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(Off Topic) [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='07 June 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1275924085' post='61252'] I didn't want it to go through the process of papirology and editing so it becomes something I don't want to be at the end, with a good experiance of everything else denied earlier due to possible 'complications'. [/quote] (Papirology)????? I believe this is the meening of it and makes no sence in this post. [b]Papyrology[/b] is the study of ancient literature, correspondence, legal archives, etc., as preserved in manuscripts written on papyrus, the most common form of writing material in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Papyrology includes both the translation and interpretation of ancient documents in a variety of languages, as well as the care and preservation of rare papyrus originals. (On topic) Please clarify the asbove as it make you last comment in a form that is not understandable.
hmm i have stayed away but i have to say something. first you are breaking a rule. As per the anouncment as a memeber of the land and the allaince being bound to the land of LR. you are bound by the rules of the land and its king. So since you have decided to disobay your king you are commiting treason. This is an observation. Also by stating this is a group of LR you are stating it is part of LR and there for overriding your king.
[quote name='dst' date='03 June 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1275602765' post='60914'] @ DST Well then I should not be punished for attacking them.I am training also, right? [/quote] I have never said you did wrong at GGG beside Mur said you are guilty of what i dont know anyways. Back tot he topic GGG has done as much good as it has bad. Any can see from my own stats i dont use it much myself The only reason i have is to fix some bad creatue choices or to see how a new creature advances. I as a VET player am very week compaired to many. I never really did bother with combat. But the issue that is raised here is that some old vet cant handel having a player be bigger then them so the train out of fear from what i see. now not al vets do this. I have been playing for a long time i have seen player come and go. All for difrent reason. Some because they CANT enjoy the game because they are beeing attacked all the time and dont get a chance to learn. The people that are agenst the ggg i understand why and in many casses agree. But the issue here is (and has been mentioned before) that if you pull doen the ggg them you will just create scattered versions of it and the issues will be come bigger later. It would be good to see some vets help new player learn but no most will just attack you and move on not even giving advice along the way. It can take a lot of time to learn about combat and the system behind it. The other problme is when one is attacked they cant see the full attack log to learn from so the only way to find out is attack someone bigger than you and then look at the log. There is no real solution to GGG. Let be honest here if a stat grinder want stats they will finad a way to get them. The GGG only server as a platform. One that was intended to help new players learn and develope to give them a chance. But again like the dojo and others like it get abused this is the history of such things and well i think if GGG goes then the next thing that will be seen is a GGG like training ground in each land now 2 land can close off some areas to the public so this will create another issue and a bigger one What i suggest is this. Work out a new system or agree to a new way. Create a solution in stead of creating a VOID that will get filled with something equaly as bad if not worse.
[quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910'] You all say that some players are overpowered, some creatures do too much damage. YES, you allowed some to over (ab)use this GGG to achieve all that. [/quote] Umm... the ones that have huge stats had them befor the GGG they used bugs and breaking the rules to get them they were not punished for this. Now with regards GGG well if people decide to gater and train that is there choice not your's you dont like it thuff This is a game were one has the freedom to do prety much what they want within limits and well so far GGG has not broken that limit from what i can see. If you dont like GGG then dont go there it is that simple. i dont care if it is closed down or not i dont use it often but then if you are going to start this grinding complains lest go a step further reset all account how about that
that is in time since we fly out on tuesday well put me down for it
1 x black cover for me Mur If it can be done before i go home that is
Hmm well i dont agree with getting perm stat boost from heat in any way to be honest this can be abused in many ways. But i do have some suggestions 1. Use head to charge items as said before but i think this could be doen for armour. For example the current armour give a % bonous to your defence and other stats. This could be enhanced in some armour to give a bigger bonous useing the same count down as the heat counter so say you put n 2k heat it gove you an extra bonous of say 10% the 2k heat starts counting down and when it runs out the bonous is gone. This could also be done with any item in game. That would be as far as i would go with stat boosts. This could also be done for armour with sockets. or just on armour that have sockets. I dont know if there was to be another idea for sockets I know i have ideas of what could be done for thoes but that s another matter. I dont think any one should have the ablity to change people stats as they wish unless under very strict rules as this could be abused in a bit way and can cause great damage in the long run. as has been mentioned we would need a log to keep track of all changes done to a players stats. Will this put more strain on the servers?
yep they be back and i now have some of my research back too BIG THUMBS UP
[quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='28 May 2010 - 11:32 AM' timestamp='1275042770' post='60522'] You folks spent the money for a trip to Romania just for a few drinks? Where will you stay there over nights or so? Isn´t this expensive as hell? [/quote] well myself and firs are heading over on Friday the 4th and are heading back on the Tuesday it was not very expensive to be honest
As far as i know any one that can make it can go hey the more the merrier i say
hehehe no one said anything about me not drinking *sneaks off into the corner with his bottel of wisky*
[quote name='Aysun' date='27 May 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1274992633' post='60475'] However, in the end, what I really think should happen is this: There should be no alts/seconds/thirds. You are yourself as you enter into MagicDuel, and you decide where you go and what you do and when you do it. When you want to try something totally new, do you, in real life, get to shed your skin just so you don't lose what you already have? No. You decide if the new thing, whatever it is, is really worth it, and you [i]make sacrifices[/i] to go a new way. This, I feel, is what gives a person, a character, depth and history that is vital to a long-surviving realm such as this. If everyone just creates a new account whenever they want to try this or that out, we are merely left with a land full of shallow, one-dimensional entities that are unable to be learned from without them crossing lines and using knowledge from another account to aide and abet another one. [/quote] I am sorry i have to disagree with you here. The creation of ALt's is productive in many ways. Looking at why people create an alt is in its self intresting. I am a vet, withing this system. I happen to also have a larg number of alt accounts and not intencionaly. Thoes that know me and what i do know some of the history. Some ALT's i have are unknown to many. I can also argue your point about trying thing in real life. I for one have done something simlar in RL that i tried out and then droped. But i could only do it one way. That is to say i did it online. This is in its self a NEW skin using the internet to portray something about you that you dont do in RL. I will say from persional experience with this real i have done things i would not have done in RL but treat what i do here as something i would want to try. I have then been able to adapt myself after testing this change online. So even though in RL i cant change my skin i can how ever do something and decide if i wish to adapt my life to that new way. There have been many characters created by a single player look at Mur, KC, Shade sentinal, BigC, Wodin i am sure there are many mkore created that thoes players managed to keep from crossing the line. I know i have 2 other alts that have very little interaction and in no way use the knowledge Yrth has gained. The whole reason for beeing allowed alts is to try a new path that you decided you would not go with a diffrent character. Now yes i agree there is such a thing as too many alts and one cannot control all of them and keep them from crossing into each other. For example look at the LIB army. Yes if people have not figured it out yet i am the new controler of them untill at least there original owner takes them back. Other than the libs i own 5 other alt account 2 of them i use from time to time and they do ther own thing. 2 other are purly for testing. Now i am not saying i am great in fact i am not i am just another player that has been here for a long time and have come to understand many aspects to the realm and in fact learned many life leassons. Sorry i have doen it again and gone on another rant. I will stop here for now and gater my thoughts again. I also just wanted to say. you mention that the MD cube and us is unnatural. Are you sure what we are in MD in unnatural. I disagree but this i think you need to figure out for yourself
woo hoo thats the stag off to a nice start
Found this whill looking for tomatto icons [center][img]http://www.pantheonpc.com/sla/funny-pictures-tomato-is-shaped-like-bunny.jpg[/img][/center]
Well this is going a bit off topic but is still related to the issue at hand. It also comes down to some simple matters. For example a simple question like... What is role playing? This one question has many many answers ALL depending on ones point of view and experience. For a new player who has never done RP they see the *Blue text* so to them this is RP using a feature to portray an action. This is just showing actions and not RP to the more experienced players. Now i could go on and on about what RP is but then to some you will disagree with me on some of my points of view. The issue of Birth within MD... Well this is not something i really care about if it is done or not. I only care for what will be good or bad or even indifferent to MD. If something is so bad and could cause huge problems. This i agree must be dealt with swiftly. Some things are good and they take the course they are suppose to. The indeffrent well not much happen with that stuff and it falls away and is forgotten. The Birth issue is falling under the bad/indifferent in my opinion. Now this is only in my opinion so don't flame me for been write or wrong. It is an opinion. I agree limits need to be set but some people don't know when to set something as a limit and RP gets a bad name because of it. The way i see it is like this. Can i d it in RL yes or no. If yes then fine if no then how bad of a no is it. depending on how impossible something may be i may allow myself the to be able to do it. if it is something very difficult to do then it will take time and so on. For those of us that have been playing for a long time. All i can say is we all have egos and those that say they don't are lying. To be a figure within MD you have to have some sort of ego. But that is how i see it again my opinion. What happened in game and out of game well in my opinion it should not have happened but well it did so now time to move on. I am goign to stop as i think i have gone a bit far off topic here
you will also find the topic about citizenship for golemus under the golemus forum I suggest you read it first
Hey all artists I am looking to get a logo created for a little program i have been building but well my artisan skill are well they arent So i am looking for some one who could create a logo for me for this little application. Please contact me ether here o the forums or on my YIM. yrthilian (AT) yahoo (DOT) com Thanks Yrth Thanks MODS for moving it. I only realised after posting it that is was in the wrong place
All WP's have be rewarded
The book has finally arrived.
Ok i am tired and think confused? Did i order the book in english? or am i now gona get a nice new book and not be able to read it? Well if it arrives in romainain then i guess i will need an english version too. lso just to let you know shipping was not really expensive it was like €3.40 for me. US to Ireland. that is cheap Thanks Grido for helping my sleepy head and clearing the info up (I am still recovering from the second wedding i have been to this year)
Funny This calling for naming and shaming. If this had happened 18 months ago i think i might have been one to say the same. But i have seen much and learned much in MD and this i can now say. DON'T name and shame. It is just a waste of time. The circle must be broken at some point yes i believed that getting rid of ancient lore was a bad idea. But i understood why it had to be done. The issue really is that with ancient lore gone it left a void. This void was the real issue to be honest. Now i didn't want to have the whole Marind story spelled out. It was one of my RP/Research things i was working on for the last 3 months and now with the release of that story info that has been ruined. The problem is yes some people see things clearly some don't. Some have a lack of understanding or view. Now that i know the real story of Marind i am not happy as now this erases much of my current story line work. If i post any of it the response will be you were told that in the forum. Yes the ancient Lore was taken away. Get over it. Some of the info within it was useful some was not. the whole point of the lore was to strip out the lies and work with the little truths within. This was part of being a researcher. But the Lore was tainted even further with stories and made things harder to see. So what of History? Well i am sure if you look hard enough you will see some new truths since the release of info has come out i can see other ideas and new ways to research. But it is getting that info validated in some way. How do we do this well that is now something else that needs working on. But well we will see Now i don't think people need be name and shamed and no i am NOT one of them or at least i don't think i am. To name and shame people will just create a bigger mess and cause yet another head hunt. Hmm. History repeating itself. I will ask this though. The people asking for ancient lore. There is a bit of misunderstanding i think. I see it this way. the ancient lore was something to fall back on if you got stuck in research. It helped to be able to see something that could point you in another direction. I think what those people are really asking for is for info to fall back on from the past that has some sort of fact within it. Not ancient Lore. But something from someone who has done research and figured out the truth. not the truth spelt out in a document but hidden for the people to find. Yes i know the info in said to be in front of you and is all over MD. But sometimes a little help to see something small will help to unlock a great deal more. Many know me as a researcher/Tyrant but those that really know me know much more to what i really am. I know it is hard to find truth and no one wants to give it away after working so hard to get it. But sometimes it help to share to get to the bigger picture. Many who know me have gotten some of what i have researched and have a different view this makes me reevaluate what i have discovered and i am all the happier for it as this i feel bring me closer to the truth. It is as Mur has said. The best answer is the one that creates more questions. I agree with this as then it means the answer is not perfect YET. Sorry i have gone into a big rant here. But basically what has been done has been done. It is time to move on and work together on what you wish to do be it fighting or be it research find like minded people and start the process. Trust me you will find that a better use of your time then to head hunt. Yrth
OK ok pleple First i suggest you all take a look at this program it is FREE and very easy to use and does all the formats needed The program is called GIMP you can download it from [url="http://www.gimp.org/"]here[/url] i used it for all edditing of images and it seems good at keeping the quality that people want. Open any .png files and resave them to .gif and GIMP should keep the quality level too If any one needs there images edited in a transparent .png or . gif give me a shout at the weekend Have fun all Yrth
Hey well done rendril I knew you were destined to do great things
First my apologies for the delay. But here is the winners from the CCG Manum 1st place in MP3 Elthen airis 1st place in MP4 Stavaroiu 1st place in MP5 Congrats to you 3 for being the first winners of this monthly contest. Better luck to the rest of you next month. Have fun Yrth
Well i just seen this Was away the last 2 days. I dont always remove people from Golemus as there is a warning at the maze telling you that you will get stuck. Remeber the players with send to GoE have only 5 castings. The only ones with more are the LHO's Now i have 3 castings left so i will only use them if i have to It is not a matter of beeing nice or beeing meen. If you faile to read the warning then be it on your own head if you get stuck