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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. Happy birthday to you! i hope that you have a wonderful fun filled day, you are never too old for fun! (or cake, so take every excuse to stuff your face with it)
  2. (The) Lonely island (The) Lonely isle (The) Forgotten island (The) Forgotten isle
  3. it was announced pickles and other items would decay into garbage, the section on how to get garbage needs to be updated as you no longer need so many bushies.
  4. is this still open? i will do it if it is
  5. Syrian


    Active Days: 1217 Win/Loss quantities: 5819/5684 Balance Status:unbalanced/unallied Available time frame:whenever im awake, varies.
  6. these images are broken now, is there a chanec they will be fixed?
  7. to add from this, its possible that by taking a drachorn, or a memory of a drachorn, from the lair, that youre actually freeing part of the memory of the drachorn and giving it life and allowing it freedom from the lair itself, in this case, wouldnt the idea of wanting to return them to the lair be even more barbaric than having them fight?
  8. " plus, i don't know if i want people to do a quick scout of the land they want to get loyalty for and then stay all day in an other place " people already do this
  9. that is implying that the drachorns we use are the same ones as the dragons they kept, or even the same concept. they could be an entirely different concept and theres also no way to say that "one" equals "they"
  10. while it may be the best you can do, its not a solution, you would not be freeing them you would just be taking them
  11. if its insulting then provide proof that they can indeed do things of their own volition, otherwise as i've stated you are just forcing them to do nothing, replacing one form of slavery for another edit: to extend from this, freedom is a choice, if something cannot make a choice then its not free
  12. you will also force them to do nothing when you take them from people, so this in not a valid example
  13. the key here is that there is a different between a dragon, and a drachorn, you say you want to return your kin to the glorious creatures they could be, if you are truely their kin, are you an extension of someones else's consciousness, brought into reality by someone else's will and therefore not your own being in its entirety (speaking IC, because obviously draconas will be an extension of your RL self), draconas has his own will, and was born with such, he wasnt born as an extension of another consciousness. how do you know that drachorns have a mind of their own? dragons i will say yes, they do, but drachs are not the same as dragons. You say that you will look after them in your inventory, and will not fight with them, this means the only interaction they are going to get is you looking at them, you are denying them their only interactions by denying them fighting. what if they want to fight? what if being left in someones creature inventory causes them distress because they feel ignored and have no emotional release or way to channel their emotions into something? What makes drachorns so different than any other creature that is an extension of its creator, when fundamentally they are the same? You want to stop them being forced to fight, so by this you want to free them from being forced to do things, well is it really freedom if you then force them to do nothing?
  14. also borked, poor kiity edit: stil broken after relog
  15. i dont like it, i think it goes against many peoples opinions and character designs, and i dont think implementing it forcibly and telling people to wish for it to get rid of it is a positive way to go about it
  16. while one aspect of her character is displayed as being older, maybe..mid 30s, if you take from her back story, the back story isnt so much about what happened before MD (even though it reads as such) its a timeless extract of memory, its not something that even truly existed, much like how there was never ancient lore for MD but its still written, her back story of that part of her is also like ancient lore, its a story about what happened before, it has its points and parallels and its something that "must" have happened to explain the way that she works within the confines of MD, that back story has no bearing on who she is or any of her personalities or any of the reasons why she is like that on her deepest levels of character, which extends above MD and across game borders into real life, one aspect of her manifests as an adult, another a child, but one is younger than 23 and the other is much older in how they present themselves, saying that she's "actually 23" doesn't work as her age isn't exactly real to begin with. MD itself is timeless, the people in it also can be if they choose, if they play a character then that character is also "frozen" in time unless that player decides to actively age them, having MD tell them how old they are is counter productive to this point and doesn't fit in with how things are, people used to tell me that "oh, youre a teenager now because you aged with being in MD 1 year" well no, because it doesnt work like that, we are spirits, we are whatever we define ourselves as and that also extends to our ages edit: added extra and fixed typos
  17. my character doest fit with the age shown here, a character of two sides/personas, neither of which are 23
  18. oh! sorry, i thought you were talking about the bushie plant, well disregard everything i said above : )
  19. it can be filled but its not a personal only clicky, if you add water to it someone can come and add more to finish it and then claim the result
  20. >>Aramors are on top of the list i think....they should be create-able crits, not recruitable what about new starting accounts? if you make these non recruitable and dont replace them, they cant beat the tutorial because they cant recruit anything other than barren souls
  21. is the end of the bd not too soon? thats tomorrow...2 days to draw something is rather short notice
  22. Syrian

    Ann. 3974

    i dont see why they should be, there is a birthday pardon from death, jail and other limitations
  23. nim was saying that she had the 100 items for the toy chest, i believe
  24. as a concept of being more familiar with an object, if i have a lot of something, i can do more with it, if a memory is stronger in my mind, i can do more with it, if i start with more familiarity of something and i want to turn this into something else, i have more to work with, this gives me more of a base to get more familiarity with the new thing i am making. So if i have a lot of Toxic plants, my familiarity is much greater, i can do more with this memory and therefore should be able to do more with it before it depletes, so i should be able to use it more and turn it into more familiarity in toxic flasks before my memory fades. If i have an arbitrarily high amount of familiarity with toxic plants (say, 10000) how is that equal to someone who has a very low familiarity? The idea being that if you have a greater memory of one thing, any connections to another memory will also be stronger because of familiarity and the connections between the two, if you remember one thing really well you are more likely to remember an associated thing really well also. To say that its not punishing is not correct, people have stayed in MD for years, they have invested a lot of time into its game and this is saying that you dont "care" (loose word because i dont think its that you dont care) about their effort and time investment, because now this new game mechanic that you want people to play with, is less appealing due to the removal or ignoring of their time investment. This idea punishes time investment, and i dont think thats a correct thing to do.
  25. iron ore > iron bar (weaponsmith, nml) (can be used for further processing) sawdust > wood flour bones > fertiliser (can potentially be used for farming or to increase the regeneration of herbs in some way)
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