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Everything posted by Firsanthalas
Just an announcement to say that we are starting as a blank canvas so to speak. Therefore any previous treaties or disputes are considered Null and Void. So, if you would like to make any treaties, shake hands in friendship, or just re-affirm that you have a grudge against the Guardians of the Root alliance, feel free to do so here. Thanks for your time Firs, GOTR alliance
Guys, as already has been stated. Not everyone speaks English as their first language. Therefore, people can pick things up wrong. Sarcasm also doesnt come across too well in the written form. Why, do we have this constant need to be putting msgs or extracts from chats on the forums? Bits of information equals bits of a bigger picture. Lastly, I'm tired of what seems to be some eternal feud between people within Loreroot and people outside it like Akasha. Seriously guys enough already. Intentional or not, its starting to look like a concerted effort to pillory Akasha in particular. Its not serving any purpose other than to create a feeling of bad blood and division. Enough with the Akasha or anyone else bashing. If you want to have mickey fits at each other do it in privacy and stop dragging it onto the forums.
Jester, We are using a system of mentoring for new recruits. Each new recruit will have a mentor, who's job it is to help the new recruit settle into the alliance. This system has nothing to do with adepts.
Ok, thank you for your interest Adio. Seek out myself or other guardians for more information. Application is being considered.
The Guardians of the Root are a defensive force for Loreroot. Thus we have a militaristic duty to Loreroot. However, we are a defensive force and our focus is on protecting the forest and nurturing it. Therefore, we are not a body of professional soldiers, but of people dedicated to the preservation and growth of the forest. Each member has a duty to keep themselves fighting fit and ready to fight if needed, but also to nurture and develop the forest and its inhabitants. If you feel like you are up to the task, please sign up here and give some details as to why you feel you want to join and what you can bring to the alliance. If you have questions, please contact myself or a member of the alliance. Thank you for your time. The Guardians of the Root.
Personally I blame dst for all this. :crazy:
Ok to be crystal clear here. I did not simply declare myself as leader of GOTR or anything else. I spoke to the people in the alliance with the Exception of Lady Renata, Aleron and MWBrady. Brady has left for the Savelites to help them rebuild and had already stated that he was leaving. He may or may not return in the future, he has not decided. He is welcome to return as far as I am concerned. Aleron, I haven't seen in some time. Lady Renata was doing exams I think. I suspect that Renata may be unhappy with things and have no idea as to Aleron's thinking as I have not seen him since he joined a few weeks ago. If I did not speak to anyone it was not intentional in any way. Indeed I encouraged all the other members to speak with each other about things. Now there are 10 people in the alliance. Thats 9 others and myself. So to my knoweldge I have the backing of 7 of those nine people for sure. In regards to Ibruzu. I did not appoint Ibruzu. I asked the others to discuss the position of a second among them. Ibruzu's name was put forward and not objected to. Therefore he has the position. He has not been appointed directly by me as some kind of crony or sidekick. While there were no official votes, people discussed the matter 'face to face' as it where. If I have somehow overstepped the mark and people feel aggrieved, I again call for them to speak up. As it stands, I think that my views are backed up by the responses on this very thread by fellow alliance members. My door is open to anyone that wants to speak to me about things. I only request that any name calling or accusations be kept out of this public place. I have tried to be honest here about the situation. I have even acknowledged that at least one person may not be happy. I am not pointing fingers, I am merely stating what I believe to be the situation. Surely it is only to be expected that not every single person has to be happy? Indeed, is it not unlikely that you can please all the people all the time? I merely ask everyone, that unless otherwise shown, that they accept the situation is as it is and that nothing untoward is happening here. GOTR has been through a rough time as of late. I ask that people allow the alliance to move onward and to not use it as some kind of political football or source of cheap amusement. If we cannot resolve this matter it will only continue to drag on and as Pamps has said, it doesn't look well for newcomers to see constant arguing. People have different personalities, ideas, values and opinions. It isn't always a matter of being right or wrong. Please stop the hostilities and get back to the game. Please.
You may treat me anyway you want to Glor, as may anyone else. I will simply say only that I am leader by virtue of being accepted by the majority of people presently within the GOTR alliance. If for any reason I am wrong in this matter then I invite any and all in the alliance to state here the fact that they would like me to step down. There will be no recriminations for my part and should the majority of the alliance call for it here I shall step aside. So, unless this happens, I would kindly request that all bickering and accusations on the subject come to a halt.
Amoran left stating that we should find ourselves a new leader. It seems that I have the support of most, if not all of the alliance members. If you or anyone else have issue with this, you are most welcome to ask the alliance members and see the general opinion for yourself. Ibruzu was also appointed on the basis of general approval from his peers. I believe that is more than fair and correct. P.S. No offence taken. You have the right to ask questions.
Amoran has left the guardians and gone to the COE. As of now the leadership of the alliance of the GOTR will be held by myself and Ibruzu shall be my second. If I am away or unfit to lead, Ibruzu will be able to take over as required. We hope to return the alliance to its former glory and restore it as a proper martial force in the defence of Loreroot. If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or Ibruzu. Thank you for your time.
Still doesn't look like a brewery
Rhaegar, To be fair to Grido, I think that he is trying to do exactly what he has said, rebuild the Savelite alliance. I don't think that he has behaved like a dictator or usurper at all. Coming from someone from Loreroot I think that should carry some weight. The GOTR are back in action also and are in the process of trying to get recruitment up and running again.
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Firsanthalas replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
[quote]Firsan you were in the freaking meeting when it was decided, you even voted. I have records to prove it now stop it.[/quote] I voted for Karak to be President. I am not disputing that Karak is President of the Council or that I voted for him. I am however questioning the remark that Karak is also the Leader of GOTR. Currently you are the leader of GOTR as you occupy that slot. If Tarquinus made a mistake in his statement, then Tarquinus or anyone else can say so. Don't try to make out that I said or agreed to something I didn't. A statement was made in public. I questioned that statement. If it was an error, then say so and all can see it and understand. Don't jump down my throat for speaking up about something that I felt was incorrect. -
Don't forget the lovely muffins, scones and waffles that are served there! And of course the wonderful company.
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Firsanthalas replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
Ok right. I think that history is a valuable source of wisdom and example. When the former Soviet Union moved from Communisum to Democracy what happened? Well, all of a sudden some people got very very rich and powerful. The state resources were bought up and suddenly things were very bleak for the commoner. People couldn't get paid, while others became billionaires overnight. The truth is that Loreroot has been a land divided for a long time now. Every time that is seems to have started to heal something has happened to reopen old wounds. Like Russia, Loreroot sought to rebuild for a better future through democracy. Unfortunately, democracy isn't perfect. Mistakes have been made and will continue to be made. However, there is hope if people will work to resolve differences and respect each other. Throwing threats and insults at each other wont solve anything. It has been established that there is now a council in Loreroot. However, this council has only met once and is still not complete. While a council member may speak and voice an opinion, that does not mean that their opinion is that of the council as a whole. I would like people to consider that fact. Even anything I am saying here can be poo poo-ed by anyone in Loreroot. I have the right to ask questions or disagree. So does anyone else. Doing so in public should not be considered as an attack either. It is voicing my opinion. I believe that this is a cornerstone of democracy; the freedom of speech. There are a lot of ideas and opinions on what is wrong here, but not a lot on what can be done to improve things or what is right. Perhaps people should put down their stones and start throwing suggestions and ideas instead. Close mouths and open ears. Hearing and listening are not the same thing. -
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Firsanthalas replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
[quote]Karak, as President of Council, is the leader of the Guardians of the Root Alliance.[/quote] This is the first that I have heard of this When was this decided? -
Well, as far as I am concerned I would like to see KC return to his rightful place. My door is always open, please feel free to stop by for a chat and a cup of tea KC. Perhaps then I can talk you into coming back.
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Firsanthalas replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3963"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3963[/url] A more recent version of events. -
Loreroot: An Account of Recent History This is an account of events from the eyes and ears of one Firsanthalas. A long time ago I came to this realm. Feeling lost and homesick, I took refuge in the green forest of Loreroot. I met and was enchanted by a beautiful Nymph. After a longtime I was summoned to the capitol of the forest, Ravenhold. On that day I was told that I had been deemed worthy enough to enter the Guardians of the Root alliance. I swore to serve Nelya and protect Loreroot. I was appointed as envoy to Golemus and tasked with securing a treaty with said land. After extensive negotiations, Nelya and Yrthilian signed a treaty. After this I was asked to assume the role of Envoy for Loreroot. And so I set about making contact with other groups in the realm and improving relations. During this time the Children of the Eclipse and the Savelites sought refuge and homelands within the forest. Nelya agreed to their requests and welcomed them in. To improve rulership of the forest and to recognise the new arrivals she created a council. This High Council consisted of representatives from each group; Nelya, Blacthorn, Raven, Eden, Grayhawk and Udgard from the Guardians of the Root; Tarquinus, from the COE; Savelfuser from the Savelites and Calyx, whom Nelya had also invited into Loreroot. At first Loreroot prospered and grew. But, like a thief, darkness crept slowly into the land. Glaistig, the Spymaster, was revealed to be himself a spy for Necrovion. To make matters worse, Nelya began to become more distant and was seen less often within the forest. This was further compounded by the similar absence of Blackthorn. In Nelya’s absence a member of the Guardians rose to the top of the alliance. There was much arguing during this period. Some felt that leadership was not for Nelya by privilege, while others did. At this time the High Council’s position and function was questioned by some. Tensions ran high and arguments abounded. Stormrunner left the alliance in anger. Shadows grew long and the forest darkened. Nelya’s absence was felt by all it seemed and Loreroot began to flounder. Any sighting of Nelya was greeted with cries of joy, but alas they were few and fleeting. Brother and sister questioned each other’s loyalties and motives. Kingbull left the alliance. With the absence of Nelya, Eden, Grayhawk and to some extent Blackthorn, the council was rearranged, with one Firsanthalas, being appointed to assist in matters. Shortly after this, Sagewoman was also brought into the fold of the High Council. Finally Blackthorn was seen in the lands again. He announced that Raven was to take over in Nelya’s place. A time of rebuiling was begun, but not before others, like Ailith also left Loreroot. During this time a second treaty was negotiated with Golemus. Raven and Yrthilian signed the treaty, while Firsanthalas bore witness to the events. Peace returned to Loreroot and the future seemed to look bright. But, the shadows had never left it seems and darkness soon followed. Mistrust still abounded and gradually it began to eat away like a cancer. Then events that will remain infamous occurred. Fights broke out among people from Loreroot and Golemus. Uncertainty returned and despite negotiations and pleas for a peaceful solution, Golemus issued a decree that war would come between both lands unless Raven stepped down. Many reasons were given for this turn of events. I shall not document them here, for they are many and complicated. Loreroot was in disarray. How could this be happening? How would Loreroot fight? Arguments abounded. Some called for war, others for Raven to step down and spare the loss of innocent life. The Knator Commander left after a row with others in Loreroot. Having lost its general and its people split, Raven stepped down as leader. It was a war that was seen as unwinnable by many up to this point and now it seemed to be utterly impossible with the loss of Knator Commander. Over the next few weeks, Loreroot attempted to try and come to terms with what had happened and to reassert some kind of leadership. Elections were held to appoint a new council to govern the Land. The honourable Pamplemouse, presided over these elections to ensure that they were fair and accurate. The results of which have now been made public and indeed are still in progress.
Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.
Firsanthalas replied to Amoran Kalamanira Kol's topic in Historic Documents
Umm, I have material, written by Blackthorn I believe, but I'm not sure if that counts as official material. Apart from that and what is in the AL, I don't have anything that I feel I could put here. The archivist's archives are pretty bare I'm afraid. -
Ok, well assuming that he did rip off someones else's work and its not the other way around, I think its pretty bad. If you cant draw, or are too lazy too, you shouldn't make out that you can. Same for anything really. Drawing inspiration from the works of others is fine too, imho, but these look to be exact copies (or merely mirror images). For shame if it is true.
Ok, I've had no problems for a couple of days and just there it did it again. Clicked the left most orb, all the orbs emptied and left me with just over 1k heat. (Note: only 5 orbs were full this time. All of them emptied, but only 1008 HEAT was in the HEAT indicator)
HEAT is gone before the combat. It is not combat related at all. I just happen to be activating the HEAT in preparation for combat. I have refreshed the page and it is definately gone. Also the HEAT goes from 4 orbs even though I have only clicked on one or maybe on the second orb. They just empty. I have six orbs, always seem to have 2 left that are fine. I will experiment with the orbs to see if it is one in particular. However, it is intermittant, so it could take a while.
Happened yet again
Ok so.. When I click on my HEAT storage to use it, 4 orbs instantly empty and the HEAT vanishes without a trace. This doesn't happen all the time, but it has been happening everyday and generally several times a day for the past week. This isn't HEAT lost due to fights or time. The HEAT vanishes instantly, before a fight. As I click on one orb, 4 just empty. Player ID 28728