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Everything posted by dst

  1. It's interesting how people react. Sasha, you are a naive person which is not necessarily a bad thing (it is if you ask me but I am just one person expressing an opinion). You sometimes put too much hart into what you do. I have always imagined you as a person with really big eyes and with tears in the corners of your big dark (yeah, I can't imagine you with blue eyes ) eyes. MD is a battle field. You have to be vicious sometimes. Nobody cares about your feelings (or maybe some do but there are others to compensate for that). If you wish to leave no problem: do it. But please! don't use such reasons. You have been playing for quite a while. You knew what to expect. I agree: there are straws that break the camel's back but don't point at that straw and blame it for everything. It's just a tiny innocent straw. If you wish to leave no problem: do it. But please! spear the drama. The ones that will miss you will miss you. The ones that will not will not. Also blaming anyone for your leaving is useless (except maybe for using it to point fingers:X made Y leave! - which btw:I respect X for doing that; X was more powerful then Y, good for him!). I've seen people come and leave. The ones leaving with a simple "good bye, farewell and maybe a swear" won some of my respect (I don't care if you care about it or not ). The ones leaving with tears, pointing fingers, firecrackers and all the drama just made me glad they did (another drama queen or king left the building!). I will stop now. Maybe you'll take your time and read my post and think about it. If not then...oh well...life goes on. Take care and have fun! ps: aaront: reading your post made me laugh this time which is bad (for me )
  2. dst

    The Slow Worm

    When I saw the title, I thought this is a new crit for the game O_O. I need a break...
  3. There are logs of crits transfers. So the chances of getting caught right now are pretty big. It's up to you if you want to take the risks or not.
  4. dst

    Alts Bug

    There is a new bug (or god knows what it is) crawling around MD. The symptoms:you try to attack someone and the alt restriction page pops up. You are 110% it is not your alt, you never ever logged on that person's account or the other way around but you still get the restriction. What to do: report here, in this topic: write the name of the person you tried to attack and the name of the account you used for attack. WARNING:reporting fake restrictions thinking that you might cheat the system, will get you a nice little punishment. So don't try it! Also, let's keep this topic clean, please. Post in here only if you experience the bug (post as I asked: both accounts). If you wish to brainstorm about the reasons of the bug, etc, etc, please open a new topic. Since the bug is quite harmful and can spoil the fun for lots of players I will pin the thread (until the bug is solved)
  5. dst


    Well Firs at least he's not playing computer games
  6. dst


  7. Hardcover for me also. The pain you can cause with a hardcover book is greater then the one you can cause with a normal one.
  8. For quite a while now (including today, yes fenrir, I am talking about your report) moderators have been pointed fingers at for expressing their opinions. Since when are we not allowed to say what we think? Since when should we refrain from speaking our minds just because we are mods? Why should we have less freedom then the normal players? Huh? Did I used bad words? If yes, please provide the print screen or the place where I did that. Did I say something that is not true? If yes, please come with proofs. In case you feel like I abused my powers, please BRING proofs! All you do is whine and accuse and point fingers but NEVER bring proofs! And then you whine some more when you are sent away for the lack of proofs. You insult mods and then you whine when you are punished. And you scream "mod abuse"! Get over it people! Play the game, obey the rules and in case you don't want to follow the rules don't be cowards and assume the responsibility!
  9. This calls for an MD beer meeting soon . And what did you order? Soft or hard covers?
  10. dst

    Alt Liberation

    [quote name='Czez' date='12 May 2010 - 06:43 PM' timestamp='1273679001' post='59723'] Specificaly regarding the GGG, what's the difference between alts training in there, and alts elsewhere in the realm like Venger and Gogu, or the Libs? [/quote] God woman! You are challenged . You make such a big fuss about roles and characters but you don't recognize a role when it hits you in the face!. Venger and gogu HAVE a role. They got it when you were not even playing this game! I will not go into details because I don't want to waste my time explaining things to you: you can't understand. You need brains to understand. So my advice is: shut your mouth and find something better to do then picking on Venger and gogu.
  11. dst

    Alt Liberation

    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='11 May 2010 - 08:46 AM' timestamp='1273556769' post='59678'] Just don't be stupid. And you might survive. [/quote] And you are the living proof that what you said is wrong . And what's the bs about the moderator thingy? Since when are moderators not allowed to express an opinion? You people are getting waay out of hand with certain things. Back on topic: Sarcasm? Are you kidding me? That's no sarcasm. This topic was made with a purpose but seeing the negative reaction czez turned 180 degrees. You can't be sarcastic and post stupid things in the PL. You CAN'T be that "sarcastic". Freedom for alts? Since when are they jailed? And what other freedom do you want? Shish! Alts can be abused. And they can be abused really bad. Technically everybody can do it. But, as I said a million times, if you get caught, don't start whining. And stop screaming "which hunt" when someone (usually me) points the finger at someone for abusing something. Conclusion:is there any?
  12. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='07 May 2010 - 12:25 AM' timestamp='1273181116' post='59500'] Let me know what you think. [/quote] I let you know what I think. Even more: I gave you the reasons why I don't like the idea. Since when do I have to suggest a new idea in case I don't like one that has been suggested? Wish shop exist for maybe more then a year now. If your idea would have been needed it would have been probably implemented long time ago. The ones feeling the need to change their name asked Mur.Or created a new account. I said it twice already:all mistakes should be payed (your Princ example) and also vanity. Offtopic: And yes, I take it personally because you called me countless times in a different way even if I asked you to stop it. So I ask you one more time to ignore me and my name. I don't need your attention. Nor I like you giving my name (or me) as an example (good or bad)
  13. fenrir, don't pose in a concerned person. I personally have a really strong reason for my name and if you don't like it I don't care. Just stop mentioning it. Actually, forget it. Dst doesn't exist for you! Name is something you're stuck with.Even if you like it or not. What does someone do when that person wants to change his/her name? The person has to address the court. Who is the court in MD? Mur. Ergo: want a name change: ask Mur. If you'll get it or not depends on Mur. Same as rl. You get it or not based on what the judge thinks.
  14. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='07 May 2010 - 07:27 PM' timestamp='1273249665' post='59541'] @dst: why are you against people wasting WP on silly things? Consider it natural selection. [/quote] You're right. I should not complain about players wasting WPs on silly things. The problem is that the wish shop gets full of things I don't need (yes, I am an egotistic person). I want something that is worth a WP. Name change? Why not put it in the MD Shop? Somewhere after the gold coin? Because as I already said: stupidity should be payed (in case of a mistake). And also vanity should be payed (in case you wish to change your name just because Dumb shoes fits more your role then Smarty pants).
  15. Why not put there a wish for the tags? I bet I will see lots of awarded WPs following that for things like hmm...let me quote a bit: "Guardian quest" "Mentorship" "for services" Also, if you can't RP with a name like Smarty Pants then you will not be able to do it if you change it to Dumb Shoes. A name is just a name. It doesn't affect you in any way(of course unless you call yourself mentally challenged guy or <insert not that smart name here>) .So basically it's a waste of WPs and wishes in the Wish shop.
  16. No. If you were stupid enough to make mistakes or to choose your name wrong then you should be stuck with it.
  17. Yes, I agree: Jonn did a lot in the past. He was the first I turned to when I had troubles. He was one of the few players I trusted back then. He had a good judgment and he was impartial (he was a loner in a way so he was not drawn to any of the small groups that were starting to form). Not to mention he was a good bug researcher and a good coder (few actually know this probably).
  18. Ugh....a late Happy B-day from me also
  19. Yes, it was a really fun and quite quest. I personally figured out the key by mistake which made it more fun From my point of view it is one of the best quests I have done recently. Good job!
  20. I'm in...
  21. My problem is with the lower mp levels. I can't get the heads from a lower mp level if that person is not in a an ally. Basically in BHC this just damages the whole game. Unfortunately this round I had and I will not have the time to play too much but during the hour I played this morning I can tell you that I will not play if the current system stays the same. Ok, let the giving of the heads stay but only between the same mp level.
  22. Ok...so:Mur will order the books only for the ones that LIVE in Romania. The shipping is expensive and it's cheaper if he orders more then if each of us orders one.
  23. Count me in also.
  24. No. C'mon! Don't put RP into a fighting contest! Shish...
  25. Happy B-day Burnsy!!!!
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