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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. Mya shall be your mentor.
  2. You just can't please some people I guess. I think I'll start viewing the forums via a projector. Muuuwwwwaaaahhaaaaa. Seriously though, I use a fairly big widescreen myself. The higher the res the better I think.
  3. Amin mela lle Cheekymuffin.

  4. Personally I blame the lack of muffins. Everyone loves free muffins. Although if you have too many muffins for too long you might find you are unable to reach the keyboard, or your fingers are too big to press individual keys. Solution!! Run around MD a bit more in between muffins.
  5. Just to point out that the Greeks and Romans sometimes used a styled cuiras which showed musculature and even the bellybutton. I am guessing that is what is depicted in the picture.
  6. Day 304 Firsanthalas wins Heads Contest.
  7. Day 294 Firsanthalas elected king of Loreroot Day 299 Mysteria Blue joins the Guardians
  8. On the subject of the Crafters and neutrality. I'll say this now and I believe that the others in Loreroot would not object. I would not, nor I believe others in Loreroot expect the Crafters to act in any manner that would affect their neutrality and impartiallity. Thus, if for some reason Loreroot were to be embroiled in, lets say a war, the Crafters would not be expected to particpate and indeed, others would be expected to treat them as a neutral party. It is important for a group like the Crafters to be allowed to do their work and for everyone to benefit from their work equally. I would never intentionally do anything to jeapordise that fact and I believe neither would anyone else. Im just saying this here so that people are clear on that matter.
  9. I think that is the thing about citizenship. It should be a big deal and should not be entered into lightly. If you become a citizen of a land you probably shouldn't be joining an alliance in another land, at least not one that could potentially see you at odds with your land at a later point. For instance, little Johnny joins MB as a citizen and then enters the Sentinels. Later on war breaks out between the Sentinels and Knights of the Bell. If he were to engage in the fighting, he would be attacking fellow citizens. If he refused, he would be letting the Sentinel alliance down. In short, if you become a citizen of one land and enter an alliance in another your setting yourself up for a possible conflict of interests. The one exception I can think of off the top of my head would be the Archives. The Archivists, Advertisers etc are neutral, so I wouldn't see a problem for people of other lands joining them. To be honest I also think that citizenship could and hopefully will be a way for people to show their affiliation with a land without the need to be in an alliance. So if a person falls out with their alliance and isn't keen on the other alliances of the land, they are still seen as a part of that land, despite not being in an alliance. It may also help show diversity in the neutral alliances and guilds where people of different lands work together despite their different citizenships. Providing of course, citizenship of a particular land doesn't become a prerequisite for joining such an alliance.
  10. Sharazhad shall be your mentor. Mya will complete Mysteria Blue's mentorship on her own.
  11. I think its all about balance really and finding the right level. Mur does need to work on new features, otherwise he could spend forever fixing bugs etc, as lets face it, something crops up all the time. However, I do feel that there are things that need to be finished once they are started. Removal of RPCs was a big thing imo. Spell docs, RPC clickables and some RPC roles, like Drachorn master/mutator being things that still seem up in the air. Then again, perhaps these issues will be addressed by other work Mur is doing. Perhaps one way forward, would be to move onto a new version, but list some changes that will be made in the new one to address current issues? Ultimately its up to Mur, but it might be an idea and give people a bit of light at the end of the tunnel if there is something they are really bothered or worried about, as well as give Mur something to focus on a little bit? Just an idea.
  12. I suppose I should post my proposal/application here for all to see. I know it will go up for voting, but I guess this will give people a little more time to see it and quiz me on it too. Application for King of Loreroot .Firsanthalas. ID: 28728 Days: 551 [b]Concerning rulership:[/b] • Title of king to be changed to that of ‘Speaker for the Forest’. • As Speaker, I would pledge to work in consultation with the other groups within Loreroot and agree to listen to and respect their ideas, views and concerns. To facilitate this, I would instate a court. This court would consist of the leaders of the Savelites, COE, Creators and any other alliance/guild that would be residents of Loreroot. The Second of the Guardians would also be entitled to attend to ensure that the Guardians’ interests where adhered to and that the King was in no way overstepping his mark. Should a sizable body of citizens that are not within an alliance or guild be evident, then these would be treated as a guild of sorts, in that they would be allowed a representative at court. • While the Speaker would have the final say in matters, listening to and accepting the views of the others concerned would be important. Indeed, should the other groups be unhappy with his decisions it would be incumbent on them to question the ability of the Speaker to continue in his post. [b]Concerning aims:[/b] • As Speaker I would strive to improve Loreroot for all parties concerned. Therefore I would try to develop Loreroot in general, but also seek to improve things for the Savelites, COE and the Creators in particular. To develop and expand on the knowledge and feel of what Loreroot is, what it feels to be a Lorerootian and what makes Loreroot different from other lands. • To promote a greater sense of community and belonging in the land of Loreroot, while at the same time acknowledging and promoting the diversity within it. [b]Qualifications:[/b] • I believe that I have the support of most of my peers and many beyond the borders of Loreroot. I have been constant in my allegiance to Loreroot for a very long time. • Since becoming leader of the Guardians I have worked to rebuild the alliance. I have put a definitive structure in place and tried to make the goings on more transparent and open for all to see. I have tried to create more of a feel and idea for the Guardians. I would like to think that I have also worked with and helped the members of the alliance to grow and mature in the alliance and MD as a whole. • I’ve worked to improve relations with the other groups in Loreroot and bring stability. I believe I have shown that I am patient and willing to listen to others. My plan has been to develop slowly and carefully so that they can flow into things and reduce any risk of disturbance to others and therefore create something that can last. • I have requested and worked on items for Loreroot already, such as the clickables. Hopefully the position would help do more in the future and use things like clickables to develop quests and activities to provide some fun and challenges for people. [b]Conclusion:[/b] I won’t be so clichéd as to say that I want to make Loreroot the best or most powerful land. What I would like to do is to add to and create a sense of a land and its uniqueness from the others. And to do this with the aid and co-operation of the other people involved and passionate about the land too. While some of my points may not go into detail, it is precisely because I wish to discuss things with others before implementing ideas and policies arbitrarily. I feel it would be wrong to have firm ideas and plans about things without consulting the members of the Court.
  13. I think Z summed that up nicely. Its not that Bob is a Loreroot issue, I never said that, but it is an issue for people in Loreroot. A perhaps subtle, but nonetheless important difference.
  14. Not meaning to sound cruel or dissmisive but your arguments are severely flawed. First, you are not running alone, far from it. Second, Bob is not in Marinds Bell, he is in No mans land. Thirdly, he is not a seperate issue in that he is very much a concern for many Lorerootians like myself, people that you are claiming you wish to rule over. You seem wildly out of tune with your would-be-subjects and don't seem to be in full possession of fairly straightforward facts. With respect Cryxus, the Bob thing is relevant. Granted it is not relevent to all Lorerootians and perhaps not seen as a major issue for many, but to say its a seperate issue entirely I find quite flippant and insulting. To me it shows a lack of understanding or respect for the beliefs and attitude of some and perhaps most of the people of Loreroot. Personal opinion here of course.
  15. There has been some talk of public debate. I just want to say I won't engage in a debate of such kind. Not because I fear it or have something to hide, but because in my opinion they don't work. They ramble on for hours and when you have lots of candidates and an audience its impossible to really get through it. I believe that there are perhaps another 2 people that have put themselves forward, so the number of candidates may be closer to 6 in number. In the real world you can have a debate for an hour or whatever and get though quite a lot, but I feel this doesn't hold through in MD and debates tend to only involve 2 or 3 candidates. Also candidates in RL tend to be living in the same timezones and on a similar pattern (i.e. engaged in polling for votes etc) I will however, answer any questions anyone has at any time. In person, by PM or whatever.
  16. I think its time to show Shaogorath our wrath. 'The wrath of anti-Shaogorath' coming to a cinema near you. Rated 16, 18 if you have a weak heart.
  17. It would seem to be at odds to hate a thing of nature and its defenders (many of whom are of Loreroot) and then claim to want to rule and aid a land of nature and with many trees.
  18. After consultation with many people, I have submitted my application for the Loreroot position. Just posting here so that everyone is aware of that fact.
  19. Yeah, its prince. Queen Elizabeth's husband is Prince Philip. She remains as the ruling monarch, he didn't become her king when she married him.
  20. You are not the king of drinking. Seriously, you drink Budweiser. Enough said really.
  21. Day 277 Mya Celestia appointed as Second by the Guardians.
  22. Voting closed. Mya has been voted as Second.
  23. A couple of questions spring to mind in regards to this issue. First of all, whats the point in having a crown, if you can't make unpopular decisions? Second, people talk of deposing the King, but don't really go into details on what will be done in his absence. It also appears that at least 2 or 3 individuals are using this as an opportunity to promote themselves to that position (even if not in name). Thirdly, this whole situation seems to be yet another mess that involves Real Life issues. I know that someone mentioned before that RL issues do affect people, BUT its supposed to be a game. People play games and sports everyday, crush their opponents and then manage to go to the pub and have a drink with each other. Its not unheard of you know. The actions of a person in character are not meant to be those of the player. Indeed people will often play characters with completely different morale values and personalities from the real person. You can 'play' the villain, without being a villainous person. At least that is the way things should be. I would encourage all parties involved to sit down OOC and discuss what happened. Then try to work out some kind of a compromise and get things back on track. I don't think that any party here is in the right as such. Mistakes have been made by all and personally, I think it would be better if all concerned tried to work it out so that future animosities and complications are avoided. I appreciate that is most likely easier said than done and that you most likely have spoken to each other, but at least consider a compromise. At the end of the day I don't think that Golemus is being served by this at all. After the situation with Loreroot a while back there was a lot of bitterness and resentment. That is still there to be honest and it serves nobody, either within or outside of Loreroot. I am sorry, but I do not think that people are acting in the best interest of Golemus here at all. To me, it looks more like personal battles, revenge and attempts to seize control or power. Neither of those things will result in anything good for the land of Golemus or its people. This is just the view of an outsider looking in, without all the pieces or answers. Take it as you will.
  24. Well done. I wish you well in your venture and offer whatever help or advice I can.
  25. Have you a preferred person to ask as mentor, or will I choose one for you?
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