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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. Some time later and this time only the 11th bird Well, I would like to hear how others see this change now that this "update" is more then 2 years old. But what I would like to know is how any of you is handling this change and how is the creature farming comming up for you?
  2. I get you Juba, but what's the point ? Isn't the trend to limit one-sided activity ? I used to play MD just by gathering resources and trading and that is messed up now. The independent items are now considered as normal (Ann 5168) Also, growing creatures is being penalized, big time: Change regarding the creature recruiting cost. Why would fighting be allowed instead of limited ?
  3. yes, missing a "," after "capable of distorting"
  4. yes, rules make things simpler as it they can be code-enforced. Consequences make them complicated as they need to be understood by everybody , thus abuses are really easy to achieve but difficult to prevent.
  5. The chat box looks and behaves weird to say the least. Comparing Chrome to Firefox: It is ugly as s**t, here is a proposal: Instead of : <textarea rows="1" cols="30" autocomplete="off" name="msg" class="frm-input-msg" id="msg" style="width:82%; word-break: break-all; resize: none; overflow:" maxlength="200" placeholder="Type your spells or message here..." wrap="hard"></textarea> use this: <textarea oninput="this.style.height = '5px'; this.style.height=(this.scrollHeight + 2)+'px'" rows="4" cols="30" autocomplete="off" name="msg" class="frm-input-msg" id="msg" style="width: 82%; word-break: break-all; resize: none; overflow: hidden; height: 19px;" maxlength="200" placeholder="Type your spells or message here..." onload="this.style.height = '5px'; this.style.height=(this.scrollHeight)+'px'" wrap="hard"></textarea> And the outcome would be : I hope you can test it in Safari as well, but at least it would improve on these 2 browsers
  6. Yes, it was It was concluded that it is an acceptable limitation for alliances. On another note/rant: why bother with fights ?
  7. Why would stat farming be a problem ? BTW, as this is a long forgotten topic, I can add some updates: for my 22nd bird, it only asks me for 900 AP
  8. No one

    Ann 5168

    Sure, there should not be 2 common items of same time usable at the same time. As you may guess, I am on the side of excluding the independent tools from this restriction. Considering the independent tools in the same category with common tools with same restrictions feels like an insult. Having an independent tools is a priviledge earned (or probably payed). No matter how over powered the items are, you only show the disregard toward the effort to acquire these items and you give a bad vibe that everything gained or bought in this game can be changed/lost with little to no notice. Is this "bad vibes" that you want to advertise ?
  9. I have no idea why it happened. Indeed was a new windows 10 and now I can see it. But still that was weird. Sorry to bother you all with it.
  10. Firefox 60.6.0esr (32-bit) But it shows the same behavior on other sites
  11. Don't know when it started, but it seems that the login box doesn't display any input box for user / password / code. An older player might find them as is used with their location but a newer player might get frustrated.
  12. I like this one but with a twist: add a ritual from with my current list of rituals and ... it has a definable expiration time. So, when opened, you will be prompted to fight it (you attack). On fight end ... a message should be sent to both fighter & creator of dummy with result. this smells like a training manual & a new age in competitions ------------------------ My proposal would be : a way to reset cool down for usable items (anything less then 1 day so about all except recently used kill & revive items). Thus a cool down of just a few seconds.
  13. Can I join ? No one
  14. I wonder if the "outside" concept of alliance would bring something to MD. "Outside" concept being : anyone can pay smth to create an alliance then he and he alone can choose to invite ppl in it and to grant them some permissions inside its alliance. Also, only the leader can choose to disband his alliance and only he can abdicate. So? Would the loyalty system that we currently have in place with its instability and troubles and opportunities it brings is better then the stability and stagnation of the other system ? At times I do favor our loyalty system but MD does need some stability and certainty.
  15. Indeed this sounds like slavery But tight to land instead or to an alliance, that would sound awesome. But even then ... we'd need to refine & (re)define some concepts related to land ruling and alliance ownership.
  16. @Chewett , as long as the current system with item creation is used (using entire stack instead of the required amount), the system will not be used to its max. It was understandable at beginning as @Muratus del Mur wanted to withdraw from market the huge amounts of resources available and that worked ... sort of. Now we need the rate of item creation (thus consumption) to increase and for this we need to allow smaller amounts to be transferred / converted. Also, to have an increase flow of resources, MD would benefit from some sort of Alliance stashes where and / alliance specific lands. There is no competition anymore, there is no purpose as what is new is either too expensive for some or too common for others. We need to bring ppl to work together and to give them some sort of benefit thus we should shift focus to benefits for groups (aka alliances).
  17. Resource degradation on existing resources ... that is difficult. You will hit the existing stacks. Consider spells that would get forgotten from memory stones or gold would turn to silver then to simple stones. Whatever you do to existing resources you'd just raise more frustration on existing player pool. If you want resource degradation ... use it for the new resources. As for 100 flowers ... please, that's an insult. I could get that many in a single day.
  18. @Ledah: yeah, sure, I'd love to get some advantages. SoS did lots of gathering & depleting & trading and is still quite capable and still received nothing. SoS got involved in lots of things and still received nothing extra. What I mean is : why not make the advantages available for all based on activity? Just make use of those extra/non-combat skills of each player? Like : - herbalism - allow increase / decrease of max herbs in a location (including planting) - waterhandling - allow digging of a new water source / cleaning a water flow (increase the max amount) / clogging the water (decreasing / lowering max amount) - Dowsing - converting water source to mineral water (like from max 10 water to 1 mineral water) and the possibilities are endless. As for Archivists / Crafters / TK ... those should be more like tags with earned points (points like herbalism). The more you have ... the more you are trusted in your area and more you have access. Like : TK - a person gets some coins and a task to grant them to a certain person (the reward of a quest). When completed, he should receive a trust point . After a threshold, he should have access to rewards directly and assign them to other ppl for delivery ... and so on. That way, anyone can have multiple roles in MD and be good at all and we'll never run out of archivists / TKs / Crafters nor they will ever lose their badge when leaving (willful or not) their guild. As for current guilds... convert them to normal alliances.
  19. yes, the number of principles is limited to MP level. At MP3 you are limited to a maximum of 3, 4 to 4 , 5 to 5. You can have less then maximum but not more. (that is the theory )
  20. As guardian of said location ... there were few cases of repeated collection of 3 boxes, but after some discussion with involved parties, they agreed to take less (as in max 2 candy boxes). And even if there were cases when they slipped unnoticed there were many time when the tools remained untouched. With the above I support Mallos point of view : there is little to no need to use the tools. All we (as MDers) need to know is that the tools are there and it is best to behave.
  21. It seems that following yesterday's update, the resources didn't regenerated (probably crontabs got stopped). https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/4585
  22. That sounds good as we can survive without them and they can do it without us.
  23. If you are asking about "taming" as MD skill ... you should ask if the naming is appropriate or not. From my point of view "taming" should be called "loyalty" as in "returned loyalty" toward our own creatures.
  24. Taming concept is an insult just by naming it ... "tame". The results of "tame" concept are based on loyalty and love (applicable to animal, mammal and even human). So, calling a creature "tame" is an insult. You'd better call it slave. On the other hand, if you call "tame" a wild animal who leaves near man then you are wrong. That is no "tame" is "broken", "beaten", "lost" or "caged". A being doesn't need to be insulted by being called "tamed" but it needs to be loved , it need loyalty and to be "cared for" ... aka it needs your attention.
  25. That is simple ; 1. get some strong men ON horses 2. pull the old man into pieces 3. stuff its pieces into altars 4. eat a cake while waiting to see if anyone recognizes the corpse as being Rophs
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