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Everything posted by Syrian

  1. *Syrian* 245645 3 months who says i'll be good? : P certain items will remain in my possession 33
  2. ahh, okay, yes its fixed itself now
  3. is there anything i can do to fix it or is it something that will only fix on its own?
  4. its working right now, wa sjust able to get in, but the error i was getting was this: The server at magicduel.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chromefrom accessing the network.
  5. this is the site i was using before, and this is the one that isnt working for me
  6. when you equate MD to be the same as the internet and your body is having the same reactions to MD being down as it would when your entire internet is down
  7. this doesnt work for me
  8. print screen, go to imgur, ctrl v, upload, paste link
  9. my MD is still broken, dns failed
  10. is it back up?
  11. apparently its up fro a number of people but i cant access it
  12. i am most deeply concerned for the well being of my 100% active days.
  13. stay tuned for the next exciting episode of MD's 'Would you rather?'
  14. coming from you? thats rich : P ...grinder
  15. >_< just spent about 30 mins thinking my net was broken since i had internet issues yesterday, i thoguht this was a problem with me until i saw this
  16. aeo needs his aramor but is taking a break, murs rewards need to be given out
  17. allow the bird attackboost aura to apply to creatures of its level or below, at max level this will include everything anyway, but it lends to the idea of the creature growth and gives a nice thematic progression the bird acts as a creature of inspiration, as it grows and learns it will learn to inspire things of a higher complexity (level)
  18. i havnt had this error since the changes
  19. will there still be som e kind of picture UI? i use this for my heat jars and pickle jar
  20. im currently mp6 as of typing this
  21. we should bump this : P
  22. i got the error just by using md search (top bar link) there isnt any other detail
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