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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. @sasha, if you are looking personally for a very high standard of poem, then why is it a public vote? if its your opinion about what meets your standard, wouldnt it make sense for you yourself to judge the quest? you also have no way of tracking any talk that goes on outside of MD (be it yim or otherwise), anonymity is fine, but not when its by public vote and nothing else Sy
  2. thank you kindly for all the birthday wishes everyone! :)
  3. i think for many people who this applies to, their chains in real life are within themselves in some way, and places like MD lets you forget their weight, the weight of all the problems, and the stronger that weight, the more immersion you need to forget, and this naturally leads to more character progression, or a character that has so many unseen parralels to your real life. the later is probably with my case, my real life bled very heavily into my character without me noticing, only when i stepped back and actually looked at the character that my subconscious had created before me, did i see the parallels that were there, but the even more interesting part is, did i learn of these parallels or did i artificially create them to bring more importance and meaning to the character? and the same could be said for others too. reality, and the reality bubble you choose to live in are not as mutually exclusive as people would like to think, they influence each other, even if unseen, like a bond ignored, but never forgotten, its almost like a ringing in your ear, you can tune it out, but it will always be there, and remembering it will bring it back into focus. Such is the way of the chains, you can forget about them, ignore their weight, but they will still whisper to you, and something will always pull you back to realise MD is a bubble, and the chains still hold you, maybe forever Sy
  4. Syrian


    i will sponsor a spicy pickle to the first 5 people to complete this :) Sy
  5. iv had similar issues with locate not giving me the popup as well, no notification of popup being blocked either, spell works just fine, also using google chrome and win7 Sy
  6. Three people participated in this quest and the results are as follows, based on attention to detail and the overall appearance of the piece: 1. dst 2. AmberRune 3. dragonrider7 congratulations to dst! The album with all the entries can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/D3tZM#4
  7. im in! i mostly like research and exploring, but research tends to take me into combat stuff from time to time as well Sy
  8. its a button and its shiny, it should be clicked! :D Sy
  9. i agree with rikstar, except the rude part about creating a new mur land...not that bit Sy
  10. not really related but to nimmys question, i always saw the mood panel as somewhat OOC, more a personal mood than a character based one, though it could be used as such Sy
  11. or they would just get discouraged about losing and not talk anyway, losing doesnt encourage talking, it wouldnt make that much of a difference and id agree with shem here Sy
  12. i very much like the idea of removing creature mind power restrictions, that was mostly the reason i advanced to mp5 and up here i just get demoralised trying to fight, but thats besides the point. maybe if they were upgradeable but still froze? though that seems a bit awkward. i dont think that allowing all mind powers to attack each other is a good idea, or at least, i think it would be verybad if mp5s were able to attack mp3s, before they learn how to defend themselves properly, that would lead to a lot of frustration for the mp3. it could be worth having mp3s able to attack all other mind powers, but then people who know the game might just stay mp3 and abuse it. un limiting creature mind power doesnt seem too abusable from my view, if people are still only able to attack within their mind power, it becomes even more unbalanced for new mp3s compared to old ones, more so than it is now, but with communication this isnt so bad, there are still mp3s that stay around and help out. but there would still be the mp3 heat cap, which can be seen as both good and bad things when it comes to un-restricting creatures ramble done, hopefully i made sense ... Sy
  13. surely it would make more sense to buy peoples gold coins for 14 silver? since you are somewhat offering a service to people that need smaller amounts of currency :P Sy
  14. "Once you become king, you receive that crown, and it will remain yours forever regardless if you are still a king or not. In the same way, these titles will remain yours forever, without an expiry date. What will happen if two people have two conflicting titles? ...here is a big change... BOTH are valid, but the person with highest active days/activity percentage (or other factors maybe?) will have higher power, controlling the grated role/title." if this is based on purely AD, then a younger king/queen taking power would be overshadowed in authority by the older one, which doesnt make all that much sense and wouldnt work well as a transfer of power, and logically, how can you have a crown and be a king...if youre not the king(for eg)? Sy
  15. meow! (possibly means thank you in cat language,i wouldnt know, im no translator...) Sy (Sy)
  16. i will sponsor a pickle to whoever finishes (assuming sponsership is welcome ^^) Sy
  17. Official Petition for Fire Starter to get a Cloud riding Fire Starter avy :D

    1. Maebius


      Seconded (only if he wants it)

    2. MRWander


      3rd idc if he does want it

  18. Santa (and maybe other premium things) also turns into a "creature totem" Sy
  19. i have a stack of 173 resin id be willing to trade 1for1 for water? Sy
  20. i would like an angien, but im rather old, so feel free to give it to someone you think is more deserving :) Sy
  21. Imagination like a Seed needs to be nurtured to grow, in many ways already predisposed to become a certain thing its future depends on many things, all of which can Change the end result. While feeding the Imagination will have various effects, o will feeding a Seed, however with Imagination limited input tends to lead to a greater variety while with a Seed predictable results are sure to ensue, or are they? using my Imagination i not only see an intricate root system seeking nourishment but and equally intricate branch/leaf system to absorb sunlight wind and rain, all of which will have more than typical results, sunlight may change its color, wind may strengthen its resolve making it steadfast and rain may generate a soften foundation which larger deeper roots will be needed to maintain its balance... Putting all these together one can easily see a simple Rose, yet add many factors and the simple Rose may be come a Hybrid or even a bountiful Bush whose thorns not only protect but enlighten all who feel their prick... -Xavax
  22. @rophs. sorry i didnt do this earlier, had the editor open but forgot to save. @the warrior. santa/nutcracker/snowman only Sy
  23. no drawing/computer graphics, sorry for not clarifying, the quest is to BUILD something Sy
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