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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. it really is a shame to see you go, truly, i hope you do as well with future endeavours as you've done here, safe travels on the long roads
  2. it could be said tha tif you have a ritual with the max allowed of all different anniversary types you get a bonus based on what that creature is "doing" aramor's do damage, so potentially they could provide some added flat attack to the aramor's , or activate a creatureboost % damage type effect since the creatureboost only applies to the regular aramor and would be useless in this situation. it wouldnt be "meta" defining, but does allow some additional options for low stat players that dont have tokens, or even players that do have them and rely on them for doing things. imperial aramor stacking already does this same thing, but better. hollows heal, so potentialy a power/regen buff to all HW in the ritual.
  3. aramor's wont ever be a serious contender for being top of the combat food chain as it were. they are single target, and creature starts are useless beyond a point. a defence boost doesnt mean all that much in context of drachs being able to target all and one shot. the other issue with aramor's is not all of them are upgradable past level 1, which also hurts their viability. the fundamental issue with the suggestion is that there are currently 5 diferent types of aramor, but they have a ritual limit of 3, which i think doesnt need to actually exist for this creature as it's not got a high power threshold to begin wit,h so limiting it doesn't prevent that much abuse like it does with drachs. anniv hollows are already pretty strong. but they wont replace trees in every situation. they have the same VE as a coloured maxed tree and even more regen yet people still use even un upgraded tree's due to availability without being at a disadvantage. and again, there are 3 anniv HW's now, with a limit of 3, so adding another one will also not allow this suggestion to work, however this limit actually does make sense in some ways due to rituals with 6 anniv HW being a great defensive sponge for stat farming. that being said, if people really wanted to go for a 6 creature ritual that does that, they would use 3 tree's 3 HW, so you could make an arguement for removing this restriction as well, if someone is able to get 6 anniv hollow's then all the power to them, they would alos be able to get 3 coloured tree's and 3 anniv barrens just as easily.
  4. the issue here is that Md as a system does not experience time/entropy. its a fixed system that if left by itself nothing will move or decay. the concept/feeling of time applies to the players. think of Md as more of a 2d plane of existence while the players exist in 3d space, we have an extra dimension above the game in which we can experience time. any passing of time that we want to relate to has to be done in this plane rather than within the game itself. it's like looking in a mirror, the reflection itself has no memory of time but the object's its reflecting, do. the reflection has the illusion of time as it reflects the changes of time outside of its plane, but it does not directly experience it. your question is asking how do we quantify something within the game that isn't there to be quantified? things like AD and regeneration intervals exist for the player only, essentially above the plane that MD exists on.
  5. well the point of contention wasn't first, it was most
  6. i would like to do this.
  7. down with the bacon! i mean..happy birthday...
  8. there isnt typically a forum post around for mentorship and things like this, but if you have questions about the game then LHo is usually the first point of cantact, if you're looking for a mentorship kind of role, ask around, , its a great way to communication and get to know the new players around and find someone that you think you would like and ask them if they would like to mentor you. but since my name got dropped into the thread, if you would like to talk to me and consider it then i dont mind helping you get back into the game, you can always send me a message in game if you see me around : )
  9. Syrian

    spam topic

    the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
  10. i cant read it either
  11. i don't mind trying to help out, but i've already picked up these papers so i don't think i would be much use on this particular bug, might be that mago would be better to try picking them up seeing as he hasnt got them before?
  12. tested this on the heatvein test item i have, i also got a clear error and didnt get moved ~ Heatvein Energy Punch [Test] ~ Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/inc.boxpage_ui.php on line 86
  13. i do like the idea of having some hidden away in the library, or perhaps you have too visit the library firs,t and find the book, then read it, to get a clue as to where the principle is, and reading the book gives them the ability to collect it at the location it's placed. it would act as a sort of mini quest
  14. these can only be gained at the capital , this isnt really a solution, the point Aia was trying to make was that they should be easy to attain with a little looking around, not hidden really far away, a new player isnt going to think about going all the way to the NC capital, even with tours, they aren't that visible to newcomers
  15. if this is fixed then i have even more reason why the fight chat should be removed, the constant beeping would be far too much
  16. had forgotten about that topic and ideas, yeah, pretty much identical to ivo's first idea, looking at it now
  17. let the principle be part of the reward of getting into loreroot, there is no reason to place that one at the door when there is a quest given to the player to enter loreroot. necro i would agree with, it could be placed at the tunnel in MB edit: it could also be placed in the east, at the foundation..
  18. a way to toggle the feature would be nice, maybe a button similar to the OOC chat button, where it would be off by default so chat would behave as it used to, without the fight messages. then once toggled on it showed the last 14 fight messages in the chat. my idea is a little hard to explain so i made a quick example, on the left would be no fight chat toggled, on the right would be with it toggled on, essentially being a "full" chat. though if there were 14 messages from players then it would show 14 messages on the left instead. it would mean however that MD chat needs to be able to process/remember 28 lines (14 from players 14 from fights) and process accordingly. on the left it would display just the 14 from players, on the right it would display the full list of 28, but be limited by chat size, and only displayy the 14 most recent of the combination of players and fight chats
  19. deathmarrow can be reached somewhat safely with a tour from lash, but players must find the option on the forums, maybe this could be more visible in game? overall i like this idea and provides a good purpose to exploration
  20. can we just remove this feature? i don't think it serves a positive purpose and just makes it hard to have conversations over long periods of time. especially since a fair number of us no longer have sound so we cant hear when a reply has being posted
  21. it boosts the user by the difference in stats (enemy stats - your stats = stat gain to you) so if you fo reg have 1000 stats, and the enemy 10 , you get : (10-1000=-900) so , get a total of +-900 stats, which comes to -900, effectively draining your stats, stat drain creatures dont work in your favour if you have higher than the opponent. edit: this is not really the full picture, or a proper calculation on what happens, just a simple representation of the mechanic
  22. molima doesnt give or take anything to the opponent, only the coloured SW does that
  23. looking at this i can see this happening "incarnated Sarasith (852732): poweraura, skillvampireskillvampire boosts allied creatures by -9424537.2 attack;-1011116.4 defence;-9942 initiative;-8962.8 regeneration;-11191.2 energeticimmun;-8493.6 tradesense;-9889.2 briskness;517.2 power;-2277.6 luck;2.4 finesse;5828.4 volition;-45.6 filtering;2.4 cartography;122.4 woodcutting;-282 herbalism;50.4 fusioning;-3.6 gardening;7.2 mining;-97.2 experimentalism;-171.6 waterhandling;" which is your molima draining your stats by about 9.4million attack in total. then it looks like lin's stats get drained which i cant really explain. but from what what i can see, you both have effectively 0 stats and so cant really hurt each other expect for lifesteal , and since you both used 100%, and eon assumingly has more VE than lin, lintara would win the battle because of being able to drain more than eon and win by difference
  24. the only thing i could think of would be the aura of it draining your stats, though this would just be a guess as i dont have the combat log to look at, and that doesnt explain why it works fine at the max level, when the aura becomes stronger, and i maxed mine as well so i cant test it for myself anymore, do you have any combat logs still that people could take a look at?
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