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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. Seek out myself or Mya Celestia please.
  2. Yeah, you will often find Mya in the paper cabin or park and I am usually in or around Loreroot.
  3. Lonewolf, I am not around much for the next few days. You should find me next week more easily though.
  4. [quote]And you wonder why others think badly of you.[/quote] And that means what Pip? Newsflash, I am as I am, take it or leave, it matters not to me. Dst, Anyone that has already purchased a stone is free to use it. If someone has any of the actual spells that isn't a citizen I would like to speak to them, but no, this ban does not apply to them, but I would ask them to have a chat with me about it. I'll also say that this may be lifted in the future, but for now it stands.
  5. After discussions with the council, I am banning the sale of any and all memory stones with spells that allow entry to any part of Loreroot or Loreroot itself, to any person that is not a citizen of Loreroot. Any problems or queries with this should be directed to me in person.
  6. Udgard, I'd like to speak to you about this please.
  7. Ok, yeah I am being really stupid today. Apologies. Continue swimming naked.
  8. That's fine. I just have to be a bit hardline with regards to the use of the Land name or any association with it for a player name, or role or whatever. It is possible to have a role that involves a land, but you would need to get approval for that first and it would generally require you to work at it first.
  9. Yeah, umm, not to sound like a douche, but that is not a role. At least not a role in Loreroot or any other land. That's a backstory or concept, or call it what you will. Please be careful about associating any 'role' with a land. If anyone intends to do that they should at least discuss it with the land leader first. There are strict rules about using names, titles or roles and Land Names all together.
  10. [quote]Jester just needs to explain his reasoning, give him a chance before you hang him. [/quote] My intention is not to 'hang' Jester. This hasn't been discussed before and I don't believe it breaks any rules as such. I am just asking if perhaps it should? And if it is, then Jester can just return to Necro or give whatever reasons he feels fit. It is not so much about the individual (in this case Jester) as it is about the situation. While this is not the case with this particular scenario, please consider another possible one. A king joins an alliance in another king's land. i.e., I join the Tainted Warriors. Technically that would make Jester my king and therefore technically he'd be the ruler of Loreroot as well as Necrovion. Why?, because he'd be my king and I'd be bound by his laws, therefore the law of Necrovion. Extreme maybe, but possible by the looks of things.
  11. On the thread about the Sentinels being binned some of us broached the fact that Jester no longer seems to be a citizen of his land. The thread was closed for going offtopic. Fair enough if I went offtopic, I apologise. However, I believe the point stands, so I am bringing it up here to discuss it in it's own right. [quote]closed, you guys all went offtopic. Who cares if Jester isnt part of his land, Its his citizens to worry about, if they indeed care.[/quote] On your view that it is only for Jester's citizens to worry about Chewy, I totally disagree. You or anyone else can say that Loreroot is sticking their nose in. However, my comments are made on the basis of being a player, regardless of land affiliation and as a king in general. And I resent such remarks by the way. I thought that you had to be a citizen of a land to run for election. If this is not the case, then I feel it should be. I also feel that it is inappropriate and doesn't make much sense for a king/queen to change citizenship while still being king/queen. There may be a particular reason for this. I am quite happy to say that there are alliances/guilds like the Kelletha Order for instance, that a king/queen may feel they have a valid reason to join (for a purpose). However, I believe that there should be some kind of explanation for it, even if the exact specific cannot be given. I will also point out that I have no hidden motive or agenda for this. I've had no argument with jester and there is no reason for me or Loreroot to want him removed or whatever other fanciful reason people might come up with. If Handy or Yrthilian did this I'd be asking the same thing. This is about kings/queens and the way in which they work in MD. It has been said that Loreroot wants to start a war and also that Jester doesn't want to be king. That's other people putting words in mouths as far as I am concerned. So, do people think that it is appropriate for kings/queens to change their citizenship? And if you do, would you set any restrictions or requirements at all?
  12. Maybe some people should take their own advice. You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

    1. Chewett


      precisely. see what i mean, ya dont like it when others poke their nose in

    2. Pipstickz


      We're all hypocrites Firs, just some of us are scared to admit it.

  13. Well I have to say that I find it interesting that the king isn't even a citizen of his own kingdom. So, yeah, I do believe there is a certain relevance. But maybe that's just me and Darigan by the looks of things.
  14. When I spoke to Mur he said up to 6. So he may look at changing the limits. Or he just wasn't thinking about that at the time
  15. Krioni, send me your citizenship application so (if you haven't already done that). Also, I will arrange access for you into Loreroot to recruit some seeds. Let me know when you are around.
  16. Maybe one solution would be for viscosity to not affect citizens while on their own land? Therefore, even though GG is not visited much, GG citizens would not be hampered moving around it?
  17. If anyone is interested please PM me (MD or forum). I'll assign people based on PMs in 24hrs. So you have 24hrs to let me know. Lonewolf and Phantom, consider yourselves assigned already. Edit: Those wanting to participate should try to recruit as many of the new creature as possible (6 being enough obviosuly). And remember, it is serious and might have bad consequences. You may also find yourself locked away for a while to do the testing. You have be warned. List so far: Lone Wolf Phantom Orchid Udgard Nimrodel Aranna krioni Amoran Mya Celestia Myself
  18. As people have seen in the announcements Mur is looking for fighters in Loreroot to test something. Only people that have good combat knowledge need apply. Off the top of my head I would suggest people such as Shem, Nim, Adiomino Tarq, Ammoran, Sparhawk and Phantom Orchid. I will participate myself if possible and Mya has offered to help too. I'm sorry Mur, but I am not around today and it was a bit short notice to make any time today. I will be around tomorrow and hopefully be available when it happens. Any Loreroot citizen that feels they can contribute is free to participate. Perhaps having a few people that are not MP5 would be good also. But if you don't understand the basics of fighting at least, please to not participate. Those interested and willing to help go to wasps altar.
  19. Nobody said it was rubbish. What was said was that there was rubbish contained in it.
  20. Rhaegar, I did actually make a suggestion other than to simply abandon it. My point though is that as I understand it, balance is a concept in MD and it is supposed to be part of fighting. i.e. striving to have a balance between wins and losses. However, with so few balanced and most people with a larger number of losses than wins, that leave anyone balanced in a bit of an honour trap. So, no Rhaegar, I have to disagree that the system works as you say it does. I know it is a tricky subject and there are many factors, but from an honour perspective, it seems the system favours people that are out of balance. Maybe I am wrong however, and that is the way it is supposed to be.
  21. One thing that occurs to me and has been frustrating me is this: Honour. At the moment if you are balanced almost everyone seems to give you a minus honour value. Right now Eon gives me minus 185 honour if I attack him and win. As such the system seems to regard Eon as a weaker player than I am. The truth however, is that Eon is by far the stronger player in combat. I should really be getting an honour bonus if I manage to defeat him (probably a free car or something too ). I think that it should be changed to reflect the total number of fights or stats or something like that. Another option might even be to compare the number of wins of the attacker and defender. Calculating it based on the number of wins in comparison to the number of losses you have is not working. It also allows someone to calculate things to their advantage over far far weaker opposition. The current setup is very frustrating and seems to encourage the use of honour farms.
  22. [quote]As of now it is impossible for the guards to be beaten at mp3 due to the recent changes in advancing creatures[/quote] [quote]Not necessarily true, I can come up with one or two ways to do it at MP3, but I haven't tried doing it with regular creatures yet, I'll test eventually...maybe <<[/quote] Pip, it may be possible to defeat the guardians at MP3. However, it has definitely become much much harder if it indeed remains possible. On a personal note, I will advise MP3s not to try. My reasoning behind this is to stop new players getting frustrated and exasperated in trying to do something that may not even be possible. If it is possible, I would say that it is still not really meant for a new player to achieve currently. Good luck with your testing Pip and let us know the results. I would be interested to find out if it is possible nowadays. And yes, to Kriori or any other new player reading this, ask questions. Most people will answer as best they can. Don't be afraid to PM someone, just be a bit patient in waiting for a reply. Sometimes I may not reply till the next day, but I will usually reply as soon as I can. Same goes for most of the people in MD.
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