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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. When I feel that I can make a comment without every second word being an expletive I will.
  2. DarkElf Mage, could you contact Mya or myself about your application please. Firs.
  3. In reponse to Chewy. As I said it was just based on my limited knowledge of the situation. I guess that given you had spoken to him with regard to matters it should not really have come as a surprise at all. Anyway, the question has now been asked and answered in case anyone else had been thinking something similar, so ye can't be faulted on that front so.
  4. If I may be so bold I'd like to make an observation and a suggestion. In the real world, employees generally have reviews and warnings before dismissal. I understand that moderating a forum is a bit different, but if someone is not doing things the way you feel that they should, would it not be better to sit down with them and discuss where they are going wrong? Then they have a chance to try and avoid these issues and improve on their work. This would also cover you somewhat in that if they person just continues to act as they were, or indeed gets worse, you can feel safe in the knowledge that you gave them an opportunity to improve and that its really their own fault when you have to show them the door. Setting aside a person doing things based out of personal grudges or malice, people do make mistakes, especially someone trying their hand at something for the first time. It would be a real shame for someone to be removed from a post purely due to lack of guidance from more senior people. Note: you refers to mods in general, not one specific individual. Also, this is just something that seems to be the case from what has been presented here. If Fenrir (in this instance) had been given a warning or review, then Iapologise for sticking my oar in, but it has not been mentioned in the thread by anyone. I'm also not saying that Fenrir's dismissal was right or wrong, merely pointing out the seeming lack of any system of review or warning.
  5. Year 5 Day 9 Nimrodel joins the Guardians.
  6. Aye. One particular area I myself found this useful for was alliance papers. I could change the alliance pages of people within the alliance, which was really handy. I'd also like to take the time to point out that I never heard of anyone complaining about their papers being edited against their will or anythign bad being done in that regard. Hopefully this is the case and it shows that the people with the ability were able to use it well.
  7. The point about sanc is moot. I can't stay at the Sparring grounds and help without being attacked. I can go to a Sanc and not be attacked and not help. I can be attacked anywhere else in MD, but I also don't have to stand in the one spot and get picked off. To work at the sparring grounds I would actively have to do that. So therefore I cannot just avoid attackers. This is the whole point. Staff there are effectively sitting ducks. And you actually did answer with a 'set up a stronger rit' response. There is already a topic about how certain people win fights with zero rounds etc. YOu have to realise that there are some rits that are just hard if not impossible to stop. Not everyone has 6 drachs or 3 rustgolds or crap loads of tokens. Against these people most don't have a snowballs chance in hell. Some of these people are also the very ones that will beat on you repeatedly as much as they can. It would seem a simple enough matter to me to ask for staff members to be not targetted while at the Sparring grounds. Its only one location in MD and only of use to them while they are there. Otherwise I feel that myself and other people will simply avoid it and stick to places like GGG to help out at. It just takes a rule that people would be willing to observe, you don't even have to have a spell or anything.
  8. Actually for me it has nothing to do with power. I never became a dojo staff member, but I used to spend a lot of time there to help out. Indeed at one point, before Jazira arrived I was often the only 'dojo'(even though officially I wasn't) person there. I have told you why I won't stand around there now, before. Under your current rules anyone can walk by and mash me and repeatedly so if they feel like it. Im not interested in any response along the lines of 'set a better def rit'. I simply don't see the reasoning or logic in being a target for people while trying to do a service. Im sorry if you think this seems selfish or silly. I have no issue with people attacking me, but I really don't see the point in having a situation where people can decide (and they will) 'hey, I'll pop over to the sparring grounds and hammer Firs' every 25 mins. The fact is, for me fighting is not a big part of MD, but neither is stat loss. Because I don't fight as much as others it simply means that Im going to be heading for stat loss because I choose to try and help. Call me old fashioned, an idiot, lazy or whatever you want, but that is the way that I see it. Im not looking for any special powers, but if you can tell me that people won't start attacking me and hammering away at me then I will go there and help.
  9. I'm looking to commission some artwork for various projects. If your interested let me know. An indication of your ability and style would also be helpful.
  10. Ok, I think some people have hit the nail on the head here. A fight imo, is when two people actually exchange blows. This happens let me see....never.. against certain people around. I don't call getting wiped out before I even strike a fight. That's shooting ducks in a barrel as far as I'm concerned. If your one of those people and that's what you get your kicks from, then good luck to ya. Personally I couldn't care less. On a practical note though I don't actually see the point. I'm not sure what a person learns by such an experience except perhaps the power of fully token critters or certain players. I'm also intrigued at how a game that is not supposed to be about the fighting system seems somehow to constantly revolve around it.
  11. Your application is being considered. Due to holiday season a lot of people are not about, so it might be a few days before you hear anything back.
  12. I'd like to think that Im not a very mean person, but in this case I notice that nobody is really coming to your aid Redneck and the reasons seems obvious to me. Your disrepectful to people. I also feel that your reason for wanted to be LHO is simply to get a medal and possibly get some other form of reward or advantage. Its really down to you now to mend your ways and show people that you can be better. However, burning your bridges, like you now have done with GGG is going to make that very difficult for you to do. I'm sorry if my view of your motives seems negative, but its indicative of how I and I believe others view you. And I agree with Cutler, that I don't think that you are a very good person to be influencing new people to MD. I believe in second chances, but I also believe that they should be earned.
  13. Hmm...44
  14. That is my understanding of how it works too. Although I think your score may go down for each torch carried into your land regardless of the source and whether you carried a torch there too.
  15. Exactly Grido. I don't know about you, but at 1 am on a Saturday night I intend to be lashing back the booze.
  16. Im kind of in the same boat there as Aeo.
  17. I'd like to speak with you when you see me about Rockistah
  18. A while ago Redneck accepted an item in payment for artwork he agreed to do. He subsequently sold/traded/gave away the item, but never produced the artwork. According to him he did do the artwork, but has not got a scanner and was unable to produce/send the material. Bottom line, nothing was ever produced by him and therefore he didn't hold up his end of the bargain. Mya and myself both asked him to return the item. I felt that his attitude was less than impressive. He showed no willingness to make any efforts to retrieve the item. It was very much a case of 'I don't have it now'. I will admitt that he offered to pay silver instead, but that is not the point. He also offered to make another payment (I won't go into it here right now) which was dubious sounding to say the least. Personally I regard this as theft. He took something in good faith and didn't uphold his end of the bargain and didn't return it either. He didn't seem all too bothered about it either imo. I also felt he was quite rude to Mya and myself and this after he had applied to join the Guardians! We gave him an opportunity to resolve the situation, but I feel that he has failed to do so. I am not expecting anyone to do anything about this as such, but I am posting it here for all to see what he has done.
  19. Application refused.
  20. Magnus, Sharazhad has agreed to be your mentor. You should seek her out.
  21. I'll say one thing. In my opinion (and it is only that) it seems that people are setting much tougher def rits in general. A lot of people seem concerend with getting losses and especially with tokens, are setting some rather hard def rits. Now this might sound whiny and Im waiting for a barrage of comments like 'you just aren't doing it right', or 'I don't have a problem' but I really do feel that its getting harder and harder to score wins with more mundane creatures and rits. So before you start slagging me off, build a rit with untokened and fairly unlevelled critters and start going around attacking people in general and see how you get on. And I mean attacking people at least, if not more powerful than you are, not picking off weaker prey. Please think in particular of the people that have made the transition from MP4 to MP5. Its these that are generally the most vulnerable and can find it very tough to adjust and get used to it. They very much are small fish in a big sea when they join MP5 ranks. In the old days, there were people that would set rits that were much easier to defeat and also would look for losses from time to time. Now, it seems no MP5 wants a loss and that in itself seems contrary to the concept of balance.
  22. I shall be your mentor Nimrodel. Contact me as soon as possible
  23. If you are seeking citizenship of Loreroot, please post here. *Note: it is not possible for me to grant citizenship at this moment in time, so if you post, you won't be made a citizen the next day or anything.
  24. Day 330 Adam Icephoenix joins the Guardians.
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