plushies Item 3 (x2) - 50 plushies total: 60 plushies. with 53 from me and 7 from Eara.
  5. I won’t go that far in the beginning. All I want is a convenient place to trade, like the auction house in WoW. the lack of fluidity in our ecosystem is partly caused by the inconvenience that one has to pm or post topics, which happens only when one feels necessary. put everything you don’t need in a house. Set a starting bid price or a buyout price and leave. The purchase happens not only when people need but mostly when they see. if you want to introduce risk. There could be blink bidding. the guillotine concept sounds more like a gamble to me. I like gamble, people like gamble. But I prefer implementing it after the market is more active and complete.
  6. Lol I missed that one. Thought no one is interested in an angien.
  7. 1 plushy on Item 7 - Angien Egg (normal), 2836 age ID: 793911
  8. Are you sure you're going that high so fast!
  9. Hello DD. I love your touching yet beautiful words.
  10. Any result for this quest?
  11. What is a “tutorial” shade?
  12. It happened to all land cleansers
  13. I’m not sure if I misunderstood. I already bought 6 erolin devices and they became my heat slots. So I thought they are the same thing.
  14. erolins are visible at MP3 yea I think it will pass when I move to mp4. It's a complaint at my current stage, especially when I've been at mp3 for about 8 years and plan to stay at MP3 still for quite a long time. I want to know the theory, the mechanics, the reason for this design.
  15. Yep. +1 for daily login. I agree that MP3s are not supposed to do everything. The limitation on creatures for example, is not a problem as all MP3 are treated the same and the fights happen only among the same mind power. but these game features, to my understanding, are supposed to open to players with their further exploration and dedication to the game. Perhaps some items have some purpose restricted to higher mind power. But at least I don’t see why the items such as message labeling and searching set the barrier to MP3s.
  16. Yes I complain it because it's a barrier to me. But from what I understand, the heat requirement is only the problem for MP3 players. It's a threshold but not a cost. Once MP3 players hit the cap the only way is spending a WP to lower the heat to 0 and plot a huge fight. The active days, honor, loyalty are already served for the similar barrier for new players. why set the heat requirement to make it exclusively impossible for MP3 players?
  17. Am I the second, the same place with sunfire? but if the points were miscalculated, yes I would choose the history of Elu
  18. I haven’t seen BSR ever since the jail tour.
  19. Me the same. I already had some annis and am short of the slots.
  20. Thanks DG Interesting that I found all the roles we had communication with went to the wrong place eventually... (I exchanged more info with lashtal, Aia, jakubhi, Steno. but I decided lashtal's role before the exchange) But I'm still confused about your statement on Mirus. which one is true? it's 6 points for each right? I would prefer spell stones and plushies. 1 of each spell and 3 plushies.
  21. It’s totally another meaning but it’s funny. this idiom is used when someone fails and is in deep desperation. if it’s said by the same party, it indicates the temporary retreat is not shameful and he/she will return some day in the future If it’s said by another party, it’s to prevent someone doing stupid things like ending its life. word by word it means: as long as there is a mountain (keep some important resources, usually it points to the people) there would always be wood. ( you would survive and restore from the disaster) So some translations are: live to fight another day. where there is life, there is hope.
  22. I have to say the judge is a genuine gourmet
  23. 1.留得青山在不怕没柴烧 2.赔了夫人又折兵 3.巧妇难为无米之炊 4.跳进黄河也洗不清 5.无风不起浪 Try some to see how you interpret them
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