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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. edit: im stupid prioritize the creature with lowest slot number
  2. initiative, and then priority to attacker
  3. you could also give certain abilities priority over others, so for eg, haoticdamage could be "faster" and be prioritized over damage due to its chaotic and unpredictable nature
  4. happy birthday cloudy!
  5. salt in the sea comes from rocks, theyre are plenty of rocks in MD so salt water is perfectly valid
  6. happy birthday (apparent) crazy cat lady!
  7. that info is horribly inaccurate and lots is unstated
  8. happy birthday! may you get the bestest presents ever
  9. >running out before the statue hall is quite likely even with 30+ cartography you can reach to the kitchen with 1k ap, so running out before the statue hall isnt all that likely unless the timer hits 0
  10. the general trimming of fast travel seems to be backwards with the 1k ap shoes still been around and the code being rather widespread, those are also a form of fast travel and this should be addressed too
  11. the current bid is 5gc, which is over the 2g 21sc that junior put your bid up to
  12. If you are around and listening, or somewhere anywhere fun and nice, happy birthday! and make sure you eat all the cake to yourself, because everyone loves cake, but sharing cake sucks, its your birthday and it should be all for you!
  13. >Btw I think this is out of Asthir's mp3 expertise :P asthir does a lot of tests on combat outside of mp3
  14. Syrian

    Cap on heat loss

    there is a value of heat that awards all the stats at once(except for a specific case which can be ignored for this case), and any extra heat above this value does nothing for actual stat gain as the values are set,and adds to something else instead.
  15. contestants are not allowed to enter any scene outside of. Loreroot, Marind Bell, Golemus Golemicarum, Necrovion, or No Man's Land. contestants that enter any non-whitelisted locations will be immediately disqualified and their team will lose five points established holdings
  16. as far as im aware avatar drawings have to be done in pencil so theyre innatly black/white, but someone whos done these should probably confirm, however all the avatar drawings that people have done were in pencil
  17. @aethon, you can set the summon by tag as a secondary tag that isnt displayed, a function already available with the tag UI, and the problem is specifically that its keepable, and as such someone leaving or being removed from the land will get to keep the benefits of such a tag even though their land loyalties have changed and as such should not remain in that group
  18. because its a forum pm
  19. so this means if there are other problems the remaining slaves are just ignored? this seems unfair
  20. i would actually like to have the option to hide these even if they are finished, simply because im a huge fan of "pure" scenes and i feel like these clickies take away from the original artworks, recently ive had some major lag thats been causing these scenes to load faster than the clickies/objects over the top of them and its been nice to go through the realm and remind myself of what they were before. it would also be nice to go a step further and not just have a option button to turn them all off, but maybe a toggle on the scene page itself, much like the OOC text box toggle below the chat, that would allow us to turn them on/off per page instead of all at once
  21. happy birthday, you!
  22. happy birthday jaden!
  23. happy birthday peace!
  24. the chawan i have also has the same debug info, which i only just noticed it since this thread was brought up as i didnt read any of the text there before http://imgur.com/0SFReYj id:42345
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