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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. i also get an error , but a different one http://puu.sh/iyJmW/8b96d3f3b8.jpg, using google chrome
  2. context? what happened? what did you type? is it re-creatable? ingame search or forum search? what you put isnt very specific
  3. quest judging is done and over and the entries were based on the following: creativity 1-10 how creative and unique the ritual was, but with relative content. expression 1-10 how well the idea was portrayed and how efficient any given emotion was conveyed. relativeness 1-10 how relative the ritual/process was to embracing ones taint/darker natures . symbolism 1-10 how well the writing explored deeper aspects of human nature personal 1-5 how personal the ritual idea was to the player, higher points awarded for the more personal explorations of their nature, lower points to be given for more general processes. the scores are as follows, a total of points from 2 judges(of which i was not) and the forum rep Dragual Monarth: 23 25 0 = 48 MRWander: 12 14 0 = 26 Zleiphneir: 26 26 1 = 53 Jubaris: 26 25 0 = 51 Rophs: 10 13 0 = 23 Assira the black: 25 27 0 = 52 ignnus: 16 19 0 = 35 Myth: 27 28 0 = 55 this puts the final placing as follows: First place: Mythrandir, 55 Second place: Zleiphneir, 53 Third: Assira the Black, 52 Mythrandir will receive the WP and i will award 1 GC to both Assira and Z, even though unstated in the original post rewards have been given out already : )
  4. aethon is currently inactive again, possibly studies
  5. mp6 to me is about a relationship, theyre at the centre of a lot of people that look to them, being a protector is one of the things that makes MD worth it for me. being able to have a reason to communicate and foster relationships and connect to people and to help them, be it with spells or just RPing als a protector to save the people that are in trouble, like saving eleyne from a hungry dragon that wanted to eat her. having new or returning players choosing you to look up to and help find their way back into the game is a huge honor for me, an mp6 is less about spells than it is about a community, the spells are nice and sometimes the ycan be used, but the relationhips formed around it are used a lot more. and i would choose to be mp6 always
  6. quest is now closed, thank you for all the entries!
  7. as mentioned above, aethon has the creature and will be sponsored from him (if i understood correctly)
  8. his forum account needs validating
  9. removed rophs from the main post
  10. IAB doesnt sound like a story mode issue, but something that you broke on your own, so im unsure if i should add it to the list in the main post edit: also seems like rophs the second wasnt a story mode issue and was a player made issue: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3086-extreme-magicduel/?p=165521
  11. updated initial post with witty and eleyne, will keep all the names updated in the main post so that theyre easier to find later
  12. i wont tell anyone if you dont! hopefully everything is clearer now
  13. sorry, i figured the announcement itself was enough, i changed the title, hopefully it is a little more specific : ) edit: also added the announcement link into the main description
  14. if there any players that are still affected by this (http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3513) please post them here, if they dont have forum access then it would also be nice to get there names and player IDs put here so that they are known. She of Stars is currently unable to see NPCs at MP3, Player ID 254248 WittyLeWat, ID 252568 Eleyne: ID 246884, unable to see NPCs, and the MDP statue, MP5 Witch (ID 254195) can't see any of those npc's Johannesk (ID: 253995) - just turned MP4, says he can't see NPCs;
  15. not sure about the others, but the initial post here said hand drawn
  16. the only issue i can see with this is that it doesnt appear to be hand drawn, but this is a really nice piece of art!
  17. quest will currently close on the 31st, 00:00ST, so, until the end of the month : )
  18. is there anyone still working on an entry for this quest?
  19. lets get some more entries here shall we? be motivated! wish point!
  20. a creature abilitiy isnt just about what a creature can do, its about the "personality" or traits/aspect of a creatures being, it can still have this identifying factor and not be combat usable, i would say it makes perfect sense and the issue is the egg bug thats already commonly known
  21. i noticed a lot of issues with attacking the shades and noticed that attacking them over and over till it works ...works. even attacking with a rit sometimes threw me an error
  22. side note, extra points for proving ary correct! http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16518-washing-the-taint-wishpoint-quest/?p=164723
  23. I found princ's quest to rid yourself of the taint to be utterly barbaric! the taint is the only way to purity.so i decided to make this quest, balanc must be maintained and the people must have a choice! The task is to develop a spiritual and ritualistic way to embrace or reaffirm the taint within you (the NC taint, as this is a NC quest) you can include any medium that you wish, as long as it includes some description that explains the ritual process. There will be a WP awarded for the best entry,if the entry is of decent quality. The judging criteria will be similar to Princ's, reputation points on your post and my personal opinion and the opinion of any judges that are judging the quest, so post your entries in this topic.
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