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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. "Magic:) Merry Murmas all!!!! Love ya. Even if ya'll are a bunch of weirdos:P" look whos talking, lady
  2. so the one youre singing about is mrf? : D
  3. "Participation" is determined as follows: MP3: Donate a minimum of 1 Heat MP4: Donate a minimum of 500 Heat MP5: Donate a minimum of 1000 Heat does this mean mp6 are not allowed? : P
  4. Syrian

    Influence slider

    this doesnt argue against aethons point, and i would agree with him here that being able to use high VE and 100% token stats at the same time is a little much. going from your point, having to sacrifice your VE to use 100% stats on popes is fine, but sacrificing your VE is the cost to do this, a cost which i think is fair, having an MD shop feature to get this is even worse, as its paying to remove a cost
  5. here is a list of worshippers, try checking with some of the people and see if youre an alt of anyone Eon (69399.5k) No one (4086k) *Miq* (4040.5k) dst (2555k) nadrolski (2537.5k) Valoryn (2398.5k) *Sunfire* (2339k) Neno Veliki (1192.5k) MaGoHi (1176.5k) Aeoshattr (1021k) Aethon (665.5k) Pipstickz (624k) Azull (344.5k) Clock Master (236k) Lintara (203k) *Nimrodel* (116.5k) Tal (109k) Wideberth (101.5k) Rophs the Green (62.5k) klawdees (52.75k) *Peace* (50.5k) Conc (30k) Lania (23.5k) Fang Archbane (17.5k) AmberRune (14k) Maebius (11.5k) lashtal (11k) samon (2k) ZenTao (2k) The Adventurer (1.5k) Nava (0.5k) Change (0k) Mallos (0k) Ary Endleg (0k) Jester (0k) Marvolo (0k)
  6. what isp do you have? and what aobut mobile carrier? you might have been put as an alt of someone through some isp/browsing weirdness that is also worshipping me, which is preventing you from doing the same
  7. what browsers/isp have you used recently? anything mobile related?
  8. broken for me too
  9. helper of the year sunfire most improved magohi most popular sunfire prime quest wittylewat http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16565-imagination-quest-wp/
  10. Adventuring Award asthir Pre-eminent Role Player aethon i would also like to point out, while not relavant to current topic, we still havnt been given the item trophies for last years rewards, something that also happened last year
  11. im not THAT addicted D:....maybe >_>
  12. happy belated! hope you had an enjoyable day yesterday!
  13. Congrats and all the best!
  14. : D i now have music! the tutorial worked well to get it working in an isolated spreadsheet but what i needed was a little more complicated, but mago got it all working for me, thankies mago! (again)
  15. woo! im alive again! thankies
  16. *syrian* 245645 also have alts that i dont remember the IDs for that are also broken
  17. that tattoo is awesome, but i cant get over that hair, that hair is amazing
  18. not deleted, they appear to still be here, just nameless, as you can see with the mood panel and inventory screenshots in my original post MD chatzy from global text : http://us20.chatzy.com/28044258766923
  19. when trying to login game gives a *verify invalid account error as seen below http://storenow.net/my/?f=5fb457623a000e3bb73cf40c4c450274 http://puu.sh/kXi0r/82611d8932.jpg simple enough to reproduce, tried to login with *syrian* and my password, everything was correct and the error came multiple times, tried email address and tried player ID (i dont know if this works but i tried it regardless) went to search for my profile and found that my name doesnt exist http://storenow.net/my/?f=d6e2b801ab83f13a09a2835055bf9bbc http://puu.sh/kXikm/acbd74b80f.png same problem applies to azull, and kiley. Aeoshattr is currently online and reports that mine and azulls names are missing from his friends list Mood panel names have dissapeared for many accounts http://puu.sh/kXjXj/5647d3500b.jpg same for item owners http://puu.sh/kXk6i/1769171e85.jpg edit: added puush links as well as storenow links as the storenow links appear to have broken edit again: i was asleep before this started, so i cant give a time frame except some time before this post happened, nor do i know the cause 'nother edit: new character creation works as it should
  20. Syrian


    mreoww! *coughs* sorry about that, sysy gets a little hyperactive sometimes...
  21. fixed! edit: much thanks incase you werent watching chat when i said it earlier
  22. it extends to all usable items, including consumables
  23. does that make chew an anti-shemite?
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