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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. As Queen of Necrovion i would like to say that the revival of Magohi makes no stance on the current conflict regarding Granos, and we do not wish to get involved. His revival was done as a service that he has paid for. Necrovion will always provide such services if they are available and people are willing to pay the price, though, perhaps they may not always like what that price entails...
  2. i would be interested in the discussion, though i'm unsure if i would be a part of the new "LHO", team as i'm probably not the best fit for that role these days
  3. does the gateway have a combat exit still? i remember reading about the heads exit being removed, but potentially it can be replaced with a series of progression fights aimed to challenge new players. perhaps we shift the basic creatures (barren and grasan) , to the island as well, and set small challenges, nothing major, just basic combat ideas. this would allow them to dip their toes into thinking about combat, provide a solo way off the island, but also allow returning vets to steam through it and leave if that's what they want. upon beating the challenges an item could be granted that allows a one time exit, so it's not forced, so that if they win they have an out but can choose to stay if there are other things they want to see. also i think allowing people back and forth with "ease" wouldn't be a terrible idea. and everything that's set to focus on newer players that vets shouldn't be using can be hidden based on AD , i understand that parts of gwi are meant to be a reward for vets finding their way there but is that the best idea? i can't say for certain, i can see for and against. but it would alos allow newer players to leave and not feel punished for not finding everything (especially in conjuction with my next idea) another thing that people like are spells, perhaps some new very weak spells could be introduced that can be gained on the island? and a quest could be introduced to unlock the visability of the erohlin at mp3, because we all know it's still there and working even at that level, but unlocking it would add an extra bit of content and introduce them to what it does, how it works, and spellcasting
  4. the game needs to hold people mechanically first and foremost , so that they have enough thing's to do while they get into the community. currently we have 2 main systems in place that could do this. combat, and crafting, neither of which are fleshed out enough to be a main focus for players to get into. combat: this tends to be what is probably the main draw, collect creatures, fight them, level them up, and feel a sense of progression as your account get's stronger with the more work you place into it. with the current player base, this is very difficult, they can collect creatures, and fight a little bit, but if people really want to fight and focus only on that, the ability to do so is far too limited. crafting: crafting in md is very punishing, for what little of it that can be done, as many thing's consume in stacks rather than set quantity, probably the most rewarding crafting experience( as far as functional items is concerned) is based on common items which is based on shop purchases which shouldn't be the case. the molima is a very good thing but it's also very inaccessible. unfortunately not much can really be done about these thing's without drawing too much on mainstream aspects which contradicts with a lot of MD's philosophy, but if MD's goal was to adapt to a wider audience i think some mainstream elements may be required.
  5. my notes list is also broken with similar errors eprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 200 Personal Notes - These informations are for your own private use. Deprecated: Non-static method SpawAgent::getAgent() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 590 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi() in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/util.class.php:185 Stack trace: #0 /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php(590): SpawAgent::getAgent() #1 /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php(830): SpawEditor->getHtml() #2 /home/magicdue/public_html/dlg/dlg.notesdocwrite.php(186): SpawEditor->show() #3 {main} thrown in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/util.class.php on line 185
  6. i would agree with this, normal alliances shouldn't get this backdoor change
  7. to me, MD is expression and growth, a catalysis for personal change. there were thing's in my life that i was struggling to deal with, and i used MD as a mask for them. my persona in MD i found ended up doing the same, using a persona to hide from herself. MD was there while i needed this escape, and when i had dealt with my problems my character dropped her persona too. MD allowed me to express a part of myself that i could never have done before, something that i really needed to , even if just for a short while. i took a part of myself, and gave it it's own life. she sleeps now, but i don't think i would have done certain thing's in my life had it not being for the ability to express differently here. i'm very grateful i was able to have that experience, the personal connection it's given me has made MD into the place that i've stuck around the longest. i tend to be a drifter, not staying in one place for more than a couple of years at most, but MD has kept me for 7 years, and while i don't have the same time available to devote to it, it's still something i don't plan on leaving
  8. i can help with this and do some small batches here and there if there's still some work to do
  9. damn...i really hope all these notes arnt lost beacuse i kept a history of things in there ...
  10. SERVER/BACKEND - for infrastructure based announcements CREATURES - for any changes or new releases regarging such ALLIANCES - death and restoration and changes of alliances HELP - anythyng pertaining to seeking help from the playerbase REWARDS - for misc rewards that don't fit other catagories INTERFACE FEATURES - for any new feature announcement
  11. parties need announcements, bob could be the location
  12. maybe it could be coded that there would be a global message and bob would bloom for x amount of time when someone goes up in mindpower
  13. this confused me too. went to hunt down one on the map, got to the place i thought was correc,t opened up the map, andthen saw TWO mp8 players,...
  14. honestly i quite like the visual effect it gives, especially with the light, for some reason the light went over the top of the night mode but i really like it. the lamp is what toggles the night mode in this instant so i think it makes sense and gives a nice atmosphere
  15. yay, now the TSB clickies works properly as intended https://gyazo.com/dc0b445907e5842127fcdd739f4675f6
  16. Syrian

    Ann. 4948

    don't lie, you just want to be able to spam me with monty python references!
  17. can confirm, also having issues with this, this makes me super concerned, did we break something? am i going to lose my account? is my teddy bear safe? ????
  18. feel free to add me and drop me a message personally if you need, i'll try to help you or direct you to someone else who can
  19. Syrian

    Days 4444

    not counting admin account's, probably the accounts that were invited in when MD was just a forum
  20. mods have to do it, but it' sjust a trade thread so there's no worry
  21. trade completed
  22. *a title given by lazarus, not self proclaimed, i am forced to denounce it because i'm not bratty, okay? okay... thanks go to mallos and lazarus for giving me the heads to make it happen, i had nothing to do with this
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