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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. [quote]And I will never ask to sponsor any of my quests since unfortunately probably none of the loreroot people will be able to complete it.[/quote] Should Loreroot people just start wearing yellow stars? I am spent.
  2. Let me make one thing clear. Mur said that the WPs for land treasury were to be used for the good of the land. And that means that the Kings can 'gift' WPs to people. Its up to us to distribute them. If you don't like it, go join a land with a king. As for people in a land with no king, if you want to run a quest you can ask me to sponsor it. I may do so. But cribbing about it when you haven't even asked is pointless. As for restrictions, I don't care what you think. I intend to have some quests where citizens of Loreroot have positive discrimination. I won't apologise for it and I am telling you straight so you can't say I've tried to hide the fact. But I repeat that not all quests and WPs have and will be like this. Some have and will always be open. As for people not liking restrictions, well you not what you can do then don't you? There are 4 kings, if your not happy with dealing with me, toddle off and try one of the other 3. Until you have tried all 4 and gotten nowhere you don't even have a leg to stand on complaint wise as far as I am concerned. As a king my job involves improving, promoting and nurturing my land and its citizens. Not yours. Having said that, I'd like to think that I am open enough to try and help people out in general. But if you don't ask you won't get. And for those purposes, snippy remarks, generally nastiness, veiled threats or accusations won't get you far with me. Neither will half baked ideas or half made quests. Come to me with actual quests and I'll consider sponsoring.
  3. That is to whole point of citizenship. It allows you to be part of a land without being in an alliance. Therefore you can ask the king of the land you are a citizen of for WPs to run quests. But right now Eastlands and Underground are neutral and have no king. Perhaps Eastlands will change later on when Mur does more work on it. That is for him to say though. In the meantime, you have the advantage of neutrality and relative independence. Hope that answers your question Aeils.
  4. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that ALL five of the quests on the quest page are open to ANYONE. And two of the quest runners are not aligned to a land with a king.
  5. Actually Kamisha, Mur told us to only give the WPs for quest creation purposes to people from our own lands. The WPs are supposed to be used for the welfare of the land. Giving them out as has happened with a few kings is a way to give something to others too. And again, there is nothing to stop ye from doing a quest and using the reward for running a quest, rather than for your personal use. And again, I point out that there was little take-up on my quest for WPs. So I think that its a bit rich to complain about it. Go and do the bloody quests that are out there and stop moaning about it. If you really want to run a quest and just don't have WPs, then ask around. There are ways and means to get them. Also, not every quest needs WPs as rewards you know.
  6. Sorry Shadow but I disagree with you. As for fairness. Every quest discriminates in some fashion. Any quest that involves a race element (.e. top 3 etc) is discriminatory. It gives people that are around at the time of launch an advantage. People with more time in MD gain an advantage. If you look at the WPs its heavily routed in the hands of a minority of people. I've seen quests that involve art, therefore if you no little about art, you are at a disadvantage. Some quests involve codes. Not everyone is good at code breaking. Everyone is different and has different capabilities and time constraints. There will always be inequity. I'm sorry, but its my opinion and belief that some people will not do a quest purely on the basis that certain people like dst and yourself are participating. And I re-iterate my point. I think that having a chance to win a WP because you have chosen to join a land is not a bad thing. IF, it turns out that all lands and quests go like that then I'd agree it should be changed, but currently that is just not the case. And I have also seen people like Cutler ask for WPs in exchange for doing work.
  7. Couple of points here. First up, having quests only open to citizens of a land is not a bad thing imo. It gives a purpose and added reward to citizenship. Although, if all quests started to go that way it would be bad. Personally I don't and won't restrict ALL my quests to LR only people, BUT I will have SOME. (My current and previous quest are and were open to people beyond LR. Infact my last one was targeted at the lands with no kings) Secondly, even though WPs may only be given to quest creators from a particular land, they are often open to be won by any citizen. Thirdly, I recently ran a quest that would give quest creators a chance to gain WPs to sponsor their quest. Yes there was a clause, but there were still WPs on offer that could go to people from any land. The uptake of the quest was exceptionally poor. Only about 6 people bothered to enter and at least one person didn't follow the very simple instructions and another submitted a quest that was only pending approval from other sources. Its my personal opinion that the interest and uptake in quests in general is poor. I suggest that people start doing quests rather than moaning about it. This may seem harsh, but I purposely set quests that are not overly complicated and involve MD itself, rather than inane running around or mind bending brainteasers, or quests which generally rely on knowledge of a specific field. I'm not saying such quests are bad per say, merely that I try to set things that are different, maybe quirky and don't require you to have a degree in maths, cryptology, science, art, whatever. Its good to have different types of quests that can suit different people. Bottom line though, I tend to feel people don't really bother with quests much and even when they do enter, the quality is often quite poor imo.
  8. To quote the MD page itself: 'Multiplayer roleplaying browser game. MagicDuel is a unique fantasy mmorpg unlike anything you played before. Players can shape the game world with their actions, daily updates and an amazing community, player made quests and unique gameplay make it worthy experience you will never forget. Tags: fatasy role-playing games, browser mmorpg game, free multiplayer adventure.' So if it isn't a roleplaying game, perhaps that should be changed to 'stat munching game' or 'the game of zero tolerance'? This might seem negative, but its a reflection of my current mood about things. I am hoping to be enlightened and encouraged now.
  9. Yeah happy birthday cheeky.
  10. Perhaps you should ask yourself [b]Why[/b] MD seems boring? Lack of people around seems one. Lack of any concentration of people too. GGG seems to be the only area where you can expect a concentration of people, but it is remote. There was a more central location once upon a time, but that was torn down, much the same way that it seems that people now want to tear down GGG. To Fenrir I'd say this. You claim to have ideas that are for the benefit of MD, yet almost all your views get severe negative comments and score all the time. Are you so sure that your ideas are actually helping? I think its great that you obviously know what we all need. I feel much better knowing that we have people like you to guide us in the directions we need to go in, cos we are obviously so idiotic that we can't possibly think for ourselves and the fact that most people can't seem to agree with you just proves that. And perhaps ye should put more emphasis on MD itself rather than seemingly endless hours devoted to forum rants.
  11. I don't know but I've been told, someone here is getting old. Don't you worry, don't you fear, it only happens once a year. Happy birthday Mya.
  12. Agreed. Also, trying to restrict tokens would actually just make them more powerful for those that happen to already have them. It would make it even harder for people that don't have tokens. Tokens should give a nice boost, but not too much. They should be nice to have, but not necessary. Right now they are falling more and more into the necessary category.
  13. Random token application also seems to add to things though. Some tokens are completely useless on certain creatures or indeed can make them useless. Couple this with the fact that people are getting what they want on creatures anyway, by paying money etc and you have a system which currently favours those with money/coins/whatever to spare. Another thing is this. Currently tokens completely mess up creatures like rusties. While I agree that you shouldn't need money to play, spending money should give you something nice. Currently it seems that rusties are becoming more and more devalued unless you lob tokens onto them (you can actually apply that to any creature, but rusties are a good example as its really hard to get them with just free credits). Basically combat seems to be devolving into who has the most rusties (and a few other creatures like angiens) and the most tokens on them. Given that rusties and tokens require money........... (I know that some people don't spend money and manage to get things via trading, but to me that is also an issue.) On the reverse it seems to me that there is nothing really for the people that do pay money via a subscription. Okay okay, you can get bonus credits blah blah, but pretty much anything you can purchase can be gained by trading it seems. Granted there are powerups and boosters, but some of them seem pricey to me and not great. 1 credit for 1500 heat for example. Paying credits for random allocated tokens, that wheeler dealers are managing to get as they want, or indeed make a profit from providing the service. Personally, I kind of feel that people are funding other people's pockets at times rather than MD itself. Just my opinions of course
  14. I would like to speak to you about this Sir Blut. Seek me out please.
  15. Well, I mean description more so than just title. But title is good.
  16. Currently my description is 'Supreme Ruler of Loreroot'. Not overly keen on that to be honest. So, What do you think it should be? Give your suggestions here.
  17. Jelly
  18. [quote]So, basically you're suggesting that we shouldn't try to make a profit?[/quote] No, I am suggesting that you shouldn't buy a shop item for the purpose of making a quick buck. If you want to trade items that you have with others, well nobody can stop you. Infact the shop can even act as an agent to ensure fairness (for a small fee). But the purpose of the shop is to try to get and keep items moving and raw materials available for item creation. So buying shop items to sell on for a profit and/or for 'collectors' is completely contrary to the shops aims. I am not trying to stop people making profit. Just trying to make item creation and item flow better. Think of it as a kind of co-operative. Yes you can go to the independent trader and get better deals. Or you can go to the co-operative and support your fellows and maybe in return get a better deal for yourself at some point in the future.
  19. Ok, I'll have a look at that. Maybe something like: 1 pt per gold coin/15 silver donated 1 pt per item traded fairly (as in without a load of hassle) 1 pt per raw material sold to shop fairly 2 pts per raw material donated 3 pts per item donated -5 pts for breaking a trade agreement with a person (proof would have to be provided) -10 pts for attempting to scam in a trade brokered by the shop -20 pts for reselling to a collector or for profit in general -100 pts for stiffing (or attempting) the shop Bonus points for helping other get items or promoting fair trade. What do you think? That way an offender COULD buy their way back into good grace, but not without serious effort to do so. Open to change/comments.
  20. Well you have kind of hit the nail on the head dst. It as I said, will only work with people's help. To be more clear, I would prefer to be trading items mainly and purchasing/selling raw materials. The aim is to allow items to move around. Some people may want an item for their character. By trading or donating items it makes it more likely that this will be possible. I won't take bids on items, but rather I'll try to give them to people who seem genuine. Raw materials could be bought, but given directly to a crafter on the basis of item creation. I realise that it will be open to abuse and there is every possibility that people will seek to buy items at a low price and then sell them on to a hoarder for a greater price. In short, neither I nor anyone else can stop that really. But we can refuse to deal with them further and maybe even create a blacklist. Granted you may get much less than you would selling to a 'collector', but equally, if you later require something, you could end up getting it much cheaper and with a lot less hassle. Again, I can only hope that good nature wins out and hopefully a collector will be satisfied with only one of each item. I dare say that if not, they are not collecting and merely hoarding, which is of no benefit to anybody at all.
  21. Ok, already received some silver coins and 'Raw Wax' and 'Blackboard and Easel' I will post a list if and when I start to get a decent amount of items. If the shop isn't going to take off, I will return the items etc to the contributors (in case anyone was wondering). I'll try to idle or be active at the Paper Cabin for as much as possible over the next few hours, that way you should be able to donate items if you want to. I'll also buy items, but please try to keep it to a nominal fee.
  22. Ok, due to a lot of things happening lately I have a proposal. I've been thinking of starting a shop/merchant service. Basically, I am asking you to sell or give me items. In return I will sell these items on to people for item creation or quest purposes. The idea is to do it for nominal fees and to try to keep things reasonably affordable. I'll run it on a non-profit basis, although there will be profits involved. Confused? Well, what I mean is this. Say you sell me something for 3 silver. I will sell it on for 4 or 5 say. I will then use the profits to keep towards being able to purchase further items. I will publish a list of items, cost and subsequent sale prices. That way you can all see what is going on and that it is all above board. Another facility will be as a trade officer. Basically, if you want to trade, both seller and buyer can transfer items/creatures/coins to me. Once I am satisfied that the arrangement is above board, I can pass things on to both parties. Done deal for both parties. I realise that this will result in an extra CTC transfer, but at least you will know you are getting the creature expected (if a creature is involved) or indeed getting it at all. This won't work without your help and relies on your good will to a large degree. The more you want for items the harder it will be to get working.
  23. Items list dispatched to Mur. Don't send me anymore requests please.
  24. 2 12
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