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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. @Chewy Nope, you do not understand. I am asking that they sort out a structure for themselves to avoid any kind of political footballing. The running of the guild is their business, but the running of Loreroot is my business and having the guild made stable as soon as possible is best for that. In my opinion, throwing people into a room and asking them to sort out how things run can take a long time and have a lot of fighting and nonsense. I just don't want to see that and I think that is best for the guild itself if it is dealt with swiftly. I also need one person that I can go to or that can speak for them. So whether they call it a leader, or spokesperson matters not. I need to have one person that I can clearly identify and deal with. There is a certain forum that you might realise why I want one person (two may be acceptable, but lets not get into number crunching). On a personal note, I resent the implications here. I am pretty sure if you ask the other groups in Loreroot, they will tell you that I am not in the habit of telling them how to manage their own affairs. When I do step in, it is for good reason and I still don't seek to take over their show.
  2. Err...wrong I am afraid. You have to have a leader and I need to have one person (or two perhaps) that I can clearly identify to deal with. If you don't, you will end up at each other's throats and all over the place. Sort out a structure ASAP. This IS NOT a request.
  3. I'd like to speak to the Woodcutters. It is particularly important that I speak to Necromancer Mortis.
  4. [quote]I hope I am not offending anyone of I post the woodcutters guild under LR, if so, your king should tell me (based on your complains of course, if any).[/quote] Well, I am as much in the dark here as anyone else really. Does the guild reside in a particular land? Will it be part of Loreroot and therefore its members citizens, or will it be a non-land entity that merely happens to harvest the resources of lands? How does that place the land whose resources are being harvested? If the guild is supposed to be part of the land, then perhaps its membership should only be open to citizens? The reason I say this, is because I am getting the sense that it will simply be seen as the next shiny thing for the magpies to want. Not to sound negative, but currently there seems to be an impression that alliances and citizenship in general are just clothes that can be changed or discarded when a person feels like it. Guilds or groups which suddenly seem to offer a new skill or ability are obviously going to draw attention and to me at least, it feels that people with a sense of loyalty are the ones that will be let down, while the magpies will simply move on to pastures new with more exciting shiny bits to feather their nests. Again, it may sound negative, but it is at the very least something that could be considered for the future, which can have a positive outcome.
  5. Aeon:- And seeing as you applied to a guild? Application considered very much withdrawn. Wolfs:- I am not inclined to accept your invitation for now. You seem to jumping to conclusions, making accusations about people and quite abrasive. Maybe when you settle down a bit more we would consider you at a later date.
  6. Looking for MRD

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Use binoculars! :3 I can't find him either.

    2. Darigan


      He's been sleeping at the door to the mda cellar

  7. Congratulations
  8. Fair enough, but to me it comes across as perhaps the opposite as you intended. You say that you didn't want to name and shame one king. However, in doing so it kind of gives the impression that all the kings are being mean or uncooperative somehow. I also don't want people to get the impression that there is no point in asking me or any other king for WP rewards. It would be a terrible loss if people simply didn't ask because of an assumption that they wouldn't get.
  9. I think people may be missing the point. It seems to me that he didn't just pluck these accusations out of thin air. I'd be interested to know who and what conversations were taking place in the park. It could be a case of him getting the wrong idea due to poor english. The alternative though, is a lot more serious imo. On a more personal note though, I almost find it amusing someone accusing Z. Anyone that knows him and the sheer amount of time he's been in MD would most likely agree at how absurd it sounds.
  10. Sorry, but I am not sure that I follow. I have already given Fyrd WPs for rewards and agreed to give him some more. I am not at all happy with someone saying otherwise. In general the only time I refuse WPs reward requests from someone is if: a: They should be getting the WPs from their own king b: I feel I am giving too many to this individual c: I feel the quest just doesn't warrant it d: If I am being asked after the fact (yes, I have been asked for WP rewards AFTER someone ran their quest) I want to add that it is exceedingly rare that I refuse someone point blank (unless one or more of the above situations is true) On another note that was mentioned here. On the few occasions I was ever approached by the archives about doing anything historical or storywise for Loreroot, I was totally dissapointed at the lack of any follow through. For the record I dislike when people make sweeping statements like this, which I feel are totally untrue, in my case at least.
  11. From time to time I may ask to speak to citizens. Its important that you respond when asked. I also get tired of getting messages about people looking for me, but making little effort to actually contact me themselves. I spend a few hours at the Root of the Matter Inn almost everyday. I am also around and about in MD. You should be checking the Inn for me at any rate. More to the point however, it is a simple matter to add me to your friends list and that way you can reach me by PM whenever and where ever you are. One more point. When sending PMs please check the tags and try to choose an appropriate one. I am getting increasingly annoyed with people selecting any old thing at all. More often than not I feel that people are doing this out of pure laziness or because they think its funny. If you want to be lazy or funny, then expect it in return i.e. I won't respond to your message. This may seem harsh, but the tags are there to help me keep track of things and manage things better and more efficiently. I also paid to get them and took the time to set them up. Also, if you have a problem you need to contact me about it ASAP. If you leave it for a month or choose to let it bug you for ages before spilling out in a rant, well you can be pretty sure it won't get much consideration.
  12. 2 gold and 10 silver for the Sharptears. (I believe that is equivalent to 20 silver each)
  13. 25 silver for Sharptear
  14. [quote]For example i havent seen a single evil backgrounded lorerootian player yet.Maybe its just me...but i think nations shouldnt have aligments but characters who are making them should have. [/quote] Anatoli, maybe you should take a closer look at Tarquinus then?
  15. Well it is effectively giving WPs from alts to your main account really isn't it? I mean you are getting the benefit of something that required the WP, like using a WP to mutate a joker and then trading it to the main account. That would be just the same really wouldn't it?
  16. Please state a reason or at least contact Mya, Sharazhad or myself and explain why you wish to join.
  17. Happy birthday. Hope you get something nice.
  18. I am replying to this simply because someone said that they would like to hear from a person that knew about the experiment. When Yrth posted the topic he contacted me and asked me not to make any response. He told me that he had no intention of doing what he had said in the first post of the topic and that he wanted to gauge reactions and feedback. For the record, I would be opposed to any such action. I believe that Yrth knows this himself. (If he doesn't, he does now ) I don't know Yrth's thinking on this or necessarily agree with it, I am merely stating that he did indeed tell me at least that he was conducting an experiment and that he was not intending to carry out the plan he outlined in the thread. Although, he is concerned on how he is supposed to train up the Lib army. One other point I would like to make. Some people have insinuated or said that Yrth has profited directly from the Libs. While I have my concerns and feelings on any land having a 'npc army' I won't get into that here. What I will say though, is that he can't use the Libs for his own personal training. They are essentially his alts, so he cannot attack them. Whatever about his citizens and land getting some benefit and therefore himself indirectly, he can't directly train off the Libs himself.
  19. Eat in bed then Then get some exercise.
  20. Contrary to popular belief, eating muffins does not make you fat. Eating muffins and not exercising however, is another story. Yes, the key to eating muffins and keeping your shape, is to walk or run around a lot after you have eaten a muffin or three. Then reward yourself for all that exercise with a muffin.
  21. Lets face it. Muffins are much more fun, bigger and tasty. And you can put things in them, like whole cherries or big pieces of chocolate, or little pieces or soft centers. You can even cover them with icing!
  22. I would like to accept this reward on behalf of all muffin lovers out there. Yes, France, you shower of muffin hating, ball handling suc la bras...revenge is a dish best served without frogs legs!!. Seriously though, thank you all. I shall write your names down so I don't forget in my dotage. (Had to move a comma. Very important the auld comma at times)
  23. Happy birthday. You're a year older, just like me.
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