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Everything posted by Innundo

  1. Actually, Seigheart, your response to me made me not want to associate with you at all. In fact, I dare say if you talk to anyone like that I wonder how this community gets and keeps quality community members. As a "leader" you should do your best to make a good impression on people. Burns, thank you for the information, but I shall opt to pass... ~Innu
  2. My humblest apologies... You must be having a bad day... How unfortunate. I remember a time when MD members were more polite, even when correcting others.
  3. If this is still open, I would also like to work for you Mur I am renewed in this world after a lenghtly sleep. I have no friends, I have no enemies. I am without a homeland. By circumstance, I am completely neutral. [color=#FF8C00]Innundo (ID:16594; Days:314) [/color]My active days are regrefully low compared to my age of 1400+. RL S*** happens :/ [color=#FF8C00]No Mans Land[/color] [b][color="#ff6600"]SUPPORTER 308 [/color][/b] So in short, if you can't use me here, I'll be your minion anywhere else I am needed. ~Innu
  4. I have same as above people: 1)I have thus far been unable to cast spells of regen or healing - altho I do get penalized for the attempt.... 2)And upon moving around the map.... sometimes the map picture doesnt change, but the people from the next scene appear.... its weird... 3)Name changes do not always reflect correctly 'after' the illusion has ended... it appears you still have a different name. 4)You can't sacrifice illusion created creatures. (okay this probably isnt a bug, but how cool would it be!!)
  5. Innundo: 16594
  6. My Aunt has been staying with me the last 2 weeks... She was supposed to fly back today right to where the Hurricane is... I bought her an extension last night so she can stay another week. Not really anything to do with anything... just sharing
  7. I myself do this all the time... perhaps a bit too often. The reason I say too often is because of the reaction i get from others for just being myself. For example, daily by just being myself... I cause friends and acquaintences to question my motives. Apparently by being too nice or too helpful, or trying to see thinks from others points of view and not being judgemental.... people in our society seem to think I have ulterior motives. Its a sad day when people cant trust other people just because they have been 'burned' so many times... Just my perception...
  8. Its absolutely maddening... but Im sick and I like it... Thanks Manu for enabling the pillars *hugs*
  9. Yes, that is the second time today I've read a disparaging comment aimed at another user... THAT bothers me more than most things....
  10. Name: Innundo Titile: Shifter Role: I take the shape of a Wolf or Fox... Always watching and learning from the shadows... Passing through realms and gathering information, I am the secret keeper of much knowledge.
  11. Great work... truly.
  12. Are you counting Wins or Victories? Only Victory's move the counter as a +1 Win
  13. Not in the forum perse... but actually on the game itself.... Top of the screen "Adventure log" click Read all
  14. If Im understanding right I like this idea... make "Wodin" A legend who passed in his endeavors.... However, the Same 'character' or attributes can be assigned a new name and used as a new summons for Golem... Win, win for all?
  15. I agree and disagree with some of everything.... lol I think Manu has right idea.... create a game NPC / RPC / Whatever... let certain players control those characters as the game needs. Give the players a guideline for the role of the character(good, evil, warrior, scholar) and let them go forth and create the aura. If a player leaves, another player can take over the character, albeit with a slight 'personality' change, and the world moves on... As long as the new player understands the basic guideline for the character the minor personality traits will come to be accepted. Just my Humble Opinion
  16. Innundo

    PWD contest

    Innundo - 'Dark' Shape Shifter / Seeker of Sage Knowledge
  17. Oh yes! I like that as well...
  18. I think I missed out on the whole Anime thing... I just don't get it
  19. I am torn... His summoning was an abomination of the balance... However, he was a crafty warrior. He was warned of his quest for power and the possible outcomes... However, may he rest in peace now. There is more that can be said, but for now....
  20. Okay here is a log of attacks.... Towards the end I started copying the text from the Ritual screen that says how much honor you should get, etc... I started off with my win/loss ratio, honor, loyalty. Then I logged the attack and refreshed noting the new win/loss ratio, honor, loyalty. Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 5000 Loyalty: 133 Attacked sioux... WINNER enemy gets a loss 0% vs 100% *** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker Your honor reward for this battle: 0 Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy honor reward for this battle: -17 (This is supposed to be enemy honor, but notice here, and look below at MY honor penalization) Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0 You were penalised with 3 honor for loosing this fight (I was penalized 17 not 3) Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4983 Loyalty: 133 Attacked Sacophilz... WINNER 0% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -132 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 3 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4851 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 Attacked Manweor... WINNER enemy gets a loss 4% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -81 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 4 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4770 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 Attacked Laz... ~~VICTORIOUS!~~ 20% vs 98% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -8 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 5 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4762 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 Attacked Graziel... WINNER 0% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: 166 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 5 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4928 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 Attacked Ghost Hunter... You Retreated 79% vs 54% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: 0 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4928 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 Attacked by Thrall... (Was attacked by Thrall here, looks ok to me?) ~~VICTORIOUS!~~ 22% vs 80% *** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker Your honor reward for this battle: 0 (Correct) Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy honor reward for this battle: 0 Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4928 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 _______ Here is the log change where I copied info from Ritual page______ *** Attacking thrall *** You will get 168 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight WINNER 0% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: 166 (Discrepancy of 2 points) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 5000 (Correct - due to max) Loyalty: 133 *** Attacking sioux *** You will get -18 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight WINNER 13% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -18 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 5 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4982 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 *** Attacking Sacosphilz *** You will get -133 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight WINNER 0% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -133 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 2 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4849 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 *** Attacking Manweor *** You will get -82 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight WINNER 2% vs 100% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -82 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 2 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4767 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 *** Attacking Laz *** You will get -8 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight ~~VICTORIOUS!~~ 26% vs 70% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: -8 (Correct) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 5 honor for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4759 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 *** Attacking Korp *** You will get -11 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight You Retreated 60% vs 50% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: 0 (Discrepancy - no change) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4759 (Discrepancy - no change) Loyalty: 133 *** Attacking dst *** (Alliance member test) You will get -84 honor points if you win this fight You will get loyalty points if you win this fight ~~DEFEATED~~ 100% vs 0% Combat details (under construction). 'A' is you, 'E' is enemy Honor reward for this battle: 0 (Discrepancy - no change) Loyalty reward for this battle: 0 You were penalised with 1 loyalty for loosing this fight Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4759 (Discrepancy - no change) Loyalty: 133 (Discrepancy - no change) Attacked by Siul... You Retreated enemy gets a victory 84% vs 43% *** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker Your honor reward for this battle: 0 Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy honor reward for this battle: -61 Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0 You were penalised with 5 honor for loosing this fight (Correct) Won: 273 | Lost: 491 Honor: 4754 (Correct) Loyalty: 133 So for the moment the Win/loss and Loyalty counters do not move at all... just the honor. This has changed since yesterday when I was clearly showing LOSSES on my battle counter Edit: I just attacked Shoeps and got my Loss counter to increase by one.... ~~DEFEATED~~ enemy gets a victory 100% vs -18% *** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker Your honor reward for this battle: 0 Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy honor reward for this battle: 0 Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 1 loyalty for loosing this fight (I lost, so I should be penalised) Won: 273 | Lost: 492 Honor: 3668 Loyalty: 134 (<--- error) Now the interesting part here is that not only did my loss counter increase by one, BUT my Loyalty increase by one as well...
  21. What do you mean passed it? You mean beat the puzzle? If so yes its been fixed for awhile now
  22. Yeah, Glai is funny like that
  23. You are all fantanstic artists! I applaude your work heartily!
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