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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. Just a quick note. I don't and won't chase people that seek to join. If you wish to join it is up to you to contact me and keep that contact open. You can either find me about the realm, PM me or send me a msg via the forum. Also, Im not the only Guardian, you can speak with an Elder of the alliance if you can't get me. If you wish to join, your application will be considered, but not just based upon a post here. You must post here, even if you speak directly to us, but a single post here is not a sufficient means to be accepted. What is, I leave up to you. Your asking to join an alliance, not for a meal ticket.
  2. *Leaves a bag of muffins and runs away*
  3. May the wind be eternally on your back. Good luck in your adventures.
  4. Personally, I find questions like 'Whats for lunch?' to be much more pressing. I can't do anything about what happening in the beginning and when the end of the universe comes, I probably won't be around. If I am, well I won't have to worry about it then either will I? But what I'm having for lunch could determine many things. Ohh and Einstein was wrong, see signature below
  5. The best tea there is

  6. Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'

  7. I have some very nice Elven tea.

  8. Yeah, I feel that RPCs should be spending their time doing other things than HC. That or allow RPCs to do the contest until such time as they win it and then have them excluded like all the other winners.
  9. Its just my opinion, so not indicative of RPC sentiment. However, I feel that RPC participation in the HC is not a good idea. We aren't supposed to spend time doing quests, we are supposed to create quests afterall. So why should we be devoting hours and days to the HC? While it may be technically allowed, it doesn't make it right does it? I'm not talking about adjudicating or mixing things up here either. Moving people that are hiding out in remote areas, is not participating, but collecting heads is. Furthermore, RPCs using their power(even if you argue that it has nothing to do with your status or abilities as an RPC)to directly affect or determine the outcome of a HC seems wrong to me also.
  10. If you see me around, that would be best. But here will do, if you can't
  11. No, just was drinking my tea. People always want me when Im havin me tea. And they never actually want tea either.

  12. Find me and speak to me about it then Yurisan. Alternatively PM or msg me.
  13. Fandiddlytastic. How about you?

  14. Personally, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to exclude players from quests. For example, if I find people cheating in a quest, why should I allow them participate in other quests?
  15. [b]Purpose and Goals of the Guardians[/b] While the forest itself has no need of mortal interference, there is always the threat of such interference. Thus, the Guardians’ goal is to protect the forest from the depredations of others. The Guardians are the protectors of the forest. They have a symbiotic relationship with the forest. They protect and nurture it as it protects and nurtures them. Like the trees and the animals within, the Guardians have a place and a role. They must live harmoniously with the forest, maintaining a balance. For that which is taken, something must be returned. The Guardians watch everything within the forest borders. For, more than anyone else, those that dwell in the forest must show care and respect. This makes the duties of the Guardians manifold. They must stand against outsiders intent on bringing harm to the forest. They must police its inner self and make sure that balance and order are maintained. Guardians enjoy the beauty of the forest and nature. They have respect for its power, too. A Guardian understands that, as water can bring life, so too can it be the cause of death and destruction. For too much water can drown plants and animals, wash away soil and uproot even the mightiest tree or wall. Fire can create warmth, scour dead growth and promote new life, or burn away forest and animal life in wild abandon. Too much or too little of any element can spell disaster. While a Guardian may appear docile or placid at times, remember that the mightiest rivers often flow from many small and gentle streams. [b]Demeanour of a Guardian[/b] A Guardian’s primary concern is the welfare of the forest. Therefore they will seek to avoid actions that could result in harm coming to the forest. Guardians are very protective of their home and kin though, so any that seek to harm those had best be wary. The forest and nature shape a Guardian’s mind, body and spirit. To a Guardian, emotions are a reflection of nature and vice versa. Guardians associate the elements with their emotions. Thus, water is seen as a calming influence, earth is associated with steadfastness and creativity, air with freedom and inspiration, fire with impulsiveness, anger and rage, and spirit with the connection between the inner self and the greater world and other less tangible ideas. Guardians recognise that they often exhibit one or more elements in their behaviour over others. Thus, Sage and Windy are seen as fiery; Mya on the other hand is more like water and has a gentle calming influence on many. The goal of a Guardian is to acknowledge and balance the elements of their personality. As balance of the elements is the key in nature, so too is it the key for the self.
  16. They aren't evil, they are just misunderstood. Well some of them are evil, but not all of them are. Some are just annoying, like the sock faeries. I've never understood why they can't go back for the match of the sock they stole, instead of taking another one.
  17. I hate to say it but I think that you have run out of alcyhol *hic*
  18. You don't wear undergarments?
  19. Anyone caught defiling Bob shall have to endure the Trouser Faeries!!!!!!!!!
  20. Grayhawk, contact me about that when you can please.
  21. When you get a chance, I would like to speak with you about that.
  22. The have fur on them!!

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