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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. i used to use it when i had thing's i wanted to save but then the messages i saved got removed from it (or deleted from age?) soooo
  2. oh my goodness, thank you so much. this is such an amazing change for me. definitely using the narrow view with 12 point text
  3. thank you! 12 point size goes a long way to helping me read the text much easier, so i appreciate it a lot
  4. alos the new heat system is difficult to use, the orbs move and and difficult to click, and often float behind the main central UI and become unclickable. can we go back to the old way but in the bottom left?
  5. @Muratus del Mur it makes sense now yeah. i'm not a huge fan of it personally. i think the biggest thing that i dislike is the online players and resources sometimes being at the side. i can see how that would be useful to some people who like to use the horizontal space more. but i think it makes more sense to have that stuff always underneath the scene, beacuse it just takes up so much more space to have it off to the side like that. i'm a very "central" view person, i like the important things to be direct centre, so for me having the scene image off to the right is very confusing, and i think it just looks neater to have the scene in the middle. i understand that ( https://gyazo.com/92a4783428f7c17c530cc876ef8bb109 ) this info is being used on the right on wide screens, but maybe this could be shifted elsewhere? perhaps into some pop up when the scene name is hovered over if you wanted to avoid more tabs. this would allow the online list to shift back under the scene and be back in the centre. you could place the "players in this scene" section over on the right near the mini player profile https://gyazo.com/0409b632bf53a6af2b313a6b1c40c66a that way when people click on a name, there is minimal eye and mouse travel and it's still tucked away. maybe that mini profile pops up over the top of the scene player list to reduce mouse and eye travel the biggest reason for me having to zoom in so far on MD is the tiny text size, would there be a way to implemenht some system for having user options to change the chat font sizes?
  6. i really like some functionality, like how a bunch of the side bars are pop in rather than permanetly there. howeve,r the page super breaks when zoom is applied to it. since a lot of the side elements are anchored to the sides of the browser but the middle section isn't, a lot of the page gets disjointed. this is especially true on wide screens. the old MD UI didnt anchor itself to the sides of the user's browser, this was good. but this does and it breaks a lot of the appearance. for example, this is on 100% (default) zoom https://gyazo.com/1df09ce883f812ef91b6e78fdcb085e8 to get the online list and the chat to line back up underneath the scene, i have to zoom in to 180%, which breaks a lot of the elements anchored to the sides. https://gyazo.com/f1f1150552c6e43d584edda46cf3f654 i think this page needs to be nestled inside a specific page width decided by the code itself, and not try to widen itself to the width of the user's moniter. the old page would do this, and would leave empty space on either side of the page if the moniter was wider than the actual page, this is good, it means the user can use the zoom function properly and use the space however they wish
  7. an "issue" i noticed so far is that the page auto scrolls to the top when you click an item, i'm not sure if it's intended but it's not how it behaved before, and it would stay at the same page location whe nyou used an item, so that multile items could be used quickly. I think that i prefer the old functionality in terms of the page location resetting, as i would try to use 2 or 3 items quickly before the page refresh. i don't think this is a real problem in terms of how the feature functions, more of a difference to what was before that might bother some others. edit: this is in regards to the recent sidebar changes and inventory things.
  8. i dont think he's suggesting the same creature and level are different for different people. more that the 14th year hollow warrior has 9k VE whereas other anni's have higher. i also think that 10k may not be appropriate due to how the stats of the 14th year barren compare to the other previous anni versions
  9. happy happy birthday : D!
  10. i wouldnt mind a way to bottle VE/VP, not for me to use as such but as a way for me to use my VE/VP in a way that would allow me to store and share it
  11. ooo, thank you for this chew, much appreciated, i hope your break helped you and you're feeling a little better now
  12. i'm able to pass items to aeo, so it looks like the issue would be between ledah and aeo as ledah suggested
  13. @John Constantine the problem with this, while i do agree with parts of it, is that it doesnt relate to what the skill actually does. if the skill was referring to recruiting creatures, and that's how you gained it, then yes, but it's not. as mago says, a slave doesnt defy because it's accepted it cannot, given the chance they will choose otherwise, if they are of sound mind. but also as above, the concept of slavery in any form isn't really relavent to the topic at hand. the skill itself comes from the act of taking or collecting resources from the creature, and the name of it should reflect this action, it's a little strange that it doesn't really reflect the nature of the skill or provide any accurate hints/clues as to what you would do to actually gain it.
  14. you could make the argument that what if they want that? they don't seem to have any wills of their own, they just follow ours. though i do agree perhaps mutualism isnt the best word for it, but also neither is taming, its a very strange thing to try to sum up in one word.
  15. true, perhaps in the long term you couldnt consider it to be mutualism, though, in the short term its for the benefit of both, you provide it something to feed from, and get something you need in return. taming to me implies that you are taming something wild and making it tolerate or work with you, which isn't happening here. of the two i feel mutualism would work better. perhaps something like "collecting" would work as well, as (iirc) the button that allows you to gain these resources does actually say "collect".
  16. the current mechanics of taming is more mutualism than taming a creature to obey you, you provide the creature something it needs/wants, and in return you get something you need, it's a relationship of mutual benefit.
  17. i'll check this when i have a free moment, waiting on the sewers currently, thank you
  18. yeah, i found this very odd, considering i havnt logged in the game anywhere except my home IP, and i havnt moved house
  19. Syrian


    the definition of coherence: " the situation when the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way: " , to people who understand a little about the shade sentinel, this is not at all unusual, and makes sense for it to have such a skill
  20. after a brief skim through this thread, i think the main issue with this Al segment comes from just how limiting it is for the whole realm, if it was just a small change in how the game plays for others then the impact might not have been so severe, however, its affecting gameplay for those not involved, and have no way to get involved. i'm all for elements that affect the realm as they do bring life to the game in some aspects, but this current Al is doing the opposite, its locking down one of the main things that are keeping some of the players active here. a story should enhance the game, not limit it, provide discussion, not opposition. that being said, why cant a compromise be made? even if it's just opening up one altar somewhere, even if it's just for a brief moment every so often, just to allow both things to exist. does it fit the "lore" of the quest? i dont know, but it would make the the state of the game easier to swallow for the people who want to participate in the aspect of the game that is now locked. new players who come to the game may want to change out their creatures or play around with these features, and cannot do so beacuse of a situation they cant participate in, i feel like a temporary solution should be reached. i'm sure there exists some solution that allows both parties to participate in the areas of the game they want to, without treading on the feet of the other.
  21. that it's possible to actually apply myself to something and reach goals i set for myself. it's just a shame i dont have the motivation to do this anywhere else
  22. theres another huge problem with MD being in a vr setting. the scenes are from one perspective, things "behind" the player, or camera, arnt shown, you can infer whats there for the most part, but there are certain scenes where things just arnt shown, and often this for a good reason, secrets are hidden beyond the scope of vision and running a VR setting would mean revealing those and drawing up angles of the game that just arnt visually there. not to mention the amount of work that would be involved in building MD into a 3d environment, the modelling work would be astounding in itself. you also have to consider distance, distance in MD is a very odd thing, and even distances between scenes arnt uniform, especially in the east, and they would need to be calculated and everything in between would need to be filled in to create a full world, its just not practical or feasible
  23. completed, topic may be closed
  24. as per title, however the credits are for a 3rd party, looking to pay around 1gc
  25. When creating a creature totem the naming convention appears to be '[creature family] creature totem' , i.e. 'plant creature totem' , however there is a few creatures that don't have a specified family when it comes to totem creature, and the dont inherit the [creature family] in the name, and just become "creature totem" , a few examples of this would be a santa, or anniversary creatures. previously i thought this was just a naming bug and had no other problems, but today i tried to open one to take out the santa and 8th anniversary aramor that i had stored in them, and instead of bringing up the usual UI to continue with the totem opening, and how many fenths it will cost, nothing happened, the UI that should have been there instead was a blank page, and the totem that i tried to open just disappeared. unfortunatly i have no way to tell if this was the aramor or the santa that went poof. i dont know if this is related to the previous mentioned bug or not.
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