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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. Nobody mentioned muffins. Im shocked and appaulled. What kind of debate are you going to have without muffins? I'd love to go, but Friday night? Thats drinking night me laddies.
  2. How's it going smilester?

  3. Plays 'The Omen' music and runs for the hills.

  4. Can we quit this thread please? It shouldn't have been created in the first place. It is duplication. Besides, Tom6 has withdrawn his application.
  5. As long as they don't poop everywhere.
  6. I see someone with an umbrella, shield your eyes!

  7. I'd just like to say that there is no such thing as a victimless crime. Its easy to think that nobody suffers from things that might seem trivial at times, but that simply isn't the case. I feel that the HC in general has been mired by Lightsage's actions. Even when he wasn't cheating he has pulled some stunts in his time. Although it isn't a rule, MD is a game and enjoyment is part of it. When our actions result in other people's enjoyment suffering, we damage the game for everyone. We've seen more than one debate lately about the actions of people and the effects on the game and others. We can't have a situation were people are above the rule of law. It just causes upset and encourages some to continue along those lines and others seeing this will either follow suit or question why they bother to try and play fair. You could say that Mur is a victim here too. He has been more than fair I think. He has given multiple warnings and it seems that his good nature was just abused. I won't pretend to know the solution or the correct course of action here, but I feel as has already been said, if Lightsage is to return, then the punishment should be creative. Letting him return as a new character has no guarantee that he won't just continue where he left off. This is not a case of doing the crime and doing the time. There has to be recognition of wrong doing and a willingness to try not (or inability) to re-offend.
  8. Just launched my first quest!!

  9. So, where has my Harp drawer gone to?

  10. Redneck, your application has been turned down. Good luck with your search.
  11. Shemazaj will be mentored by Mya and Shar.
  12. Yes, I wish you fortune and favour in your new position.
  13. Shemazaj please contact me about your request.
  14. Necrothreading indeed. This, I believe has already been answered in the very first thread in the GOTR section, the recruitment one. I'll repeat what is said there. The Guardians of the Root are a defensive force for Loreroot. Thus we have a militaristic duty to Loreroot. However, we are a defensive force and our focus is on protecting the forest and nurturing it. Therefore, we are not a body of professional soldiers, but of people dedicated to the preservation and growth of the forest. Each member has a duty to keep themselves fighting fit and ready to fight if needed, but also to nurture and develop the forest and its inhabitants. When the mods have more time I will speak to them about possibly archiving some threads and tidying things up a bit. You have to appreciate though that they are quite busy at the moment and I don't feel that this is a very pressing matter. With all the recent changes, however, I agree that perhaps a newer fresher approach to the GOTR section might be better. Firs
  15. Applications under consideration.
  16. Yes, please try to keep the thread on topic. Also, this is not Loreroot recruitment, it is GOTR recruitment. GOTR is part of and protects Loreroot, but it is not Loreroot. The Savelites and COE are also part of Loreroot, just as GG or MRs are not Golemus, but part of it. Its important to remember this. Also, try to avoid making personal comments about people seeking recruitment or information here. Its a recruitment thread, not a flaming thread Go raibh maith agat Firs
  17. I have decided that I am going to seek out and destroy the creators of Monopoly. Its become clear to me that they are evil people that are trying to manipulate me and everyone else into becoming venture capitalists or something equally terrible. Some eejit suggested that I just get rid of the game and not play it anymore. Nonsense I say! I must eradicate the creators of the infernal game and every copy ever made lest the world turn into a giant golf course populated by venture capatilists selling time shares in the arctic. Down with capitalism! Viva la revolution!! Edit: I am creating a secret society called PRAM People's Revoultion Against Monopoly. To join, meet me at the toilets in the archives. P.S. Beware Toilet Lion, he is one of THEM. They want to charge us to use the loo. The horror! P.P.S If you are one of THEM, don't bother coming!
  18. Due to recent changes in the alliance I have updated the ranks within the alliance. Apprentices will be potential recruits. A member of the alliance of Guardian rank or higher may mentor someone. After a month this person will be assessed and either allowed into the alliance, their apprenticeship will be extended or they will be refused. Therefore apprentices won’t be in the alliance proper. Anyone seeking to join must apply via the recruitment thread and gain a mentor. A person can only mentor one person at any one time. [b] Leaders[/b] Firsanthalas - First Mya Celestia - Second [b]Elders[/b] Sagewoman Sharazhad Shemhazaj [b]Guardians[/b] Adiomino Crazy Mike Nimrodel Siala Windy [b]Novices[/b] Adam Icephoenix Cross Swords Grayhawk Jazira Magnus Vox Mysteria Blue White Reaper [b]Apprentices[/b] [b]Recruit - Mentor[/b] Darigan - Firsanthalas | Rockistah - Shemhazaj (For the moment the ranks are not very relevant due to the small size of the alliance. As the alliance grows, those currently in the guardian rank will be moved to Elder rank. Their service has been long and committed and they deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. Otherwise, length of service is not an entitlement of rank.) (This system is open to change in the future.) Edited to reflect recent changes
  19. [quote]I do not tell my boyfriend how to drive his car[/quote] Wow! Lucky guy. I'd like to say that this is not going to end for one very simple reason. There seems to be no sign of an apology from anyone. In any argument (that is resolved), there is an apology at the end. It is the apology that is the end of the argument, not silence or ignoring people, the apology. No apology means no end to the argument. It has never been refuted it seems that Mur was accused of things like theft and manipulation. Yet no apology. People have to accept that they were wrong in some way. If they can't then they can't apologise. We are all entitled to an opinion, but there is a fine line between an opinion and an accusation. I personally feel that this is not just about Amoran and Akasha as some people try to make out. It has spilled over and other people have been drawn in. People have taken sides and setup opposing camps. Making accusations without giving the accused a chance to hear them in advance is wrong. You don't go into a courtroom not knowing what you have been charged with. Not allowing the accused to have their response is also wrong. I don't give a flying monkeys about any argument that you feel threatened. If you make or backup an accusation you should be willing to defend it. Otherwise its a baseless argument. This has happened twice now as far as I can see. On the subject of Akasha. Akasha can be about as subtle as a brick through a window at times. But also remember that English is not her first language and she has come under fire from more people than just Amoran lately. She seems to be a magnet for a lot of hate and anger. And yes, she is Mur's wife and I am sure that she is angry about Mur being treated badly. But she is also a person in her own right. Stop treating her like some kind of extra appendage of Mur's. If I was in her shoes I would be insulted and upset over comments like that. Making an argument that she can't speak because she is Mur's wife is insulting and unfair to anyone. It isn't just Amoran and Akasha having some kind of bitch fight here. There is more to it than that and more people involved. So I say to everyone involved, stop fighting, get over yourselves. Mur in particular, deserves an apology and pretty much everyone else say sorry to everyone on the basis that you may have caused offence. I am sorry if I have offended anyone. I have ideas, I get caught up and forget to think about other people's ideas and point of view. I am sorry. (For anyone that I haven't insulted or offended, don't worry I am pretty sure that I will at some time, at which point I can apologise then)
  20. Apparently it is gone. P.S. please keep this thread for its intended purpose. Post other topics of conversation elsewhere. Sorry to sound like a drill sergeant.
  21. Fenrir, There isn't one. Myself, Tarquinus and Grido have made that point. Also, not every treaty involves not fighting. Some could be to share knowledge or muffin recipies.
  22. Personally, I think that there are different aspects to the game. Stat grinding is one, Roleplaying is one too. People like different things and find different things important or interesting. I'm more of a Roleplayer myself, but I have nothing against people stat grinding. Indeed I admire people that do it and do it well. I also think that people like that are often undervalued, because its their experiences in that area that can help people like me to become better at fighting without wasting time having to figure that out. If people find something that gives them an edge, then I think that is fine too. I'd only say that they should report things that are broken and also try not to take the piss out of other people with exploits or bugs. Fine if someone is much stronger than me or has a better rit. But hammering someone for the 100th time with it is a bit frustrating. So when someone starts whining, don't immediately dismiss them as only whining because they are weak, or not as clever or whatever else comes to mind. (To be fair too, MOST of the 'grinders' don't do that) I'd like to say at this point that I believe most people do behave responsibly and report bugs etc. I also think that sometimes people like dst are branded rather unfarily. I don't agree with dst all of the time and indeed I think that some of her ideas or actions aren't always good, but she does add to the game and so do many others like her. That and I am perfectly capable of having ideas that are totally stupid or bad in other people's eyes. It really depends on how you see the game I think. I guess what I am trying to say is that we are all different, but we should try to look at things from the other person's viewpoint once in a while at least. Try to help each other out a bit more rather than going off at each other.
  23. Yeah, well you could get run over by a stampeding grassan mob in the morning. Might as well eat what ye want I say. I'd love a cookie or twelve please!
  24. Speaking personally, it is my understanding that there is no rule anymore restricting the people with the various alliances within Loreroot from attacking each other. However, I generally try to ask any member of a Loreroot alliance before doing so with the exception perhaps of the GGG and GOE as people there are usually looking for battles to begin with. This is my personal opinion/interpretation on the matter and I am open to correction from my peers.
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