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Everything posted by Grido

  1. @Neno / Princ, there was the thing about only the author of artworks should upload though - was with avatars, but I'd believe it applies to item pics as well.
  2. The below is final, if you are on this list, you must find me (probably in Paper Cabin, invite me to the roof) to arrange the trade, to reiterate, do not send me coins, they must be sent to the alt. Shop Joker == CTC695382FEUMX87MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Chrispr[/color] [s]GG Drachorn == CTC695208KRSHM19MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=13GC - Clock Master[/color][/s] PAID [s]Imp Aramor == CTC695357LASHH46MDC [/s][color="#ff0000"][s]Bid=2SC - lone wolf pup[/s][color="#000000"] PAID[/color][s][color="#000000"] Soulweaver == CTC695201ZRLAF18MDC [/color][/s][color="#ff0000"][s]Bid=2GC, 10SC - lone wolf pup[/s][/color][/color] PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695380TEIMW46MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=3SC - Mighty Pirate[/color][/s] PAID [s][color="#ff0000"][color="#000000"]Shade Tutorial == CTC695374KRVIF78MDC [/color][color="#ff0000"]Bid=8GC - Mighty Pirate[/color][/color][/s] PAID[s] Soulweaver == CTC695092LIERH61MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=3GC - Paracelsus[/color][/s] PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695292RONAK91MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Passant the weak[/color][/s] PAID [s]GG Drachorn == CTC695302TEMUF75MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=13GC - Sasha Lilias[/color][/s] PAID Soulweaver == CTC695369AXNAZ45MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=3GC - Sasha Lilias [/color] Shop Joker == CTC695075ZRADP93MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Sunfire[/color] Shop Joker == CTC695099TERUM73MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Sunfire[/color] [s]BloodPact == CTC695194ATIMC41MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=9SC - TTL[/color][/s] PAID[s] Pimped Grassan == CTC695379TEIMF55MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=2SC - TTL[/color][/s] PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695364VIJOW28MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid-1SC - xrieg[/color][/s] PAID [s]Tainted Angien == CTC695366TAARW35MDC [/s][color="#ff0000"][s]Bid=23GC - Zleiphneir[/s][/color] PAID[color="#ff0000"][color="#000000"] List is alphabetical by name.[/color][/color] All bidding is now closed.
  3. easier than putting stuff on the scene itself - have a side panel info bit, you can write things in there. kinda not needed though, what with clickables in a lot of the scenes, could just write in those, having stuff plastered all over the location would start to look messy methinks
  4. [b]Creature:[/b] Anniversary Aramor 4 3gc
  5. ditto at Chewett's comment

  6. I know i'm not a member, but I'd say invisible so you can distribute ctc's easier, etc. without fear of people taking them
  7. Half way through the bidding time now. All bids above this post have been updated.
  8. sounds good, might be a better way around it, but i'm tired, and you're forcing me to post something!
  9. 2GC
  10. The locational codes that worked before the festival got "turned off" during it. The festival had a couple of locational codes during it, these got turned off after the festival ended. It is my belief that the original codes just didn't get turned back on afterwards. Where my confusion lays, and why I didn't post before, is that Fyrd says they work at all.
  11. @Nim, so not bidding on the Jokers anymore? All bids up to date
  12. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1306118248' post='84909'] ... and 4sc for all three jokers in total. [/quote] [quote name='Grido']All bids should be per individual creature, for obvious reasons, and should be in coins.[/quote]
  13. If you withdraw the bid on the imp, you withdraw all bids and I will never trade anything with you again. Not even the smallest thing. Otherwise if you make a bid, you should expect to keep it. I don't like mess-arounds in trading. Please let me know your choice. LE: Appreciate the update pup
  14. bids above this post have all been updated in initial post
  15. A seed is a creature that looks like a seed at the first level, it's me only because I'm the only person with one
  16. I have a lot of alts. I have creatures on my alts. I want to redistribute some of them so they can be put to better use. This sale will be up for a bit over a week, ending on Sunday 29th (end of). Bids must be up for 48h with no higher bids to count, this may result in an extension to the auction length to allow the 48h on later bids. After bidding has concluded you must find me online in game (likely Paper Cabin), or yim actually, I will then log into the account the creature is associated with, and the coins should be sent to them. I will tell you the name of the respective accounts when you find me. The Coins should NOT go directly to me. All creatures have 148 age and 0xp as of the time of this post. None have any tokens. All bids should be per individual creature, for obvious reasons, and should be in coins. All bidding is now closed The below is final, if you are on this list, you must find me (probably in Paper Cabin, invite me to the roof) to arrange the trade, to reiterate, do not send me coins, they must be sent to the alt. [s]BloodPact == CTC695194ATIMC41MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=9SC - TTL[/color][/s] PAID [s]GG Drachorn == CTC695208KRSHM19MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=13GC - Clock Master[/color][/s] PAID [s]GG Drachorn == CTC695302TEMUF75MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=13GC - Sasha Lilias[/color][/s] PAID [s]Imp Aramor == CTC695357LASHH46MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=2SC - lone wolf pup[/color][/s] PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695380TEIMW46MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=3SC - Mighty Pirate[/color] [/s]PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695379TEIMF55MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=2SC - TTL[/color][/s] PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695364VIJOW28MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid-1SC - xrieg[/color][/s] PAID [s]Pimped Grassan == CTC695292RONAK91MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Passant the weak[/color][/s] PAID [s]Shade Tutorial == CTC695374KRVIF78MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=8GC - Mighty Pirate[/color][/s] PAID Shop Joker == CTC695382FEUMX87MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Chrispr[/color] [s]Shop Joker == CTC695075ZRADP93MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=1SC - Sunfire[/color][/s][color="#ff0000"] [color="#000000"]PAID[/color][/color][s] Shop Joker == CTC695099TERUM73MDC [/s][color="#ff0000"][s]Bid=1SC - Sunfire[/s][color="#000000"] PAID[/color] [/color][s]Soulweaver == CTC695092LIERH61MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=3GC - Paracelsus[/color][/s] PAID [color="#ff0000"][color="#000000"][s]Soulweaver == CTC695201ZRLAF18MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=2GC, 10SC - lone wolf pup[/color][/s] PAID Soulweaver == CTC695369AXNAZ45MDC [/color][color="#ff0000"]Bid=3GC - Sasha Lilias[/color][/color] [s] Tainted Angien == CTC695366TAARW35MDC [color="#ff0000"]Bid=23GC - Zleiphneir[/color][/s] PAID - - - - If you wish to sell creatures to me, that you may use the coins to purchase these creatures, please state what they are (all appropriate specifics) and how much you'd like for it. I am not interested in any recruitable creatures (aside from the GG Drach).
  17. 1sc per participant, standing bet for any and all who enter
  18. Chaos Archer age 833 aramor assassin age 718 hollow warrior age 718 1sc each
  19. edited title to not confuse with fighting influence
  20. If you lose your keys, you look in the sofa, but if you lose yourself, who looks for you?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fyrd Argentus

      Fyrd Argentus

      Grido, how often have you lost yourself in the sofa, anyway?

    3. Grido
    4. Kyphis the Bard
  21. inactive accounts get deleted every now and then (I believe), I also believe that unconfirmed status has no bearing on this
  22. Grido


    it's kind of frowned upon to discuss other games within the forum and game.....
  23. I've looked at all the errors reported to me, but I haven't looked at all the errors in game yet - I know because there's some errors I'm fully aware I haven't fixed yet If you look at the thread, in the Translations section of the forum (near the bottom), then there's an English thread, where I detail where I'm unable to edit, I do try and change this on several areas every now and then - the more that a certain area is complained about (to me) the more chance I'm likely to be able to edit it later.
  24. @Shem, but the fact they didn't state they were testing, or (according to announce) didn't submit reports of testing, then there's no testing info about it
  25. "Punch it Chewie!" (May the 4th be with you)

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Mean Grido! Mean mean mean.

    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      revenge of the fifth

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