I suppose I should post my proposal/application here for all to see. I know it will go up for voting, but I guess this will give people a little more time to see it and quiz me on it too.
Application for King of Loreroot .Firsanthalas. ID: 28728 Days: 551
[b]Concerning rulership:[/b]
• Title of king to be changed to that of ‘Speaker for the Forest’.
• As Speaker, I would pledge to work in consultation with the other groups within Loreroot and agree to listen to and respect their ideas, views and concerns. To facilitate this, I would instate a court. This court would consist of the leaders of the Savelites, COE, Creators and any other alliance/guild that would be residents of Loreroot. The Second of the Guardians would also be entitled to attend to ensure that the Guardians’ interests where adhered to and that the King was in no way overstepping his mark.
Should a sizable body of citizens that are not within an alliance or guild be evident, then these would be treated as a guild of sorts, in that they would be allowed a representative at court.
• While the Speaker would have the final say in matters, listening to and accepting the views of the others concerned would be important. Indeed, should the other groups be unhappy with his decisions it would be incumbent on them to question the ability of the Speaker to continue in his post.
[b]Concerning aims:[/b]
• As Speaker I would strive to improve Loreroot for all parties concerned. Therefore I would try to develop Loreroot in general, but also seek to improve things for the Savelites, COE and the Creators in particular. To develop and expand on the knowledge and feel of what Loreroot is, what it feels to be a Lorerootian and what makes Loreroot different from other lands.
• To promote a greater sense of community and belonging in the land of Loreroot, while at the same time acknowledging and promoting the diversity within it.
• I believe that I have the support of most of my peers and many beyond the borders of Loreroot. I have been constant in my allegiance to Loreroot for a very long time.
• Since becoming leader of the Guardians I have worked to rebuild the alliance. I have put a definitive structure in place and tried to make the goings on more transparent and open for all to see. I have tried to create more of a feel and idea for the Guardians. I would like to think that I have also worked with and helped the members of the alliance to grow and mature in the alliance and MD as a whole.
• I’ve worked to improve relations with the other groups in Loreroot and bring stability. I believe I have shown that I am patient and willing to listen to others. My plan has been to develop slowly and carefully so that they can flow into things and reduce any risk of disturbance to others and therefore create something that can last.
• I have requested and worked on items for Loreroot already, such as the clickables. Hopefully the position would help do more in the future and use things like clickables to develop quests and activities to provide some fun and challenges for people.
I won’t be so clichéd as to say that I want to make Loreroot the best or most powerful land. What I would like to do is to add to and create a sense of a land and its uniqueness from the others. And to do this with the aid and co-operation of the other people involved and passionate about the land too.
While some of my points may not go into detail, it is precisely because I wish to discuss things with others before implementing ideas and policies arbitrarily. I feel it would be wrong to have firm ideas and plans about things without consulting the members of the Court.