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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. its also used for transferring ITCs,(stating the obvious) but you dont need to know amounts for that either, but i agree its a bit odd that its "full" details, and doesnt actually give full details
  2. auction closed, CTCs will be given once the gold has been recieved from Asthir, DD, and JC, mods can close the topic
  3. post title says gatherin,g i would assume anything involving working with them is irrelavent
  4. are you looking for a predrawn one or one custom made? this would make quite the difference in your request
  5. When creating a new ritual the following error messages comes up instead of the new ritual UI "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare string2array() (previously declared in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/func.general.php:146) in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/func.basic_general.php on line 18" Tested on chrome, firefox and internet explorer with the same result. http://puu.sh/eusIh/b029675ffb.jpg
  6. If it helps this is a list of every resource (sorry if i missed one), some wont be applicable to tags/gathering, but it should provide a means for people to work from. Branches Mineral Water Gift Wrap Toxic Gas Skin Solid stench Sticky Goop Fat Colored Paper Aromatic herbs Lumber Unidentified plants Water Rainwater Toxic plants Flowers Tree bark Sand Memory Stone Sawdust Skull Resin Raw Glass Cup of Cold Tea Bushies Tea leaves Bones Syntropic Dust Wiiya Timeless dust Fenths Liquid Dust
  7. remove/reduce/shift to caster any negative effects on a worshipper(curse, weaken, attacklock, movelock, etc) as spells are the biggest "negative" influence on the game
  8. i agree with menhir, though i would replace "Him" with "Her" :P
  9. my rewards have been distributed Sy
  10. i bought a supercharged heat stone from hedge munos for 1g6s i traded 10sc and chasekhal to aelis for bmmo givevital
  11. this was update,d i forgot to say, sorry
  12. ah, then i did it wrong, my bad >.< in any case i can atend any time at 2000
  13. poll isnt too teldng because it allows for only one option, for eg i can attend a few of them times but im only allowed to say 1
  14. i wasnt aware there was different ones for each year, i have this one from 2010 in my inventory and i couldnt find other medals on other people at the time to check if they were different, but i thought i would post it anyway to see if it was helpful in any way
  15. posted a link to an image but realised it wasnt needed
  16. http://magicduel.com/art/market/10512.png medal image Sy
  17. since there was no announcement given regarding these awards, i will post here that the trophies have been given out to all of the 2013 winners, as far as i know, everyone should now have them Sy
  18. updated 2sc on the imp, did not update 1sc on the SW as it is stated that the starting bid was 1gc
  19. Soulweaver (Coloured TS) (1gc - John Constantine) (recieved and transferred) ID:798521 Age:591 Tokens: None Soulweaver (Coloured TS) (1gc5 - asthir) (recieved and transferred) ID:817713 Age:281 Tokens: None Imperial Aramor (4sc - DD) (received and transferred) ID:820201 Tokens: None Soulweavers to start at 1gc, Imp to start at 1sc, highest bid after 2 weeks (Jan 15th 23:59 ST) will get the creatures
  20. if it wasnt about gaining something then there would be no reason to enter this quest :P
  21. is it truely an act of kindness when people would be doing it for their own gain? (winning this quest). it then becomes a selifish reason.true kinndness only comes when you except nothing in return, and considering the nature of this quest, the act of kindness will be anything but random, as it will be spurred on by this quest, making the entire point counterintuitive.
  22. i will sponsor this with 6 pickles and 4 heat stones, to be awarded how you like :) sY
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