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Everything posted by Glaistig

  1. o__o;... Welcome. n_n; Interesting interpretation of Marind Bell.
  2. Hehe, welcome. You can read my glorious FAQ here~ And if you want, you can use CTL+F to search keywords instead of reading the whole thing. Ask any questions you want
  3. You don't have to pick 24-hour meditation, although it's advised so that you can gain more skills. If you want to hurry to the next mp level, you can continue immediately. But otherwise, yes, you have to continue in the story and wait however long the meditation you picked to advance. Your creatures are at the same level after being reseted No problem about the questions Lots of other players ask the same ones.
  4. You can't change the principles you have already chosen, but you can choose more. For example, I have: Darkness Principle = 284 Principle of Imagination = 88 Time Principle = 149 Transposition Principle = 195 Element Principle = 102 When mp6 is released, I will be able to pick one of the rest of the principles: Cyclicity, Light, Syntropy, Entropy and Balance (I think that's it). Well, that's if mp6 is like all the other advancements. I'm leaning towards Entropy next time~ Reset is just resetting the story, not your stats or skills. It will also reset npcs and quests to unlock land (have to redo Berserker Way and Loreroot quest), as well as access to story-related areas.
  5. Fight logs? Who knows..
  6. Max vp is raised through story bonuses and creature sacrifices. You can get temporary vp by winning against others (based on damage done), randomly when roaming around (based on luck stat) and sacrificing creatures again. Any temporary vp over the the amount of max vp vanishes when the regeneration counter finishes. You can gain a considerable amount of temporary vp to use with the various different options, but you have time constraint /: You can try and see if you can get enough to upgrade that creature of yours.
  7. Hnn.. I'll seriously spam this place if you call me a goat in my comments section :D *deletes* Have to think of a way to get back..

  8. Hmm The newslog says that there is a max of ten members for any alliance? I'd like it if I could see the members.. might help me make decisions.
  9. Well, I noticed that newbies can still message idle LHOs through the Live Help button. This bugs me for a couple of reason. 1) as far as I can tell (or from what an authority told me), the button will allow a player to contact one LHO for a defined time period, and cycles through the LHOs as to which one can be messaged for each period. This means that a player will have to find other means to find help if the LHO the LH button at that moment messages is idle, or wait until the period ends (which could be pretty lengthy). 2) the LHOs are supposed to be "live," ready to answer immediately. Players can't know whether the person they're trying to message is idle or not, unless they head to where the LHO is, and LHOs are often in areas inaccessible to newbies in tutorial and other players who haven't opened up different lands alike. This means that if a player has a problem/game that inteferes with his ability to play the game, he may wait for a fruitless period of time expecting an answer quickly.. I could imagine frustration. 3) as players do not know whether a LHO they're trying to contact is idle or not, they often flood the LHO's inbox with questions when in fact he isn't there to provide immediate help. This is especially unnecessary if other LHOs are online and active. Personally, I (now) try to log off instead of idle, just to prevent any frustration.. but that sort of punishes, as idle mode has its uses. (I once idled through the night [with Khalz during the first night of the picket] and a newbie became upset with me; since then I've avoided the experience with the tactic of sacrificing idle mode) I think this could be more or less easily remedied by making the LH button recognize idle mode as offline, thus eliminating the option to message idle LHOs through the button. Or at least that's if the coding is as I imagine.. n_n; *has no experience with programming*
  10. Glaistig


    Seems like the system isn't foolproof I think it is fine as long as he reports what he can exploit and helps Manu fix things up.
  11. Hello It's nice to see that you're contributing to the forums already. It will help both the game, yourself and other players significantly~ *wasn't active on forums until mp5* But, well, now I'm forum spamming
  12. Well, I've been thinking.. the spelling and grammar errors do make a negative impact on beginning players, or at least that's the conclusion I draw from my own experience (trying to recruit adepts/encountering newbies with complaint). It'll have to be done eventually, and with the above in mind, it might be better if this correcting was done sooner rather than later. It seems like Manu doesn't have anyone he can trust with access to the codes, so I suppose it would have to be done the labor-intensive way. Just a suggestion.
  13. Secrets of the Paper Cabin~ @_@ I was copying my VE to paste in the chatbox. It happened like this: One player had to wait three hours to begin tutorial, as he encountered that one bug that occurs when you reset the account, you know, where you have to wait the remaining meditation period to pass from the last story choice. After alerting me about this, I told him about Ren's recent topic of the same bug. I then promised to swing by the Paper Cabin so I could help pass the time. After a bit of chatting, he told me he was thankful. In response, I told him I had nothing much better to do, as I was regenerating. He commented that I must have a lot of VE to regenerate (I had been there for around 2 hours by then), whereupon I decided to tell him how much VE I had and also my max VE, so he could judge for himself. n_n Thorough answer to your question, right?
  14. Hello I've seen you somewhere. I like this player community too, in general. It makes me feel proud to see newcomers~ *acts like maker of game* Heh.
  15. lol Another writer offered to do the same as you; you can read what was said in response: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry10730. You can still offer your services as a writer for things like creature descriptions or something else I don't know about
  16. Yesyes~ I used CTL+F and keyword "mindpower."
  17. Why they have skulls. D: I thought they were supposed to be pretty much immaterial and insubstantial, as if made from shadows. I'm disillusioned and repulsed by Necro-shade-world now. I think I'm going for RJ's little people instead. They're pretty cute, like miniatures of what I previously thought shades were like. Let's go to Golemicus next!~
  18. Yess, like Ren said, it happened My name was in the playerlist one moment, and gone the next. I swear I didn't move. Wodin and Ren thought I had left without saying anything until I said I was still here. My name is still missing even though the list should've refreshed several times now 8D ***removed image by chewett to clear some space off the forum. so now you can put more redundent images***
  19. Hehehe I like looking up things in the newslog.
  20. Yup, that's how I interpreted it as well; after all, it's Er3vos who didn't get any exp for his creatures while they were still alive.
  21. Well, when you do reach max exp (or get to -500 honor ) there is a sort of notification whenever you fight, the one I was talking about earlier: MAX EXP REACHED FOR THIS MINDPOWER LEVEL. It's at the top of the fight window. However, there is none on the fight results page. Probably a similar message should replace " No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward." I'm pm Perfecta; I'm not sure she checks the forums.
  22. They weren't added until I was in mp4 Well, I think. My memory is a bit fuzzy when it comes to dates and times. They were released at the beginning of this year.
  23. You can tell what mp level a person is in by the yellow symbol by their name; a whole yellow cross is mp3, a black dot in the middle of a cross is mp4, and a single black dot under a yellow dot is mp5. Only the orange playernames can be fought; black means the player has moved to another area, and gray means that the player is offline. I know some others know the symbols for mp1 and 6, but I don't think it matters too much.
  24. Hello~ Have fun in magicduel once you get into free roam; there is a lot to discover.
  25. It might be that then, I guess. Also, whenever somebody reaches -500 honor, there is notification during each fight that says, "MAX EXP REACHED FOR THIS MINDPOWER LEVEL" or something like that. It's true that the player can't gain exp, but that could mislead players. I know Lu and Morgana were confused at first when this happened to them. Some things to be changed eventually?
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