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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. i will sponsor this with 6 pickles and 4 heat stones, to be awarded how you like :) sY
  2. A heat solidifier is capable of loading any item ID into its first user input, instead of just a memory stone ID, instead of creating an output of "Heat Stone" the output is some form of "heat [item]" I.E. "Heat Pickle" This also could potentially include the possibilty of loading the solidifies own ID into itself and destroying the item(unconfirmed by me, but have been told this is possible, have not tried for obvious reasons) Recreation: :open up the heat solidifier :place any ID into the input box, and click continue: :load heat and complete the process as normal quite obvious, but listed nevertheless for the sake of being a report Sy
  3. i will sponsor this quest with 8 pickles and 5 heat stones, to be awarded how you like Sy
  4. is it really tradition if it only happened once?
  5. many people with dual tags such as "child of necrovion (death guard)" dont have the option to select this. by setting Child of Necrovion as the primary, and Death Guard as the secondary, the secondary tag will not be visible, is this intentonal? the only way to have these dual tags is to have someone change your tag for you, and manually set it to have both visible, however doing this only seems to have 1 tag active in the "Available tags" UI, in my case, having Azull set my tag to "child of necrovion (death guard)" only sets death guard, as the active tag, instead of both of them.
  6. its just a joke about how america took the english language and made "american english" but since they are the biggest world power(and clearly the centre of the world), everyone that speaks english bust therefor actually be speaking american, it was sarcasm :P
  7. i do have to agree with No one here, the connotations behind harvesting milk from a player are not good, and are borderline creepy and inappropriate
  8. and if youre english you speak american
  9. duplicates have dissapeared for me, i have "Child of necrovion" and "death guard" however i cant choose to have both of these tags at the same time from the tags UI so that i have "child of necrovion (death guard)"
  10. chew is on iphone, thats why he cant read it
  11. creature stuff has/is being documented by me and ary for some time now, however it is in google docs and not overly the best format (creature type, family, stats, upgrade requirements etc, spoilerish stuff)
  12. min 3, no max
  13. i will give 2 pickles to anyone that you give a bird to
  14. so have a min but no max, max is highly unfair
  15. There will be a maximum of 10 categories.- Do not specify how many cateogories. - There will be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 players nominated for each category. Previous years you have arbitarily decided who is in and out. This is entirely unfair. I raised concern on this previously and you were flippant. I do not feel this is the correct response. Please give a public answer one way or another. - Past winners will be allowed to be nominated again, however, if there are more than 5 names nominated when it closes, those will be the first removed. Unfair. Remove this. If they are the best they should be in with everybody else. You are trying to give more people a chance to make it "nice". - Mur cannot be nominated (sorry Mur), and Chewett cannot be nominated for Top Techy (or another award along the same lines). Remove my name and that restriction. I havent made MDscript this year so could not be nominated anyway. If I did make some I would like to be able to get it. - Previous Fossil (or a similar award if that does not exist this year) winners, cannot win again. Why? There is absoluely no reason to have this restriction other to be "fair" again. Make it so that the best fossil can get the award. Simple as that." i agree with these
  16. if the votes say 4/xx voted , that means 4 have given their opinion, it doesnt tell you 4 have voted yes, same may have voted no also
  17. im active! nearly all thee time im not asleep i have MD open, i run around and give pickles! and rescue people that get stuck
  18. its been a year and the winners of last year still havnt been awarded their trophys (inventory ones), will we be getting these?
  19. Pretty sure you can adjust your Principles by going MP6 and back again? not that i know of, and ive dropped a few times
  20. i couldnt figure out how to upload an image to forum (they all sad file too big, so here it is, after nearly a year or so..or more..my goal is realised (even if only temporary ) http://imgur.com/GRZrpEK EDIT: actually added the link...oops
  21. this poses another question, where is my coloured priest!?
  22. tsk, youre a pain in the ass, nutcracker, 2g :P
  23. nutcracker 1g 10s
  24. nutcracker 1g6s
  25. Syrian

    Rickroll Quest

    is it really rick rolling if you like the song? witty -2 kyphis -1
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