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Everything posted by dst

  1. Update: I spent today a bit of time in MD and I am sorry to say that it is unplayable for me. It seems there is a huge delay between the action and response in MD after the last update. I tested it from 2 different laptops and 2 different networks and the result is the same: I click for example the inventory wait for more than 30 seconds, click again on one of the categories of the tools, wait more than 30 s, click the tool I want to use (I've tried with the Bones gatherer and Toy Box) and again wait a lot until the action is ack. The response used to be almost instant but now it's extremely slow.
  2. Heads up everyone: this is (at least for me) a scam or at least a very very poor customer. I’ve talked to fang some time ago about selling him shmsh crits. We agreed to the price but said he’ll get back when he’ll have the coins. The result? The above.
  3. Cause it makes as much sense as the non-sense in the AL. Actually I wrote the above just for the pun. I would ALWAYS choose an AL with events like the ones No one described to the usual boring mambo-jumbo that is currently the adventure log. AL was fun in the beginning but the moment it fell into the wrong hands, everything took a turn for boredom and for a way players would use to boost (or sooth) their ego. Or to abuse it. The Al. Not the ego ????. And in the end, it would have been fine. I care about it as much as I care about the influence of the moonlight on rubber slippers. But the actual gameplay was influenced. That would have been fine also. But then nothing happened! And I mean not a single thing. Moreovet when No one decided he had enough and complained, you all jumped like hens at a pile of buggers (literal translation from the RO “ a sarit ca gaina la muci” - pardon my language ????) accusing him of not understanding the greater plan the illuminated minds of MD have set in place. You tried to act superior and knowledgeable when the actual truth is that you don’t know even what the cat is burrying (another literal translation - yes, sue me ????). When I saw the reaction then I was left with only one thing to do: troll you good. Which I did. And you didn’t even see it, being blinded by your inflated ego ????. And now I must exit the subway so have fun!
  4. Oh..I think I am the most patient person in this whole MD but this is not about that. It's about the fact that I called on your bs and now you are trying to bs me some more. Basically what 95% of MD population is doing: bragging with no real support. Because why not? Words don't cost anything.
  5. We cannot see something that does not exist. Or that will not exist.
  6. Yep. You CANNOT do anything . You're just bragging. I've seen this sooo many times. People like to brag with that they WOULD do, you included. I never do that. I brag AFTER I do stuff.
  7. I'd like to spend some time and explain to you what I said above (the same way like I do with my less gifted peers) but why bother? You still cannot do anything although you've named yourself the puppet master (the ones that cannot do, teach ).
  8. That's bs. It doesn't adress the current issue. Plus, as lashtal and Lintara said, we are waaay behind today's events in the AL. Although I am like Burns here with little time to play (meh...sometimes I believe that it's also a lack of motivation but that's my fault) I still don't think the current situation is helping the game. Personally I think AL is a bunch of cr** and that we could do just fine without it but if you (=whoever resurrected/written/maintained the story) started it, it would be common sense to continue and eventually finish it.
  9. Updates (might be my laptop/network): Ungod is right : the below link is no longer valid https://revistacariere.ro/articol/refuzat-sa-devina-sclavul-societatii Also I have 3 links that do not work. Please double check: http://www.topmmorpglist.net/?v=magicduel-adventures http://www.gamingsites100.com/mmorpg-mpog/ https://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/in.php?site=33450
  10. As title says, the site has been hacked. I think it should be removed. And thank you everyone for noticing. This says a lot on how often people actually check the sites...
  11. 7zip. Freeware and highly versatile.
  12. dst

    COtE disbanded

    And I hope it stays this way. This ally should stay dead forever and ever. I have nothing against Aia, I have everything against the alliance she represents.
  13. I am the only one that received the doc... I got it almost 3 years ago.
  14. Thank you.
  15. Can be but why the other one has only 24h?
  16. It looked suspicious at the beginning so I waited to have the confirmation: the cool down for the newly created toy chest is 42 hours while for the one Mur made it's only 24. To be honest, I do not know, again, if it's a bug or intended.
  17. At the moment there are only 3 types of toys, all usable. But I think it's just a matter of time (to code) as we defo do not lack ideas for such an implementation.
  18. The only info that I was able to find about the "functionality" is the below: From here. First thing that I noticed is that the tablet is turned into a stone. Which imo is defo not supposed to happen. How I interpreted the above is: a stone tablet is able to store "all" casts of a spell. Which makes sense because you need 20 memory stones to produce one.
  19. I used today a stone tablet in order to test its functionality. The below was the outcome: dst enchanted a Stone Tablet into a Lockinchaos stone I've checked all my Lockinchos stones looking for a difference in them in order to spot the new one who was supposed to act differently. I was unable to find any...nor was I able to find a different item in case the message in the chat was wrong. On the other hand, there was no clear announcement (even on the forum) that the tablets are functional per se. So this may not be a bug after all but an incomplete feature.
  20. Today marks another personal achievement: after almost 2 years since it was first implemented, I was able to create a Bottomless Toy Chest using the tool in Willow's Shop. I think it's the first chest created this way (the other 2 were awarded by Mur). So, another challenge down, bring on the next one! The last achievement for which I needed this much time was the Morph Collection. Can't wait for a new one! Goooo me!
  21. It seems this is going on for some time now. Snowmen have not melted since 2015! I would have not noticed if it weren't for BFH to send me a CTC for a snowman. I could not take it cause it's not melted. Then I checked the ANNs in order to see if this year we had a meltdown. To my surprise, the last meltdown was "manually" done by Chew: Am I missing something here? Or is this indeed a "buggity-bug"?
  22. Farewell BFH! You were the first new player I helped out of pure goodness of my heart! And probably the only one . Thank you for all the gifts and do drop by to say "Hi"! I'll defo miss you. Take care and have a good life!
  23. Rein - 75 SCs ( I don't have too many GCs anymore).
  24. Nothing from my side.
  25. Item 1: Anni creature 2018. Price: 20 plushies Item 8: random rp item. Price: 5 plushies x2 = 10 plushies Total 30 plushies.
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