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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. Ok i am back and i have finaly got through the next lot of entries for the principals. So the winners for the last two principals are as follows [b]Shadowseeker[/b] Congrats The Next principal in the quest is [color="#FF0000"]Principle of Imagination[/color]
  2. well you would have been much better off comming to me or grido to talk about such a thing.As we are the ones the are caretakers of golemus it might have been best to ask us about it. You would have had sound advice from ether one of us letting you know that this would be a way to easy quest to complete. I would also doubt any one would give WP's for this sort of quest. I for one would have suggested a diffrent way of running something like this as it is easy to enter Golemus you could have made it a proper race useing clickable like MasterB did for the GG race he ran a while back this idea could have been fleshed out much further to add complicated ways of getting into Golemus and there for give more intrest to the quest. Sorry but the idea is a bad one from the point of what your proposed but cxould have been a good one if you had cme to the right people.
  3. This has happened before because of abuse the links used to give a lot more back then too I fully understand the reasion behind this and why it needs to be done. For one it has a few memebers comming forth complaining but this also shows how little support the MD comunity give in regards to voting. It only takes 5 to 10 min to do the votes can people give so little of their time to support MD in thoes links? I will admit i didnt do them every day. I more forgot to or it was because my day was really busy but when i did remember to do it i did them all properly. So since the ban has happened i would like to see people making a proposed solution more so people to research the solution. I have heard that some site send confirmation of a players vote but thoes site normaly take a day to report the information so in turm would be useles for the gainf the AP and VE as you would only get them once the system confirmsa the vote. So any other suggestions i will admit this is not my area and i dont have any other suggestions but someone out there must have an idea or knowledge about this sort of thing.
  4. What dst has put forward here has merit I agree with her on this and there are not too many things i find myself agreeing with her on But still MP3 is a learning stage beeing in the TC forces them to have to move up a level it is like forcing a player to the next MP and in other topic this was fround upon by many. The fact is this is a comition created for player to honor their lands, As an mp3 you are normaly a new and young player the TC in essence would be far to advanced for them (i meen no offence to MP3's in that statment) for the ones who choose to stay at MP3 for what ever reasion that is their choice. MP4 is also still a learnig stage but i dont know it the should not be allowd to take part. I also agree that ONLY Alliance member should be allowed to take part Yes i would think citizens should be allowed but currently the system does not allow for that ablity. Could be something to suggest I also think only alliance from the land should be only allowed to gather their own torch and not others.
  5. "smiles" well I suppose I should congratulate you lady pamps for being made queen of necro I do hope you fond you fit the role well with all it includes in it's responsibilities.
  6. Happy Bday DST
  7. Ohh well. Guess this adds to one of thoose "it is as it is because it is" things. lol love that it may well be the case but some items may have more to them than the eye can see
  8. Honeymoon is great fun another week and a half to go

    1. Fyrd Argentus

      Fyrd Argentus

      So go enjoy it (but tell us when your quest results part 1 will be out first) :)

    2. dst


      The winner was Sharzad (I can't spell the name, sorry) :P. He announced it before he left :P

  9. depending on the items you may find that one of the items has more of it parts in other shops in md to complete the set this may be why you see a higher cost as having more pert for the armour meens more bonous when all parts are used This is only a posiablity as since the armour was not named i cannot be sure
  10. Ok I have thought long and hard and even managed to read all the posts so now even with my own post I have been looking at what would be I hope to make point in this manner First in regards what feb has done His actions although questionable has not broken any rules yes you could argue he did this and that but he has not broken rules With that in mind his actions has spurred many to dislike him and what he has done and yes me included. But with taking all that into account and with time to think on the matter I don't think a harsh punishment is called for. As you all know his actions has cause a long awated change to happen and that was to fix the free be farming this is one punishment all be it not a big one If all alliances agree and remove feb from the alliance and not let him back in to one until he moves up to mp4 can be a punishment that the community as a whole can inflict. I think it better to use in game system to punish as that is the community taking action and not Mir having to spend time working out a solution that the community can action themselves Yes some changes will come from febs actions that is normal when a player takes something a bit to far it forces a change to come sooner this has always been the case With regard what feb has done to new mp3 players well I am afraid you will need to bring proff of his wrong doing and bring him to court to have him jailed or a worse punishment. Here is a thought if you can prove the damage he has done you could argue a punishment of your own like a reduction on his ve but don't try to dictate the amount as the would be murs desission to make So instead of complaining why don't you take action on this and work together on the matter and get something done Personaly I don't agree with the forcing to mp5 even if it is an alt use game mechanics to deal with a game mechanics issue. Other than the usual fixing that will happen when such a matter is brought up
  11. Thank you all for your kind word. Now don't go causing trouble while I am gone
  12. To thoes complaining they have low stats I have not complained that i have low stats and if you look and compaire mine to many MP5's much younger than i they have much bigger stats. Stats are not everything it is the stragity behind what you have Changes like this have to happen to keep the ballance i have many time lost out on something because i wount use the system in that way. I dont complain because i didnt bother to work on gaining the stats the same way The game is not just about winning it is also about loosing. If you have low stats find other of your mp level and agree to do some training in a place not visited often just as many others have already been doing. Once you have a group to trade wins and gain stats you will also learn how easy it is to target certan stats and get them built up it is part of the learning curve of MD to do this. When i am back from my honeymoon i may start doing some training sessions with people as yes i too want to build up my stats a bit and relearn the combat system and the only way to do that is to start a combat training group. I suggest thoes that are unhappy with their stats do the same.
  13. Hello all as some of you know i started my quest on the teaching of the Principals I waited untill not to use to forum to post this quest as i wanted to see how many would look at the ingame system and notice the quest was up. Below is on my Quest page and my persional page. [center]Teaching the Principles of Magic Quest As you can guess from the title I am looking for people to write up from a teaching point of view the Principles of Magic. This quest will be a long running quest as there are many principals. This quest will also be done in 10 sections. Each quest will have 1 WP to be rewarded. The outline of the quest is to write up a paper from a teacher’s point of view. To be written as if you were going to be teaching a class of students the Principles. You may take part in all papers or just one depending on how you may feel. You may talk amongst yourself and help each other remember there are 10 WP’s in total on the line so working as a group is also welcome. I would like to see argument of how and why the principal may work. Remember that what you put forward is all theory but the best or most logical one will win. It would be good to see comparable examples or discussions for the principals. You may write up each principal paper and have them linking to each other for references if you wish. It would also be good to see references to other research of the principals in the papers. I will give 2 weeks to each principal (yes I said this will be a long running quest). If I do not receive enough submitted works or the works that are submitted are considered of too poor a quality then the WP’s will not be rewarded. Only 1 submission of work is acceptable per player. You may email the papers to me @ yrthilian (at) Gmail (dot) Com or send an in game pm. ALL emails or PM must contain the Quest name + Principal name. Each paper needs to me at least 400 words but the more the better without repeating yourself to much. This quest is subject to change if I find any form of cheating. NO [u][b]ALTS[/b][/u] allowed if this is found to have happened That player will be not be allowed to take part in the other parts of the quest and will be marked as such. [b]So to start of the first paper it will be done on the Principle of Cyclicity Started 25/08/2010[/b] [i]This part is finished as of today[/i] [b]Second and third Principal to be submitted is Principle of Balance and Element Principle This is 2 papers to be submitted as i will be away for the month. Starting 08/09/2010 (NOTE: since i am away this give 1 month to submit the principal papers This part is finished[/b] The Forth Principal to be submitted is Principle of Enthropy Started 09/10/10 This quest will be open for 2 weeks. [/b] [i]This part is finished as of today[/i] [color="#FF0000"] The Fifth Principal to be submitted is Principle of Imagination Started 09/11/10 This quest will be open for 2 weeks.[/color] Good luck all and have fun [b]Fyrd Argentus asked me a question[/b] There is a question in my mind after reading your quest whether you are asking for a theoretical treatment of the principles, drawing from the larger universe, or whether you are asking for an analytical treatment of how the principles are implemented in the realm of MD (tokens and storyline etc.) [b]Answer[/b] It can be from ether point of view both are valid. It would be nice to see both point of view added. As that is part of teaching to be able to use real life examples and In game mechanics or theories to show a point of how the principles may work [b]Sharazhad reminded me to use start date.[/b] [b]Z pointed out i had not included format for PM or email[/b][/center] ******************************************************************************************** Now to update the above quest as the first part finished today There was a total of 6 entries (not grat to be hinest but it is a start at least. They were all intresting to read and gave a good incite to how some people see the principals some exmples were intresting to say the least. I was sorry to see that most kept to the minium word count was hoping to see a bit more and have a really good layout. But hey I did it this was for a reasion and that was to see how creative some people got. I am pleased to anounce though that the winner of this part of the quest is Sharazhad They layout was good and the information was well refrenced. Good job I will make a nother post to an example of what i was looking for and Sharazhad was the closed to it and gave the most words in this quest. ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** This is a sample of what i was looking to see from people submitting their papers on the teaching of principals This document is just over 1K words and has refrence to other materials within MD [color="#800080"][center][b]Principle of Cyclicity[/b][/center] The Principals are something we all strive to understand, they present many challenges and yet hold so much information that we as of yet cannot understand. So in this class I will try to put to you my current understanding of the principles. There are as far as we know 10 principals or at least 10 that we have observed that is to say that there may not be only 10 of these principals. We are limited by how we must give everything a title or meaning but in doing this we limit what we know and what we understand. The first principle I will speak of today is the Principal of Cyclicity. This is by far one of the easer but yet one of the hardest principals to understand. What is this principal and how does it affect us? Well in life we see it around us all the time even if we do not realise it at first. The principal of Cyclicity is a principal of cycles. It is the cycle of the day and night, the sun and the moon, Life and death. There are many more elements that are affected by this principal. I am sure you can think of many examples. To master the Principal of Cyclicity is both easy and difficult. You first need to understand it beginning and the end of the cycle you wish to manipulate. This principal is also in a way a balanced principal for it has a beginning, middle and an end. But many do not see or understand this. It is the beginning and the end that keep the balance. From the works of Lady Akasha from her quest to discover the book of principals I give you the following extract. (Note in RL the author of the writing is Mur) Material based on the principal can be found in the [url="http://md-archives.com/"]Archives[/url] [center][i][b]Principle of Cyclicity[/b][/i][/center] [i]Each event could either take part having a certain shape, having its own cycle, repeating itself after time, or could either be part of another superior event that has its own cycle. [/i] [i]Events like daily routine, or the changing of the seasons, or the shifting of the planet's Poles, or even the world itself are all cyclic events. Symbolic, all events occur on the shape of a circle, two opposites intertwining, just like a snake, biting its own tail. The cycles actually represent a Balance either between the consumption of energy and it’s (re)generation, ether between different evolutionary steps. [/i] [i]In the Principle Hierarchy, this Principle reigns over others, but is also inferior to some, making it very difficult to precisely reveal its importance. It exists absolutely in every event that could have an opposite, for its role is that of creating and maintaining the Balance. [/i] [i]Due to its repetitive nature, it can cover very long periods of time, or can even part from existence, due to the fact that the Principle can apply to that too, for even existence has an opposite, even if it is abstract and hard to understand. [/i] [i]The Principle takes many shapes. For example, a simple thing like cutting a thing in equal halves, and then halving those, and so on to infinity, even if it doesn't look like it, applies to this Principle. Also, the perpetuation of a species, through never-ending cycles of deaths and births, or even in the evolution of science, that at one point causes its own downfall are cycles of the same Principle. In a battle, the Principle occurs when defence follows the attack, or when a series of attacks are released in order to weaken the adversary. Many forms of consumption or energy reloading can happen in only one cycle. But if one action (cycle) is modified in such a way in which it could cover more cycles, the result would be colossal in energy.[/i] With the information that was discovered by Akasha we all begin to discover different possibilities within the realm we are now part of. The realm has many cycles within its own cycle. The realm of Magicduel has many beginning and many endings as you discovered from your time in the realm. From a new life coming into MD to its ending be it a long life or a short one some we don’t even notice other we do. One of the most notable cycles for the principal is the cycle of Quests they have a begging and an end. The energy put into creating a quest to the energy put into completing a quest this is how a cycle can be observed. Most just take part or create such quest without thinking of the principal they may be applying to what they are doing. From my own time within this realm I have come to meet many people and have out live many more. But each one is a cycle within them self’s for we all started at one point and we all will end at another. We just don’t know our ending just yet. Each cycle is also like a cog within a very large machine for we all have our own way of understanding but ultimately we will all come to the same conclusion if we are around long enough. If you remember the MD of old back when I was considered a young man there was much we didn’t have then that we have today. For each item or idea we have now has come from the ending of something else to create a balance within this large realm of a machine. The principal of Cyclicity is a vast system in its self, one would have to spend a lifetime trying to understand it, but one also must understand they will never fully grasp what this principal really is for if we did that would be the end. In my life I have only glimpsed what this principal mean to me for I am sure it will mean something else to you. For each person will have a different view to the next but that is the cycle of things to see things from a different view and to adapt to a new understanding. That is one of the true forms of this principal it is not a constant but an every evolving system of cycles. I would like to thank you for attending this class of the Principal of Cyclicity and I hope to see you for the other classes. I wish you all good luck in your own research and for the better understanding of the principals and how they may affect the lives around you. I would also encourage you to speak with other of the realm and get their views you may find out things you may never have realised but please do share your thoughts with other and myself I am always happy to listen. [/color] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
  14. I agree with Burns this is how it has always been done to get VE boost in such a way just meens people will prepar to use an abuse system for that time The eggs are not the only think players can use to gain VE boost and the eggs are not for the use of gaining huge VE When something like this come to the atenchion of Mur he makes the chage and anounces it that is how it has always been and i for one think it is best to have a time between changes and anouncment is pointless as there are that many bugs fixed everyday that si would only create a backlog of changes and then bugs could not be fixed while waiting on another chnge to go through
  15. Hi All as most of you know me in RL is getting married this week and as such i will not be online for a while to be precise from the 8th of september till the 4th October. Grido as my second in command will be stepping up to manage any issues that may require me while i am away. So please contact grido for matter relating to Golemus. Grido also has access to the WP code list for Golemus for supporting quest while i am gone I will be on and off from time to time if i have web access while i am away but will not have the ablity to chat as i will only be useing my ipod. Have fun Yrthilian Golemus King Golemus Technomage
  16. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1283433027' post='67564'] On the grander scheme; A limit on the number of items an account can hold may help, but as crafters etc ask you for other items (with your wp) to make a singular item this means often you have to carry/collect a bunch of items you don't want or need in order to make this one item which makes things a bit of a pain(to make an item I have in mind atm for example I will need at least 3 other items with a wp and I will have to carry these until I can get the item made). Then you have to also consider "non-entity" items like medals and certificates. So, perhaps 4 sections to your items list: a limit of 5 in the collecting to make other items section, a money section, a medals and certificates section and a limited normal items section. Z [/quote] I like that idea it would make things easer to manage too and for kingship have a 5th item for kinghip items
  17. Regard as Mur said Rendril will be tasked with that job if that option was to happen Time limit for materials could work i suppose or if you wanted to use the items in conjuction with the item creators in game you could have the material burn up and be sent to a shop of sort with limited stock for player to buy the materials from with silver/coins you can use thoes coins to make payment to the coin cert thing you did for the item return and later use them for something else i am sure. the other items that could be gifted that are non raw materials well that is a hard call i for one would love to get my hand on some of the items i wanted from creation a while back especialy some of the Golemus items in they are in the list.
  18. If i had to pick one of thoes Option 2 i think is the most fair but i dont know if it will fully cover the issue at hand. But it is something to work with untill someone else figures out another way to abuse the mp3 stage I would like to suggest MP3 not be able to join an alliance though Edit to add this: DST idea is also something i would agree with.
  19. lost? well depending on the type of lost on what the posable "found" is lost is the terms of Mur's book This to me would be as per the digram of ballance the digram shows an extrem good and extrem evil. and a ballance between both lost could be the dead center/ballance between the two states a place of absolute ballance Lost in the form of though This has so many diffrent aspects but similar to the above example lost could be the deat centre of the ballance waiting for a choise of many choices to be made Lost as in the feeling This also has many diffrent form but the lost feeling i would believe is born of chaos having many things to do but not knowing were to start. Or having some form of solution but many ways to do this. This would give a feeling of lost from not knowing what option to choose that sute best. Or from feeling stressed from pressuer to meet deadlines or to get a project completed I have many other such examples but i think you get the idea Have fun all Yrth
  20. Ok will keep this as short as i can - MP3 ban from joining alliances Beeing in an alliance is not for noob players it is more of a medium level place. I think restricting Alliance membership is one encentive to move up a level. - Creature upgrade requirements If the more powerfull creature that dont require xp to level up are changed to require at least some amount of xp abouve the xp cap for MP3 this should resolve the issue of over powered creatures on an MP3 player. - Force to MP4 This i would see as a last resort to be honest. Forcing a player to MP4 not mp5 is a big desission. I dont think the kingship should have that power. Kingship is for land issues. I dont think having the kingship force a non land player to the next mp level is the way to go. If you feel it has to be someone then it should fall under the LHO as mp3 care is their job and this would certanly be the sort of thing they should be looking at. But i really dont think this is a good idea to give the comunity the ablity to do to easly abused. - Limit creature amount Mp3 only need about 8 creature slots. It is a learning curve they dont need a huge creature list. Moving to MP4 would have an incentive as this is part of learning and expanding the mind. So making the MP4 creature limit the normal limit. I know some of the suggestion made are not ging to be liked but i think making MP3 more limited is the way to go as it IS a learning stage but still leave it open for an MP3 to still be a pain in the ass.
  21. Nice post Burns I too would like to add my complaint of this MP3 account I am not bothered by it beating me as it is anyplayer can beet me in game But i agree that this account is cause for complaint as it is not in acordance to how the account were intended to be used. MP3 is a learning stage of MD As this account has proven It has master this stage and well the next stage too So i join in the complain and asked that the account be forced moved to the next stage and yes loose the benifit of the story mode as the account has proven it does not need it. Yrthilian King Of Golemus Golemus Technomage
  22. I was ment to post a responce to this a long time ago but got sidetracked My policy on the WP's and their codes. Most codes are for Golemus people running quests But i will at time give code to non land people. I have done this many time and as it is mentioned about i accept some quest and will support them and other i wont. There is not clear cut selection process. I put asside a small amount of WP's to be used by non land players I have even run quets myself or puzzels that will give the player a WP or WP code they get asked at the time if the want the code for use in quests of their own. I believe i have mentioned this before on the forums on how i give out codes and that i can be approached in all the diffrent form of contact that i have let people know of. I will also point out this from a kingship point of view. The kingship has the power to get changes done to their lands and alliance we DO NOT have the same power to do this to lands out side of our kingdoms So in this the kingship should not have to be preasured to give WP codes to lands outside What would happen if the kingship started making changes to your alliances you would all go crazy and complain and say we have no right The same can be said in return to you all asking for wp codes from the kings you have no right to ask yet we have done on many ocasions given this. This topic is a bad way to go about it and could only push the kings into keeping the codes for the land they run. You are non allianed land and have no kingship to get codes from so instead of complaining about that why not find a way to have the same ablities within thoes lands. It cannot be that difficult to figure out how.
  23. One of the issue you will have with quests yes they get repeted many times over why? because some people may have a great idea or concept but dont know how to make it happen the idea does not get shared for fear of someone claiming it their idea. So for all we know someone has a great concept to run but cant code it yet or figure out how to put it into the realm. Back in the day we had co-op quests but they dies off quickly as it got more and more difficult to get people online that would work together and run a quest. this is for RL reasons in most cases or diffrent time zones. As was mentiond by other you will find that a cycle of quest types will happen. this is goign to be the case as in most cases thies are the easyest ones to run and take little time to run. For example my quest will be long running for many reasions. one i gave a time line of 2 weeks per section. 2 i will be on honeymoon for almost a month in 18 days As mentioned the quest i have decided to run is an essay style. It may seem like it will be easy. It may well be for some but i will be judginf them harsly. If i dont feel they are upto scratch to what i feel is worthwile well then there will be no winner. When a player runs a quest like this there are normaly many reason for it to be done. This time this is a quest related to MD directly and not its player directly and yes i put a minimum number of word for this quest as i wanted to have good work in saying that i may have made the word cout to low but i am hopeing that people will just use that as a guide but will do greater works. anyways quest will go into the wash, rince, repet for some time untill someone figures out how to code or run a new concept or trust another player that can code it for them. I know from a poll i did a long while back that people would like a puzzel type quest but they can be cracked by many players this is manly why they stoped making them. As too many people cheat in thoes type of quest so untill the can be secured in a better way and the code can be hidden they may not happen for a long time. Sorry i seem to have gone on for a bit so i will just stop
  24. Yrthilian


    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1282486750' post='66791'] What about if a king decides he doesnt like what an alliance is doing. Bans the leader and then the rest of the alliance goes "we will not rebel because he will ban us to" Alliances cant really do very much against a king. Because as mur said ALL bans will only be taken into account once they have used their amount up. So basicly kings can do wtf they like as long as they dont use their ban amount up. Where a king can ban people, what can the alliances do? [/quote] Sorry but you know as well as we do if enough people complain action is taken to look into thoes matter. If a King does do as you state all it takes is for a mass complaint to Mur about abuse of power In this the king would be checked for such abuse. As was also mentioned if the king was just to ban someone because he does not like what an alliance is doing that is NOT a valid enough reasion to ban the leader. Also that ban would have not reall effect as the leaders backers would and should back him.her up even at the treath of a ban. If anything it would just increase the case agenst a king if they were stupid enough to use such an action. The alliance can do plenty to the king as was attempted back when the first vote system was used for the kingship. That system was created for such a matter and has been used to elect most of the kings now in place. Look it is like this the idea to have an alliance run. comon now that in its self is a bad idea. If the whole alliance as i said before feels strongly about moving from a land to another you have to have the mur factor. As in Mur assists the move in the backend of the system. That is all that would eb required of Mur. Not the desission to allow it but to make the action happen as it would make no diffrent if the alliance states it is now part of another land the king would have the ablity to still affect the alliance and the people of that alliance would still be under some control o the king in that it is the mechanics of the system. The land alliance should never look to move to another land. If they have that big an issue then the only action of that allians should be to remove the king not run away. All the main alliances are military alliance it would not be the nature of thoes alliance to run.
  25. Yrthilian


    I can see why you might suggest such a thing but i have to disagree with you Miq. In regards to alliance you have to look at it from a structer point of view In this as with any land the alliance has the option to remove the king if they feel that strong about it. Why would an alliance wish to run. They just need to start a revolt agenst the king. Look at the case of Golemus King v Grido Grido felt strong enough to call to have the king (me) removed. This is how the voteing system came to beeing. In that action the king was almost removed in this case it was very close. If Grido had won the king would have been removed and new one in his place. That is just an example of what can be done. Any alliance can do the same if the believe they have a good enough backing This is a better option than punishing the alliance by removing it from the land any alliance leader that took that option would not be doing so for the good of the alliance. It would be better to stand and fight. That is what make the alliance what they are the personalities that clash. In the case above i fully believe that with the revolt This made Golemus stronger and work together in a better way. I would not see any reasion for an alliance to walk way from a land. But if they did wish to do so it would be better to stand up and say so to the king if the leader has the backing of the alliance to do so. I am sure if both parties invloved agree and both parties message Mur that is would happen. This would be a better option i believe. Sorry i have gone on a ramble and will stop as i will just repeat myself over and over This is just my opinion on the subject. Have fun Yrth
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