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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. its been around for a while, it comes up again from time to time, i'd be very surprised if it wasnt already known before this Sy
  2. i'll sponsor with with 2 pickles and a heat stone for the winner Sy
  3. a little late, but happy birthday lash!
  4. i will sponsor 5 pickles and 3 heat stones, to be given out as you see fit Sy
  5. "4. If all miscellaneous tags come from Mur or the Council, that doesn't allow for one of the primary goals of the titles, which is a self emergent hierarchy in the realm." if you shoehorn everything into non mur granting,/confirming, then its not self emergent, its forced, built, created, whatever, but clearly not self emergent if its a creation of someones hand, not something that builds itself, which defeats the purpose. Sy
  6. dan changed the game very little in terms of mechanics and game flow. " Map is much smaller, think floating islands with portals connecting them Add a spell/item that lets you open permanent portals between islands (portal ganks" this would change the fundamental workings of the game and make the game entirely different, a change of mods is very different to a change of game mechanics, and the mechanics of DOM were actually perfectly okay, the problems the game had, had nothing nothing to do with mechanics, just some of the mods were very much unbalanced and (imo) gave a huge advantage and should be removed if this game is to be played again Sy
  7. to show entropy effects us all, regardless of power or position everything must die to create drama
  8. cauldrons and shared items would not be rewards Sy
  9. Item /Items for things such as jadens vial of hope, possibly for shared tools also, player useable items that have been coded and put into the realm, slightly different from a feature in that a feature doesnt have to be an item. Sy
  10. if yes then i would think "System" would be a better tag for such announcments, but thats mostly be being picky :P Sy
  11. nobody has had to pay for pass papers into our lland since ive been playing, at least to my knowledge, ive always given them out for free. just because necros agreed that she(peace) did it, doesnt mean we agree with it Rikstar has an independent bone tool. i cant say im too fond of GGs renting their tools, but when you can rent a detector for 7s for a week and gather over 50 memory stones in that time, im inclined to not care that much, 7s for that much memory stones is a fair deal. but for people who cant make that many and just want to gather a few stones to stone their favorite spell incase they want to use it later or give it away for a quest, 1s is quite a lot.personally i dont think any tool should have a price attached to it, not even necro tools (because 1s for access to our land? what is that about?? kindness and good will should be worth a lot more to people than 1s) Sy
  12. then people can just sign up with no intent to compete, just so they can cast spells on their friends :P
  13. ive consistently been at over 200 pickles for quite some time now, its not that often that i get asked, and i give quite a few of them away somewhat randomly to people that dontt already have one, but there just seems to be less demand for them than i can make, samon did recently ask me for some to help new players, so i gave him a few, but thats a rare occurrence Sy
  14. since the introduction of expiry dates on pickles i try to keep them somewhat fresh by eating a bunch every so often as it always passes the oldest one. this was one of the times i decided to eat a bunch, the huge amounts of heat being an added bonus for the extreme http://storenow.net/my/?f=bc4d0f647c4ca1cf6a757ae69b344c3d Sy edit: not intentional but a fun thought that im at the vale of oblivion, a fitting place for the oblivion of all that AP, since my timer was at 1 second
  15. Syrian

    Alliance Census

    Fusioneers: laylah (Leader) Gort Hedera Xanya Rophs
  16. the ability (or item) to catch ghosts and have them bound to you and move where you go, a use of will on another that has lost some of his own will, so to speak Sy
  17. i saw this puzzle and it was immediately goggle-able, every solution that is there that i found requires some trick, so even if this puzzle WAS possible, the solution could have been found in about 2 minutes and the winner would be the one that googles faster Sy
  18. personally the only thing i would say would be nice to have as protector is a timer for each adept which counts the time since their last login, so you can judge how many are going to go inactive each day and judge your mp6 status accordingly, but thats just a quality of life change Sy
  19. prot heal = 25% erohlin heat to ve per level, 10k heat = 2500 ve per level. i dont see the reason why you need this info in the trigger box Sy
  20. thats incredibly vague, click what? shown where? and why? couldnt you do this with all spells? why just these two? Sy
  21. you can already tell how much % prot heal will give by the level of the spell,im not sure how prot attack works but the spellbook info says this: prot-attack' = attack plus 40 with +30% effect and +40% time per level, castable only on targets in same location, single target note the info here for prot heal is outdated Sy
  22. your (DD) idea is fine, ive done this a lot in the pas,t eve even used tokens and dedicated an alts entire purpose for heat giving and socialise with mp3s to help them on their way with combat and knowledge to mp4, however, your attitude is, to be frank, appalling, it was apparent that dst, as a non native english speaker (no offense meant to dst) misinterpreted your post that could easily be argued as badly worded, yet instead of a polite re explanation you got rude and attacked her personally, this is not how you should be with people. Sy
  23. i see it at about 800 losses more than wins Sy
  24. straight away this favours trading of creatures to acquire tokens so you have the advantage of having tokens in a non paying section, it also doesn't solve the issue that is ongoing about lack of targets with mp4 and mp3, considering some mp3/4 have been known to buy tokens, and this gives them next to no targets, say a paying mp3 finally finds another mp3 after a few days/weeks, and is really happy to be able to train, they wouldnt be able to because that other mp3 would be non paying which is gonna cause more frustration and create an even bigger problem of an already big problem Sy
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